Tips On Building Backlinks

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  • SEO
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I came across an article from a webpage the other day and thought i would share it. It is just the basics, so here it is:

A Backlink is simply a link from another website to your site. This is one of, if not the most important variable that Google uses to determine page rank and the position your web page takes in the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages). For Google Adsense and indeed any other method of making money from a website or blog, the higher you are in the SERPS, the more people will visit your blog. The more people who visit your blog, the more people are capable of clicking your Adsense ads and the more chances for making money with Adsense. Of note, a few years ago, a reciprocal link (I link to you, you link to me) was of great importance but as time goes by, it has lost its importance as 1 way links (backlinks) have become the standard link ranking variable.

On Twitter, the more people of importance that follow you, the more likely you are to be followed and more important people will also follow you. Google has a similar approach and views a backlink as a vote. It separates websites’ importance through a grading system known as Page Rank (PR). To increase your page rank, it is necessary to get backlinks (votes) from higher page rank sources. The higher PR backlink you get, the more favorable Google will look upon your site and reward you with a higher PR. This system goes from 8 to 10, the higher number being the highest ranked.

The importance of Page Rank has been disputed by some webmasters as in many cases, a lower PR site will outrank a high PR site, especially if the low PR site has the keyword in the domain name and title and is highly Search Engine Optimized.

What Page Rank does is to give your site prestige and leverage. If you have a high PR blog, people will easily link to it and you will have less problem getting a 1 way link or a reciprocal link. Eventually, people may actually pay you to place a link to their site on your blog/website and if you decide to sell your website someday, the higher PR will mean you can get more for the sale than from a low PR website/blog.

What is for sure is that the quantity and quality of Google backlinks help determine your position in the SERPs. If you want to beat the competition for a particular keyword, the first thing to look for is the quantity of backlinks. If it is over 300, then it might be difficult. The next thing to look at is the quality of the backlinks. Everyone who has a blog or website should install a free browser addon called SEO Quake. It is a nice little tool to spy on your competitors. It will show you the amounts and details of backlinks and internal links for any website whose page you have opened. If a site has too many high PR backlinks, it will be even more difficult as all things being equal, you would have to outdo them in terms of quality, which may take lots of time and hard work.

Because backlinks are so important to Google, the king of search engines, back linking has become an industry by itself and there are many websites and individuals offering link building and search engine optimization services. You can even outsource back linking as you would outsource article writing. Outsourcing back linking could eventually become necessary if you have several websites. Backlinking can be a boring, tedious task and could get in the way of your article writing as it competes for your time.

You have to be careful who does your back linking as Google does not like:

1. Automated back linking
2. Links added too fast
3. Spamming
4. Link Clubs
5. Link Wheels
6. Links to unrelated sites
7. Links to sites that are outside those accepted by TOS such as sex, gambling, weapons and copyright violators
8. Links to spam sites

Many people cannot wait and build quickly, but Google prefers building links slowly and naturally. They do not want you linking too quickly as this would defeat the validity of their system. If you push up the importance of your ’crap’ site because you are able to spend more time back linking than the webmaster of a higher quality site, you could unfairly outdo him and your ‘crap’ would rise to the top above a better quality site. Google does not want that!

Before we go any further, we have to understand Anchor texts. These are the texts used in the link to your site, the text you will click on to activate the link. It is important, as the ideal situation is to get your keyword as anchor text. This will not be possible on all occasions, but as often as possible, use the anchor text in your backlink. Not to worry if you do not have many of your backlinks with anchor text. There is one school of thought that says in order for your link building to look natural as Google requires, it is better to only have some of your links with anchor text. Other links could have text related to your keywords such as simply “here” or “Click Here”, for example.

Here are some free one way backlink strategies you may use to build Google Backlinks. These strategies also show you how to get traffic to your blog:

1. RSS Directories – RSS stands for really simple syndication and what it does is use a feed to get your blog articles in real time almost as soon as you post them. There are RSS Directories that exist by listing your feed and visitors can read your articles if they find them interesting. You get a free backlink, plus traffic from readers, but what makes RSS Directories valuable is how quickly they are read by the search engines. When you have a new site, it may take days, sometimes weeks before it is crawled by the search engines if you don’t get help. These RSS directories are crawled regularly so you will quickly get your new site indexed by adding it to these directories.

2. Article Directories – adding your articles to quality directories with a link or 2 back to your site is one of the best ways to get a Google backlink. These article directories are usually high PR. You will get a link or two from the article’s referral box back to your site and if your articles are good, webmasters will take your article and place it on their website with a link back to your site. This has a multiplication effect on the number of incoming links as you keep getting backlinks added from each website that uses your article. You will also get extra traffic to your site from clicks back to your blog, as readers get curious to read other articles you have written. With this method, write quality 500 words, preferably more more original articles to stand out from the crowd.

3. Link directories – Adding your blog to a link directory in the relevant category allows you a related backlink. Some of these directories are free, some paid., but there are many free ones available at IMTalk

4. Forum Links – do a Google search for forums related to your keyword and add your signature to the forum. Whenever you comment, your signature link will add another backlink to your blog and another possible way to get traffic to your content.

5. Profile Links – several membership sites including forums, will allow you to add your blog/website link to your profile. You can get some high PR links in this way, but you may have to bookmark the sites, visit now and again and participate or your profile might be removed by the webmaster.

6. Blog Commenting – commenting on related do follow blogs is the old fashioned, proven way to get Google backlinks, including quality, high PR backlinks, to your website/blog.

WordPress blogs have a built in no follow feature which prevents search engines from following the link, therefore depriving you of the benefit. If you leave a comment on a no follow blog, the search engine will not follow the link and therefore will not count it as a backlink. That is why it is recommended to comment on a do follow blog where search engines will follow the link and give you full link benefits.

It is time consuming as to make an effective comment, you first have to read the article and think and write a response. If the response is unrelated or too ‘shallow,’ it will be discarded as spam and waste your time.

Many webmasters too, have become accustomed to getting spam comments from people with keywords in their usernames and will instantly erase your comment if it contains anchor text in your username. So as not to waste your time, it is best to look if any previous comment on their blog has a keyword for a username. If not, it may be best to use your first name. Giving a long, quality, related comment however, oftentimes will pass spam filters such as Akismet and convince the webmaster that your comment is genuine and ignore the keyword filled username. A good comment is also the best way to get visitors back to your blog.

7. Social Bookmarking – social bookmarking sites allow you to store your favorite web pages online. You may choose to publicly display your bookmarks in which case they will be visible to others. These bookmarking sites are highly rated by Google who sees them as good, valuable sources of information. They are usually high PR. The most rated are Digg, Delicious, Mixx, Reddit and Stumbleupon.

8. Social Networking – the world has gone social networking crazy. It has literally taken over the web and almost everyone is getting into it. Facebook, the number one is at over 500 million members and growing. Twitter is also very popular and you can add updates each time you post an article to your blog. It has now become a good place to get a backlink and also to promote your blog. There are many social networking plugins available that will enable you to instantly post your updates on the social networking sites and bring traffic to your site.

9. Blog Communities – Websites such as Blog Catalog, Blog Top List, My Blog Log (will be closing down in May 2011) allow blog owners to list their blog and interact in a blog community, making friends with other blog owners. In addition to offering a backlink for your URL, you may also get multiple backlinks if your posts are tagged for certain keywords. This is the case with MyBlog Log. I will miss that site!

10. Online Communities – there are online communities such as Buddy Press sites that allow members to have their own blog. If you qualify for one of these sites, you can start a blog, preferably related to your main blog and link back to your main blog.
These strategies show you how to build google backlinks to help you in making money with Adsense. These simple strategies will help you defeat competitiors and move up in the search engine results page.

I haven't really begun with affiliate marketing yet, but i will in the future and i did make a site that i am just testing right now. I will tell you some of my experiences with some of the stuff related to what he tells you in the article.

With the site i am testing what he tells you in number 2 is true, when you submit an article to an article directory that backlink itself won't be all that powerful, though sometimes people can get there article on the 1st page, but what is powerful is when someone takes your article and puts it on their site with your backlink, this way the link is in the text (contextual backlink) which is stronger than a link put in a resource box, i experienced this with my test site, it wasn't ranking that well but when i saw someone had took my article and put it on their site (it was page rank 1), my site went up a lot in googles SERP.

#3 link directories, In my experience this can help a little but not a lot, because the link directory itself on the home page might have a high PR, but the sub-page of where your link will be might not even have a page rank, though sometimes it does and age matters to, the site that took my article was over 7 years old.

#6 blog commenting, in my experience if you find a site with high PR on the page where you leave the comment, it does help and make sure not to spam, read the article, give it some thought and leave your comment and especially if it is high rank just leave your name in the anchor text instead of your keyword, that will make it less spammy. Still on #6 i paid a company to leave auto comments for me just to test it out, it was cheap, and my experience; don't do it, it didn't help me, if you want to outsource make sure it is someone trusted who does it manually or if they do it with software, the software does it in a more natural way.

#7 Social bookmarking, in my experience this helped me get indexed really fast, but not so much help with rankings though. The other things i left out i never tried. Here is the site i got the article from How To Build Google Backlinks To Help You In Making Money With Adsense Site « What Is Adsense?.

I am new at this so i don't know much, but i wanted to try and give someone some helpful advice with the article and my own experiences related to the article. Hope this is somewhat useful to other newbies out there.
#advice #backlinks
  • Profile picture of the author webapex
    There's an Articles section that might be more appropriate for this sort of post.


    “An expert is a person who has made all the mistakes that can be made in a very narrow field” Niels Bohr

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4282658].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author dgaubatz
      Originally Posted by webapex View Post

      There's an Articles section that might be more appropriate for this sort of post.

      Thank you. So do you think i should delete this one, once i post in in the article section?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4282758].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author highave1
      Originally Posted by webapex View Post

      There's an Articles section that might be more appropriate for this sort of post.


      Awesome article : Thanks for sharing.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4360877].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author waqasnu
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4283672].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author dgaubatz
      Originally Posted by waqasnu View Post

      Many people use link wheels and they have achieved much good results
      The guy didn't go into much detail about everything. Here is my opinion; google does not like link wheels. Can they help you get better rankings? Yeah but so many people are getting real spammy with their link wheels now. If you want to do a link wheel than you should make sure you have high quality content, instead of low quality spammy content you get when people use crappy software, and bad services that don't care about quality at all. Sometimes even with bad content it can get you on the 1st page with a lot of work, but if it is all low quality spammy content, i don't think it will stay there. Google has caught on, and they are really smart so if people keep spamming with this system they will do something about it, because it doesn't help the search engine user.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4287422].message }}
  • Originally Posted by dgaubatz View Post

    I came across an article from a webpage the other day and thought i would share it. It is just the basics, so here it is:

    A Backlink is simply a link from another website to your site. This is one of, if not the most important variable that Google uses to determine page rank and the position your web page takes in the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages). For Google Adsense and indeed any other method of making money from a website or blog, the higher you are in the SERPS, the more people will visit your blog. The more people who visit your blog, the more people are capable of clicking your Adsense ads and the more chances for making money with Adsense. Of note, a few years ago, a reciprocal link (I link to you, you link to me) was of great importance but as time goes by, it has lost its importance as 1 way links (backlinks) have become the standard link ranking variable.

    On Twitter, the more people of importance that follow you, the more likely you are to be followed and more important people will also follow you. Google has a similar approach and views a backlink as a vote. It separates websites' importance through a grading system known as Page Rank (PR). To increase your page rank, it is necessary to get backlinks (votes) from higher page rank sources. The higher PR backlink you get, the more favorable Google will look upon your site and reward you with a higher PR. This system goes from 8 to 10, the higher number being the highest ranked.

    The importance of Page Rank has been disputed by some webmasters as in many cases, a lower PR site will outrank a high PR site, especially if the low PR site has the keyword in the domain name and title and is highly Search Engine Optimized.

    What Page Rank does is to give your site prestige and leverage. If you have a high PR blog, people will easily link to it and you will have less problem getting a 1 way link or a reciprocal link. Eventually, people may actually pay you to place a link to their site on your blog/website and if you decide to sell your website someday, the higher PR will mean you can get more for the sale than from a low PR website/blog.

    What is for sure is that the quantity and quality of Google backlinks help determine your position in the SERPs. If you want to beat the competition for a particular keyword, the first thing to look for is the quantity of backlinks. If it is over 300, then it might be difficult. The next thing to look at is the quality of the backlinks. Everyone who has a blog or website should install a free browser addon called SEO Quake. It is a nice little tool to spy on your competitors. It will show you the amounts and details of backlinks and internal links for any website whose page you have opened. If a site has too many high PR backlinks, it will be even more difficult as all things being equal, you would have to outdo them in terms of quality, which may take lots of time and hard work.

    Because backlinks are so important to Google, the king of search engines, back linking has become an industry by itself and there are many websites and individuals offering link building and search engine optimization services. You can even outsource back linking as you would outsource article writing. Outsourcing back linking could eventually become necessary if you have several websites. Backlinking can be a boring, tedious task and could get in the way of your article writing as it competes for your time.

    You have to be careful who does your back linking as Google does not like:

    1. Automated back linking
    2. Links added too fast
    3. Spamming
    4. Link Clubs
    5. Link Wheels
    6. Links to unrelated sites
    7. Links to sites that are outside those accepted by TOS such as sex, gambling, weapons and copyright violators
    8. Links to spam sites

    Many people cannot wait and build quickly, but Google prefers building links slowly and naturally. They do not want you linking too quickly as this would defeat the validity of their system. If you push up the importance of your 'crap' site because you are able to spend more time back linking than the webmaster of a higher quality site, you could unfairly outdo him and your 'crap' would rise to the top above a better quality site. Google does not want that!

    Before we go any further, we have to understand Anchor texts. These are the texts used in the link to your site, the text you will click on to activate the link. It is important, as the ideal situation is to get your keyword as anchor text. This will not be possible on all occasions, but as often as possible, use the anchor text in your backlink. Not to worry if you do not have many of your backlinks with anchor text. There is one school of thought that says in order for your link building to look natural as Google requires, it is better to only have some of your links with anchor text. Other links could have text related to your keywords such as simply "here" or "Click Here", for example.

    Here are some free one way backlink strategies you may use to build Google Backlinks. These strategies also show you how to get traffic to your blog:

    1. RSS Directories - RSS stands for really simple syndication and what it does is use a feed to get your blog articles in real time almost as soon as you post them. There are RSS Directories that exist by listing your feed and visitors can read your articles if they find them interesting. You get a free backlink, plus traffic from readers, but what makes RSS Directories valuable is how quickly they are read by the search engines. When you have a new site, it may take days, sometimes weeks before it is crawled by the search engines if you don't get help. These RSS directories are crawled regularly so you will quickly get your new site indexed by adding it to these directories.

    2. Article Directories - adding your articles to quality directories with a link or 2 back to your site is one of the best ways to get a Google backlink. These article directories are usually high PR. You will get a link or two from the article's referral box back to your site and if your articles are good, webmasters will take your article and place it on their website with a link back to your site. This has a multiplication effect on the number of incoming links as you keep getting backlinks added from each website that uses your article. You will also get extra traffic to your site from clicks back to your blog, as readers get curious to read other articles you have written. With this method, write quality 500 words, preferably more more original articles to stand out from the crowd.

    3. Link directories - Adding your blog to a link directory in the relevant category allows you a related backlink. Some of these directories are free, some paid., but there are many free ones available at IMTalk

    4. Forum Links - do a Google search for forums related to your keyword and add your signature to the forum. Whenever you comment, your signature link will add another backlink to your blog and another possible way to get traffic to your content.

    5. Profile Links - several membership sites including forums, will allow you to add your blog/website link to your profile. You can get some high PR links in this way, but you may have to bookmark the sites, visit now and again and participate or your profile might be removed by the webmaster.

    6. Blog Commenting - commenting on related do follow blogs is the old fashioned, proven way to get Google backlinks, including quality, high PR backlinks, to your website/blog.

    WordPress blogs have a built in no follow feature which prevents search engines from following the link, therefore depriving you of the benefit. If you leave a comment on a no follow blog, the search engine will not follow the link and therefore will not count it as a backlink. That is why it is recommended to comment on a do follow blog where search engines will follow the link and give you full link benefits.

    It is time consuming as to make an effective comment, you first have to read the article and think and write a response. If the response is unrelated or too 'shallow,' it will be discarded as spam and waste your time.

    Many webmasters too, have become accustomed to getting spam comments from people with keywords in their usernames and will instantly erase your comment if it contains anchor text in your username. So as not to waste your time, it is best to look if any previous comment on their blog has a keyword for a username. If not, it may be best to use your first name. Giving a long, quality, related comment however, oftentimes will pass spam filters such as Akismet and convince the webmaster that your comment is genuine and ignore the keyword filled username. A good comment is also the best way to get visitors back to your blog.

    7. Social Bookmarking - social bookmarking sites allow you to store your favorite web pages online. You may choose to publicly display your bookmarks in which case they will be visible to others. These bookmarking sites are highly rated by Google who sees them as good, valuable sources of information. They are usually high PR. The most rated are Digg, Delicious, Mixx, Reddit and Stumbleupon.

    8. Social Networking - the world has gone social networking crazy. It has literally taken over the web and almost everyone is getting into it. Facebook, the number one is at over 500 million members and growing. Twitter is also very popular and you can add updates each time you post an article to your blog. It has now become a good place to get a backlink and also to promote your blog. There are many social networking plugins available that will enable you to instantly post your updates on the social networking sites and bring traffic to your site.

    9. Blog Communities - Websites such as Blog Catalog, Blog Top List, My Blog Log (will be closing down in May 2011) allow blog owners to list their blog and interact in a blog community, making friends with other blog owners. In addition to offering a backlink for your URL, you may also get multiple backlinks if your posts are tagged for certain keywords. This is the case with MyBlog Log. I will miss that site!

    10. Online Communities - there are online communities such as Buddy Press sites that allow members to have their own blog. If you qualify for one of these sites, you can start a blog, preferably related to your main blog and link back to your main blog.
    These strategies show you how to build google backlinks to help you in making money with Adsense. These simple strategies will help you defeat competitiors and move up in the search engine results page.

    I haven't really begun with affiliate marketing yet, but i will in the future and i did make a site that i am just testing right now. I will tell you some of my experiences with some of the stuff related to what he tells you in the article. With the site i am testing what he tells you in number 2 is true, when you submit an article to an article directory that backlink itself won't be all that powerful, though sometimes people can get there article on the 1st page, but what is powerful is when someone takes your article and puts it on their site with your backlink, this way the link is in the text (contextual backlink) which is stronger than a link put in a resource box, i experienced this with my test site, it wasn't ranking that well but when i saw someone had took my article and put it on their site (it was page rank 1), my site went up a lot in googles SERP. #3 link directories, In my experience this can help a little but not a lot, because the link directory itself on the home page might have a high PR, but the sub-page of where your link will be might not even have a page rank, though sometimes it does and age matters to, the site that took my article was over 7 years old. #6 blog commenting, in my experience if you find a site with high PR on the page where you leave the comment, it does help and make sure not to spam, read the article, give it some thought and leave your comment and especially if it is high rank just leave your name in the anchor text instead of your keyword, that will make it less spammy. Still on #6 i paid a company to leave auto comments for me just to test it out, it was cheap, and my experience; don't do it, it didn't help me, if you want to outsource make sure it is someone trusted who does it manually or if they do it with software, the software does it in a more natural way. #7 Social bookmarking, in my experience this helped me get indexed really fast, but not so much help with rankings though. The other things i left out i never tried. Here is the site i got the article from How To Build Google Backlinks To Help You In Making Money With Adsense Site « What Is Adsense?. I am new at this so i don't know much, but i wanted to try and give someone some helpful advice with the article and my own experiences related to the article. Hope this is somewhat useful to other newbies out there.

    This Is Nice Post. Really i am impression your post and i am very like tips online community Thanks by share.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4291566].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author aktive8
    Nice tips thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author eugeneoconnell
    Awesome read. I really appreciate your effort. As a newbie, I can say that your post really has been very helpful. I believe that there's still a lot of things that I have to learn, and this certainly is a great start. Thank you so much for all your advice.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4292009].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author peacidell
    Backlink is most important part in search engine optimization. There are many tips for building back link like Blog commenting,Submit an article to directories, Be a guest author, Help someone on a forum and so on.
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  • Profile picture of the author isodownload
    creating backlings is hard and long way of getting conversion your webpages to money.I'm searching the fast and free way to take good backlinks for mywebsite.But i didn't find anything.These tips are good but i'm working in the office and do not waste the time for working hardly for building backlinks...

    Traffic for Gaming Websites : : Fixes for PC Game Errors, Crashes...

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4298517].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author dgaubatz
      Originally Posted by isodownload View Post

      creating backlings is hard and long way of getting conversion your webpages to money.I'm searching the fast and free way to take good backlinks for mywebsite.But i didn't find anything.These tips are good but i'm working in the office and do not waste the time for working hardly for building backlinks...
      It's hard to find a free fast way. Cheap ones with hundreds-thousands backlinks usually aren't that good. There are really good ones that will make it fast and cut down the work for you, but based on what i've seen they are expensive.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4302838].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author David Ogden
        Originally Posted by dgaubatz View Post

        It's hard to find a free fast way. Cheap ones with hundreds-thousands backlinks usually aren't that good. There are really good ones that will make it fast and cut down the work for you, but based on what i've seen they are expensive.
        A great post quality ranking depends on quality information and links, there is no fast track to get to the top qiockly.

        David Ogden an Entrepreneur at Markethive which uses a suite of free marketing tools to promote his opportunity. Contact:- Telegram @davidogden

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4319679].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author dgaubatz
          Originally Posted by David Ogden View Post

          A great post quality ranking depends on quality information and links, there is no fast track to get to the top qiockly.
          Well said. What i meant to say is faster not fast, but your right; no shortcuts, their is no push button magic. I have seen tools that speed up the process, but they don't completely automate everything (not the good ones). You still have to put in work and make sure it is good content your creating or someone creates for you.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4319745].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author StoneWilson
    Thanks for sharing. And Google updated PageRank two time in less than one month definitely will bring lots of people into link selling business.
    Looking for godaddy renewal coupon? Check!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4298718].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author digitalmarketing
    ya this is very good and this is a right way to to promote your site
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  • Profile picture of the author WilliamBLee
    These are practice tips for the new comers who are new in SEO
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    • Profile picture of the author marknel
      Given the popularity of YouTube, Video marketing also plays a crucial role in optimization.
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      • Profile picture of the author dgaubatz
        Originally Posted by marknel View Post

        Given the popularity of YouTube, Video marketing also plays a crucial role in optimization.
        Yeah, and if you get your video on the 1st page a lot of people like clicking on them more. Not all, but for certain things i search for i like clicking the videos more myself, but the quality matters to, i won't watch the rest of the video or stay on the site they put in the description that long if it is not relevant and bad quality.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4302861].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author dgaubatz
    I thought i should add something. If your getting a link building service and there is one that cost $.10 per link and one that cost $1 per link the $1 per link is more realistic and most likely better for you to get. Now there are certain situations you can make an argument on this with, but this is my opinion.
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  • Profile picture of the author Josh MacDonald
    Great list of types of backlinks you got there.
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  • Profile picture of the author deejayvirg
    Thank you man for these backlinks!
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  • Profile picture of the author jamessmith41
    Perhaps the most effective backlink type at least according to search engines is the organic backlink. That occurs when you have a site of such quality that other sites link to you naturally with no link in return. There is no negotiation or trade involved in organic backlinks, your site generates them by being top quality and providing useful information. Of course, you cannot always control what type of site gives you an organic backlink and usually organic or natural backlinks are insufficient to provide all the incoming links a site will need. That is when other types of backlinks are useful and knowing how to generate those other types of backlinks can help boost SEO efforts.

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  • Profile picture of the author simonbuzz
    interesting...thanks for the share...
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  • Profile picture of the author Bizboy949
    Great post! Bookmarked!
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  • Profile picture of the author warner444
    Thanks dgaubatz for a well written and informative post.

    From my experience one of the best ways to build high quality links is Guest Blogging. I get links on high PR sites all the time and also get direct traffic from the post.

    A really great place to get up to speed fast to be Guest Blogging is the My Blog Guest forum Guest blogging: Looking for guest bloggers or guest post? Join MyBlogGuest!

    You can find places to post, people who will post original content on your blog, and its free.

    There is a pro level for $20 a month where you get full use to place articles in the article gallery where other bloggers will ask for permission to post the on their blog and access to a members only forum area.

    I have no affiliate relationship with them and just mention this because I use it a lot and am posting on PR6-8 blogs regularly and think it is a great way to build really high quality content relevant links.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4319229].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author dgaubatz
      Originally Posted by warner444 View Post

      Thanks dgaubatz for a well written and informative post.

      From my experience one of the best ways to build high quality links is Guest Blogging. I get links on high PR sites all the time and also get direct traffic from the post.

      A really great place to get up to speed fast to be Guest Blogging is the My Blog Guest forum Guest blogging: Looking for guest bloggers or guest post? Join MyBlogGuest!

      You can find places to post, people who will post original content on your blog, and its free.

      There is a pro level for $20 a month where you get full use to place articles in the article gallery where other bloggers will ask for permission to post the on their blog and access to a members only forum area.

      I have no affiliate relationship with them and just mention this because I use it a lot and am posting on PR6-8 blogs regularly and think it is a great way to build really high quality content relevant links.
      Thank you. Nice share.
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  • Profile picture of the author owenlee
    thanks for the info...

    at the end of the day is about how much your information can help your reader..if your content is not useful to them, they might simply walk away from point having such hugh traffic but useless content right?
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  • Profile picture of the author vaibhavm1
    awesome tips
    i ve been doing this for a while and quite successfully but even i learned a thing or two here
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  • Profile picture of the author mika45
    nice tips thanks for share
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  • Profile picture of the author seohunter
    I like your way to increase baclinks.
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  • Profile picture of the author melltonroper
    Thanks for the very useful tips!
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    • Profile picture of the author dgaubatz
      Originally Posted by melltonroper View Post

      Thanks for the very useful tips!
      Your welcome.
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      • Profile picture of the author WorkSatisfaction
        Thank-you so much for being considerate enough to share this valuable article with others in the forum.

        Backlinking is indeed a crucial part of building a successful online business and there are many things to bear in mind in order to do this correctly and to best effect for your site. The important points are covered beautifully in the article above.

        When commenting on others blogs I always keep in mind what pleases me and what frustrates me about comments I receive from others on my own blog. I always ensure that I am honest and courteous when commenting on others blogs. I have often read an article or even a forum post that I did not feel I could add anything of value to. Instead of then adding a half-hearted comment, I have moved on. I feel that if we are committed to learning from others the comments that we add will not need to be forced but will come naturally. If I do not 'feel' the post I rather do not comment.

        There may be automated ways to create backlinks but I personally believe that taking time everyday to learn from others in forums or on blogs and adding comments of value is not only a good way to learn but definately helps you build relationships with others in the process of building those ever valuable backlinks to your site.

        Common courtesy and consideration for others definately goes a long way when one decides to create your backlinks manually!
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  • Profile picture of the author sofiaisabella
    I like the way you describe the way of generate back link. such a nice post and pity useful or all SEO profession. thanks for this post keep it up thanks.
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  • Profile picture of the author samuel07
    Originally Posted by dgaubatz View Post

    I came across an article from a webpage the other day and thought i would share it. It is just the basics, so here it is:

    A Backlink is simply a link from another website to your site. This is one of, if not the most important variable that Google uses to determine page rank and the position your web page takes in the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages). For Google Adsense and indeed any other method of making money from a website or blog, the higher you are in the SERPS, the more people will visit your blog. The more people who visit your blog, the more people are capable of clicking your Adsense ads and the more chances for making money with Adsense. Of note, a few years ago, a reciprocal link (I link to you, you link to me) was of great importance but as time goes by, it has lost its importance as 1 way links (backlinks) have become the standard link ranking variable.

    On Twitter, the more people of importance that follow you, the more likely you are to be followed and more important people will also follow you. Google has a similar approach and views a backlink as a vote. It separates websites' importance through a grading system known as Page Rank (PR). To increase your page rank, it is necessary to get backlinks (votes) from higher page rank sources. The higher PR backlink you get, the more favorable Google will look upon your site and reward you with a higher PR. This system goes from 8 to 10, the higher number being the highest ranked.

    The importance of Page Rank has been disputed by some webmasters as in many cases, a lower PR site will outrank a high PR site, especially if the low PR site has the keyword in the domain name and title and is highly Search Engine Optimized.

    What Page Rank does is to give your site prestige and leverage. If you have a high PR blog, people will easily link to it and you will have less problem getting a 1 way link or a reciprocal link. Eventually, people may actually pay you to place a link to their site on your blog/website and if you decide to sell your website someday, the higher PR will mean you can get more for the sale than from a low PR website/blog.

    What is for sure is that the quantity and quality of Google backlinks help determine your position in the SERPs. If you want to beat the competition for a particular keyword, the first thing to look for is the quantity of backlinks. If it is over 300, then it might be difficult. The next thing to look at is the quality of the backlinks. Everyone who has a blog or website should install a free browser addon called SEO Quake. It is a nice little tool to spy on your competitors. It will show you the amounts and details of backlinks and internal links for any website whose page you have opened. If a site has too many high PR backlinks, it will be even more difficult as all things being equal, you would have to outdo them in terms of quality, which may take lots of time and hard work.

    Because backlinks are so important to Google, the king of search engines, back linking has become an industry by itself and there are many websites and individuals offering link building and search engine optimization services. You can even outsource back linking as you would outsource article writing. Outsourcing back linking could eventually become necessary if you have several websites. Backlinking can be a boring, tedious task and could get in the way of your article writing as it competes for your time.

    You have to be careful who does your back linking as Google does not like:

    1. Automated back linking
    2. Links added too fast
    3. Spamming
    4. Link Clubs
    5. Link Wheels
    6. Links to unrelated sites
    7. Links to sites that are outside those accepted by TOS such as sex, gambling, weapons and copyright violators
    8. Links to spam sites

    Many people cannot wait and build quickly, but Google prefers building links slowly and naturally. They do not want you linking too quickly as this would defeat the validity of their system. If you push up the importance of your 'crap' site because you are able to spend more time back linking than the webmaster of a higher quality site, you could unfairly outdo him and your 'crap' would rise to the top above a better quality site. Google does not want that!

    Before we go any further, we have to understand Anchor texts. These are the texts used in the link to your site, the text you will click on to activate the link. It is important, as the ideal situation is to get your keyword as anchor text. This will not be possible on all occasions, but as often as possible, use the anchor text in your backlink. Not to worry if you do not have many of your backlinks with anchor text. There is one school of thought that says in order for your link building to look natural as Google requires, it is better to only have some of your links with anchor text. Other links could have text related to your keywords such as simply "here" or "Click Here", for example.

    Here are some free one way backlink strategies you may use to build Google Backlinks. These strategies also show you how to get traffic to your blog:

    1. RSS Directories - RSS stands for really simple syndication and what it does is use a feed to get your blog articles in real time almost as soon as you post them. There are RSS Directories that exist by listing your feed and visitors can read your articles if they find them interesting. You get a free backlink, plus traffic from readers, but what makes RSS Directories valuable is how quickly they are read by the search engines. When you have a new site, it may take days, sometimes weeks before it is crawled by the search engines if you don't get help. These RSS directories are crawled regularly so you will quickly get your new site indexed by adding it to these directories.

    2. Article Directories - adding your articles to quality directories with a link or 2 back to your site is one of the best ways to get a Google backlink. These article directories are usually high PR. You will get a link or two from the article's referral box back to your site and if your articles are good, webmasters will take your article and place it on their website with a link back to your site. This has a multiplication effect on the number of incoming links as you keep getting backlinks added from each website that uses your article. You will also get extra traffic to your site from clicks back to your blog, as readers get curious to read other articles you have written. With this method, write quality 500 words, preferably more more original articles to stand out from the crowd.

    3. Link directories - Adding your blog to a link directory in the relevant category allows you a related backlink. Some of these directories are free, some paid., but there are many free ones available at IMTalk

    4. Forum Links - do a Google search for forums related to your keyword and add your signature to the forum. Whenever you comment, your signature link will add another backlink to your blog and another possible way to get traffic to your content.

    5. Profile Links - several membership sites including forums, will allow you to add your blog/website link to your profile. You can get some high PR links in this way, but you may have to bookmark the sites, visit now and again and participate or your profile might be removed by the webmaster.

    6. Blog Commenting - commenting on related do follow blogs is the old fashioned, proven way to get Google backlinks, including quality, high PR backlinks, to your website/blog.

    WordPress blogs have a built in no follow feature which prevents search engines from following the link, therefore depriving you of the benefit. If you leave a comment on a no follow blog, the search engine will not follow the link and therefore will not count it as a backlink. That is why it is recommended to comment on a do follow blog where search engines will follow the link and give you full link benefits.

    It is time consuming as to make an effective comment, you first have to read the article and think and write a response. If the response is unrelated or too 'shallow,' it will be discarded as spam and waste your time.

    Many webmasters too, have become accustomed to getting spam comments from people with keywords in their usernames and will instantly erase your comment if it contains anchor text in your username. So as not to waste your time, it is best to look if any previous comment on their blog has a keyword for a username. If not, it may be best to use your first name. Giving a long, quality, related comment however, oftentimes will pass spam filters such as Akismet and convince the webmaster that your comment is genuine and ignore the keyword filled username. A good comment is also the best way to get visitors back to your blog.

    7. Social Bookmarking - social bookmarking sites allow you to store your favorite web pages online. You may choose to publicly display your bookmarks in which case they will be visible to others. These bookmarking sites are highly rated by Google who sees them as good, valuable sources of information. They are usually high PR. The most rated are Digg, Delicious, Mixx, Reddit and Stumbleupon.

    8. Social Networking - the world has gone social networking crazy. It has literally taken over the web and almost everyone is getting into it. Facebook, the number one is at over 500 million members and growing. Twitter is also very popular and you can add updates each time you post an article to your blog. It has now become a good place to get a backlink and also to promote your blog. There are many social networking plugins available that will enable you to instantly post your updates on the social networking sites and bring traffic to your site.

    9. Blog Communities - Websites such as Blog Catalog, Blog Top List, My Blog Log (will be closing down in May 2011) allow blog owners to list their blog and interact in a blog community, making friends with other blog owners. In addition to offering a backlink for your URL, you may also get multiple backlinks if your posts are tagged for certain keywords. This is the case with MyBlog Log. I will miss that site!

    10. Online Communities - there are online communities such as Buddy Press sites that allow members to have their own blog. If you qualify for one of these sites, you can start a blog, preferably related to your main blog and link back to your main blog.
    These strategies show you how to build google backlinks to help you in making money with Adsense. These simple strategies will help you defeat competitiors and move up in the search engine results page.

    I haven't really begun with affiliate marketing yet, but i will in the future and i did make a site that i am just testing right now. I will tell you some of my experiences with some of the stuff related to what he tells you in the article.

    With the site i am testing what he tells you in number 2 is true, when you submit an article to an article directory that backlink itself won't be all that powerful, though sometimes people can get there article on the 1st page, but what is powerful is when someone takes your article and puts it on their site with your backlink, this way the link is in the text (contextual backlink) which is stronger than a link put in a resource box, i experienced this with my test site, it wasn't ranking that well but when i saw someone had took my article and put it on their site (it was page rank 1), my site went up a lot in googles SERP.

    #3 link directories, In my experience this can help a little but not a lot, because the link directory itself on the home page might have a high PR, but the sub-page of where your link will be might not even have a page rank, though sometimes it does and age matters to, the site that took my article was over 7 years old.

    #6 blog commenting, in my experience if you find a site with high PR on the page where you leave the comment, it does help and make sure not to spam, read the article, give it some thought and leave your comment and especially if it is high rank just leave your name in the anchor text instead of your keyword, that will make it less spammy. Still on #6 i paid a company to leave auto comments for me just to test it out, it was cheap, and my experience; don't do it, it didn't help me, if you want to outsource make sure it is someone trusted who does it manually or if they do it with software, the software does it in a more natural way.

    #7 Social bookmarking, in my experience this helped me get indexed really fast, but not so much help with rankings though. The other things i left out i never tried. Here is the site i got the article from How To Build Google Backlinks To Help You In Making Money With Adsense Site « What Is Adsense?.

    I am new at this so i don't know much, but i wanted to try and give someone some helpful advice with the article and my own experiences related to the article. Hope this is somewhat useful to other newbies out there.
    I really admire and appreciate your all the tips and ideas on building backlinks,It is very much helpful for new comers in this field.

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  • Profile picture of the author Jean1
    Thank you for this great post. I appreciate your efforts..
    The greatest Viral Marketing Idea of all time...FREE ebook
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  • Profile picture of the author roomservice
    Originally Posted by dgaubatz View Post

    A Backlink is simply a link from another website to your site.
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  • Profile picture of the author SUPER Louie
    Great tips. They can be of great use to me
    A superhero is someone who knows how to be quiet, shed a tear for a moment, then pick up his sword, and fight again!
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  • Profile picture of the author Jazzy4life
    Interesting Post.

    There are a few more important things like:

    1. Adding Title Tags to your anchor text links.

    2. Image Link Adding Title Attribute & Alt Tag.

    3. Posting Articles to Hub Pages.

    4. Creating a Sitemap. (which I have to create, soon for my website)

    5. Posting on Squidoo Lens.

    6. .edu, is a great useful domain, to post a relevant article on.

    7. Submit Press Releases.

    8. Blog Tip: Unless you are trying to rank high for your "name" use a key word or short phrase instead of your name in "name" box of the comment form. What you enter in the "name" box becomes your anchor text and makes the link higher quality to the search engines. So, it isn't a good idea to put your name in the comment box, unless you want your name to show up as the main keyword.

    9. Also remember back linking isn't everything. You need to have great "Quality content" and on top of that, you need to know how to optimize your web pages properly.

    10. Link Exchanging is also another popular strategy, to build links. However, it is only appropriate once it is being exchanged to a relevant website, otherwise the SEO can penalize you if they find out there is irrelvency.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4366541].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author dgaubatz
      Originally Posted by Jazzy4life View Post

      Interesting Post.

      There are a few more important things like:

      1. Adding Title Tags to your anchor text links.

      2. Image Link Adding Title Attribute & Alt Tag.

      3. Posting Articles to Hub Pages.

      4. Creating a Sitemap. (which I have to create, soon for my website)

      5. Posting on Squidoo Lens.

      6. .edu, is a great useful domain, to post a relevant article on.

      7. Submit Press Releases.

      8. Blog Tip: Unless you are trying to rank high for your "name" use a key word or short phrase instead of your name in "name" box of the comment form. What you enter in the "name" box becomes your anchor text and makes the link higher quality to the search engines. So, it isn't a good idea to put your name in the comment box, unless you want your name to show up as the main keyword.

      9. Also remember back linking isn't everything. You need to have great "Quality content" and on top of that, you need to know how to optimize your web pages properly.

      10. Link Exchanging is also another popular strategy, to build links. However, it is only appropriate once it is being exchanged to a relevant website, otherwise the SEO can penalize you if they find out there is irrelvency.
      Wordpress has a plugin called Google XML Site Maps that takes care of the sitemap for you.
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  • Profile picture of the author glennforum
    These are great tips especially for those who are in the learning curve about SEO and link building thanks for sharing.
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  • Profile picture of the author zelthost
    Thank you for tips. It's helpful for me.
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  • Profile picture of the author dagaul101
    Nice tips, it's always a great idea to check which sites your links are being promoted on for a backlink service before you get slapped
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  • Profile picture of the author Roberto L
    I think we are facing the problem that the bounce rate increase rapidly and the back links and new,fine content did not bring too much traffic.

    What shoule I do?
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  • Profile picture of the author promhut729
    Great information, your article gave me the opportunity to reference
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  • Profile picture of the author DIGITALCHAMELEON
    Awesome read. Thanks for the huge list, i found it really helpful in my campaign.
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    • Profile picture of the author blend
      They say link wheels don't work? So how is senuke so powerful then?
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      • Profile picture of the author dgaubatz
        Originally Posted by blend View Post

        They say link wheels don't work? So how is senuke so powerful then?
        Haven't used senuke or payed attention to what it is.
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  • Profile picture of the author seosemguy
    Thank for explaining in easy to understand manner.It is definitely going to help for on & off page optimization of my blog.
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  • Profile picture of the author kcsgoa
    Thanks for this , Great info for a novice
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  • Profile picture of the author epathj
    thanks for your post
    As a newbie, I can say that your post really has been very helpful. I believe that there's still a lot of things that I have to learn, and this certainly is a great start.
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  • Profile picture of the author hpad06
    you are new and not into affiliate marketing for long, and you are giving tips for affiliates?

    what can I say
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    • Profile picture of the author dgaubatz
      Originally Posted by hpad06 View Post

      you are new and not into affiliate marketing for long, and you are giving tips for affiliates?

      what can I say
      You must not have read it correctly. This is advice for other newbies on building backlinks,not affiliate marketing, it's even in the title. How you take it and what you do with it is not my concern, it was just to help with what i've ran into and what i know on backlinks. I welcome criticism but what you said is unrelated to what i was trying to give in my article. If you want advice on affiliate marketing you will have to look else where for now, i'm sorry you didn't get what you wanted. It seems like your going to keep getting angry because from my experience even buying ebooks on affiliate marketing doesn't give you everything you need to succeed with it, unless you buy the right one your first time, but mostly you will have to buy more than one ebook and put it all together.
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  • Profile picture of the author danieljames123
    One of the most important jobs in SEO is building backlinks. Quality backlinks are essential to a site's SEO success. Here I aggregate some more important tips for building backlinks,
    - Write and submit articles to article directories
    - Sign up for social bookmarking sites
    - Comment on blogs
    - Post in forums and include a link in your signature
    - Offer something of value that people will link back to

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  • Profile picture of the author owenlee
    Thanks..but i find linkwheel is still doing fine for me...
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