Sudden Drop in SERPs For a Keyword

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Hi All,

I'm experiencing this issue with one of the keywords we used to rank for on the 1st page 1st position. A couple of weeks ago one of
our competitors outranked us despite the fact that they just added the product to their website . Pretty much the same happened
this week. Another competitor outranked us for the same keyword.

I did a bit of research to understand what could have gone wrong including checks on :

- Optimised text, titles, descriptions
- Loading speed of the page
- Page authority
- Crawl errors
- Number of backlinks to the page

Also I compared all these parameters against the competitors' results.
I see no reason why they are ranking higher than we do.
#drop #keyword #serps #sudden
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  • Profile picture of the author Ettienne
    Just having a quick glance at both pages (need to take kid to school soon), I personally like yours more, but notice their social share bar on the left side? Could be that they have a higher social presence. Google likes this a lot, and generally give more credit (better rankings) with sites that offer users the chance to share, meaning they likely have more likes/shares in general to their pages/domain.

    Could also be temporary on your end, maybe a system downtime/crawl error. Usually this problem fixes itself in a few days (up to 2 weeks sometimes).

    The "50% off flash sale" on their site is also a way to get more shares, which could be how they're beating you.
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    • Profile picture of the author tomopalinski
      Well said Ettienne,

      A sudden surge of traffic onto the website can cause a noticeable bump in rankings. Neil Patel, one of the known names in the world of SEO, actually tested this with his websites. He actually asked his social media following to go to a specific website over the upcoming weekend. As expected, this caused a significant bump in the rankings of this website, which then dropped just as fast after that weekend ended.

      If your competitors made some recent changes to their website that caused engagement (that 50% off thing looks enticing), they may be experiencing that wave of traffic, which most likely will drop down again after the sale of over.

      Look closely, Digiden, at the recent changes that you might have made to your website. A sudden change in rankings and traffic may also suggest Google penalty if it followed some tweaking on your end.

      Good luck and enjoy the process.

      Good SEO work only gets better over time. It is only search engine tricks that need to keep changing when the ranking algorithms change. -- Jill Whalen

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  • Profile picture of the author smartprofitmoney
    Originally Posted by Digiden View Post

    Hi All,

    I'm experiencing this issue with one of the keywords we used to rank for on the 1st page 1st position. A couple of weeks ago one of
    our competitors outranked us despite the fact that they just added the product to their website . Pretty much the same happened
    this week. Another competitor outranked us for the same keyword.

    I did a bit of research to understand what could have gone wrong including checks on :

    - Optimised text, titles, descriptions
    - Loading speed of the page
    - Page authority
    - Crawl errors
    - Number of backlinks to the page

    Also I compared all these parameters against the competitors' results.
    I see no reason why they are ranking higher than we do.

    Here is the link of the page which used to rank higher -
    keyword - fanola no yellow

    See the comparison between our page and the competitors

    Our results:

    - Optimised text, titles , descriptions - YES
    - Loading speed of the page - 7.73s
    - Page authority - 19, DA31 (MOZ)
    - Crawl errors - N/A
    - Number of backlinks to the page - 114 backlinks, 9 domains (Ahrefs)

    Competitor results:

    link -
    keyword - fanola no yellow

    - Optimised text, titles , descriptions - optimised text - No, titles, descriptions - Yes
    - Loading speed of the page - 8.60s
    - Page authority - 1 , DA21 (MOZ)
    - crawl errors - N/A
    - Number of backlinks to the page - 0

    I know there are a lot of checks that I still can do but would really appreciate your input in this matter.


    For websites stores it is tough to do seo on each product, but to out rank your comp,
    This is how you do it,

    Do this,create video just for this product, add it to product page , now on Youtube add title, but make sure it has this in the title only,

    Youtube Title: Fanola No Yellow Shampoo 1000ml

    Now in youtube, description,

    This has to be first: Fanola No Yellow Shampoo 1000ml
    Then add more text, max it out, or copy it from page, and paste it back on youtube, I do it all the time, Google does not care, since it is yours, will it works for me, I hold many number one rankings, and all I do is copy my own text from page back on to youtube description and it works.

    Also in youtube description add links back to product page, max out youtube description text under video,

    Then also add more content to that product page, minimum 1,000 word count, add 3 images, alt text, and hide keywords in all 3 images,, so you want to name the images the same name of keywords,

    Also add 3 Internal links, you must link to 3 pages on your site, not any page they must make sense to link to other pages, one can be support page, other can be similar products, and last choose something that customer could also use with that product, then Google will like all three links.

    And on product content page, use bullets points, with more keywords and keyword phrases from keyword planner. use H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6, use all of them

    Use bold text on some text,

    Now if you do all this right, you will rank number one, I know. I do this all the time,

    So nobody spends the time to do major SEO to outrank, so you will win if you do this.

    So now you know,
    Thanks Rob.
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  • Profile picture of the author YourGoToWriter
    I believe their discount did it, especially since it is well targeted. They are playing better in that area, obviously. What you should be concerned with now is to up your game in offering better deals.

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