Do I need more than PBN links and social signals?

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Hi guys. I'm quite new to SEO so would very much appreciate the kind advice from those more experienced.

I'm looking to hire someone to rank one of my sites and I have 10 keywords ranging from 29-37 in difficulty (according to KWFinder) so I believe they're low-mid comp.

I have one seller who has an REALLY strong and high quality PBN (he has showed me everything and I have spoken to others that recommend his work) and can offer me 50 niche relevant links plus social signals.

I asked him about forum posts, comments, profile, web 2.0's and he said that whilst he appreciates some people make use of those, he doesn't and believes that the right PBN links plus social signals are and have been enough to rank his sites.

Is this true or is he lying?

In honesty, the person selling this service to me does has a lot of experience, and many good reviews BUT I just wanted to get some reassurance as I thought web 2.0's were a MUST.

#links #pbn #signals #social
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  • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
    Originally Posted by Ron Diamond View Post

    I asked him about forum posts, comments, profile, web 2.0's and he said that whilst he appreciates some people make use of those, he doesn't and believes that the right PBN links plus social signals are and have been enough to rank his sites.

    Those are all garbage links. I wouldn't chase any of them.

    Private networks work great, but if someone is selling links like you are talking about you need to realize that they are not at all private. That is a public network. Public networks have a much greater chance of being identified and penalized by Google.

    Also, social signals are totally worthless.
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    • Profile picture of the author Ron Diamond
      Mike - good to hear from you and many thanks for your answer.

      So are you saying, that IF the network were to be of a extremely high quality AND secure, PBN links are all that I'd need?

      Assuming good on-site SEO and content.

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  • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
    Originally Posted by Ron Diamond View Post

    I have one seller who has an REALLY strong and high quality PBN (he has showed me everything and I have spoken to others that recommend his work) and can offer me 50 niche relevant links plus social signals.
    Sorry just by that its a low quality network. It might work for you but if you have a business you need or want to rank for a long time there are danger signs. If its a site you don't care about might be fine.

    Anyone showing their network to non customers means they have no security. Bigger and better networks with wide praise went POOF! in a day as Google deindexed large or entire portions of it (and handed out manual penalties to users). My suggestion is go with a network not on the radar with all this public open praise for it. Google goes after those again and again back from the days of BuildmyranK which it wiped out in a day

    No good network owner will EVER just show his network to all prospective customers. I could look at just five sites and unravel a huge chunk of the network and report it and a google employee can do worse.

    Frankly for real businesses PBNs are no longer enough. You should be doing webmaster outreach with it and getting real organic links in return. for affilaite sites that people won't link to anyway then it should be fine and they DO still work.

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  • Profile picture of the author Ron Diamond
    Hi Mike. I appreciate you sharing your knowledge with me, many thanks.

    Sorry, I'm new to SEO so I probably overstated when I said he's "shown me everything". All he did was send me a document with the TF, CF, DA, PA and age of the domain.

    I don't have doubts about how private the network is (I'm not in it yet, there's a strict application process and a low approval rate), I just wanted to know if I was going ahead with a very, very quality PBN if it would be enough of would I be missing out on web 2.0's, forum posts, comments etc.

    Or are they garbage as Mike Friedman pointed out?

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  • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
    Okay thats entirely different - giving you those stats without the domains is good. Sounds like a decent setup. Mike is correct. Web 2.0s etc are all now garbage links. Five years ago they were the shizzle but Google changed the game so much I hardly hear any professional SEO using the tools that put those links out...well except for disposable site rankings.

    P.S. I'd still recommend getting some organic links. Never a good idea to have all your hopes and rankings based on one source.

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  • Profile picture of the author Ron Diamond
    Yeah, sorry again for the poor explanation. Great to know.

    So just to confirm so I can resolve this and be on my way; assuming I have all the on page and on site SEO and content down perfectly... PBN links from a secure, extremely high quality network will be enough?

    As mentioned these are for low competition keywords (29-37 in difficulty according to KWFinder).
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