How to update product information page frequently?

4 replies
  • SEO
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Based on online guide, Google likes fresh contents. So it is better to update the contents frequently.

However, for a product information page, most of the contents will not change frequently, as below:

1. Introduction of the product.
2. Main features of the product.
3. FAQs of the product.
4. Testimonials of the product.
5. Screenshots of the product.
6. Guide of the product.
7. Case studies of the product.
8. Related products.

None of the above will change every day. Also it is unlikely to upgrade the product version every day or every week.


1. How can make the product information page updated frequently?
2. How many contents should be updated(for example, 20% or 50%) so that to make Google think it is fresh?

Thank you.
#frequently #information #page #product #update
  • Profile picture of the author Andrew741
    To keep your product page fresh:

    1. **Blog Updates:** Add a blog section for periodic posts on related topics.

    2. **User-Generated Content:** Encourage and showcase user reviews to add dynamism.

    3. **Announcements:** Highlight any updates, patches, or relevant news about the product.

    Aim to update at least 20% of the content regularly to signal active maintenance to Google
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    • Profile picture of the author alanchcw
      > 1. **Blog Updates:** Add a blog section for periodic posts on related topics.
      If add the whole blog to the product page, then there will be too many contents. If add links to the blog, then since the product page is the cornerstone content, internal links to other pages may lose its importance.

      How to deal with such a case?
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  • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
    Other than user generated content, such as reviews, there is absolutely no reason to worry about updating content on product pages.

    You are operating on a mistaken premise. That is, that Google "likes" fresh content - something which may or may not be true depending on the type of page. It is true when the page is about current events, trends, news, etc. It is not true when it comes to product pages. They remain pretty static and are not expected to change unless the actual product changes.

    In other words, you are worrying about something that Google is not using to evaluate a product page. Move onto more productive things.
    Signature - The #1 place to buy & sell websites!
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  • Profile picture of the author Stella Warren
    I would suggest you to focus on User-Generated Content by encouraging your users and customers to review your product, add testimonials or comments.
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