what hosting do you use for PBNs

3 replies
  • SEO
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i was told dont use the cheapest. who are you guys using to host pbns? how much is it?
#hosting #pbns
  • Profile picture of the author phenomix
    All of them.

    PBN domains need to all have different hosts if you truly want to increase your chances of them staying hidden. Different sub-class IP's from different hosts can really help reduce the footprint that your PBN domains leave behind. The cheapest doesn't matter if you use different hosts for every single domain.
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  • Profile picture of the author SEOMasterMind52
    SEOHosting.com, Blue Host, smartseohosting.net, I used to use seowebhosting.net but seohosting.com bought them.

    SEOhosting.com is ok there customer service is average but I house to many sites to really want to change them over to a new company at the time.

    smartseohosting.net is a fairly inexpensive hosting site.

    I have three different hosting accounts with different amounts of domains in each. I have one that houses almost 80 domains and one that houses 13 and another that houses 20. Making sure that you have different domains on different hosting accounts is great way to disguise your footprint as well as making it seem more natural.

    Anytime you can stray away from creating a pattern for an algorithm or a person to see will benefit you greatly when building PBN's.
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  • Profile picture of the author sany00
    Black Friday Hosting deal i got -

    Host - Costing

    Namecheap - $0.88 (1 year)
    A2Hosting - $44 (1 year)
    Asmallorange - $7.50 (1 year)
    Bgocloud.com - $19.00 (1 year)
    Bulwarkhost.com - $18.00 (1 year)
    Fastwebhost.com - $18 (1 year)
    Hostpair - $21 (1 year)
    Eleven2 - $22 (1 year)
    Fixushost.com - $33 (1 year)
    Glowhost.com - $11 (1 year)
    Hawkhost.com - $15.00 (1 year)
    Onecloudy.net - $6 (1 year)
    Interserver.net - $24 (1 year)
    Jolt.co.uk - $30 (1 year)
    Philmorehost.com - $20.00 (1 year)
    Turnkeyinternet.net - $36 (3 year)
    Ushostingservices.com - $18 (1 year)
    Hostwind - $17.00 (1 year)
    Rshosting.com - $15.00 (1 year)
    Hostgator - $89 (3 year)
    Arvixe - $12 (1 year)
    Hostnine - $15 (1 year)​
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