Stuck on SILO structure and internal linking
- SEO |
I am having difficulties getting my head around silo structuring and internal linking.
Some information:
- I have a branded domain eg adidas.com
- I offer 2 services. Wedding Photography & Wedding Videography
- I want to rank for city-based search terms eg Manchester Wedding Photography
- I also want to rank for specific venue search terms eg Buckingham Palace Wedding
Would I be better following the silo structure with subfolders (a) or just top level keyword specific urls (b)?
(a) domain.com/wedding-photography/manchester/buckingham-palace/
(b) domain.com/buckingham-palace-wedding/
Under option (a) I would be trying to rank the url 'domain.com/wedding-photography/manchester/' for the search term 'Manchester Wedding Photography' and the url 'domain.com/wedding-photography/manchester/buckingham-palace/' for the search search 'Buckingham Palace Wedding'
This seems to look a little messier than option (b)?
Finally, as I will be targeted multiple cities, would it be better to have the city has my top level eg domain.com/manchester/wedding-photography/ or the service as the top level as mentioned above?
Generally speaking my main nav would be something along the lines of -- Home | Photography | Video | About | Pricing | Contact | Blog but -- I understand you arent meant to link from each silo to another?
Advice always appreciated..