Do I need more than PBN links and social signals?
- SEO |
I'm looking to hire someone to rank one of my sites and I have 10 keywords ranging from 29-37 in difficulty (according to KWFinder) so I believe they're low-mid comp.
I have one seller who has an REALLY strong and high quality PBN (he has showed me everything and I have spoken to others that recommend his work) and can offer me 50 niche relevant links plus social signals.
I asked him about forum posts, comments, profile, web 2.0's and he said that whilst he appreciates some people make use of those, he doesn't and believes that the right PBN links plus social signals are and have been enough to rank his sites.
Is this true or is he lying?
In honesty, the person selling this service to me does has a lot of experience, and many good reviews BUT I just wanted to get some reassurance as I thought web 2.0's were a MUST.
MikeFriedman -
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