8 replies
  • SEO
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Hi warriors,

how to increase yahoo backlinks of a website. I am having a forum website but there are only 10 yahoo backlinks......

please some one share some tips to increase the yahoo backlinks.....
#backlinks #yahoo
  • Profile picture of the author schwagoo
    Participating in yahoo answers is an easy way to get links from yahoo. I have purchased a few of these packages in the past, and I never saw a real increase from it. However there are a number of factors for this type thing, and my experience does not mean that these links don't work, just that they didn't work for the projects on which I used them. Good luck!
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    • Profile picture of the author marktaylor001
      When Yahoo is exploring a website, all the Yahoo index and analysis is considered a backlink but a do-follow or a no-follow tag. Backlinks can achieve things by building links to your site. Participate in social networking and forum site.
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      • Profile picture of the author SamDenial
        Well you need to do a quality of link building. You will definitely get an increase of back links in Yahoo.
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  • Profile picture of the author chimeara27
    If you want to increase your yahoo backlinks just continue your link building effort such as blog commenting and submitting to directories.
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  • Profile picture of the author mikedex
    You need to submit your website in Yahoo directory. Participate in yahoo answer and try to collect quality backlinks. These all helps you to enhance your yahoo back links.
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  • Profile picture of the author Arushi
    Get some quality back links with yahoo directory as well, try to do some directory (high pr + do follow)
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  • Profile picture of the author sharetruthonly
    for getting quality backlinks just try to concentrate on your content because content is king and try to bookmark your site in different bookmarking site it will surely make good back-links you can check my website how its working check it below link
    www . truthofbodybuilding . com
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  • Profile picture of the author jroth728
    Have you ever tried building a website plugin and giving it away for free? This works great if you give something away with value because lots of people will host in on their site giving you a 1 way dofollow link.
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