does one time 30 cents for 7 clicks prove that I must exist this topic?

by Kikos
2 replies
  • SEO
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hi, i normally get less than a dollar but more than ~20 cents when people click on adsense in my site

but now I got 7 clicks and alltogether they were worth 30 cents which is terrible

so does this mean i should quit this website and go open a new one in another niche or that is is a kind of a rare freak occurence and i should ignore and keep fighting?

#cents #clicks #exist #prove #time #topic
  • Profile picture of the author timpears
    Some time back I had a single niche where two articles brought me in clicks that averaged $0.14 each. Sure, a little bit more than you are speaking of, but nothing compared to what I had been getting. In one day, those two articles brought in well over $200. So don't give up on it, just drive more traffic.

    You may have tapped out the traffic for that keyword, but I doubt it. But expand on that keyword and find some that pay more and just keep doing that until you are making the money you want to from that site, if you ever find a point where you have enough money that is.

    Tim Pears

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  • Profile picture of the author unlimitedwealth
    Hi Kikos,

    Don't give up. Getting consistent clicks mean that you got a healthy traffic to your site.

    Having 7 miserable clicks, in a bigger picture perspective, is nothing but a small bump in your adsense journey.

    You are getting these clicks because you have yet to filter those advertisers which are known for bidding low on the content network.

    Do a search on this thread and you will find the list with instruction on how to filter them in your adsense admin dashboard.

    All the best.
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