Different Pages Ranking For Same Keyword in Different Locations
- SEO |
I have 2 websites which is very similar. One is for entire country and one is for specific state.
(example: usa-matrimonail.com & texasmatrimonial.com)
I have a keyword which I want to rank for whole country and on the specific state as well.
(ex: texas matrimonials)
I have entire website for texas matrimonil & I have one speicific page on my usa-matrimonial.com website for the above keyword.
When I search in texas for the keyword 'texas matrimonials', my country-domain specific page is ranking on position 5.
When I search outside texas for the same keyword, my texas home page is ranking on position 5.
Why this is happening? if I want to rank my country level domain page (usa-matrimonial.com/texas-matrimonial.com) should rank on everwhere (not only on texas) what should I do?
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