Need clarification about outsourcing SEO work.

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  • SEO
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I have been studying the SEO industry and practice for almost 2 years now and this year I am deciding to register my own marketing agency. My expertise though is in communicating with business owners and selling services/products. I have decided to not do the SEO work of the business and instead focus on generating prospects, outreaching and branding my agency.

That being said, I plan to outsource that work and have come to a road of deciding between hiring a part-time per job freelancer OR just have a white-label agency do all the work. My thought process behind this is at first to focus on getting clients, then when I have a few clients I would hire a full-time SEO expert and can justify the hire from the client base I would have at that time.

Which one would be the better choice?

I know most people would probably say just do the work yourself, but in all honesty I do not feel confident in my SEO abilities currently. My plan years down the road is to have very talented experts work for the agency and me just focus on the client base.

Thank you for all the input.
#clarification #outsourcing #seo #work
  • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
    You really need to understand SEO, yourself, before you can start evaluating SEO companies that you will use and sell those services. You need to take a look at the links they are building for other customers and any on-page SEO work they are doing and see if they are building legitimate, high quality links or are just providing worthless, easy to get links.
    Signature - The #1 place to buy & sell websites!
    We help sellers get the MAXIMUM amount for their websites and all buyers know that these sites are 100% vetted.
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  • Profile picture of the author Amortius
    I understand how to do mostly do SEO. But being focused on building the business (while having a job) can abuse some of the SEO work and that's why I've decided to outsource it.

    Just wanted to see if anyone had any experience with trying one or the other. Benefits/Cons and why one is favorable over the other when starting out.
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  • Profile picture of the author RyanY
    Hi Amortius,

    I would suggest purely choosing an agency that can provide the customer service that you need and then fully outsource it first.

    Once you have a stable stream of jobs/customers, then focus on the operational aspect and evaluating whether it's worth having an in-house (with all the expenses of renting, tax etc.) or fully outsource to a part of Asia to keep your margins high %.


    Digital consultant, to help you get the best out of your digital presence.

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  • Profile picture of the author Ajaymalik
    Here some technique Which I use in starting before starting my SEO agency:
    1.)Try to do SEO Yourself for your own website
    2.) Rank Some of your Article for specific traffic driving keywords to your website ( It take 6-10 Months. Be Patient).
    3.)Show Your Work To Your Client Like: We Ranked for This Keyword, You ranked too. So, Your Client Believe that this guy can rank their article too.
    4.)Work for 4-5 clients in starting and tell them for testimonials. Grow Your influence in SEO Industry.
    Inbox me if You need more help about growing Your brand
    I'm a Technical SEO expert and SEO consultant and a Fron End Developer too
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  • Profile picture of the author pauloadaoag
    You may want to see this video, straight from Google itself. How to hire an SEO
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