Baclink strategy overview... post Panda?

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Hey guys,

Just wanted to get some suggestions on a solid link building strategy using link building tools - I think I'll be getting Magic Submitter. But please only give advice if you have seen results yourself!
#baclink #overview #panda #post #strategy
  • Profile picture of the author BXPS
    Does magic submitter submit articles automatically?
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  • Profile picture of the author frank07
    Magic Submitter is a good program, but you need take time to study and learn before buy it. It combine social bookmaking, article submission, wordpress blog submission, video submission.... But it takes time and the success rate does not perfect. You spend 1 or 2 hours and get about 20 successful links.
    You may find some good people do each of works for you and get the report with exact url location, you can ping and build more backlinks to reinforce them.
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    • Profile picture of the author rtrp
      Magic Submitter is a good piece of software. the only issue I had with it was there is so much involved that the learning curve is extreme from my standpoint that is.
      If you really want to get into all the training videos and do some hard work I believe it's a good buy. They also have a trial period so there's really no loss if it's not for you.
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      • Profile picture of the author junilerick
        Originally Posted by rtrp View Post

        Magic Submitter is a good piece of software. the only issue I had with it was there is so much involved that the learning curve is extreme from my standpoint that is.
        If you really want to get into all the training videos and do some hard work I believe it's a good buy. They also have a trial period so there's really no loss if it's not for you.
        I've heard that MS is actually one of the easier ones in terms of learning curves.

        Anyone got advice on how I should build the links?

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  • Profile picture of the author noble
    Unique in content articles are great post panda. Magic submitter is a good tool but really if you're looking for the best you should check out AMR, it leave MS in the dust.
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    • Profile picture of the author crete
      Originally Posted by noble View Post

      Unique in content articles are great post panda. Magic submitter is a good tool but really if you're looking for the best you should check out AMR, it leave MS in the dust.
      What is AMR?
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      • Profile picture of the author RevSEO
        Originally Posted by crete View Post

        What is AMR?
        Article Marketing Robot.

        I'm seeing less and less effectiveness with poorly spun articles and old school article marketing linkbuilding.

        Its requiring much more work to get the links indexed and a lot more submissions to even see results in momentum.

        Sites that I used strictly AMR or various article marketing techniques have been greatly reduced in the SERPs or gone completely.

        In fact, I did a test on a domain in which I've done no article marketing, ran article marketing on ONE specific keyword/URL which was ranking 5th and now its completely gone from the SERPs and no longer ranking. Could it be a Google dance? Sure, but usually I see sitewide effects and not only a single keyword.
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnnyPR
    I've had a LOT of success with SEnuke X post panda. I created a new site at the end of march that now makes about $250/month hands off due to a few backlinking campaigns with the Nuke.

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  • Profile picture of the author kiddoman
    I often add backlinks to my website with my hands, lol. I don't think it is a good way to add links automatically!

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  • Profile picture of the author Jgmurray
    Tools are great and can speed up the process. If you are looking for really well targetted links, make sure you learn the proces yourself very well. AMR is a great tool for loading up the article directory's with links and it does work from my experience.

    Just the same there's nothing like hiring a human being to do the job. My best luck is still to outsource and training a good backlinker. One or two good backlinkers are easy to train, cheap and extremely effective.

    good luck,

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  • Profile picture of the author srinu
    dont go for to add links automatically...its not quality links brother
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  • Profile picture of the author AlonzoTJones
    What I do is set up a base ring of anchor text links to my money site. I do this manually using blog platforms and article submissions as well as blog comments. Once I have 1-2 articles/posts and backlinks back to my money site, I then blast backlinks back to the base ring of backlinks using mass article submissions, bookmarking, pinging and indexing

    For instance: - keyword "lose weight"
    build at least 1 of each;, blogger, livejournal, tumblr. typepad, xanga. blogtext and so on
    submit 1-5 original articles(spun) to top tier article directories.
    Then, take these links and blast backlinks to them.
    broadcast their RSS feeds
    bookmark all of these 2.0 URLs

    this actually works pretty well for me.

    Good luck
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4053726].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author junilerick
      Originally Posted by AlonzoTJones View Post

      What I do is set up a base ring of anchor text links to my money site. I do this manually using blog platforms and article submissions as well as blog comments. Once I have 1-2 articles/posts and backlinks back to my money site, I then blast backlinks back to the base ring of backlinks using mass article submissions, bookmarking, pinging and indexing

      For instance: - keyword "lose weight"
      build at least 1 of each;, blogger, livejournal, tumblr. typepad, xanga. blogtext and so on
      submit 1-5 original articles(spun) to top tier article directories.
      Then, take these links and blast backlinks to them.
      broadcast their RSS feeds
      bookmark all of these 2.0 URLs

      this actually works pretty well for me.

      Good luck
      Thanks for the share, sounds like a solid game plan.

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    • Profile picture of the author sabina24
      Originally Posted by AlonzoTJones View Post

      What I do is set up a base ring of anchor text links to my money site. I do this manually using blog platforms and article submissions as well as blog comments. Once I have 1-2 articles/posts and backlinks back to my money site, I then blast backlinks back to the base ring of backlinks using mass article submissions, bookmarking, pinging and indexing

      For instance: - keyword "lose weight"
      build at least 1 of each;, blogger, livejournal, tumblr. typepad, xanga. blogtext and so on
      submit 1-5 original articles(spun) to top tier article directories.
      Then, take these links and blast backlinks to them.
      broadcast their RSS feeds
      bookmark all of these 2.0 URLs

      this actually works pretty well for me.

      Good luck
      And these wordpress, blogger, livehournal etc. sites link back to your "mysite", right?

      Isn't this Wheel Link thing?
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  • Profile picture of the author addyj672
    Backlink building strategy is same after google panda no need to revise the backlinking strategy as it will working good to me. I think stick with basic link building technique no need to revise...
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  • Profile picture of the author derekad
    Robosoft helps a bit to submit your site to different directories

    it is for submitting software but you can just make some zip file with dummy content
    and upload that zip

    it will gives you some backlinks
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  • Profile picture of the author cheesee
    It's best to build backlinks manually if you want results. I recommend lots of forum posting.

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  • Profile picture of the author sabina24
    Originally Posted by junilerick View Post

    Hey guys,

    Just wanted to get some suggestions on a solid link building strategy using link building tools - I think I'll be getting Magic Submitter. But please only give advice if you have seen results yourself!
    Magix Submitter has a VERY, VERY LOW success rate. I've been testing it for a month a half now and I am not satisfied at all.

    I've tested many other software and thus far have not found a provider/software that would impress me.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Upshaw
    Magic Submitter and MAR/MAS are potentially great. The learning curve is steep as so many say.

    The submission process and the add your own site process are super easy and super cool respectively. I believe Alex is working on a feature much like SENuke X's where you can daisy chain all your tasks.

    Easy interface, intuitive, awesome power to save loads of time and make as many backlinks as you would like. The two bad things: no active forum where everyone helps each other and the scheduler (which the programmer is redeveloping for better functionality).
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