9 replies
  • SEO
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Hi there! I'm sure that I will be getting the best answers to my set of questions. So here they are:

1. How can a local small business owner, like myself (dumpster rental company) get quality relevant link and ranked on google faster?

2. How do you identify which niche to target for a product that you want to create a specific niche for?

3. Is there a specific software that will provide you niche ideas, similar to keyword research?

4. Is creating a hubpage instead of a webpage provide the same inidication whether certain keywords are a good investment?

5. What are the best tools to utilize to promote keywords in order to create good traffic and consumer value?
#links #niche research tool #rank #1 on google #relevant
  • Profile picture of the author downloadvyp
    it's better to do a manual work,don't use softwares that will do it for you if you want quality .on the long term,quality is the one that will bring success
    good luck
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  • Profile picture of the author bradtraversy
    I also agree that manual work is more reliable than work by any kind of software. So its depends upon you that either you choose software or not.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jay101
    1, Your a small business owner, and don't have the time or knowledge to put together an SEO stratagy. Sorry if that sounds harsh, but if you don't know what your doing you wont get very far very fast.

    2, Not sure I understand that question.

    3, Not that I know of.

    4, To get an idea of the commercial intent of the searcher check to see if Adwords advertisers are targeting that specific keyword.

    5, As for tools, outsourcers are the best way to go, hire them from the Philippines and train them. Again, to do that you need to know what your doing first.

    I think, before you go jumping in to the deep end with this you should spend some time gaining the knowlage and experience first. Spend an hour a day doing some affiliate marketing with either clickbank, amazon or some cpa network, using SEO.

    The biggest problem with SEO is all the bs people with no experience continue to post on forums and blogs. What I'm trying to say is, nothing works until you've tested it.
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  • Profile picture of the author animal44
    Originally Posted by jamie41676 View Post

    1. How can a local small business owner, like myself (dumpster rental company) get quality relevant link and ranked on google faster?
    Probably by hiring a professional But if you wish to DIY, the best quality link is and in context link from an authority site. Write an article on your business that has general appeal, find an authority site, ideally in your niche and try and get them to publish it with link. If the quality is good enough, chances are they will be obliging...

    Local business sites are usually easy to rank. We recently started using IM Advantage tools to rank local businesses and I would consider this 'cheap SEO'.

    Originally Posted by jamie41676 View Post

    2. How do you identify which niche to target for a product that you want to create a specific niche for?
    The free answer is google keyword tool to research your search terms followed by a search on phrase match 'keyword' and intitle:'keyword', Your looking for < 50,000 competing pages.

    Originally Posted by jamie41676 View Post

    3. Is there a specific software that will provide you niche ideas, similar to keyword research?
    There is the wonder wheel. do a google search, click on show options and click on wonder wheel. Offers alternative search terms in a mind map type arrangement. I think that's what your asking...

    There's also IM eye launching on 8th April... though likely too expensive for a single site owner...

    Originally Posted by jamie41676 View Post

    4. Is creating a hubpage instead of a webpage provide the same inidication whether certain keywords are a good investment?
    I don't understand the question

    Originally Posted by jamie41676 View Post

    5. What are the best tools to utilize to promote keywords in order to create good traffic and consumer value?
    The only way to promote keywords is to build links with appropriate anchor text. There is no effective software that will do this for you.

    People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.
    What I do for a living

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  • Profile picture of the author kkchoon
    Hire the profession for the job, or you need to learn SEO from top to bottom...

    Do it yourself or pay someone to do the job!

    Powerful Indexer That Makes Your Backlinks Count ==> Nuclear Link Indexer

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  • Profile picture of the author webeserve
    1. You need to use link baiting.... What I mean is bulk link building... a good way to do that is by using Pay Per Service, Pay Per Task networks where you can hire many SEO experts at a time gives you the best results.

    5. There is no best tools, the best thing is to keep it manually

    Originally Posted by jamie41676 View Post

    Hi there! I'm sure that I will be getting the best answers to my set of questions. So here they are:

    1. How can a local small business owner, like myself (dumpster rental company) get quality relevant link and ranked on google faster?

    2. How do you identify which niche to target for a product that you want to create a specific niche for?

    3. Is there a specific software that will provide you niche ideas, similar to keyword research?

    4. Is creating a hubpage instead of a webpage provide the same inidication whether certain keywords are a good investment?

    5. What are the best tools to utilize to promote keywords in order to create good traffic and consumer value?
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  • Profile picture of the author Jamian
    Hi Jamie.

    About getting quality links what you can do is write article about your business

    niche and submit it ezinearticles.com and used resource box to back link to your

    How to identify your niche? read this article this might help you out.
    EzineArticles Submission - Submit Your Best Quality Original Articles For Massive Exposure, Ezine Publishers Get 25 Free Article Reprints

    Marketing-Success!&id=3939662 Good Luck!

    Affiliate Marketing explained for beginners >>
    www.SuperAffiliateMarketingTrick.com <<
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  • Profile picture of the author jamie41676
    Thank you guys for all your answers. I pretty much get the picture. I will seriously consider all your advices.
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  • Profile picture of the author limochicago
    If you want to rank on Local Google submit your site to different Local business listing. It would help a lot.
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