Does more content equal more money?

by nest28
11 replies
  • SEO
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Since adding 20 more pages of content I've noticed a 40 dollar increase in my adsense earnings every month. So my question is can an extra couple hundred dollars be generated by adding say hundred new pages? Also these earnings are from long tail keywords.
#content #equal #money
  • Profile picture of the author didyouknow
    depends on the reason why;
    - more content about specific topic, resulting in higher paying ads to be shown?
    - more content = more traffic
    - more / new content = higher CTR ..

    find out why it works and repeat to increase $$
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    • Profile picture of the author xnice
      Originally Posted by didyouknow View Post

      depends on the reason why;
      - more content about specific topic, resulting in higher paying ads to be shown?
      - more content = more traffic
      - more / new content = higher CTR ..

      find out why it works and repeat to increase $$
      This correct, and if you get more targeted traffic to your site, this will increase income. If you can create this site fast, you can sale it for more profit and build other sites.
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  • Profile picture of the author nest28
    thanx a lot guys, I will continue to grow this site out, i normally see 2or 3 dollar clicks from my niche so I'm really trying to make this site a authority type site. Others in my niche really don't have any imagination they use standard click bump templates and use the same topics over and over. I care about my visitors , my goal to have a site people love and oh yea google to

    Somewhere watching Power.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4951835].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Eleanor
      Originally Posted by nest28 View Post

      thanx a lot guys, I will continue to grow this site out, i normally see 2or 3 dollar clicks from my niche so I'm really trying to make this site a authority type site. Others in my niche really don't have any imagination they use standard click bump templates and use the same topics over and over. I care about my visitors , my goal to have a site people love and oh yea google to
      It's very refreshing to see someone who wants to provide value to their users and understands that this is the key to high earnings - especially with AdSense websites.

      Good luck! You deserve to reach all your goals!

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      • Profile picture of the author nest28
        Originally Posted by bubbins1987 View Post

        It's very refreshing to see someone who wants to provide value to their users and understands that this is the key to high earnings - especially with AdSense websites.

        Good luck! You deserve to reach all your goals!

        Thank you very much.

        Somewhere watching Power.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4952971].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    Originally Posted by nest28 View Post

    Since adding 20 more pages of content I've noticed a 40 dollar increase in my adsense earnings every month. So my question is can an extra couple hundred dollars be generated by adding say hundred new pages? Also these earnings are from long tail keywords.
    If the new pages generate more traffic, then yes.

    Adsense needs lots of traffic, the more targeted traffic, the more you will earn.

    First find out the source of traffic (SERPs, forums, related sites, etc...) for your existing pages that are bringing in the $40. That's your ticket to more $$.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4952159].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author nest28
      Originally Posted by yukon View Post

      If the new pages generate more traffic, then yes.

      Adsense needs lots of traffic, the more targeted traffic, the more you will earn.

      First find out the source of traffic (SERPs, forums, related sites, etc...) for your existing pages that are bringing in the $40. That's your ticket to more $$.
      I know I answered my own question lol. Didn't realize it till later.

      Somewhere watching Power.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4952978].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author dete49
    Depends on the content and if people are looking for an answer to their problem or question.
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  • Profile picture of the author nest28
    my site is on second page for most of its main keywords, i'making all my money from longtail keywords, that i rank highly for. Whats funny about the whole thing is the top sites in my niche are nowhere to be found when it comes to long tail. As soon as this months adsense check comes out will be out souring some writers to add 100 new 500 word articles. I normally break the urls into groups of 20 and backlink each group with the basic seo methods. Everyday I have been rising in the serps for multiple keywords.

    Somewhere watching Power.

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  • Profile picture of the author pilatospoonfork
    Basically, yes. If your content is very interesting it will surely bring more traffic to your site and more traffic, more money. That's the magic behind interesting contents.
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