Adjusting Bids on Managed Placements on Adwords Content Network

by momo3
2 replies
  • SEO
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Hey guys

I was wondering if anyone knows how to lower their bids on the on Managed PLacements on the adwords content network?

For example, if I am bidding at $0.37 per click, and my average CPC is .22, can I lower the bid and still get the same impressions?
#adjusting #adwords #bids #content #managed #network #placements
  • Profile picture of the author raviv
    You can go into the Managed Placements section in your Adwords account and edit the listings. Go into Your campaign management and click on the tab networks.

    You will see Managed and Automatic Placements. Beside each there is a link Show Details. Click on it and you will see the Disp Network Managed Placements screen at the bottom.

    As you already have a Managed Placement, select it and click Edit and you can change your bid.

    Normally Google selects a good CPC based on the bid you have placed there as you are already managing your placement to appear at a certain position. IMHO, I would no tinker with it.

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  • Profile picture of the author hath80
    As you already have a Managed Placement, select it and click Edit and you can change your bid.
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