Table rich snippets - need advice
- SEO |
My question is a very particular one and kind of for advanced and experienced SEOs, so please, if you haven't done this yourself and achieved results - don't answer.
It's about table data rich snippets. I'm going to give you an example right away:
google.com => "tesla model S"
On the number 6 position, we get a result that looks like this:

As you can see, there is rich snippet data. This data actually comes from a normal regular HTML table that looks like this in the code:

Not a lot of SEOs know this, but as far as I've tested, getting this kind of rich snippet data actually derives from your table being indexed in the so-called Google Table Search, found here: https://research.google.com/tables
Here's what I've tested and found to be sure:
1) For the Gbot to see this table, it has to be in it's own sepatare <div> container. Something like this:
<div id="table_data">
2) This table element, let's call it, can actually be placed anywhere within the page <body> code and the Gbot will still read it. Yes, that means even hidden in AJAX, where the user has to click something like a button to visualize it.
3) You don't actually have to have rankings in the normal Google index for this rich snippet to be triggered. I've actually seen search results as far back as position 80 in the SERP and still triggering this.
4) Table data like this can go one step further and trigger knowledge graphs or cards in the SERP, if your website's position is in the first page of the SERP.
Even with all this knowledge I just shared with you, we just can't seem to get that dable data converted into rich sippets for our websites. We have #1 positions, we have flawless code structure, we have breadcrubs, structured data markup, AMP, huge traffic and this was done at least half an year ago. And even with all of that - we can't make it work...
Can anyone that has achieved this before share please, what am I missing? Where did I go wrong?
yukon Banned-
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