Why most people fail with autoblogging?

by enderZ
172 replies
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Some of my online properties are my autoblogs, I must thank the warrior forum for this, cause I first learnt about autoblogging in this forum, created my first autoblogs with the help of the countless great posts here about autoblogs.

When I first learnt about autoblogging I was so excited: "Im going to create a blog that take care of himself and its going to take care of my financial future", I can't imagine a better way to make money than this!! Money machines here I come...:p

My first autoblog was banned from google in less than a month it was created. After that I thought autoblogging is a myth and kept away from these nusty-easy banned machines for about a year.

But, something tickled my fingers, autoblogging sounded so romantic to me

I tried again, and failed ~10 times before I had my first successful autoblog (it made ~3$/day for several months before I had the nerve to call it a success).

Today, after 2 years Im earning a nice income from autoblogging (no, it is not my main IM source of income, but it is the one I love the most) I know why most people fail with autobloggin:

If you tried autoblogging and failed 99.999% it is because:

You didn't give it the respect it deserves!!!

Most people (in the past - me at the top) disrespect their autoblogs, it starts with the thinking "let the donkey work as hard as it can, if it fails not too bad, let it die, anyway I like horses better".

The fact that a blog is automatic doesn't mean you don't need to put some effort and thinking in its design, niche selection, keyword selection and the most important thing:


Myth - long tail keyword don't need SEO they will be ranked high cause they are long tail, since autoblogs aim to long tails, no need to SEO it = BULL****.

The reason MOST of us fail/failed in autoblogging is because we didn't do enough (or at all) SEO.

Can you imagine creating a money site, writing good content, thinking about it, loving and caring it and after its online doing none/almost none SEO and expecting to earn money from it?

Today I know that autoblogging is one of the easiest ways to earn money online (the fact its the easiest doen't mean it is easy... ), but like in ANY buisness you need to do it right.

In autoblogging there are several things you need to do right. As I wrote I started from information in this forum, it is loaded with it, but knowing what I went through on my journey to a successful autoblog net, and reading what people are talking about, I'm sure most of the "things you should do to success in autoblogging" are done by most people. Most people don't go the one (or two) extra step needed to make this beast work properly.

Today I have my autoblogging empire, my average income is 10$/day/blog, it happened when I started respecting my autoblogs, this respect made me put some effort into them, small effort that made the difference, one of the most important things I did is to put some SEO into them.

SEO your autoblogs and they will pay you for it

I don't want to sound like you can create an autoblog and all you need to do is to SEO it and your troubles are over, FAR from it.

I say you need to do it right, I say it is not rocket science to create a good autoblog, but still it requires some knowledge and effort. I say after you have an autoblog think - if it was my money site, what extras would I do?

I can keep on bubbling about autoblogs endlessly, but there is too much to say, most/all of it was already written in this very forum, but if you guys want to shoot me with some questions, I'll
try to help... After all I owe my autoblogs success to this forum
#autoblogging #fail #people
  • Profile picture of the author AFI
    What autoblogging software do you use? I have one on my computer but I haven't even looked at it yet to be honest.

    Learn about Internet Marketing from my dofollow comment blog.....Make Extra Money At Home...
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    • Profile picture of the author Bradley McK
      Originally Posted by AFI View Post

      What autoblogging software do you use? I have one on my computer but I haven't even looked at it yet to be honest.
      If I may ask, what do you mean by "autoblogging software"?
      CMS? Content Creation? Autoposter? Auto linkinking? .......Just curious.
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    • Profile picture of the author enderZ
      Originally Posted by AFI View Post

      What autoblogging software do you use? I have one on my computer but I haven't even looked at it yet to be honest.
      I started with wp-o-matic, it is a free plugin and I'm sure you can do wonders with it, I read that lots of people are more than happy with it, for me it lacked lots of things I want from an autoblog script.

      Today I use two scripts, one I wrote myself and I use it cause at the time I wrote it I didn't know of wprobot plugin (affilaite link) - which is what I use now for most of my autoblogs, in my opinion its the ferrari of autoblogging scripts.

      If you have a WHY you can go through almost any HOW

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    • Profile picture of the author petevamp
      Originally Posted by AFI View Post

      What autoblogging software do you use? I have one on my computer but I haven't even looked at it yet to be honest.
      I'm using the one in the war room it has done pretty well for me.
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  • Profile picture of the author freudianslip27
    Your success sure is inspiring

    The first autoblog is a lot of work, but the second is easier, and so forth. I think people get disappointed when their first blog doesn't make them rich. What they fail to realize though is once it is done, you can move onto the next. So many people have done well with autoblogs, I need to get my butt in gear and build some!

    At one point I had thousands of domains with adsense on them, I'm no stranger to this stuff!

    Would you mind sharing which resources you followed to get you started? There are quite a few out there.


    WarriorForum Rules!

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  • Profile picture of the author George Pitts
    This is great information. These type of threads keep a newbie like me motivated and want to improve my IM skills to maximize my earning potential. Great Thread

    Don't just follow the Pack...Lead the Pack

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    • Profile picture of the author skibbz
      Originally Posted by gmoney38 View Post

      This is great information. These type of threads keep a newbie like me motivated and want to improve my IM skills to maximize my earning potential. Great Thread
      I never really payed attention to autoblogging before but after hearing your story. I may need to look into it, I will start doing my research today
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  • Profile picture of the author AFI
    I have a dumb question. How can you do SEO on your blog when your content is pulled from other places? Meaning you can't control what keywords and such are on their articles, videos, etc. How do you do SEO on automated content?

    Learn about Internet Marketing from my dofollow comment blog.....Make Extra Money At Home...
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    • Profile picture of the author enderZ
      Originally Posted by AFI View Post

      I have a dumb question. How can you do SEO on your blog when your content is pulled from other places? Meaning you can't control what keywords and such are on their articles, videos, etc. How do you do SEO on automated content?
      It is a very important question

      There are two methods to go about it:
      1. The mud on the wall method:
      Since we are not trying to rank for any particular keyword we won't SEO keyword-wise.

      Let me try to explain what is the goal of SEOing an autoblog: we want the overall strength of the blog to increase and in that way we will increase the probability of ANY long tail keyword to appear higher in the SERPS.

      If for example our blog is about weight loss, one of the post is about "weight loss in the 60th", its a quite uncompetetive keyword, but yet when the SE calculate the rank for your post (and other sites) they do 2 major things: what is the score of this page*this keyword, in this aspect we assume the score is low (no off-site SEO was done for this particular keyword).

      BUT, all the other sites should get also a very high score on this aspect (they also didn't SEO this particular keyword), so the SE will probably will need to rely on the other factor:

      The overall strength of the site = how many niche relative backlinks the site/page got. In this aspect our autoblog can outrank other sites.

      The beauty of it is that since we are talking about long tails, we don't need a lot of power to appear first to TONS of long tails, but we do need a basic strength, or in other words the difference between 0.4 and 0.41 in this case can be the difference between 10$/day and 0$/day.

      So what we do? We thourgh backlinks at the home page and deep links with random niche-related keywords.

      Ok, method 2:
      Although what I wrote above works, we always want to do things better, right ?

      Here is what I do:
      I have a script that output all the urls and titles of my blogs in a format ready for my SEO programs I use (I would share it, but just looked at it and unfortunately it has lots of in-code data about my sites - but I'm sure you can find it on the web/pay someone to write it for you - it is a VERY simple script to code).

      I have another script (attached below), I put there list of urls, list of keywords and it creates a spinned version of the links. Put it on your site, input links and keywords, put 0/1 for bbcode/html output, change DB info on line 28, rename from .txt to .php and you are ready to go

      If you have a WHY you can go through almost any HOW

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      • Profile picture of the author garyv
        Originally Posted by enderZ View Post

        I have another script (attached below), I put there list of urls, list of keywords and it creates a spinned version of the links. Put it on your site, input links and keywords, put 0/1 for bbcode/html output, change DB info on line 28, rename from .txt to .php and you are ready to go
        Is this a home-made script? Or did you get it elsewhere? Because I'm noticing variables in it that mention xrumer. For those that don't know, xrumer is responsible for probably over 90% of blog/forum spam on the internet. Do you use xrumer? If so you could be leaving out the major reason why your autoblog is successful.
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      • Profile picture of the author Tum
        Originally Posted by enderZ View Post

        It is a very important question

        If for example our blog is about weight loss, one of the post is about "weight loss in the 60th", its a quite uncompetetive keyword, but yet when the SE calculate the rank for your post (and other sites) they do 2 major things: what is the score of this page*this keyword, in this aspect we assume the score is low (no off-site SEO was done for this particular keyword).

        BUT, all the other sites should get also a very high score on this aspect (they also didn't SEO this particular keyword), so the SE will probably will need to rely on the other factor:

        The overall strength of the site = how many niche relative backlinks the site/page got. In this aspect our autoblog can outrank other sites.

        The beauty of it is that since we are talking about long tails, we don't need a lot of power to appear first to TONS of long tails, but we do need a basic strength, or in other words the difference between 0.4 and 0.41 in this case can be the difference between 10$/day and 0$/day.

        So what we do? We thourgh backlinks at the home page and deep links with random niche-related keywords.

        Am trying to figure out what you mean by this ?
        Obviously with autoblogs, the every post has not been optiimized for anything but 1 keyword or phrased that WProbot posted it by !

        So your explanation above, is all about posting backlinks, about most posts that get posted, with keywords in the anchor text, directed towards the post, and not the main page ?

        So in effect, we post anchored texted backlinks for the main page, with the keywords we want to start with, then post deeplink anchor texted backlinks, directed to the different posts, with new keywords/phrases, directed towards the actual post (but obviously slightly in the same context as the main keywords were targetting) ?

        ie... If the main autoblog is about "weight loss", the homepage of the blog is mostly keyword towards this.

        But then the autoposting brings in a post about "dieting without exercise", then we put some deeplinks out, with anchor texts directing towards "dieting without exercise", rather than just weight loss ?

        Also, if this is right, do you usually have your main (home) page of the blog, posting the latest posts, or with a static page, as to get it correctly targeted for seo ?
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  • Profile picture of the author enderZ
    Ok... try to send me questions here and not on PM (unless there is data you afraid to share), so all will benefit, here is a summary of question I got in PM:

    My question is what do you think about autoblog content and having someone maybe write a meaningful article 2 or 3 times a week on my blog. This way I have a mixture of content?
    I use ONLY duplicated content, I use content from multiple sources (article directories, youtube, yahoo answers, etc) for each post. I try to construct a post tamplate that will include a mix of relevant info for the user so everyone are happy:

    I get an autoblog that get traffic and SE love
    Users get different high-quality related content in one place

    Duplicate content is GOLD if used properly and is a one way to a fast ban if used in the wrong fashion.

    If you have a WHY you can go through almost any HOW

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  • Profile picture of the author sarahberra
    These are the crappy auto-blog programs I've purchased on the last year:

    Autoblog System X and Clickbank Predators. (CB is worse though because auto-blog system X has a few good tips.)

    I did purchase Extreme Cash Blueprint and this is only program that I would recommended. The training is awesome and I really feel like he is honest and he teaches you how to auto-blog the slow and ethical (white hat) way.

    How many blogs do you have all together?? How many blogs make $10 per day?
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  • Profile picture of the author AFI
    Wow I wish I wasn't too stupid to follow this.

    P.S. What SEO programs do you use? I saw in this text file something about XRumer.

    P.P.S. Are you saying that the way you SEO with Automated blogs is by OFF PAGE optimization tips rather than on page?

    And one more thing....LOL.....what method do you use to build backlinks?

    Learn about Internet Marketing from my dofollow comment blog.....Make Extra Money At Home...
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  • Profile picture of the author ruphynres
    I viewed autoblogging the other way round.
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  • Profile picture of the author Andrea Wilson
    I heard autoblogging a couple of times before but I never tried it. Can we use free blogging platforms for this?

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  • Profile picture of the author enderZ
    Missed "some" questions here, now I have time to answer all of them:

    Originally Posted by moonfish View Post

    Another point worth mentioning is load on your server, if you're using shared hosting you could have your blog suspended. This happened to me before. If running on shared hosting ensure that you use wp supercache, otherwise if you have a sudden spike in traffic like I did then you could get into trouble.


    Yeap been there. But it might happen only in some hosting company and only if you stretch the line too much. My approach is a bit different from the main stream. I don't argue which method is the best, but many successful autobloggers claim you should create as many blogs with as many posts as possible.

    I go for: create fewer autoblogs with higher income. Nowadays I create 1-10 new autoblogs in a month = never had problems with any serious hosting provider with this amount of growth rate.

    But, I do have 5 different hosting (4 shared 1 vps) cause I do take my testing seriously

    Originally Posted by Andrea Wilson View Post

    I heard autoblogging a couple of times before but I never tried it. Can we use free blogging platforms for this?

    You sure can. I use and highly recommend wordpress.

    Theiratically you can do 99% of autoblogging for free (except paying for hosting ~10$/month), I think it is possible and doable.

    But, to significantly increase your chances I would recommend some tools that do cost money (mainly for SEO, autoblogging plugin/script).

    Originally Posted by ruphynres View Post

    I viewed autoblogging the other way round.
    Hmmm... which way???

    Originally Posted by AFI View Post

    Wow I wish I wasn't too stupid to follow this.

    P.S. What SEO programs do you use? I saw in this text file something about XRumer.

    P.P.S. Are you saying that the way you SEO with Automated blogs is by OFF PAGE optimization tips rather than on page?

    And one more thing....LOL.....what method do you use to build backlinks?
    A. In a very serious research a very interesting result was found: a negative corelation between actual intelligence and subjective intelligence (smart people tend to think they are less smart than they really are, this contradictory grows the smarter you are ).

    B. I use several SEO tools, my main gun is senuke (affiliate). I NEVER use xrumer on my money sites, only on my 2/3/4/5 tier sites. I know many do use it on their money sites and have good results, I won't risk it!

    C. Sure I use on page, this is the easy part done automatically by many plugins (I use the platinum seo plugin - just search for it in the add plugin in wordpress). BUT, must of the effect comes from off page SEO!

    D. Wow... what method do I use, I'm affraid it will take me hours to answer that, try to be more exact and I'll do my best to answer you!

    Originally Posted by sarahberra View Post

    How many blogs do you have all together?? How many blogs make $10 per day?
    I have hunderds of autoblogs. BUT I dont monetize 99% of them, I have lots of reasons why, some are cause at first I created my autoblogs just as a basment for my SEO efforts for my money sites, other reasons are secret .

    I have an average of 10$/day from my blogs, some make 1$/day and my top one make almost 20$/day.

    Originally Posted by freudianslip27 View Post

    Your success sure is inspiring

    The first autoblog is a lot of work, but the second is easier, and so forth. I think people get disappointed when their first blog doesn't make them rich. What they fail to realize though is once it is done, you can move onto the next. So many people have done well with autoblogs, I need to get my butt in gear and build some!

    At one point I had thousands of domains with adsense on them, I'm no stranger to this stuff!

    Would you mind sharing which resources you followed to get you started? There are quite a few out there.


    I totally agree, now I can create a new quality future-money making blog in almost no time, at the beginning I had to work a whole day just to set it up, not mentioning the SEO work, etc.

    Another thing I might add (you just remineded me somehow):

    The second reason most autobloggers fail is:

    Lack of patience

    It takes 1-6 months until you start seeing money from your autoblog! At least in the way I do it. I think the smart way and the long-term way is to do it slowly.

    I want my autoblogs to provide me income years and years to come. I don't want them banned, I don't want them punished with low SERP I do want them to give me a very high ROI.

    So, I want a lot for them, in return I need to be patient, I can't let them grow too fast, I need to put my seeds today, work (not too much though) every few weeks and know I will see the income much later.

    But... when it comes it is ALMOST set and forget, almost...

    I really want to share the threads that first started me on the autoblogs, but it was so long ago, and so many thread I'm afraid I can't remember them

    If you have a WHY you can go through almost any HOW

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  • Profile picture of the author jointaldc
    I've tried autoblogging in the past to minimal success, I'll try it again though after reading this, thanks!
    Jointal ---- A CPA network that operates on trust -
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    • Profile picture of the author enderZ
      Originally Posted by jointaldc View Post

      I've tried autoblogging in the past to minimal success, I'll try it again though after reading this, thanks!
      Great, and do update us with your progress

      If you have a WHY you can go through almost any HOW

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  • Profile picture of the author wrc1010
    Currently i have 10 autoblogs that i create 1 months ago but still not doing any backlinks on this autoblogs. So is that the main reason why most people not making money on their autoblog is because they not doing any backlink to their autoblog?

    Are you doing forum profile backlink, social bookmarking, web 2.0 bakclink and rss backlink? I see that you use senuke but what do you think about seo link robot software that look similar to senuke but more cheaper because one time fee compare to senuke that have to pay expensive monthly fee.
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    • Profile picture of the author ScottTrimble
      Those of you saying Google doesn't like autoblogs obviously haven't tried it yet. I'll just say that Google will love some of your autoblogs if they're done right.

      Out of 60 autoblogs I have, 12 of them get a nice chunk of Google traffic and they're making anywhere between $10 and $50 a day. As for the rest, they're also getting SE traffic that is mainly forwarded to my main blogs (handwritten) although they're rather new.

      Just a little piece of advice: don't put AdSense on your autoblogs, it just doesn't work and may have you banned from their program. Instead, try small niches and put up affiliate offers. Drive traffic to your main sites and sell there.

      Don't pay big bucks for autoblogging plugins where they're some free available, like Multipress Lite. Target long tail keywords, do some promotion (pinging, use pingler.com, social bookmarking, ect), mix up RSS feeds with Yahoo Answers and ezine articles and it'll get you somewhere.
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  • Profile picture of the author keadams26
    Nice post about autoblogs here.
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    • Profile picture of the author steveshills
      So how many post do your autoblogs create per day

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  • Profile picture of the author enderZ
    Originally Posted by wrc1010 View Post

    Currently i have 10 autoblogs that i create 1 months ago but still not doing any backlinks on this autoblogs. So is that the main reason why most people not making money on their autoblog is because they not doing any backlink to their autoblog?

    Are you doing forum profile backlink, social bookmarking, web 2.0 bakclink and rss backlink? I see that you use senuke but what do you think about seo link robot software that look similar to senuke but more cheaper because one time fee compare to senuke that have to pay expensive monthly fee.
    I got several questions like the above also in my PM, so I'll try to be more specific.

    Yes, Yes, Yes: So is that the main reason why most people not making money on their autoblog is because they not doing any backlink to their autoblog.

    About the tools I use, I don't think it matters which tools you use, it only matters if they accomplish your goal. I love backlinking from web2.0 properties, I found these links very powerful, so my goal is to create lots of web2.0 properties with backlinks to my sites.

    I think SeNuke doing that job perfectly (hmmm... ok, almost perfect), I guess there are other tools that can do it as good. I don't want to start comparing products here, but I heard that seo link robot still has the usual problems of a young product...

    Those of you who already familiar with SEO, just do what works for you on your money sites to your autoblogs, the only different is that you need to put less effort into it cause you are not trying to rank for specific keywords.

    This is my strategy (in general): first month: light bookmarking (10-20) and RSS submission.
    second month: ~30 web 2.0 properties creation linking to random pages on the autoblog. I do tier 2&3 link building to the above properties.
    3rd month: double the 2nd month.
    4th month: double the 3rd month.
    5th month and on... like the second month or nothing, depends on how much the autoblog makes.

    I use spinned content in my web2.0 properties and again for those asking the same question again and again: I only use duplicated content from various sources (articles, yahoo answers, etc) on my autoblogs.

    Originally Posted by ScottTrimble View Post

    Those of you saying Google doesn't like autoblogs obviously haven't tried it yet. I'll just say that Google will love some of your autoblogs if they're done right.
    Amen to that

    Originally Posted by ScottTrimble View Post

    Just a little piece of advice: don't put AdSense on your autoblogs, it just doesn't work and may have you banned from their program. Instead, try small niches and put up affiliate offers. Drive traffic to your main sites and sell there.
    I don't think so. I create my autoblogs with automatic affiliate offers (amazon, cj and clickbank) if they fail to make me a decent income I switch them to adsense - it must be done corectly or your adsense account/autoblog might get banned - but it is 100% possible.

    If you have a WHY you can go through almost any HOW

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    • Profile picture of the author ScottTrimble
      Originally Posted by enderZ View Post

      I don't think so. I create my autoblogs with automatic affiliate offers (amazon, cj and clickbank) if they fail to make me a decent income I switch them to adsense - it must be done corectly or your adsense account/autoblog might get banned - but it is 100% possible.
      Obviously we work different niches. Mine don't pay that much per click so there isn't much I can do with AdSense, unless you want beer money. That is why I'm sticking with Amazon, CJ, ClickBank. So far it goes along just fine.

      One thing to mention is that I'm not flooding my blogs with affiliate offers but only put a few, I also drive some of their traffic to my main blogs and do the selling part there.

      Some might complain that Amazon pays just a few bucks per sale. While that's true, Amazon has the best conversion I've seen.
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    • Profile picture of the author Tum
      Originally Posted by enderZ View Post

      This is my strategy (in general): first month: light bookmarking (10-20) and RSS submission.
      second month: ~30 web 2.0 properties creation linking to random pages on the autoblog. I do tier 2&3 link building to the above properties.
      3rd month: double the 2nd month.
      4th month: double the 3rd month.
      5th month and on... like the second month or nothing, depends on how much the autoblog makes.
      Can you explain what the difference is between bookmarking sites and web 2.0 sites ?
      I thought web 2.0 sites were sites like facebook, and twitter etc ?

      Also, when you say you use a automatic article submitter, Is that a article submitter plugin for wordpress ?
      And then that submits duplicate content pulled in with wprbot ?

      And your automatic backlinking plugins or software ? Are these plugins, like onlywire plugin or something ?

      Great post, and thanks for all your information !
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  • Profile picture of the author Cameron Alex
    backlinking is one of the MAIN reasons why so many fail. sure you created the auto blog now how are you going to get traffic. here's only two things i did to start making some money:

    1) write an article and place on ezinearticles (or any/every article directory you choose)
    2) either buy or find someone on fiverr with scrapebox. start blog commenting on other peoples blogs with your ezine article link included.

    a couple weeks later, five of my blogs were making 10-$20/day.

    Earlier someone said don't place adsense on your blogs. well, not sure what happened to him but I put Adsense box at the top of all my blogs and that has not been a problem for me. i also use 1 and only one clickbank or affiliate product. when you add too many products you confuse the customer and 9 times out of 10 they'll go away from your site. stay with only one product and you should see more success.

    Please do not use affiliate links - or templates - in signatures

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    • Profile picture of the author anwar001
      Originally Posted by Cameron Alex View Post

      backlinking is one of the MAIN reasons why so many fail. sure you created the auto blog now how are you going to get traffic. here's only two things i did to start making some money:

      1) write an article and place on ezinearticles (or any/every article directory you choose)
      2) either buy or find someone on fiverr with scrapebox. start blog commenting on other peoples blogs with your ezine article link included.

      a couple weeks later, five of my blogs were making 10-$20/day.

      Earlier someone said don't place adsense on your blogs. well, not sure what happened to him but I put Adsense box at the top of all my blogs and that has not been a problem for me. i also use 1 and only one clickbank or affiliate product. when you add too many products you confuse the customer and 9 times out of 10 they'll go away from your site. stay with only one product and you should see more success.
      You have mentioned a nice strategy. But I would like to know a few things. When you link to your autoblog from ezine, do you link to homepage? And do you target just 1 keyword for your autoblog or multiple keywords?

      Again while linking to ezinearticles thru blog comments, r u targeting any specific keyword there?
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  • Profile picture of the author RS Johnson
    I purchased WPRobot a few month ago and have seen only a little success so far.

    Other than backlinks and SEO, does anyone know of good WP templates that convert well?

    I'm also looking for a good resource or sites about auto-blogging techniques and strategies, any suggestions?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2799158].message }}
    • As far as autoblogging software goes, WP Robot is by far the best in my opinion. Don't waste your time with crap software that's being pushed through clickbank, these are the type of programs for the masses and they suck most of the time.

      And for making money: correct, for autoblogging you can't just punch in a few keywords and adsense and hope to be rich by tomorrow. Do your keyword research and do it well. Then create 5 pages, 1 for each keyword you think you can rank AND will make you money. Therefore, don't just drop an article on each of these 5 pages but something unique. Either a review or some other sort of preselling, you'll need it later.

      Then SEO these pages constantly, while at the same time creating content automatically for related keywords with the help of your autoblogging software.

      Then configure Maxbloggpress Stripe Ads or Maxbloggpress Max Banner Ads plugin to always have a link at the top of each of your auto-blog-posts to link to one of your 5 optimized pages. This isn't only for SEO but as I mentioned above, to presell your visitors for the stuff you're monetizing your blog with. If it's adsense, it doesn't really require preselling, but for Amazon/ebay etc. it does, as well as for CPA offers.

      If you do it that way, a lot of your traffic that comes from the auto-generated blog posts will be funneled to your presell pages and you will make money.
      Stop Building Backlinks The OLD Way, Use >THIS< Instead!

      >Let Me Build HIGH QUALITY Backlinks For You!<
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2799186].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author enderZ
        Originally Posted by Cameron Alex View Post

        backlinking is one of the MAIN reasons why so many fail. sure you created the auto blog now how are you going to get traffic. here's only two things i did to start making some money:

        1) write an article and place on ezinearticles (or any/every article directory you choose)
        2) either buy or find someone on fiverr with scrapebox. start blog commenting on other peoples blogs with your ezine article link included.

        a couple weeks later, five of my blogs were making 10-$20/day.

        Earlier someone said don't place adsense on your blogs. well, not sure what happened to him but I put Adsense box at the top of all my blogs and that has not been a problem for me. i also use 1 and only one clickbank or affiliate product. when you add too many products you confuse the customer and 9 times out of 10 they'll go away from your site. stay with only one product and you should see more success.
        This sounds as a technique for regular blogs, for autoblogs I wouldn't put that kind of effort...

        Again, I said put effort into your autoblogs, but it can be a relatively small effort.

        Originally Posted by pctutes View Post

        I purchased WPRobot a few month ago and have seen only a little success so far.

        Other than backlinks and SEO, does anyone know of good WP templates that convert well?

        I'm also looking for a good resource or sites about auto-blogging techniques and strategies, any suggestions?
        Wprobot is just a tool, it will make you 0$ if used wrong, and can make you financial free man if used wisely (combined with other basic staff, hmmm... did I mention backlinking ).

        Feel free to shoot specific questions here, maybe this thread will become a good resource for autoblogging in time

        Originally Posted by john_m View Post

        As far as autoblogging software goes, WP Robot is by far the best in my opinion. Don't waste your time with crap software that's being pushed through clickbank, these are the type of programs for the masses and they suck most of the time.
        I'm sure there are free tools out there that can do some of the work, but no doubt wprobot is a very effective way to go about it. I personally believe that if you see autoblogging as a buisness you should put some money to increase your chances of success...

        About your "5 pages" system, its a nice approach, I personally do it a bit different, I check the stats of my autoblogs that receive traffic and check which pages get relatively lots of traffic, than if its from keywords that have a converting potential I rewrite the content into a presell one (and remove ads)

        If you have a WHY you can go through almost any HOW

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2799286].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Sachine
        I agree with the keyword research.. guess you put those keyword in the software to pull content on those keywords... But do not understand why you would write content on the autoblog.. isn't autoblog supposed to be pulling content on its own.

        Originally Posted by john_m View Post

        As far as autoblogging software goes, WP Robot is by far the best in my opinion. Don't waste your time with crap software that's being pushed through clickbank, these are the type of programs for the masses and they suck most of the time.

        And for making money: correct, for autoblogging you can't just punch in a few keywords and adsense and hope to be rich by tomorrow. Do your keyword research and do it well. Then create 5 pages, 1 for each keyword you think you can rank AND will make you money. Therefore, don't just drop an article on each of these 5 pages but something unique. Either a review or some other sort of preselling, you'll need it later.

        Then SEO these pages constantly, while at the same time creating content automatically for related keywords with the help of your autoblogging software.

        Then configure Maxbloggpress Stripe Ads or Maxbloggpress Max Banner Ads plugin to always have a link at the top of each of your auto-blog-posts to link to one of your 5 optimized pages. This isn't only for SEO but as I mentioned above, to presell your visitors for the stuff you're monetizing your blog with. If it's adsense, it doesn't really require preselling, but for Amazon/ebay etc. it does, as well as for CPA offers.

        If you do it that way, a lot of your traffic that comes from the auto-generated blog posts will be funneled to your presell pages and you will make money.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2800413].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author enderZ
          Originally Posted by Sachine View Post

          I agree with the keyword research.. guess you put those keyword in the software to pull content on those keywords... But do not understand why you would write content on the autobloutog.. isn't autoblog supposed to be pulling content on its own.
          The "basic" autoblog technique is 100$ automation, but you can twist it:

          Suppose you have an an autoblog about health, its 1 year old, with 1000 indexed pages, ~500 backlinks built during that year. It is quite a powerful site, isn't it?

          Now, lets say you want to promote a long tail you just discovered in the weight loss niche, you can buy a new domain or expired domain or... create a new page on your autoblog, put there a presell content and SEO the hell out of it to rank #1, its a real win win:

          1. You give strength to your whole autoblog by doing it = more income in few weeks to 2 months.

          2. You are promoting a page in an aged domain that the SE "appreciate" = faster ranking

          If you have a WHY you can go through almost any HOW

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2802148].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author jimmidwest
    Nice post enderZ.
    Great info, I have a few autoblog that need some work.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2800226].message }}
  • Great thread. Something i thought i would touch on is permalinking. Wordpress makes this so easy. (as it does just about everything else) if you have a post on say... mountain biking safety SE's will like the url of www(dot)yourblog(dot)com/cycling/mountain-biking-safety, rather than a url of www(dot)yourblog(dot)com/?=p=56.

    A dream unthreatened by the morning light
    Could blow this soul right thru the roof of the nite
    There's no sensation to compare with this
    Suspended animation, A state of bliss

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2803105].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author enderZ
      Originally Posted by Puff The Magic Madman View Post

      Great thread. Something i thought i would touch on is permalinking. Wordpress makes this so easy. (as it does just about everything else) if you have a post on say... mountain biking safety SE's will like the url of www(dot)yourblog(dot)com/cycling/mountain-biking-safety, rather than a url of www(dot)yourblog(dot)com/?=p=56.
      Very good point!

      Indeed there are several on-page tweaks one should do (with any blog not just with autoblogs), I like using SEO plugin that does most of it automatic (tons of those out there).

      If you have a WHY you can go through almost any HOW

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2807847].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author wrc1010
    Hi enderZ. Do you use wpunique plugin on your autoblog and do you think before to come out your how to autoblog ebook or video course since you have success to make money on autoblog? Thanks
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2809994].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author enderZ
      Originally Posted by wrc1010 View Post

      Hi enderZ. Do you use wpunique plugin on your autoblog and do you think before to come out your how to autoblog ebook or video course since you have success to make money on autoblog? Thanks

      I don't use wpunique for two reasons:
      1. Its a BH tool (making google see duplicate content as unique) and I NEVER use BH methods on my money sites.

      2. In contrast to the above I don't think that that tool really deceiving google, but I won't get into it

      3. Duplicate content works good enough for me

      I don't know if I'll make any ebook/video about autoblogging, but thanks to this thread I found my self doing some "autoblogging consulting"

      Originally Posted by ScottTrimble View Post

      Obviously we work different niches. Mine don't pay that much per click so there isn't much I can do with AdSense, unless you want beer money. That is why I'm sticking with Amazon, CJ, ClickBank. So far it goes along just fine.

      One thing to mention is that I'm not flooding my blogs with affiliate offers but only put a few, I also drive some of their traffic to my main blogs and do the selling part there.

      Some might complain that Amazon pays just a few bucks per sale. While that's true, Amazon has the best conversion I've seen.
      Totally agree with you with Amazons high conversion rate !

      I think that I have a lot more to learn about maximizing the conversion rate of autoblogs, but the combination of the autoblog niche and affiliate products is crucial for good conversion.

      Anyway adsense works great for some niches and less impressive in others...

      If you have a WHY you can go through almost any HOW

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2811033].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author wrc1010
    Hi enderZ. Me again. Some question like to ask. Thanks

    1) How many post do you set per day and what are the interval time you set on wprobot to post?
    2) Are you mostly build the backlinks to your home page or internal page?
    3) Do you post many articles to article directory to get backlinks?
    4) Did you use a generic keyword like 'weight loss' and then find as many keywords as possible like 1-2k keywords and then put it all into the wprobot and let the wprobot to bring back the articles whether short or long tail keywords?
    5) Do you use any backlinks plugin that auto building the backlinks to your autoblog?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2811386].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author enderZ
      Originally Posted by wrc1010 View Post

      Hi enderZ. Me again. Some question like to ask. Thanks

      1) How many post do you set per day and what are the interval time you set on wprobot to post?
      2) Are you mostly build the backlinks to your home page or internal page?
      3) Do you post many articles to article directory to get backlinks?
      4) Did you use a generic keyword like 'weight loss' and then find as many keywords as possible like 1-2k keywords and then put it all into the wprobot and let the wprobot to bring back the articles whether short or long tail keywords?
      5) Do you use any backlinks plugin that auto building the backlinks to your autoblog?
      1. new blog: 1 post a day, double it every month and stop at 10 new posts a day (e.g., after 10 months you get to 10 posts a day and I stop increasing it).
      2. internal pages
      3. Yeap, I use articles submitter, set it and forget it
      4. Yes, but I also used a bit more specific keywords as seeds, I will first try to get as many keywords from "summer weight loss"/"winter weight loss" etc. If I wont get more than ~1000 keywords I will turn to more general keywords
      5. Yeap.

      If you have a WHY you can go through almost any HOW

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2812330].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author wrc1010
        Originally Posted by enderZ View Post

        1. new blog: 1 post a day, double it every month and stop at 10 new posts a day (e.g., after 10 months you get to 10 posts a day and I stop increasing it).
        2. internal pages
        3. Yeap, I use articles submitter, set it and forget it
        4. Yes, but I also used a bit more specific keywords as seeds, I will first try to get as many keywords from "summer weight loss"/"winter weight loss" etc. If I wont get more than ~1000 keywords I will turn to more general keywords
        5. Yeap.
        I dont understand how you use the articles submitter to set and forget it because i thought need to write or hire someone to write a completely new articles and not duplicate article to submit it to article directory.

        I think writing article is a harder thing for me because english is not my native langauge and i think i have to skip this method and wait until i have make some money then i can hire someone to write and spin the articles for me to submit it to many article directory.

        What i plan to do now is use some backlink plugin to autopilot build backlinks for my autoblog without me do anything and also use a backlinks software to get backlinks from web 2.0 site, social bookmarking site and forum site.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2814505].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author ScottTrimble
        Originally Posted by enderZ View Post

        1. new blog: 1 post a day, double it every month and stop at 10 new posts a day (e.g., after 10 months you get to 10 posts a day and I stop increasing it).
        2. internal pages
        3. Yeap, I use articles submitter, set it and forget it
        4. Yes, but I also used a bit more specific keywords as seeds, I will first try to get as many keywords from "summer weight loss"/"winter weight loss" etc. If I wont get more than ~1000 keywords I will turn to more general keywords
        5. Yeap.
        That's just about right. I'm also using pingler.com to ping each blog to around 90 services and RSS Submitter.

        I'm also writing (or have people write) articles and I post around one unique article per blog per week. Yeah, it gets rough when you have ~50 blogs but it's a great way to boost content and it can be really cheap. I tend to link to those articles more so they get hyped (also link other on-topic articles from the article page).

        It may seem like hard work but you get used to it after a while, plus - considering you'll be making a few thousands more a month from autoblogs... it really adds up.
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  • Profile picture of the author Enviouz
    You said that your first efforts were banned by google. Why was that? And do your posts actually readable because they are created by robots?
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  • Profile picture of the author paulie888
    I think many people get the wrong idea about autoblogging. In order to make any real income from this, you need to have multiple sites up and running over time. Having just one or two sites is really not going to generate any type of income to brag about.

    In addition to that, no matter what they may tell you, autoblogging doesn't really work on "set it and forget it" autopilot. You'll have to look through the content and perhaps get rid of the ones that aren't relevant and off topic. It still takes some work to ensure that you're only allowing quality content to appear on your autoblog.

    >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2815282].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ShaLiam
      Originally Posted by paulie888 View Post

      I think many people get the wrong idea about autoblogging. In order to make any real income from this, you need to have multiple sites up and running over time. Having just one or two sites is really not going to generate any type of income to brag about.

      In addition to that, no matter what they may tell you, autoblogging doesn't really work on "set it and forget it" autopilot. You'll have to look through the content and perhaps get rid of the ones that aren't relevant and off topic. It still takes some work to ensure that you're only allowing quality content to appear on your autoblog.

      Another approach to auto blogging is not to use it as an adsence, click bank, amazon posting service. Instead I have had some great success using autoblogging for just posting quality content to clients sites and they LOVE IT. Get a few quality RSS feeds, convert some Google alerts to rss then have the autoblog system post to "DRAFT" not "Publish". When you login you can have 10 to 20 great posts always ready every 3 days to a week. Review the posts, delete the crap, then optimize. Bold or italic your keywords, drop in a few keyword headlines with h2 and h3 tags. Insert a few links to your home page and a catagory page or two. Then use your zemanta plugin to; insert authority links and tags, a picture or two with new keyword alt tags and a couple relevant links to other blogs or news stories, for more authority and ping backs. Copy your page url then paste it along with your home page and a few favorite category page urls in your "trackback" slot. Then all you have to do is fill in your All in one SEO fields, enter the posting date and hit publish (sprend your dates out throught the coming week so you have a constant drip of posts). In 30 minutes you can have 10 to 15 optimized somewhat unique posts ready to go intermittently throughout the next week.
      Add your favorite ping.fm or onlywire plugin to auto distribute your posts to 30 other social sites like twitter, facebook, blogger, etc and your backlink golden. I have built several sites like this and get paid by the client for the website, hosting, setting up social network and the constant social marketing. I have turned internet ghosts into busness rockstars in a week.


      Buy a benefit, live your dreams. Never buy a dream to get a benefit.
      Am I the only person not allowed links to his sites in his signature.


      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2912300].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Rex.T
        Nice tip there ShaLiam..it didn't occur to me using that approach. How do you convert Google Alert to RSS?

        Originally Posted by ShaLiam View Post

        Another approach to auto blogging is not to use it as an adsence, click bank, amazon posting service. Instead I have had some great success using autoblogging for just posting quality content to clients sites and they LOVE IT. Get a few quality RSS feeds, convert some Google alerts to rss then have the autoblog system post to "DRAFT" not "Publish". When you login you can have 10 to 20 great posts always ready every 3 days to a week. Review the posts, delete the crap, then optimize. Bold or italic your keywords, drop in a few keyword headlines with h2 and h3 tags. Insert a few links to your home page and a catagory page or two. Then use your zemanta plugin to; insert authority links and tags, a picture or two with new keyword alt tags and a couple relevant links to other blogs or news stories, for more authority and ping backs. Copy your page url then paste it along with your home page and a few favorite category page urls in your "trackback" slot. Then all you have to do is fill in your All in one SEO fields, enter the posting date and hit publish (sprend your dates out throught the coming week so you have a constant drip of posts). In 30 minutes you can have 10 to 15 optimized somewhat unique posts ready to go intermittently throughout the next week.
        Add your favorite ping.fm or onlywire plugin to auto distribute your posts to 30 other social sites like twitter, facebook, blogger, etc and your backlink golden. I have built several sites like this and get paid by the client for the website, hosting, setting up social network and the constant social marketing. I have turned internet ghosts into busness rockstars in a week.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2917218].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author BloggerHigh
    Originally Posted by enderZ View Post

    SEO your autoblogs and they will pay you for it
    coincidentally, we have just released a free wordpress plugin that is basically a 'clone; of SEOpressor, and it can do the basic 'decoration' of your autoblog posts automatically.
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  • Profile picture of the author Enviouz
    Reiterating my question, just in case it didn't come across properly. I take the point that with autoblog sites you need to do off-page SEO. Let's assume we have done that correctly and we are getting nicely ranked, will Google (and their human reviewers) come along and ban our site?

    In reality, autoblogging is borrowed content, and they may be unique but not original. Furthermore, the autoblog articles can often be rubbish/unreadable, e.g. some software employ the logic of translating to a few different languages. Google really like to see our sites adding value to the internet community with quality contents.

    So what are your view on Google banning/deindex autoblog sites? What are some of the things that we need to avoid in the autoblog world so that Google still approves of these sites? By the way, are you getting your traffic predominantly from organic searches or referrals (which case you don't really rely on SE so much).

    What are the quality of your autoblog articles? Are they spun beyond recognition? Are they readable? Or are they just borrowed from the original source with reference to the author?

    Can you or someone give some good and some bad examples of autoblog sites. It does not have to be owned by you; but it would be good for us to see what is considered to be good and bad; and the reason why.

    What about your opinion on using adsense on these autoblog sites? Is it safe? Why are so many people afraid of their adsense account being banned when used with autoblogging? What can be some of those reasons?

    Thank you!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2819914].message }}
    • Originally Posted by Enviouz View Post

      Reiterating my question, just in case it didn't come across properly. I take the point that with autoblog sites you need to do off-page SEO. Let's assume we have done that correctly and we are getting nicely ranked, will Google (and their human reviewers) come along and ban our site?

      In reality, autoblogging is borrowed content, and they may be unique but not original. Furthermore, the autoblog articles can often be rubbish/unreadable, e.g. some software employ the logic of translating to a few different languages. Google really like to see our sites adding value to the internet community with quality contents.

      So what are your view on Google banning/deindex autoblog sites? What are some of the things that we need to avoid in the autoblog world so that Google still approves of these sites? By the way, are you getting your traffic predominantly from organic searches or referrals (which case you don't really rely on SE so much).

      What are the quality of your autoblog articles? Are they spun beyond recognition? Are they readable? Or are they just borrowed from the original source with reference to the author?

      Can you or someone give some good and some bad examples of autoblog sites. It does not have to be owned by you; but it would be good for us to see what is considered to be good and bad; and the reason why.

      What about your opinion on using adsense on these autoblog sites? Is it safe? Why are so many people afraid of their adsense account being banned when used with autoblogging? What can be some of those reasons?

      Thank you!
      google bans on a number of different reasons... can't really be pinpointed. keeping your autoblog content as original and legible as possible helps a lot. google's spiders can also see if you are using autoblogging software, but there is a free wp plugin to block their spiders called KB robot. there are some TRASH content'd sites in the top positions on numerous keywords in google serps, which leads me, and most others to believe that keyword density, on and off page seo, and unique content can sometimes outweigh quality content, which brings me to another point, makes your reader want to leave your page and what better link for them to click on to flee the IQ-depleting content than an adsense block?

      A dream unthreatened by the morning light
      Could blow this soul right thru the roof of the nite
      There's no sensation to compare with this
      Suspended animation, A state of bliss

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2841703].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author mumuCute
        what the different autoblogging with auto generate content?
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      • Profile picture of the author stekys
        Originally Posted by Puff The Magic Madman View Post

        google bans on a number of different reasons... can't really be pinpointed. keeping your autoblog content as original and legible as possible helps a lot. google's spiders can also see if you are using autoblogging software, but there is a free wp plugin to block their spiders called KB robot. there are some TRASH content'd sites in the top positions on numerous keywords in google serps, which leads me, and most others to believe that keyword density, on and off page seo, and unique content can sometimes outweigh quality content, which brings me to another point, makes your reader want to leave your page and what better link for them to click on to flee the IQ-depleting content than an adsense block?
        you can simply use robots.txt for blocking bots to see your autoblog plugins etc, sample

        User-agent: *
        Allow: /
        Disallow: /cgi-bin
        Disallow: /wp-admin
        Disallow: /wp-includes
        Disallow: /wp-content/plugins
        Disallow: /wp-content/cache
        Disallow: /wp-content/themes
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2843622].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author commonjoe
    They don't know about the basics.
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  • Profile picture of the author wrc1010
    I think this site at Techmeme is a autoblog site with PR7. So who say google dont like autoblog and will banned your site if your site full of duplicate contents in it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Enviouz
    Where is everyone? Zzzzzzzz...... enderZ, are you still there? your reply is appreciated.
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  • Profile picture of the author vstar00
    wow this thread has been really helpful. Autoblogging is what I want to go into next so this will really help me out. cheers
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2841771].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author tex22
      Very intersting. Please keep up the postings
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    • Profile picture of the author richard29
      If you are focused on using autoblogging software or a wordpress plugin that automatically updates your blogs, then there are a few pieces of advice that you need to pay attention do.

      While autoblogging may seem like the easiest thing in the world, there is a reason that some people are making a lot of money while others fail.

      Donʼt get me wrong, autoblogging is profitable when done right, but there is often a fine line that you must


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  • Profile picture of the author cassie_camay
    auto blogging's main priority is to produce nonsense articles and contents. To much auto blogging can attract googles attention and might be considered as spam.

    A blog a day can replace those auto blogging methods by which google do not like auto blogging.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2843403].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Rsberg
      Originally Posted by cassie_camay View Post

      auto blogging's main priority is to produce nonsense articles and contents. To much auto blogging can attract googles attention and might be considered as spam.

      A blog a day can replace those auto blogging methods by which google do not like auto blogging.

      Im sorry but these statements arent even close to true...unless you don't know what your doing.

      Autoblogging doesnt priortize producing nonsense, thats simply false!

      I know people who have hundreds of autoblogs (OP included) that make them a very good living...try telling them (or anyother experienced autoblogger) that "google do not like autoblogging".

      What Google doesnt like is often a mystery but I can tell you one thing, if done correctly autoblogging can be very rewarding and "offer the user a good experience" (those are words from Google as to what they want to see from websites in order to rank them well). I personally have a few auto blogs that rank extremely well for fairly competitive keywords (positions 2 - 4). They have held their rankings for quite some time and the sites also make me a nice little chunk of change every month...

      Im sorry...but your statements simply don't hold true!

      The only reason I write this is to be sure to point out to the beginners that autoblogging can be the basis of your business and not to be afraid of the big bad Google. If you approach it correctly, provie a good experience for the user and set your sites up appropriately then you will not have a problem with Google and you might just make a little money too....

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  • Profile picture of the author stekys
    if you think to long run micro niche site are better that autoblogs(you never know when google deindex you) + you should note use adsance, its against the TOS, better spend some money to get 10-15 original articles for niche site
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  • Profile picture of the author enderZ

    Been away for a while (nice vacation ), so sorry for the late reply for all those waiting... I'll answer what I can:

    Originally Posted by mumuCute View Post

    what the different autoblogging with auto generate content?
    Auto generate content is one type of tool used to create the goal=autoblog. I wouldn't recommend it for white hat autoblogs.

    Originally Posted by cassie_camay View Post

    auto blogging's main priority is to produce nonsense articles and contents.

    Originally Posted by Tum View Post

    Can you explain what the difference is between bookmarking sites and web 2.0 sites ?
    I thought web 2.0 sites were sites like facebook, and twitter etc ?

    Also, when you say you use a automatic article submitter, Is that a article submitter plugin for wordpress ?
    And then that submits duplicate content pulled in with wprbot ?

    And your automatic backlinking plugins or software ? Are these plugins, like onlywire plugin or something ?

    Great post, and thanks for all your information !
    Some of the bookmark sites are web2.0 sites so its confusing, but I ment to web2.0 like wordpress.com, zimbio, thoughts, blogger etc..

    About the article submitter = I use it to create articles to backlink to my autoblogs, I use spinned content for this , so it's not a wordpress plugin , there are tons of article submitters, I found magic article submitter (affiliate) to work great for me (I use the scheduler for the "set and forget" strategy ).

    My automatic backlink plugin is an ingenious development by eli from bluehatseo , can't remember in which post he talked about it, but if you search for it, you'll find it, you'll need a basic php knowledge to tweak it to work properly though...

    Originally Posted by paulie888 View Post

    I think many people get the wrong idea about autoblogging. In order to make any real income from this, you need to have multiple sites up and running over time. Having just one or two sites is really not going to generate any type of income to brag about.
    I totally agree. But, when I started I thought that an autoblog potential is 1-2$/day, now I know it is much more, which means less autobloggs and more time investmented in each is a good strategy.

    Originally Posted by paulie888 View Post

    In addition to that, no matter what they may tell you, autoblogging doesn't really work on "set it and forget it" autopilot. You'll have to look through the content and perhaps get rid of the ones that aren't relevant and off topic. It still takes some work to ensure that you're only allowing quality content to appear on your autoblog.

    I think everyone decides whats the right balance, if you put too much work into the autoblog, the "auto" part can become "all day manual" labor , on the other hand there is no such thing as
    100% set it and forget it, as far as autoblogs are concerned and my experience

    Originally Posted by Enviouz View Post

    Reiterating my question, just in case it didn't come across properly. I take the point that with autoblog sites you need to do off-page SEO. Let's assume we have done that correctly and we are getting nicely ranked, will Google (and their human reviewers) come along and ban our site?
    NO if the content is good and well mixed (relevant article, news snippet, product review and some Q&A will PERFECTLY do the trick).

    YES if the content is not readable, trash, bad mixing of too much/not enough content/resources, the site looks bad, etc...

    Originally Posted by Enviouz View Post

    So what are your view on Google banning/deindex autoblog sites? What are some of the things that we need to avoid in the autoblog world so that Google still approves of these sites? By the way, are you getting your traffic predominantly from organic searches or referrals (which case you don't really rely on SE so much).
    In addition to what I wrote above: build the autoblog slowly - drip the posts and don't blast posts and keep building backlinks. Huge sites with embarassing backlinks is fishy!

    Originally Posted by Enviouz View Post

    Or are they just borrowed from the original source with reference to the author?

    Originally Posted by Enviouz View Post

    What about your opinion on using adsense on these autoblog sites? Is it safe? Why are so many people afraid of their adsense account being banned when used with autoblogging? What can be some of those reasons?
    I use adsense on some of my autoblogs, if your autoblogs are spammy your account might (probably) get banned, but let me ask you this: did you see adsense on article directories? did you know that
    99% of article directories got 99% of non-unique content ? How do they pass adsense ban?

    If I have a post called "About autoblogging whitehat style", then I put an article from ezinearticles (with credentials to the author), I put 1-3 relevant videos about autoblogging and some questions
    people asking about it and relevant answers - is it a bad content page for those searched for whitehat autoblogging? Why would google ban such a site? Who cares I didn't write myself the content
    and made the vidoes?

    Originally Posted by ScottTrimble View Post

    That's just about right. I'm also using pingler.com to ping each blog to around 90 services and RSS Submitter.

    I'm also writing (or have people write) articles and I post around one unique article per blog per week. Yeah, it gets rough when you have ~50 blogs but it's a great way to boost content and it can be really cheap. I tend to link to those articles more so they get hyped (also link other on-topic articles from the article page).

    It may seem like hard work but you get used to it after a while, plus - considering you'll be making a few thousands more a month from autoblogs... it really adds up.

    Originally Posted by wrc1010 View Post

    I dont understand how you use the articles submitter to set and forget it because i thought need to write or hire someone to write a completely new articles and not duplicate article to submit it to article directory.

    I think writing article is a harder thing for me because english is not my native langauge and i think i have to skip this method and wait until i have make some money then i can hire someone to write and spin the articles for me to submit it to many article directory.

    What i plan to do now is use some backlink plugin to autopilot build backlinks for my autoblog without me do anything and also use a backlinks software to get backlinks from web 2.0 site, social bookmarking site and forum site.
    A. As I wrote, I use spinned content and for that matter you can use automatic software to spin it for you.

    B. Good plan - I just think it is almost impossible to get enough backlinks from 1005 automated programs, but if you do it tell us about it

    Originally Posted by Enviouz View Post

    You said that your first efforts were banned by google. Why was that? And do your posts actually readable because they are created by robots?
    I failed cause I did almost every mistake possible. here are few
    1. I created my first autoblog with 3000 posts in the day of creation! I thought "well, I'll let it be and if it will show even the smallest hint of success I'll believe in the autoblogging potential"... It died forever in less than a month.

    2. I created several autoblogs with spammed content, they died in 1-6 months. today I know how to create spammed content autobloggs (I have tons of them still alive), it takes few tricks to do it, but they are ONLY good for SEO support and nothing more (for me at least).

    3. Lots of my autoblogs died for too many posts with not enough backlinks to suppoer them.

    4. And lots of other stupid things I did

    If you have a WHY you can go through almost any HOW

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2843774].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Tum
      When setting up your autoblogs, do you use premium seo optimized themes or just feee themes ?

      What sort of setup on wprobot do you usually have ?
      Like the percentages for articles, answers, press releases etc
      Also for the clickbank,amazon,cj etc ?

      I mean, obviously you have for the first week or so, 1 new article or something a day, but when do you start letting it post items for sale, or other stuff, and at what sort of rate do you allow these to be posted please ?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2844006].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author enderZ
        Originally Posted by Tum View Post

        When setting up your autoblogs, do you use premium seo optimized themes or just feee themes ?

        What sort of setup on wprobot do you usually have ?
        Like the percentages for articles, answers, press releases etc
        Also for the clickbank,amazon,cj etc ?

        I mean, obviously you have for the first week or so, 1 new article or something a day, but when do you start letting it post items for sale, or other stuff, and at what sort of rate do you allow these to be posted please ?
        1. I use what I think will serve me best, for the autoblogs so far I always found suitable free theme
        2. WProbot setup - well, it will take me a while to answer that in details, but I don't use their default templates, I use one template for all the posts, a template that includes most of the modules.
        3. I let it post items for sale from the first day, each post starts with items for sale (except autoblogs with adsense, there I manually pick posts that promote something).

        Originally Posted by garyv View Post

        Is this a home-made script? Or did you get it elsewhere? Because I'm noticing variables in it that mention xrumer. For those that don't know, xrumer is responsible for probably over 90% of blog/forum spam on the internet. Do you use xrumer? If so you could be leaving out the major reason why your autoblog is successful.
        Yes, it is a homemade script, yeap it was written to create links for my xrumer blasts.

        No, I don't use xrumer on my whitehat sites, autoblogs included, as I wrote my advice is:
        NEVER use blackhat methods directly on your money sites.

        On the other hand, I do use blackhat methods on my tier 2/3/4 sites.

        Originally Posted by freudianslip27 View Post

        I think that some people get angry at the thought of people making money with autoblogging.

        Think about it, if you put a lot of time into creating a unique website that offers real value, and it doesn't perform as well as you'd hope, wouldn't it irk you to know that someone else is using auto generated and duplicate content and raking in tons of money?

        Is autoblogging a foundation to build a long-term business? Not exactly. That doesn't mean it isn't a very viable way to make money.

        I think it is very kind of enderz to be sharing so openly.

        Wisely written
        Btw, Im no veteran in autoblogging like others, but I met some heavy autobloggers that do make a LONG term leaving from autoblogging, it is just a matter of how to do things right. (the main secret is: patience)

        If you have a WHY you can go through almost any HOW

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2844479].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author enderZ
          Originally Posted by enderZ View Post

          No, I don't use xrumer on my whitehat sites, autoblogs included, as I wrote my advice is:
          NEVER use BlueFart methods directly on your money sites.
          BlueFart ? BlueFart?? LMAO

          Never new it was a no-no word here...

          If you have a WHY you can go through almost any HOW

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2844487].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author garyv
          Originally Posted by enderZ View Post

          Yes, it is a homemade script, yeap it was written to create links for my xrumer blasts.

          No, I don't use xrumer on my whitehat sites, autoblogs included, as I wrote my advice is:
          NEVER use BlueFart methods directly on your money sites.

          On the other hand, I do use BlueFart methods on my tier 2/3/4 sites.
          I just thought that in the spirit of transparency, it should be noted that black--hat methods are used. Whether indirectly or not, these links provided by xrumer greatly contribute to your "success".

          So maybe the answer to "why most people fail with autoblogging?" should be that most people steer clear of black--hat methods. Now I'm not saying that black--hat is the only way to be successful w/ autoblogging, but in this case it clearly plays a big role.

          I for one think that Xrumer is a HUGE thorn in the side of most ordinary bloggers. Many of them struggle w/ xrumer and don't even realize what it is. It's a big enough problem that I personally think that this thread should be locked down or deleted. We don't need more people out here littering up every blog w/ their spam.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2844678].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author enderZ
            Originally Posted by garyv View Post

            I just thought that in the spirit of transparency, it should be noted that black--hat methods are used. Whether indirectly or not, these links provided by xrumer greatly contribute to your "success".

            So maybe the answer to "why most people fail with autoblogging?" should be that most people steer clear of black--hat methods. Now I'm not saying that black--hat is the only way to be successful w/ autoblogging, but in this case it clearly plays a big role.

            I for one think that Xrumer is a HUGE thorn in the side of most ordinary bloggers. Many of them struggle w/ xrumer and don't even realize what it is. It's a big enough problem that I personally think that this thread should be locked down or deleted. We don't need more people out here littering up every blog w/ their spam.
            Well, I guess we all decide what we do and what we don't, but please don't misinterpret what I wrote, so let me be clear:

            I don't use use xrumer on my autoblogs, here is why:

            There is no need!

            I use xrumer for my 2/3/4 (actually rarely even as tier 2) for competitive keywords, no need to put that much effort on autoblogs (otherwise whats the thing with autoblogs if they require all the work that our regular money sites require??).

            So, my success is NOT thanks to blackhat methods, it is purely thanks to what I wrote in my OP.

            Hope you are happy with my explanation, maybe you can find a different reason why I have success with autoblogs other than what I already said?!

            If you have a WHY you can go through almost any HOW

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2844736].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Tum
          Originally Posted by enderZ View Post

          2. WProbot setup - well, it will take me a while to answer that in details, but I don't use their default templates, I use one template for all the posts, a template that includes most of the modules.
          3. I let it post items for sale from the first day, each post starts with items for sale (except autoblogs with adsense, there I manually pick posts that promote something).
          Hi Ender, Thanks for all the great replys and info, But just got something to ask to an answer a few posts ago.

          When you setup your WProbot, am gathering with this post your just making 1 campaign with it, but that campaign has most of the modules in it, so that every post you get create will have a little of everything in ?

          So if thats true, your post would say start with an ARTICLE, then maybe below that a PICTURE from flickr mod, then maybe a Q/A from yahoo, and then some AMAZON/EBAY/CLICKBANK etc stuff.

          And every post you do has the same layout, and stuff getting created on autopilot ?

          Any chance of a little info on your layout please ?
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2854090].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author enderZ
            Originally Posted by Tum View Post

            So if thats true, your post would say start with an ARTICLE, then maybe below that a PICTURE from flickr mod, then maybe a Q/A from yahoo, and then some AMAZON/EBAY/CLICKBANK etc stuff.

            And every post you do has the same layout, and stuff getting created on autopilot ?

            Any chance of a little info on your layout please ?
            That is more or less how I do it (I just put the affiliate products first and then the content... : ).

            Yeap, all post got the same layout/format and all is on autopilot as far as post creation is concerned... What kind of layout info would you like to know ?

            Originally Posted by cassie_camay View Post

            it would be cheating if the contents are not original and they are all fake. Google will still find them out if they are not original and they are just copy pasted.
            Hmmm... did you read this thread???

            If you have a WHY you can go through almost any HOW

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2854969].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Tum
              Originally Posted by enderZ View Post

              That is more or less how I do it (I just put the affiliate products first and then the content... : ).

              Yeap, all post got the same layout/format and all is on autopilot as far as post creation is concerned... What kind of layout info would you like to know ?
              Thanks for that ! The layout info i was wanting to know, was the layout you usually have your autoblogs on using WProbot.

              Something like this.

              ** Amazon Product **

              ** Article **

              ** Clickbank Product **

              ** Yahoo Q/As **

              Just this sort of layout ?

              Am trying to get a layout that can post 1 post a day, like you said for 1 month, then increase it to 2 posts a day for the 2nd month and so on.

              But i didnt want to get the template wrong and have to much stuff in each post (if you know what i mean !)

              Or do you maybe have a template like that for 1 post every 3 days, then a slightly different template for the next day for every 3 days. And a third for the 3rd day. Then every day a different template for 3 days, then back to the first template ?
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2855384].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author jlady
      What do you mean by spammed content?

      Originally Posted by enderZ View Post


      2. I created several autoblogs with spammed content, they died in 1-6 months. today I know how to create spammed content autobloggs (I have tons of them still alive), it takes few tricks to do it, but they are ONLY good for SEO support and nothing more (for me at least).
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2850327].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Rsberg

    Sent you a PM, Im sure your box is pretty full from this post and I appologize but the question/proposal I have cant be made here in the thread for obvous reasons. I hope you can spare a few minutes to read and reply.

    BTW...Great thread...super informative!!!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2844108].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Chris Thompson
    Why do most people fail at:

    1) sleeping naked outside in the winter?
    2) cutting their own hair (and looking good after)?
    3) Swimming with heavy weights tied to their feet?

    Answer: Because it's NOT A GOOD IDEA

    Same with autoblogging.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2844131].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Rsberg
    I assume its safe to say that those who are posting negative comments on the thread have had bad experiences with autoblogging, so if it didnt work for them it couldnt possibly work for anyone else....

    Things that make you go hmmmmm
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2844264].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author freudianslip27
      Originally Posted by Rsberg View Post

      I assume its safe to say that those who are posting negative comments on the thread have had bad experiences with autoblogging, so if it didnt work for them it couldnt possibly work for anyone else....

      Things that make you go hmmmmm
      I think that some people get angry at the thought of people making money with autoblogging.

      Think about it, if you put a lot of time into creating a unique website that offers real value, and it doesn't perform as well as you'd hope, wouldn't it irk you to know that someone else is using auto generated and duplicate content and raking in tons of money?

      Is autoblogging a foundation to build a long-term business? Not exactly. That doesn't mean it isn't a very viable way to make money.

      I think it is very kind of enderz to be sharing so openly.


      WarriorForum Rules!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2844295].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author garyv
    I think it's very admirable when people come to this forum and share their methods. However, one of the scripts being shared here has an "xrumer" variable in it. Xrumer is a known script for spamming blogs. (Which by the way is illegal in the United States) I'd just like confirmation that Ebony-Hat methods are not being used to make your autoblog "successful". As that would negate the definition of your success for many here.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2844406].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author garyv
    Let me make sure I'm interpreting this right. If I'm wrong please point it out to me. I don't want to be accusing you of something you're not doing.

    But to me it looks like you're saying you don't "directly" use xrumer on your autoblogs, but on the sites you use for seo and backlinking to your autoblogs. If you're using this in a linkwheel to better the seo on your autoblogs, then it's still a major part of the success of your autoblog. Am I wrong? I don't mind being wrong. And if I am, I profusely apologize.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2844792].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author enderZ
      Originally Posted by garyv View Post

      Let me make sure I'm interpreting this right. If I'm wrong please point it out to me. I don't want to be accusing you of something you're not doing.

      But to me it looks like you're saying you don't "directly" use xrumer on your autoblogs, but on the sites you use for seo and backlinking to your autoblogs. If you're using this in a linkwheel to better the seo on your autoblogs, then it's still a major part of the success of your autoblog. Am I wrong? I don't mind being wrong. And if I am, I profusely apologize.
      Yes, you are wrong.

      I don't use xrumer in ANY matter with my autoblogs, for the simple reason: there is no need for it, why would I waste an F15 to shoot a fly??

      I gave xrumer as an example (after ppl asking me about the vars in the script) to the way I DO use it when I use it (on much much more competetive keywords = OTHER sites.

      No need for heavy SEO on autoblogs, no need for linkwheels, no need for complicated tiers, the basic is need = build backlinks, but don't over do it, if you plan to over do it, build a "regular" money site with tons of traffic keywords and SEO it...

      If you have a WHY you can go through almost any HOW

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2844815].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author garyv
        Originally Posted by enderZ View Post

        Yes, you are wrong.
        I do apologize then for jumping to conclusions. However you can see why it would be easy for me to come to this conclusion considering your script was clearly written for a word-press blog, and the post is about autoblogging.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2844908].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author garyv
        Originally Posted by enderZ View Post

        No need for heavy SEO on autoblogs, no need for linkwheels, no need for complicated tiers, the basic is need = build backlinks, but don't over do it, if you plan to over do it, build a "regular" money site with tons of traffic keywords and SEO it...
        Thanks for clarifying that. So in otherwords there would be no need for a service such as this one: Xrumer Blast - UNLIMITED Backlinks*anchor text - ********** - Affiliate Marketing Forum - Internet Marketing Webmaster SEO Forum

        For our autoblogs...
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2845013].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author LetsGoViral
    Ok, I have done my fair share of autoblogging and while I haven't made millions I have made and been making some decent money on autopilot.

    From my experience the most important thing for an autoblog is good keyword selection that you are going to blog on (little competition) and backlinks.

    I have autoblogs with zero backlinks getting several hundred hits a day, but these are very, very, very specific niches with very, very specific keywords (and quite rare). If you can find niches like these - good for you. If not - look for keywords that have potential for 1st site ranking in the long term and do some backlinking. Have your autoblog post about 5 posts a day. You can eventually increase to ~16. More than 20 is not recommended.
    Time of thinking is over.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2844986].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author wrc1010
      Originally Posted by LetsGoViral View Post

      Ok, I have done my fair share of autoblogging and while I haven't made millions I have made and been making some decent money on autopilot.

      From my experience the most important thing for an autoblog is good keyword selection that you are going to blog on (little competition) and backlinks.

      I have autoblogs with zero backlinks getting several hundred hits a day, but these are very, very, very specific niches with very, very specific keywords (and quite rare). If you can find niches like these - good for you. If not - look for keywords that have potential for 1st site ranking in the long term and do some backlinking. Have your autoblog post about 5 posts a day. You can eventually increase to ~16. More than 20 is not recommended.
      I thought it will not have enough articles or no articles if we find a very, very, very specific keywords that have no or less competitions to use with wprobot to scrape back articles and post to our autoblogs unless we write our self.

      So any idea or solution?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2847714].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Enviouz
    I guess you may fool Google robots, but if your site gets reviewed by human; they may ban your thrasy sites anyway.

    Then the question is how successful autobloggers avoid this issue?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2845482].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author enderZ
    Originally Posted by garyv View Post

    Thanks for clarifying that. So in otherwords there would be no need for a service such as this one: Xrumer Blast - UNLIMITED Backlinks*anchor text - ********** - Affiliate Marketing Forum - Internet Marketing Webmaster SEO Forum

    For our autoblogs...
    Please read my other posts in this thread, I have several autoblogs which are making money, they are white hat and I wouldn't use xrumer on them or recommend anyone to do so.

    I (and many others who chose this tactic) have quite a few blackhat autoblogs "mini empire" used as SEO support (e.g., the backlink basement) these babies can be backlinked in any chosen way...

    Originally Posted by Tum View Post


    Am trying to figure out what you mean by this ?
    Obviously with autoblogs, the every post has not been optiimized for anything but 1 keyword or phrased that WProbot posted it by !

    So your explanation above, is all about posting backlinks, about most posts that get posted, with keywords in the anchor text, directed towards the post, and not the main page ?

    So in effect, we post anchored texted backlinks for the main page, with the keywords we want to start with, then post deeplink anchor texted backlinks, directed to the different posts, with new keywords/phrases, directed towards the actual post (but obviously slightly in the same context as the main keywords were targetting) ?

    ie... If the main autoblog is about "weight loss", the homepage of the blog is mostly keyword towards this.

    But then the autoposting brings in a post about "dieting without exercise", then we put some deeplinks out, with anchor texts directing towards "dieting without exercise", rather than just weight loss ?

    Also, if this is right, do you usually have your main (home) page of the blog, posting the latest posts, or with a static page, as to get it correctly targeted for seo ?
    Generally you got the point, you'll need to create your own specific SEO strategy though. Just keep in mind that we are not going to do any extra work to SEO any specific keyword... (but it is always a nice bonus if we can do it on the way).

    My autoblogs don't use a static page, latest posts are on the homepage.

    Originally Posted by Enviouz View Post

    I guess you may fool Google robots, but if your site gets reviewed by human; they may ban your thrasy sites anyway.

    Then the question is how successful autobloggers avoid this issue?
    The best way to avoid banning by human reviews (which in my experience happen to ALL adsense sites eventually) is to create an autoblog that when YOU/your friends look at random posts the worst reaction is "hmmm... well, it might be interesting for someone".

    If you have a WHY you can go through almost any HOW

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2846600].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author yasser
    does anyone think before that autoblogging is kind of cheating to google, google advertisers and original content writers. do you think that earning money this way is good. Any ideas.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2847885].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author cassie_camay
      Originally Posted by yasser View Post

      does anyone think before that autoblogging is kind of cheating to google, google advertisers and original content writers. do you think that earning money this way is good. Any ideas.
      it would be cheating if the contents are not original and they are all fake. Google will still find them out if they are not original and they are just copy pasted.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2854189].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author trishworks4u
        Originally Posted by cassie_camay View Post

        it would be cheating if the contents are not original and they are all fake. Google will still find them out if they are not original and they are just copy pasted.

        complete and utter and ignorance. that's all I'm going to say because I'm trying to be a nicer person. :rolleyes:

        I think the biggest mistake that anyone can make when jumping into the autoblogging arena is putting entirely too much emphasis on the "AUTO"

        There is no such thing. With almost 500 autoblogs, I can tell you that these things are not "set and forget". They require constant attention and monitoring.

        If you turn your back long enough, you could have a block of 30 sites down for weeks and never know it. My 4 outsourcers actually do what we call "Friday Site Checks" - where they go a certain # of sites and look at the home page and several post pages... then report the errors to me.

        Don't even get me started on hosting issues with that many sites. That's a whole new thread.

        Good stuff here though - appreciate the read.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2856688].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Rsberg
        Originally Posted by cassie_camay View Post

        it would be cheating if the contents are not original and they are all fake. Google will still find them out if they are not original and they are just copy pasted.

        I appreciate that everyone has and is entitled to an opinion but I have seen a few of your posts (all related to autoblogging) and it's obvious you don't support or believe in autoblogging.

        If that's the case then why do you continue to get involved in threads where people are seeking advice/help in regards to autoblogging?

        If you had something genuine to add to the conversation I would have no problem with your continued posting but most of your replies/posts have a negative connotation and you only seem to be here to put down others ideas. You do realize that there are SEVERAL people on this forum who are VERY SUCCESSFUL with autoblogging dont you? Just because you say its junk or doesnt work doesnt make it so....

        Just because you either can't or don't want to make it work doesn't mean it doesnt work...
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2886702].message }}
        • HI fellow worriors,
          I have setup an 1 autoblog in july and it ranked #12 on day 1 where it stayed for about a week then it hit firstpage fast forward 2 months it is at #2 beating walmart, amazon, and other big companies. I am hoping to hit #1 but not sure because the person in that spot has a ton of backlinks whice I have not built one single backlink. I have a all free wp-plugins all free content all free traffic only cost I have is the domain and very cheap hosting $4 a month. I have made some adsense money with it have not monitized it with affiliate or cpa offers. The daily traffic thru awstats 30-100 daily it is my best website as far as earnings. I wanted to post this to see if this is worth doing or will I get my adsense account banned.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2886875].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author lefty359
    How is it cheating Google? People put their content out there for syndication. Article directories allow you to grab articles as long as you keep links in place. I want my content grabbed by oher as long as they play by the rules. There's nothing wrong with Autoblogs, just play fair and keep authors' links intact.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2849672].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author enderZ
      Originally Posted by lefty359 View Post

      How is it cheating Google? People put their content out there for syndication. Article directories allow you to grab articles as long as you keep links in place. I want my content grabbed by oher as long as they play by the rules. There's nothing wrong with Autoblogs, just play fair and keep authors' links intact.

      Btw, by this way of thinking google are cheating themselfs with google news, aren't they?

      If you have a WHY you can go through almost any HOW

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  • Profile picture of the author Enviouz
    It's not so much about cheating Google, but some trashy autoblog sites do not add any value to the internet community. It is that "adding value" that I guess Google wants to promote.

    I am attracted to do AutoBlogging. That's why the discussions so far have been very interesting so far. Thanks to everyone.
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  • Profile picture of the author Enviouz
    Thank you enderZ, I think I am almost there...

    Originally Posted by enderZ View Post

    The best way to avoid banning by human reviews (which in my experience happen to ALL adsense sites eventually) is to create an autoblog that when YOU/your friends look at random posts the worst reaction is "hmmm... well, it might be interesting for someone".
    How do you make our autopost "interesting"? My understanding is that we automate this using a plugin, e.g. WP Robot. The choice of articles or uniqueness is not something that we can fully control? So, whatelse do we have to do? Do you manually edit posts or delete irrelevant contents? Is there specific sources that we should get from?

    Originally Posted by enderZ View Post

    My autoblogs don't use a static page, latest posts are on the homepage.
    Extending on that topic, where do you put your advertisements? do you place ad images on the page or do you place affiliate links within the article of the posts (is that even possible with autobloggin)? Just want you to discuss how do we monetize it?

    Aslo, Is displaying Amazon product review and link to Amazon a good idea?

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  • Profile picture of the author fm1234
    There were a couple of great threads on WF before about setting up "semi-automated" blogs using Google Reader and Alerts in conjunction with some choice WP plugins. They were great threads, highly productive and relevant to the topic.



    Second one has two or three follow-up posts too.

    The second method, Tim Dixon's post, works really well, and while not a true autoblog produces some serious content fodder. The more you use Reader and Alerts to help with content, the better you get at it, both in terms of the quality you're adding to your site and in the efficiency with which you churn it out.

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  • Profile picture of the author dexterfulton
    There has been some really good advice being shared on this thread about Auto-Blogging; and if you're really serious about building sites that run on auto-pilot, then treat them like you would treat your personal blog.

    Auto-blogging takes a tremendous amount of effort in the beginning to get it up that hill, but once you reach the top it's worth the initial effort. However, after 3 years of being online... I haven't seen any automation that's completely hands-off. Not even the high-priced submission software being sold by some of the Gurus.

    So, be sure to check your blogs on a schedule to make sure they're posting correctly and nothing out of the ordinary has happened.

    And you will definitely need to build links internally and externally. This is not an option!
    Simple steps for DOMINATING your local market with a "Proven Formula" from a credible Atlanta based Search Engine Marketing Company
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  • Profile picture of the author Randy Daugherty
    Great share...kindly let me know what do you use? do you have software?
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  • Profile picture of the author Kelvin Brown
    Someone mentioned earlier in this thread that you cannot SEO your blog because it is grabbing content from elsewhere.

    Wrong answer.

    First, it's your blog, and you can edit it manually any time you want. You could look at spending 20 minutes a week to do nothing but check the post titles on your blog or blogs and edit them as needed for SEO.

    2nd, depending on the software, you can pick and choose which articles (sources) you want to use for adding to your site. If the source seems to , too often use bad SEO for titles, choose another source.

    I highly recommend using wordpress. In almost any theme you can add categories to the sidebar, and the thing is, is to make do seo on the category. Use long tail for the category name.

    As already mentioned, there are lots of things you can do to improve SEO on auto blogs.


    Kelvin Brown

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  • Profile picture of the author maddydp
    Get carty's autoblog software. It has a lot of reviews and great support as Carty is Warrior member.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rex.T
    Originally Posted by enderZ View Post

    Myth - long tail keyword don't need SEO they will be ranked high cause they are long tail, since autoblogs aim to long tails, no need to SEO it = BULL****.
    ...but when I bought the software, the salesletter said I just have to set it and forget it, and the money will come pouring in!!!

    lol...Enderz, you're spot on...it not only happens in autoblogging, but IM in general. People will always fall for quick easy ways to make money, and often the salesletters made it out as such.

    Just look at some of the IM launches :rolleyes:
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  • Profile picture of the author dagaul101
    It's great you can succeed with autoblogging, but as you found out and most people find out early on, and the reason why they quit is their blogs can be banned pretty swiftly
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    • Profile picture of the author Rex.T
      Originally Posted by dagaul101 View Post

      It's great you can succeed with autoblogging, but as you found out and most people find out early on, and the reason why they quit is their blogs can be banned pretty swiftly
      3 reasons to that...

      #1, they didn't bother to make their blog more unique in terms of the template, as well as the generated content

      #2, no proper SEO was done

      #3, getting some of your sites deindexed is part of the game plan, especially for someone new. It's like expecting a rookie to win 100% at the blackjack table, or wanting to learn martial arts without getting a few knocks and bruises...I call this unrealistic expectations.
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  • Profile picture of the author franamico
    Hey, I have 2 autoblogs and after a 2--3 months I am pleasantly noticing that they're getting more and more traffic. I think that, in order to not be sand boxed, you must be patient and set your daily posts to a small number (e.g., 2 to 5/day).

    I chose to not turn the "rewrite content" option for 2 reasons:

    1) You need the authorization author and you might be accused of plagiarism

    2) automatic rewrite functions are still quite rudimental. The content produced is pretty much unreadable and needs serious attention if you want it to be read

    And, yes you want your autoblog to be seriously SEO optimized.
    Adding keywords in the the title is very powerful (e.g., Keyword|title)

    Another great advantage of autoblogs is that they post on twitter and ping your posts automatically...

    Anyway...food for thought...
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  • Profile picture of the author Enviouz
    Do you think AutoBlog Sites are better suited for promoting physical products that you can find in Amazon, online-shops, etc?

    Or is it better for promoting information and services type of products, e.g. finding insurance, lawyers, etc.

    Also, whether the quality of articles are more difficult to achieve in services industry.
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  • Profile picture of the author banggates
    maybe. i will continue with it.

    i was failed before
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  • Profile picture of the author dejurs2000
    I read an E-book (forgot what its called) and it said that the best way to ensure your auto blog doesn't get punished by search engines is to change the content a bit. Is this true ? Isn't that against the principle of auto blogging itself ?

    If i get this correctly from all the posts up there, its all about building backlinks for auto blogs, since the content itself already take care the keywords.

    I'm using Auto Blog Samurai now, will let you know how it goes....

    Hide your affiliate links for FREE ! Download your copy of Cloaker Buzz - Link Cloaking Software

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2857551].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author IMStudentforlife
      I found my answer finally about "wp-o-matic" and other RSS Aggregate programs.

      It was as I suspected.
      Old School SEO and IM, 1MediaZone

      Running low on inspiration?
      The Strangest Secret in the World
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    • Profile picture of the author Enviouz
      Originally Posted by dejurs2000 View Post

      I read an E-book (forgot what its called) and it said that the best way to ensure your auto blog doesn't get punished by search engines is to change the content a bit. Is this true ? Isn't that against the principle of auto blogging itself ?

      If i get this correctly from all the posts up there, its all about building backlinks for auto blogs, since the content itself already take care the keywords.

      I'm using Auto Blog Samurai now, will let you know how it goes....
      On "Auto Blog Samurai", I tried it and the way they make the article unique is to use the translation functionality which you translate it from English to another and then back to English. The outcome? is pretty rubbish from readability point of view. So you win on being unique, but who is going to read it?

      Well of course you can always read the article and manually re-write it. But that kind of defeats the purpose of auto-blogging, doesn't it?

      Being unique is not the end goal. Google does not ban you because you have duplicate contents from someone-else's websites. They will consider you unfavorably if you duplicate contents within your own domain of course.

      The web is full of duplicate contents, people quoting other people's statements, etc. A lot of news sites publish the same articles from different agencies that are published else-where. In this case, what Google would do is display only one unique content on the result page. The question that I don't know is on what basis Google will decide to display because they may accidentally pick on the wrong source of that content.

      Now, when i said that the goal is not to make it unique; courtesy becomes important. So, if you borrow someone's article then give the owner the the respect he deserves by giving a reference to his website.

      That's why I do like enderZ's method of displaying articles as is, i.e. verbatim. Which means you can't be blamed for messing around with the content. However, what I am still waiting to find out is whether there is a link back to the source website. Can you comment on that enderZ?
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      • Profile picture of the author enderZ
        Originally Posted by Enviouz View Post

        That's why I do like enderZ's method of displaying articles as is, i.e. verbatim. Which means you can't be blamed for messing around with the content. However, what I am still waiting to find out is whether there is a link back to the source website. Can you comment on that enderZ?
        I of course leave ALL links intact I want EVERYONE to be happy with me = the original article writers (they get a backlink) the article directory, google, users and of course me

        Originally Posted by ShaLiam View Post

        Hard to say without knowing what your marketing or who for (adsense, amazon, clickbank, commission junction). If you intend to write 50 to 100 articles (2 a week) why not create your own master money site for your unique content only, then create autoblogs around it with one way links going to your master unique site. You can pick up incremental income from the auto blogs and leverage your unique content for bigger dollars.
        FYI Drew Clement is 100% right.
        To the autoblog nay-sayers. I write a lot of original content for my clients, I hope and pray others grab the rss feed and reposts my stories as long as i get the credit and the links stay intact. No one is stealing from me, its called promotion. When google sees 10's 100's and 1000's of repeated stories its called RELEVANCE. If some one puts content in a rss feed they want it circulated, what do you think news aggregators do. Its only cheating if you remove the links and remove the authors name and take the stroy for your own.
        ^^ This, and exactly this ^^

        Originally Posted by sandienicole View Post

        I think manually blogging is still better, isn't it?
        I think gold mining is even better!

        Originally Posted by n3on View Post

        most people fail because they dont care about unique content which is of utmost importance ! People use wp robot and get trash content and then complain that their blogs are not ranking and thus no traffic !
        Many people fail cause they hold their own mistaken opinion without reading what so many others with vast experience say, they prefer to stand by the windows and shout their incorrect facts...

        Originally Posted by winsonong View Post

        Hi enderZ,
        Hope you still follow this thread and show my questions:
        1) "99% of autoblogging for free (except paying for hosting ~10$/month)"
        WPRobot can auto post to blogger.com?

        2) first month: light bookmarking (10-20) and RSS submission.
        second month: ~30 web 2.0 properties creation linking to random pages on the autoblog. I do tier 2&3 link building to the above properties.
        3rd month: double the 2nd month.
        4th month: double the 3rd month.
        5th month and on... like the second month or nothing, depends on how much the autoblog makes.

        How to do so many backlinks for hundreds blogs?
        Did you just depends on the backlinks plugin?

        3) what is the backlinks plugin name?
        how the auto backlinks building work?

        4) confuse how you enable to use the articles submitter to set and forget it because it need to write fresh article before submit it to article directory? Even there is spin software, but we have to prepare article at the beginning, right?

        5) what is the average traffic vol to your autoblog?

        6) do you include "category" when doing the "permalink" setting?
        Well, I was busy recently, so sorry for the late reply, anyway:
        1. don't know never worked with blogger, I hear it is long behind wordpress, so why bother?

        2. No, I don't depend only on the backlink plugin. Anyway this is a very good question. I personally won't invest that much time in hundreds of blogs at the same time. After lots of testing I say: Don't go for hundreds of blogs that will make you ~1$/day, for for dozens that will make ~10$/day. The nice thing about autoblog is that when they "start to run" you can leave them, so for me after the 5th month, I do NOTHING with the blog, just leave it to have its own life.

        3. Hmmm... don't want to name if for numerous reasons but if you are insistent enough you can find it yourself

        4. Right, you need to create the basic article, and then spin it. To do it in mass you'll need to find an automation solution. My luck I'm a programmer so I didn't need to outsource it, but with some imagination and a bit of cash you can outsource it and get your own auto-spinner...

        5. Hmmm.. it really varies from one blog to the other but when it reaches 1000UV/day Im happy.

        6. I try to, but it depends how I create the autoblog. I think it is good, but never saw an actual prove of it in SEO aspects.

        Originally Posted by QuinNguyen View Post

        Another reason: Bad keyword choice.

        High monthly search + Low Competition are what you should aim for autoblog.
        Since an autoblog shoots out hundreds/thousands of posts which means tons of longtail, the problem might be in a bad niche selection but not in keyword selection, since you don't choose specific keywords.

        I have one autoblogs, that gets over 1000UV/day with more than 50 adsense clicks a day! it makes less then 3 poor $/day... very very bad niche!

        If you have a WHY you can go through almost any HOW

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  • Profile picture of the author Paleochora
    Great thread.

    I have a question about domain names in your SEO process.

    There are a number of authoritative sources which advocate that, while doing niche and keyword research, if you can not get an exact match domain name in .com, .net or .org then don't bother and move on to another niche/keyword.

    Others say different...for example to get a niche-generic domain name and add any number of sub-domains for specific key word niches (example: getting the domain name vacuumcleaners .com and then adding, say, buyreconditioned.vacuumcleaners .com). This way saves a bunch of money and ensures that the exact keyword phrase is within your domain name.

    I am sure you have done loads of testing on stuff like this. What is your policy on domain names for your autoblogs?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2857932].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author trishworks4u
      my domain names have absolutely nothing to do with my niches - usually :rolleyes:

      I buy used domains so that wouldn't be possible, or I should say feasible. Just my strategy, though. Doesn't mean it wouldn't work the other way too.

      However, using "seasoned" domains gives you jump on indexing and I can tell you that with 500 autoblogs, I have had not one single site de-indexed since I started. ( have to go find some wood to knock on now)
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2858118].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Paleochora
        Originally Posted by trishworks4u View Post

        my domain names have absolutely nothing to do with my niches - usually :rolleyes:

        I buy used domains so that wouldn't be possible, or I should say feasible. Just my strategy, though. Doesn't mean it wouldn't work the other way too.

        However, using "seasoned" domains gives you jump on indexing and I can tell you that with 500 autoblogs, I have had not one single site de-indexed since I started. ( have to go find some wood to knock on now)
        I looked into seasoned domains a while back and I found them to be prohibitively expensive....even the ones which were not so old.

        What sort of prices do you expect to pay? Maybe I was looking in the wrong places.
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  • Profile picture of the author enderZ
    Originally Posted by Tum View Post

    Thanks for that ! The layout info i was wanting to know, was the layout you usually have your autoblogs on using WProbot.

    Something like this.

    ** Amazon Product **

    ** Article **

    ** Clickbank Product **

    ** Yahoo Q/As **

    Just this sort of layout ?

    Am trying to get a layout that can post 1 post a day, like you said for 1 month, then increase it to 2 posts a day for the 2nd month and so on.

    But i didnt want to get the template wrong and have to much stuff in each post (if you know what i mean !)

    Or do you maybe have a template like that for 1 post every 3 days, then a slightly different template for the next day for every 3 days. And a third for the 3rd day. Then every day a different template for 3 days, then back to the first template ?
    I use one template for all posts (more or less in the structure you offered), and I try to put AS MUCH relevant info on it. Wouldn't the SE (and people!) appreciate findind various kind of info about the same "issue"/"keyword" in the same place? Isn't that the reason many aggregators are so successfully trafficated?

    Originally Posted by Enviouz View Post

    Do you think AutoBlog Sites are better suited for promoting physical products that you can find in Amazon, online-shops, etc?

    Or is it better for promoting information and services type of products, e.g. finding insurance, lawyers, etc.

    Also, whether the quality of articles are more difficult to achieve in services industry.
    I think they are suited to all kind of niches as long as the niches are big enough (no use in creating an autoblog on a tiny niche) and has high priced products (won't be too god to create an autoblog about poetry...)

    Originally Posted by dejurs2000 View Post

    I read an E-book (forgot what its called) and it said that the best way to ensure your auto blog doesn't get punished by search engines is to change the content a bit. Is this true ? Isn't that against the principle of auto blogging itself ?

    If i get this correctly from all the posts up there, its all about building backlinks for auto blogs, since the content itself already take care the keywords.

    I'm using Auto Blog Samurai now, will let you know how it goes....
    It is true, more than that you can write the content from the first place
    You should put work into your autoblog as I wrote, but you should draw the line when it finishes to be auto...

    Originally Posted by Paleochora View Post

    Great thread.

    I have a question about domain names in your SEO process.

    There are a number of authoritative sources which advocate that, while doing niche and keyword research, if you can not get an exact match domain name in .com, .net or .org then don't bother and move on to another niche/keyword.

    Others say different...for example to get a niche-generic domain name and add any number of sub-domains for specific key word niches (example: getting the domain name vacuumcleaners .com and then adding, say, buyreconditioned.vacuumcleaners .com). This way saves a bunch of money and ensures that the exact keyword phrase is within your domain name.

    I am sure you have done loads of testing on stuff like this. What is your policy on domain names for your autoblogs?
    I don't put any effort in choosing domain names for autoblogs (I do put much effort for my regular blogs though), since we don't target any specific keyword the autoblog name should be as general to the niche as possible.

    If you have a WHY you can go through almost any HOW

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  • Profile picture of the author Enviouz
    I just want to say thank you to enderZ for sharing your views in this thread.
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  • Profile picture of the author Buyseech
    Hi guys,

    I would like your thoughts on my way of working with autoblogs.

    I am awaiting my first one ( which is being designed and created as we speak ). I have targeted a specific niche for which I have about about 100 low competition keywords with high exact search counts. These are also high CPC kws.

    My plan is to make an "authority" site in this niche with autobloging and besides fetching content from other sources I intend to put my own 50-100 articles/posts on them. I plan to backlink solely my pages/posts as well as the domain itself.

    What do you think I should look out for? Any suggestions or comments regarding this path?

    Thanks in advance.

    Sincerely, Buyseech
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2881230].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author enderZ
      Originally Posted by Buyseech View Post

      Hi guys,

      I would like your thoughts on my way of working with autoblogs.

      I am awaiting my first one ( which is being designed and created as we speak ). I have targeted a specific niche for which I have about about 100 low competition keywords with high exact search counts. These are also high CPC kws.

      My plan is to make an "authority" site in this niche with autobloging and besides fetching content from other sources I intend to put my own 50-100 articles/posts on them. I plan to backlink solely my pages/posts as well as the domain itself.

      What do you think I should look out for? Any suggestions or comments regarding this path?

      Thanks in advance.

      Sincerely, Buyseech
      Hmm... I have some thoughts but my main thought is:

      This is not an Autoblog! Its a "regular" blog/site with unique/duplicated content combined.

      I think that the basic thing about autoblog is that it is automatically (and basically forever) growing with new content...

      Btw, many times when I want to create 1 landing pages sites, I do that and put 20-50 relevant copied articles.

      Originally Posted by DrewClement View Post

      This thread has been incredibly enlightening for a lot of people in many ways, and I definitely commend the OP for standing up and sharing so much information.

      On the other hand, it has been incredibly painful to sit back and watch how many complete false notions are out there and how many myths have been spawned that have no legitimacy at all.

      Proper autoblogs are easy to run, give credit to original authors, link back to the site where the content came from, CAN become authority sites are are LOVED by Google.

      Yes there are BlueFart autoblogs, yes there are bluefart autoblogs, yes there are ebony hat autoblogs.....just as with any other niche, tool, system.

      The low grade, rushed, purely black hate autoblogs can make money..but die off fast.

      The proper, well built, cared for, maintained, legitimate autoblogs can truly become profitable for years and years on end.

      And Google absolutely loves them.

      If you have a WHY you can go through almost any HOW

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2886596].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ShaLiam
      Originally Posted by Buyseech View Post

      Hi guys,

      I would like your thoughts on my way of working with autoblogs.

      I am awaiting my first one ( which is being designed and created as we speak ). I have targeted a specific niche for which I have about about 100 low competition keywords with high exact search counts. These are also high CPC kws.

      My plan is to make an "authority" site in this niche with autobloging and besides fetching content from other sources I intend to put my own 50-100 articles/posts on them. I plan to backlink solely my pages/posts as well as the domain itself.

      What do you think I should look out for? Any suggestions or comments regarding this path?

      Thanks in advance.

      Sincerely, Buyseech
      Hard to say without knowing what your marketing or who for (adsense, amazon, clickbank, commission junction). If you intend to write 50 to 100 articles (2 a week) why not create your own master money site for your unique content only, then create autoblogs around it with one way links going to your master unique site. You can pick up incremental income from the auto blogs and leverage your unique content for bigger dollars.
      FYI Drew Clement is 100% right.
      To the autoblog nay-sayers. I write a lot of original content for my clients, I hope and pray others grab the rss feed and reposts my stories as long as i get the credit and the links stay intact. No one is stealing from me, its called promotion. When google sees 10's 100's and 1000's of repeated stories its called RELEVANCE. If some one puts content in a rss feed they want it circulated, what do you think news aggregators do. Its only cheating if you remove the links and remove the authors name and take the stroy for your own.


      Buy a benefit, live your dreams. Never buy a dream to get a benefit.
      Am I the only person not allowed links to his sites in his signature.


      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2912406].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author DrewClement
    This thread has been incredibly enlightening for a lot of people in many ways, and I definitely commend the OP for standing up and sharing so much information.

    On the other hand, it has been incredibly painful to sit back and watch how many complete false notions are out there and how many myths have been spawned that have no legitimacy at all.

    Proper autoblogs are easy to run, give credit to original authors, link back to the site where the content came from, CAN become authority sites are are LOVED by Google.

    Yes there are blackhat autoblogs, yes there are bluefart autoblogs, yes there are ebony hat autoblogs.....just as with any other niche, tool, system.

    The low grade, rushed, purely black hate autoblogs can make money..but die off fast.

    The proper, well built, cared for, maintained, legitimate autoblogs can truly become profitable for years and years on end.

    And Google absolutely loves them.

    50% Commission, Proven Products, and MASSIVE Profits

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2881481].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author wendymay1
    I've never heard about auto blogging, however I always have my ears open to opportunities. Knowledge is power. Thanks for your valuable information.
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  • Profile picture of the author sandienicole
    I think manually blogging is still better, isn't it?
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    • Profile picture of the author Rsberg
      Originally Posted by sandienicole View Post

      I think manually blogging is still better, isn't it?

      If by "manually" you mean only unique content and if by "better" you mean less of a chance to have your blog lost then the answer is probably yes.

      Let me explain...

      Blogs with only unique content are certainly considered by most to be the best way to go, and you most likely won't lose them somehow.

      Having said that there are some things to remember with this approach as well:

      1. Time it takes to build, grow and maintain the site - lots of regular maintenance
      2. Expense of outsourcing articles (if you're like me and hate to write them)
      3. Time spent trying to regularly come up with "fresh" yet relevant content...there is a fair amount of research involved here where as "auto" blogging this is much less of a concern.

      I'm sure there is more but these spring to mind quickly.

      Auto blogging isn't for everyone, no doubt, however it is a valid approach to IM and as you can see by this thread and several others related to it...

      It does make money, is quite popular and isn't going anywhere anytime soon.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2917332].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author n3on
    most people fail because they dont care about unique content which is of utmost importance ! People use wp robot and get trash content and then complain that their blogs are not ranking and thus no traffic !
    Want To Buy Authority Sites?
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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2917268].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Rsberg
      Originally Posted by n3on View Post

      most people fail because they dont care about unique content which is of utmost importance ! People use wp robot and get trash content and then complain that their blogs are not ranking and thus no traffic !

      Simply not true!

      Most people fail with autoblogging because they don't respect thier blogs enough or promote them properly.

      If you had actually taken time to read this thread (or others like it from those who are successful with auto blogging) instead of doing a "drive by" then you might learn that just like any other approach to IM, auto blogging can work...it just depends on how you use the tools that are available and how much effort you put into it. Just because it's "auto" doesnt mean it really is "set it and forget it".

      Auto Blogging takes work just like any other form of IM.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2917354].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author winsonong
    Hi enderZ,
    Hope you still follow this thread and show my questions:
    1) "99% of autoblogging for free (except paying for hosting ~10$/month)"
    WPRobot can auto post to blogger.com?

    2) first month: light bookmarking (10-20) and RSS submission.
    second month: ~30 web 2.0 properties creation linking to random pages on the autoblog. I do tier 2&3 link building to the above properties.
    3rd month: double the 2nd month.
    4th month: double the 3rd month.
    5th month and on... like the second month or nothing, depends on how much the autoblog makes.

    How to do so many backlinks for hundreds blogs?
    Did you just depends on the backlinks plugin?

    3) what is the backlinks plugin name?
    how the auto backlinks building work?

    4) confuse how you enable to use the articles submitter to set and forget it because it need to write fresh article before submit it to article directory? Even there is spin software, but we have to prepare article at the beginning, right?

    5) what is the average traffic vol to your autoblog?

    6) do you include "category" when doing the "permalink" setting?
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    • Profile picture of the author Rex.T
      Hi and sorry to buzz in even though you didn't direct the question to me but hope that I can provide some pointers.

      However, only continue reading if you can stomach the brutal truth. Otherwise, you might be offended.

      >1) "99% of autoblogging for free (except paying for hosting ~10$/month)"
      WPRobot can auto post to blogger.com?

      Depends on what tyoe of autoblogging software you're using. If it's WPR, then it's a WP plugin, obviously you would need your own WP blog.

      I'm not familiar with other autoblogging tools though.

      >2) first month: light bookmarking (10-20) and RSS submission.
      second month: ~30 web 2.0 properties creation linking to random pages on the autoblog. I do tier 2&3 link building to the above properties.
      3rd month: double the 2nd month.
      4th month: double the 3rd month.
      5th month and on... like the second month or nothing, depends on how much the autoblog makes.
      How to do so many backlinks for hundreds blogs?
      Did you just depends on the backlinks plugin?

      If you want to learn SEO, then master it. Stop listening to all the 'noise' around it, including mine. What we all offer are just based on our own experience, and you'll notice that different people will have different styles of tackling the competition. Some white, some gray, and some black.

      Don't ask me specifics of those techniques as I ain't gonna discuss blackhat stuff here. For whitehat SEO, there's already plenty of info.

      One tip though, STOP being paralysed by 'details' as in number of bookmarks, submissions, etc. There can never be too many links, contrary to what some people believe. If it's so easy to screw up by having too many links, I'd easily mess up my competitors ranking in order for me to move up. Doesn't work that way.

      3) what is the backlinks plugin name?
      how the auto backlinks building work?

      Autobacklinks? Not sure what you mean. Article submission is considered autobacklinks??

      4) confuse how you enable to use the articles submitter to set and forget it because it need to write fresh article before submit it to article directory? Even there is spin software, but we have to prepare article at the beginning, right?

      Of course you still need to write the article. If you really think that set and forget means you don't even need to write the seed article, or spin it, you really should get your mindset right before even thinking of starting out in IM.

      This is not an ATM machine.

      >5) what is the average traffic vol to your autoblog?

      What the heck do you care about traffic only? You can have 1K visitors a day and yet still make peanuts. Or you can have just $1k a month, and make quite a tidy sum!

      >6) do you include "category" when doing the "permalink" setting?

      Yes and no. Some I do, some I don't. Guess what, it doesn't really matter much if your SEO is strong enough. It'll get ranked anyway

      Fix your mindset rather than fixing the knowhow. When you have the right mindset, the knowhow will come.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2950167].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author mathmo
        Originally Posted by Rex.T View Post

        >1) "99% of autoblogging for free (except paying for hosting ~10$/month)"
        WPRobot can auto post to blogger.com?

        blogger != wordpress

        Note: The WP in WPRobot stands for Wordpress
        Depends on what tyoe of autoblogging software you're using. If it's WPR, then it's a WP plugin, obviously you would need your own WP blog.

        Originally Posted by Rex.T View Post

        How to do so many backlinks for hundreds blogs?
        Did you just depends on the backlinks plugin?
        yes, there are various tricks to getting large amounts of backlinks in a fairly automatic manner.

        Which is what this is all about: automatic

        You're willing to tolerate a slightly lower quality for getting it done with much less of your effort.

        Originally Posted by Rex.T View Post

        One tip though, STOP being paralysed by 'details' as in number of bookmarks, submissions, etc. There can never be too many links, contrary to what some people believe. If it's so easy to screw up by having too many links, I'd easily mess up my competitors ranking in order for me to move up. Doesn't work that way.
        Actually there are ways to sabotage the competition if you wish to be unethical.

        And regarding getting too many links.. generally a true statement, although there is such a thing as link velocity etc

        Originally Posted by Rex.T View Post

        Article submission is considered autobacklinks??
        Depends on how "auto" the article submission is...

        Originally Posted by Rex.T View Post

        4) confuse how you enable to use the articles submitter to set and forget it because it need to write fresh article before submit it to article directory? Even there is spin software, but we have to prepare article at the beginning, right?
        They can pull the starting articles from elsewhere on the web without you needing to do anything other than set it up.

        Originally Posted by Rex.T View Post

        Of course you still need to write the article. If you really think that set and forget means you don't even need to write the seed article, or spin it, you really should get your mindset right before even thinking of starting out in IM.
        You're wrong. Although you do need to monitor your sites to make sure they haven't gone haywire, but otherwise you just let them run.

        Originally Posted by Rex.T View Post

        >6) do you include "category" when doing the "permalink" setting?

        Yes and no. Some I do, some I don't. Guess what, it doesn't really matter much if your SEO is strong enough. It'll get ranked anyway
        I'd recommend reading what I posted earlier about permalinks and wordpress. Be careful you don't choose a structure like you said otherwise in the case of an autoblog which will become VERY large you will get a large performance hit [although is ok for small sites]:
        Category in Permalinks Considered Harmful » Otto on WordPress
        [wp-testers] Wordpress scaling problems

        Originally Posted by Wordpress.org

        For performance reasons, it is not a good idea to start your permalink structure with the category, tag, author, or postname fields. The reason is that these are text fields, and using them at the beginning of your permalink structure it takes more time for WordPress to distinguish your Post URLs from Page URLs (which always use the text "page slug" as the URL), and to compensate, WordPress stores a lot of extra information in its database (so much that sites with lots of Pages have experienced difficulties). So, it is best to have at least two path segments in your post's permalink structure such as /%year%/%post_name%/ or even /posts/%post_name/. (Some people recommend /%post_id%/%post_name%/ which works for performance reasons but others recommend against it because it is unfriendly to users in the many contexts in which users interact with URLs.)
        note: I've just gone and quoted Rex.T in each instance... although in some cases it should be double quotes with the earlier poster, but meh... Rex.T quoted in a very unusual manner and I can't be bothered fixing it
        Terso IT: for Web Development and SEO Latest blog post, on the mindset of outsourcing: How to Outsource: 2 kinds, which are you?
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2950374].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author mathmo
    Is enderZ an AutoForumer? Is this an AutoThread?

    Am I one, is this an AutoPost? :p
    Terso IT: for Web Development and SEO Latest blog post, on the mindset of outsourcing: How to Outsource: 2 kinds, which are you?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2945555].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author QuinNguyen
    Another reason: Bad keyword choice.

    High monthly search + Low Competition are what you should aim for autoblog.
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  • Profile picture of the author nonamewm666
    First, thanks for you post enderz , you the the nicest person i have see on internet so far. I am a newbie and I have an autoblog (I bought it). The one who sell me the blog ditch with me 0 support after i paid him. And I have been doing research for 6 month and I am still kind of lost. So i hope you can answer my few questions.

    1. my blog is a WP blog with News content. And it uses wp-o-matic and pull 2 news sources every 30 mins and another 2 news sources every 1h day + 5 hours. and after 6 months ,the site has 20k posts. so am I pulling too much ? have too make post on my site ?if need to decrease the amount and what will be the right number ?

    2. I have a lot of backlink pointing to my index and the index show the recent update post , is it good or bad ?, should I make the index with non-change content ?

    3. I dont see any anchor text on the site beside the tags and the "recent post link" on the widget. and my site has very low $click rate, today i have 28click and only make 2 little bucks. is it this is the reason why my click$ is such horrible , if yes , is there any plug in in WP will do this good ?

    4. I made another autoblog myself with the same method , and the only thing i am missing now is now to do backlink , I read your post and you recommended the one you are using now (i dont know if it is for backlink or for articles sumit, because i am confuse with this 2 ). But i found it is a bit to pricey for me. And it is not really the price problem . It is I dont think i can handle one more time get scam, I love this biz but at the same time , everytime I get scammed and it made me feel really bad and wanted to give up. So is there any free stuffs i can use. Of course i know it may not do a very good job , but i want somethings that will do the job but not get ban by google adsense.

    5. from what i have told you , do you think google will ban my site soon ?

    6. if google ban an autoblog (no blackhat) , will they ban the whole adsnese account of just ban the site only. ?

    thanks ,
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2966147].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author enderZ
      Originally Posted by nonamewm666 View Post

      First, thanks for you post enderz , you the the nicest person i have see on internet so far. I am a newbie and I have an autoblog (I bought it). The one who sell me the blog ditch with me 0 support after i paid him. And I have been doing research for 6 month and I am still kind of lost. So i hope you can answer my few questions.

      1. my blog is a WP blog with News content. And it uses wp-o-matic and pull 2 news sources every 30 mins and another 2 news sources every 1h day + 5 hours. and after 6 months ,the site has 20k posts. so am I pulling too much ? have too make post on my site ?if need to decrease the amount and what will be the right number ?

      2. I have a lot of backlink pointing to my index and the index show the recent update post , is it good or bad ?, should I make the index with non-change content ?

      3. I dont see any anchor text on the site beside the tags and the "recent post link" on the widget. and my site has very low rate, today i have 28click and only make 2 little bucks. is it this is the reason why my click$ is such horrible , if yes , is there any plug in in WP will do this good ?

      4. I made another autoblog myself with the same method , and the only thing i am missing now is now to do backlink , I read your post and you recommended the one you are using now (i dont know if it is for backlink or for articles sumit, because i am confuse with this 2 ). But i found it is a bit to pricey for me. And it is not really the price problem . It is I dont think i can handle one more time get scam, I love this biz but at the same time , everytime I get scammed and it made me feel really bad and wanted to give up. So is there any free stuffs i can use. Of course i know it may not do a very good job , but i want somethings that will do the job but not get ban by google adsense.

      5. from what i have told you , do you think google will ban my site soon ?

      6. if google ban an autoblog (no BlueFart) , will they ban the whole adsnese account of just ban the site only. ?

      thanks ,
      1. It sounds to me way too many posts/day (60 posts/day if my calc is right) I would believe that google would ban a new autoblog that starts ike
      that. BUT, since your blog is 6 months old and wasn't ban until now, I think it won't get ban also in the future. I guess your luck is you
      got enough backlinks to support so many pages, so google didn't ban you. I think you can keep at this post creation rate if you make sure you
      keep getting backlinks.

      2. I think it is ok since you don't aim for a specific keyword. But I think you should try and get some deep link building, it will enhance all
      your blogs positioning.

      3. I don't understand what you mean by not seeing any anchor text and what it has to do with Ads click rate, anyway there is one very very effective
      method to increase click rate: trial and error, search for free adsense wp plugins and TEST them, to the same for free adsense wp themes and TESt,
      keep those who got the highest click rate. I can tell yo uthat I MORE THAN DOUBLED my CTR through trial and error.

      4. Im not familar with free linkbuilding tools. But I can tell you this: being affraid of getting scammed preventing you from purchasing tools
      that will help you business is a big mistake. I got scammed so many times, but now I know how to minimize the risk (reading various reviews, trying
      to by money back guarantee products), still I get scammed here and there. But, it will not prevent me from trying all the time to improve my
      business through better methods/toold.

      5. If it was a new site I'd gamble that it would, since it is already 6 months old, than I think chances are low. If you want to go on the
      safe side, maybe decreasing the number of posts/day could help although Im a great believer of "if it works dont touch it".

      6. It depends who bans, the search engine or adsense, from my experience when adsense ban they ban your account and your ability to open a new
      account (unless you use new details and different domains), but I had the bad experince that my adsense account was banned but sites still
      ranked high on the big G, and vice-versa, SE ban and adsense account still working. The worst is of course SE ban, cause you can always find new
      methods to monetize...

      If you have a WHY you can go through almost any HOW

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  • Profile picture of the author paulie888
    Great thread here. Autoblogging is definitely NOT dead, and it is not a fad either. It is simply a tool, that when utilized properly and effectively, can be quite profitable. It does require work, and there are significant expenses involved especially if you wish to scale this up to the level of making $200+ per day.

    It is definitely not a set and forget method, and herein lies the main issue with autoblogging (in my opinion). I've lost track of the number of people in this forum who seem to think that autoblogging is autopilot in nature, and I can understand where the confusion comes from, as this would obviously come from the 'auto' description in this method.

    Without proper niche and keyword research, and also regular maintenance including approving only the proper relevant posts on your autoblog, you'll never make money at this, period. Once you get rid of the notion that this method is autopilot and actually work at it, you'll more than likely see some success.

    >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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  • Profile picture of the author nonamewm666
    thanks again enderZ
    3. I dont see any anchor text on the site beside the tags and the "recent post link" on the widget. and my site has very low rate, today i have 28click and only make 2 little bucks. is it this is the reason why my click$ is such horrible , if yes , is there any plug in in WP will do this good ?
    My meaning was. Is it because i didnt target any keyword (no keyword job done on my site like anchor text.etc),and this is the reason why my click$ is so low ? may be i am confuse there. I want to know what determine how much is a click.

    About the spending money issue. I understand what you mean and i totally agree what you said. I used to spend money buy thing without any thought . But since I felt like i am the most stupid guy on internet. I slow down a big time now. I will do more research and make sure what I am planning to buy is aleast 90% is a good product before login to my paypal. As I am typing now, I just spent 100 bucks on a pr5 site backlink .u know how smart i am now , . hehe , good luck to me .
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  • Profile picture of the author Norma Rickman
    People forget that the true power of autoblogging comes from utilizing the data that you collect from autoblogging. Autoblogging is not for the lazy if done right. You need good on-page and off-page SEO to make it pay off, which it can do very well if approached in the right way.

    If you think you can put up an autoblog and never touch it again, I guarantee that you will not make any money from it. You need to monitor which posts are getting Google love and capitalize on them by backlinking them and monetizing them the right way for the niche.

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  • Profile picture of the author nonamewm666
    Enderz .
    I guess i have no luck with google. my site has banned by google today . The mistake i made i think is i was too greedy , i was making around 3-10 per day and i bought a pr5 blog link . I guess it choke google a bit, and over its limit to my autoblog .
    Sadly, this is my only making money site. And my other autoblog just up and running 1 week ago. and i only have 10-30 view per day. hope i will back back in biz soon.
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    • Profile picture of the author paulie888
      Originally Posted by greatyear View Post

      Hey, I have the ABS software as well, have you had any success? Does it work for you like they say? They sure do make some tall claims on this one.
      Originally Posted by norje View Post

      People forget that the true power of autoblogging comes from utilizing the data that you collect from autoblogging. Autoblogging is not for the lazy if done right. You need good on-page and off-page SEO to make it pay off, which it can do very well if approached in the right way.

      If you think you can put up an autoblog and never touch it again, I guarantee that you will not make any money from it. You need to monitor which posts are getting Google love and capitalize on them by backlinking them and monetizing them the right way for the niche.
      Originally Posted by nonamewm666 View Post

      Enderz .
      I guess i have no luck with google. my site has banned by google today . The mistake i made i think is i was too greedy , i was making around 3-10 per day and i bought a pr5 blog link . I guess it choke google a bit, and over its limit to my autoblog .
      Sadly, this is my only making money site. And my other autoblog just up and running 1 week ago. and i only have 10-30 view per day. hope i will back back in biz soon.
      This perfectly illustrates how autoblogging is anything but automatic. An autoblog plugin is nothing more than a tool which has to be utilized properly in order to be successful at autoblogging.

      It is in how you wield the tool that your success is determined. Learn how to use the autoblog plugin properly and research your niche and keywords carefully, and you will have the foundation for a successful autoblog. This is going to require consistent work and maintenance, though. It's as simple as that (but not as simple as just installing an autoblog plugin and hoping it'll do all the heavy lifting for you).

      >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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    • Profile picture of the author enderZ
      Originally Posted by nonamewm666 View Post

      Enderz .
      I guess i have no luck with google. my site has banned by google today . The mistake i made i think is i was too greedy , i was making around 3-10 per day and i bought a pr5 blog link . I guess it choke google a bit, and over its limit to my autoblog .
      Sadly, this is my only making money site. And my other autoblog just up and running 1 week ago. and i only have 10-30 view per day. hope i will back back in biz soon.
      Sorry to read this man. But, I can't believe there is any successful autobogger out there (and for that manner even a successful SEOer) that never got one of his sites banned.

      Learn from your mistake and become better at what you do. I will repeat my advice: NEVER USE BH METHODS (like buying links) on sites that make you money...

      If you have a WHY you can go through almost any HOW

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  • Profile picture of the author crbedd
    Outsourcing and having assistance with autoblogging sites was mentioned by one and maybe there were others. I am wondering who outsourced and had their autoblogging sites built for them. Who would you recommend to have an autoblogging site built for you?

    That brings up this question. With the challenges, trickiness, vigilance, consequences that come with autoblogging maybe it is best to have another kind of internet marketing, money making site built for you. What would that be?; who would be best to do it?

    Thanks, Randy
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  • Profile picture of the author Sparhawke
    Just commenting on this to save it in subscriptions before I lose it, will read later
    “Thinking is easy, Acting is difficult
    And to put one's thoughts into action is the most difficult thing in the world ~ Goethe”
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  • Profile picture of the author nonamewm666
    hi Enderz
    I use ONLY duplicated content, I use content from multiple sources (article directories, youtube, yahoo answers, etc) for each post. I try to construct a post tamplate that will include a mix of relevant info for the user so everyone are happy:
    What is your meaning with "a mix of relevant info"?
    Does it mean . multiple content for 1 topic ? such as 1 post but a lot of different source on it ? if yes , how can u do this ?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3010859].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author enderZ
      Originally Posted by nonamewm666 View Post

      hi Enderz

      What is your meaning with "a mix of relevant info"?
      Does it mean . multiple content for 1 topic ? such as 1 post but a lot of different source on it ? if yes , how can u do this ?
      I ment multiple types of content for 1 post, the perfect auto post for "weight loss in alaske" in my opinion would be : A relevant picture, 1-2 yahoo answers next to it, a relevant youtube video and an artcile about the subject.

      If possible I would add at the top a weight loss product from amazon/cj/clickbank etc.

      Originally Posted by nonamewm666 View Post

      Hi EnderZ
      when you answered you use auto plugin for backlink to your site. what kind of plugin you meant?
      I already answered that, if you'll try you'll find it but I want to emphasize: My autoblogs are not successful thanks to this plugin it is merely another ingredient I use and Im sure you can be even more successful without it, don't pick an igredient you don't have/understand and blame it for you failure, if you understand the whole picture you'll do fine!

      Originally Posted by Adam James View Post

      Do you ever do list building with your auto blogs?
      Im ashamed to say the no, I don't it is a mistake that I will find a way to correct, it's just I need to start A/B testing what is more effective (after all asking for emails will take the place of other monetization methods).

      If you have a WHY you can go through almost any HOW

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  • Profile picture of the author nonamewm666
    Hi EnderZ
    when you answered you use auto plugin for backlink to your site. what kind of plugin you meant?
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  • Profile picture of the author momo14
    i have tried few auto blogs, didn't work for me though.
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  • Profile picture of the author Vince L
    hmmm? good thoughts.

    I have tried and not succeeded with AB too. I don't think I gave it the "respect" it deserved, but had so many other options I did a quick autopsy and moved on.

    I'll rethink it thanks to your insight. Thanks.
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  • Profile picture of the author Adam James
    Do you ever do list building with your auto blogs?
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  • Profile picture of the author missmystery
    Just read this thread and I'm having second thoughts on trying to make money with syndicated articles and adsense.

    Is there anywhere you can get unique articles written, perhaps with others links to be published to your site? I guess free traffic system etc and similar sites..

    I really need help from someone who has had success for syndicated auto blogs, and who wants to keep things real and legal.

    It seems hard to get help for this sort of thing.
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  • Profile picture of the author Adam James
    How do you monetize your sites? you have gone into great detail on the tools and how you promote the site but I thing it would be great if you could touch on the best ways to setup your affiliate offers.

    Obviously wp-robot takes care of the that in the posting, what do you find best amazon or commission junction? or does it depend on the product?

    What I really want to know what else do you use banners, pop exits etc etc?

    If you could share how you set this up would help alot of us out doing auto blogging.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3063304].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author enderZ
      Originally Posted by Adam James View Post

      How do you monetize your sites? you have gone into great detail on the tools and how you promote the site but I thing it would be great if you could touch on the best ways to setup your affiliate offers.

      Obviously wp-robot takes care of the that in the posting, what do you find best amazon or commission junction? or does it depend on the product?

      What I really want to know what else do you use banners, pop exits etc etc?

      If you could share how you set this up would help alot of us out doing auto blogging.

      I did write how I monetize my autoblogs, but I didn't go into details , I guess its because I feel I'm not putting enough energy into testing monetization... I should have split tested all types of monetization to find which work best for each site, but I always find myself reluctant to "waste" the income I already have (since it is a quite complicated split testing and it will take time to get significant results).

      Anyway, I use mainly AdSense, CB/CJ offers and Amazon. I pick for each site the monetization type that looks most promising to me, if it performs poorly I replace it. I always put the offers at the begining of the posts.

      One important thing is, although most posts are targeted as long tails, at times some posts get specially high traffic, in that case if the keyword that trigger that traffic has a suitable product I write that post as a presale to the product I chose.

      If you have a WHY you can go through almost any HOW

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  • Profile picture of the author guruslasher
    Since these plugins are server-based it should work on all platforms including mac osx, correct?

    My Favorite Wonder Tonic Has Endless uses and Benefits.

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  • Profile picture of the author Adam James
    Thanks for all this great information this post is becoming a great reference for auto blogging, how long once setup do you expect you auto blogs to start making money?
    1 month?
    2 months?

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3068365].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author enderZ
      Originally Posted by Adam James View Post

      Thanks for all this great information this post is becoming a great reference for auto blogging, how long once setup do you expect you auto blogs to start making money?
      1 month?
      2 months?

      I think I'm conservative in the way I build and treat autobloggs, after 2 months my autoblog will have ~100 posts, which is nothing for an autoblog - it should aim for lots of content to hit many longtails.

      So, no, in most cases I will see NOTHING within 2 months, some of my 2 months autoblogs get as low as 0-20 UV/day!

      I start seeing money after ~6 months, at that time my autoblogs will have ~500 posts and some decent SEO. So, it does take time until you start seeing money with autoblogs if you build it slowly, BUT the income will increase ALL the time (more and more posts, more and more longtails ranking in the SEs those more and more traffic).

      On the other hand I stumbled upon an autoblog which is 3 months old,got 48K indexed pages in google. On first glance it looks ameture but for now it has impressive index rate and alexa ranking. So I guess some non-conservative methods do work well...

      If you have a WHY you can go through almost any HOW

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3073885].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Buyseech
        I am still experimenting with autobloging. Am adding my own articles as well and bookmarking and backlinking mostly them and the domain. So far nothing drastic ( after 1 month ) almost no visitors. No money. But the IC is growing nicely ( everything gets and stays indexed .... for now ). I am not blasting it with 10 articles a day. My niche is not a huge one, so articles with similiar title are a pain in the neck, but still 5 articles a week is fine.

        Will report on the progress in a few months.
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  • Profile picture of the author bloggerhaq
    thank you for the information about auto blogging,which is very useful to the new website creators
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  • Profile picture of the author simmoncruz
    Some People Fail With Autobloging Because Autoblogging is the term we use to create blog content automatically, unlike the handwriting of individual posts. In the case of AutoBlogged, you can create a post based on the contents of the second RSS feed.
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  • Profile picture of the author Adam James
    Awesome information I have started a few autoblogs so looking forward to grow them nice and slow to see some long term results, how many keywords do you usually target for each blog? And what keyword tool do you use to do this?

    Thanks in adavance.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3074877].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author enderZ
      Originally Posted by Adam James View Post

      Awesome information I have started a few autoblogs so looking forward to grow them nice and slow to see some long term results, how many keywords do you usually target for each blog? And what keyword tool do you use to do this?

      Thanks in adavance.
      I target as many keywords as I can find that are even remotely related for my niche. If I created an autoblog about "weight loss for actors", I'll try to dig as many keywords as I can , but I will also put other more general weight loss keywords (like famous people weight loss, etc.). I'd like eventually my autoblog to increase each day by 10 new posts for as many years as possible...

      I use scrapebox for this.

      If you have a WHY you can go through almost any HOW

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  • Profile picture of the author Adam James
    Wow you use lots of tools trying to keep up with them all, do you use scrapebox just for the keyword tool? or do you use it to build backlinks as well?

    Can you please share how you use scrapebox fully?

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    • Profile picture of the author enderZ
      Originally Posted by Adam James View Post

      Wow you use lots of tools trying to keep up with them all, do you use scrapebox just for the keyword tool? or do you use it to build backlinks as well?

      Can you please share how you use scrapebox fully?

      I use SP only for scraping, for my autoblogs I scrape for the keywords trying to fish the longest tails possible by pingponging the results back as the seed keywords.

      If you have a WHY you can go through almost any HOW

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  • Profile picture of the author Amys101place
    I've got an autoblog I'd sell for $100 at question-mark.org.. complete with the wprobot3 plugin and set to auto-update. I just have too many sites! Good site to experiment with if you want to get into autoblogging. I've got several, but they take about a year before I start seeing decent income from them (just relying on the long tail and not really promoting at all). Overall though, auto blogging works if you make it your focus. I've got one site in particular that has just recently started showing a decent profit.
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  • Profile picture of the author HaRrY84
    Hey @enderZ and what about the feeds marketing (submission to feeds directories) to create auto backlinks to your auto blogs every time the get uptade. Had you test this strategy to rank high in search engines?
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  • Profile picture of the author enderZ
    Felt I should address Googles latest fight against "content farms".

    The bad news:
    Google said load and clear they intend to eliminate content farms, and in any way you look at it, autoblogs are no doubt content famrs.

    The good news:
    If you build your autoblog the smart way you'll probably be ok. None of my autoblogs were affected by the latest algo change and according to my fellow autobloggers most of them weren't heart.

    Whats the secret to stay safe?
    I don't know the full answer, but I think its about:
    Slow building (limit the daily post to ~5 new posts a day).
    Size does matter (don't create autoblogs with more than 2000 posts, I try to limit mine to ~1500).
    Hmmm... did I mention building backlinks?

    Hope it helped

    If you have a WHY you can go through almost any HOW

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  • Profile picture of the author lamavridis
    I like Autoblog Samurai you are able to customize the content and when you purchase the program they offer a complete and simple step by step guide on what to do. Even better its not that expensive. In anything though you get what you put into it. There is some work required before you post to your blog. For example good keywords and some good original content should be used also.
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  • Profile picture of the author enderZ
    Fast update:
    My autoblogs (and I hear it happens also with my friends) are getting more traffic than ever, as I stated above I think the small autoblogs got better out of latest googles update.

    But, I personally decided to change my business plan, and I put less and less effort and energy into the autoblogs, after I realised google won't approve these kind of sites I don't want to play cat-mouse with them.

    Anyway, there are lots of other things to do as Internet entrepreneur, here is my latest:
    Top 100 Writers (Beta Stage) | Top 100 Writers

    I think its the opposite twin to autoblogs

    If you have a WHY you can go through almost any HOW

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    • Profile picture of the author mberam
      Does anyone know of a good step by step guide or Ebook that will walk you through setting up a successful autoblog? Something that explains every little detail and shows you how to do it?

      Enderz - You should write one! I would buy it! I'd pay good money for something like this. I have so many questions!
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      • Profile picture of the author Rally Writer
        Originally Posted by mberam View Post

        Does anyone know of a good step by step guide or Ebook that will walk you through setting up a successful autoblog? Something that explains every little detail and shows you how to do it?

        Enderz - You should write one! I would buy it! I'd pay good money for something like this. I have so many questions!
        Hi mberam,

        check out the link for step-by-step guide to autoblogging by S Pierce


        Hope this helps
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  • Profile picture of the author TomScarn
    Has anyone else seen any kind of increase in rankings with their autoblogs since the google farmer update? Went from #6 on page 1 to #2.
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    • Profile picture of the author enderZ
      Originally Posted by TomScarn View Post

      Has anyone else seen any kind of increase in rankings with their autoblogs since the google farmer update? Went from #6 on page 1 to #2.
      Yeap, it looks like that small autoblogs (less then 2000 posts) got SERP boost.

      If you have a WHY you can go through almost any HOW

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  • Profile picture of the author BobbyWalker
    My personal opinion on Autoblogging is...it works as long as the content is high quality and the SEO is in place..

    Google is trying to rid the search engines of mass scraped content that has little or no value to the reader...

    Micro sites are find to build and you'll have great success with them as long as they are high quality and you have a steady streams of high quality backlinks..



    Originally Posted by enderZ View Post

    Some of my online properties are my autoblogs, I must thank the warrior forum for this, cause I first learnt about autoblogging in this forum, created my first autoblogs with the help of the countless great posts here about autoblogs.

    When I first learnt about autoblogging I was so excited: "Im going to create a blog that take care of himself and its going to take care of my financial future", I can't imagine a better way to make money than this!! Money machines here I come...:p

    My first autoblog was banned from google in less than a month it was created. After that I thought autoblogging is a myth and kept away from these nusty-easy banned machines for about a year.

    But, something tickled my fingers, autoblogging sounded so romantic to me

    I tried again, and failed ~10 times before I had my first successful autoblog (it made ~3$/day for several months before I had the nerve to call it a success).

    Today, after 2 years Im earning a nice income from autoblogging (no, it is not my main IM source of income, but it is the one I love the most) I know why most people fail with autobloggin:

    If you tried autoblogging and failed 99.999% it is because:

    You didn't give it the respect it deserves!!!

    Most people (in the past - me at the top) disrespect their autoblogs, it starts with the thinking "let the donkey work as hard as it can, if it fails not too bad, let it die, anyway I like horses better".

    The fact that a blog is automatic doesn't mean you don't need to put some effort and thinking in its design, niche selection, keyword selection and the most important thing:


    Myth - long tail keyword don't need SEO they will be ranked high cause they are long tail, since autoblogs aim to long tails, no need to SEO it = BULL****.

    The reason MOST of us fail/failed in autoblogging is because we didn't do enough (or at all) SEO.

    Can you imagine creating a money site, writing good content, thinking about it, loving and caring it and after its online doing none/almost none SEO and expecting to earn money from it?

    Today I know that autoblogging is one of the easiest ways to earn money online (the fact its the easiest doen't mean it is easy... ), but like in ANY buisness you need to do it right.

    In autoblogging there are several things you need to do right. As I wrote I started from information in this forum, it is loaded with it, but knowing what I went through on my journey to a successful autoblog net, and reading what people are talking about, I'm sure most of the "things you should do to success in autoblogging" are done by most people. Most people don't go the one (or two) extra step needed to make this beast work properly.

    Today I have my autoblogging empire, my average income is 10$/day/blog, it happened when I started respecting my autoblogs, this respect made me put some effort into them, small effort that made the difference, one of the most important things I did is to put some SEO into them.

    SEO your autoblogs and they will pay you for it

    I don't want to sound like you can create an autoblog and all you need to do is to SEO it and your troubles are over, FAR from it.

    I say you need to do it right, I say it is not rocket science to create a good autoblog, but still it requires some knowledge and effort. I say after you have an autoblog think - if it was my money site, what extras would I do?

    I can keep on bubbling about autoblogs endlessly, but there is too much to say, most/all of it was already written in this very forum, but if you guys want to shoot me with some questions, I'll
    try to help... After all I owe my autoblogs success to this forum


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