Important Safety Tip For Profile Links Builders

3 replies
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I have been recently attacked by virus when was building profile links. I was fighting with virus for 2 days and won (i hope). More and more websites are getting attacked and becoming dangerous for surfers. We as link builders are concerned about these problems and it is in our interest to be protected. This is why i want to give you this important advice:

1. Have an antivirus like Nod32, there is a free trial available. If you cannot afford it, then i recommend Avast!
2. Have a firewall like ZoneAlarm. You can also install free version of ZoneAlarm.
3. Always keep your antivirus databases updated. I recommend once a day.

These are the tips that i wanted to give you,
Wish you successful link building.
#antivirus #builders #firewall #important #links #profile #tip
  • Profile picture of the author goodmast3r
    What is the connection between link building and virus?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1863449].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Shaun Lee
    Thanks for the heads-up, but I don't really understand how the malware could have invaded your computer.

    Maybe someone could clarify this?

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1864048].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author jeswarrior
      Through a VPN connection via TOR. Basically an underlying pipeline is built between your backlink and your site or even your computer in which virus sneaks in approx. 60 seconds after building the "no-follow" backlink to your php site, only if backlink is posted on a blog with Scrapebox, not Serpscraper. LOL.

      Can somebody please make my day and delete this thread before I put a bullet in my head? I swear I'll pull the trigger. Thank you!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1864362].message }}

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