Test: The impact of adding fresh content on SERPS

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There will always be the debate of how much of an impact fresh content has on SERPS, and while for some sites it may not be practical to keep updating or adding fresh content regularly (say e-commerce sites for instance), I think there are so many benefits to be obtained by this, that it is worth finding the time to write a few times each week.

I decided to deliberately not add or change the content of my site for about a month. I did some small changes here and there, but I did not add anything in terms of new posts or pages. I kept on doing exactly the same in terms of off-site SEO (backlinks, etc); the only thing that I stopped doing was adding fresh content.

I was hit quite hard by the Panda update on the 14th Oct, and since I did not add any content since about that date, I saw a steady decline on the already reduced traffic numbers, directly related to a steady loss in the SERPS for most of my keywords.

Now, TODAY, just about an hour ago, I added a new post of around 1,300 words. I could not believe it when I saw that my homepage, and many of my inner pages had ALL got a massive boost in the SERPS. Most keywords I have checked (for homepage as well as other inner pages) have gone up in the past hour by between 1 and 8 positions. Given I was on page 1 and 2 for most of them, this has already given me a noticeable boost in traffic.

I will definitely start adding LARGE posts from now on, and write as often as possible on MY site, as opposed to on OTHER sites to build backlinks. Will still build backlinks, but for me it is now really obvious how important it is to focus on good content on my own site, more than anything else.

This may sound very obvious to some, I don't know, but I just thought I would share my experience, because it could help some others who are focusing too much on building backlinks perhaps at the expense of their own site.


UPDATE: have found one of my main keywords for my homepage, for which I had been sent to page 39 since the 14th Oct (that is, position three hundred and something!) and now is on page 7. This is a MASSIVE jump that I can only attribute to adding my 1,300 word article, as I had been in the 300 position for the past month without much movement. Goes to show that the power of adding JUST one good article is worth a lot more than building a few high PR backlinks on a daily basis for a whole month.
#adding #adding content regularly #boost serps #content #fresh #fresh content #impact #serps
  • Profile picture of the author mgreener
    That's awesome Dolors!

    Certainly 1,000 plus words content is the best way to go as post-panda Google has said that they will penalize your ENTIRE site for even having a few junk pages.

    Have you tried tweeting links and posting your new posts to Facebook?
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    • Profile picture of the author Ele-Jota
      Originally Posted by mgreener View Post

      That's awesome Dolors!

      Certainly 1,000 plus words content is the best way to go as post-panda Google has said that they will penalize your ENTIRE site for even having a few junk pages.

      Have you tried tweeting links and posting your new posts to Facebook?
      Yes, I still have the most important page of my site penalised, not sure why, but at least the rest of the site is recovering now that I am posting more content.

      Yes, I always post the new site posts on Facebook, although I have not yet got into Twitter - will do soon!
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  • Profile picture of the author bigcat1967
    This is what I want to hear. I want to read about experiences from people like you Dolors...this will help us direct our own websites from reading pieces like this. Thank you for this post!

    <a href="https://changeyourbudget.com/save-money-on-your-water-bill/">How to Lower Your Water Bill</a>

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    • Profile picture of the author Ele-Jota
      Originally Posted by bigcat1967 View Post

      This is what I want to hear. I want to read about experiences from people like you Dolors...this will help us direct our own websites from reading pieces like this. Thank you for this post!
      You are welcome... After I wrote this post, I went to sleep and then as soon as I woke up, all my keywords where back at the old SERPs, including the one that had made the massive jump from page 39 to page 7. I thought, this has not lasted long has it...? So I added another new post, this time only around 600 words though. 5 minutes later I check G and I see the massive boost again. This time even better. And that important keyword is back from page 39 to page 5 now. This time, I woke up and things have not reverted back, which is really good, so I will definitely write more today to make sure I stay on top! :-)

      It is so helpful to see changes happening so instantly and to see so clearly what it is exactly that has led to that change (most of the time I don't have much of a clue...). I can see each piece of fresh content as adding an incremental factor, pushing my site (as a whole) up in searches, for all keywords. By the way, the changes have happened instantly in Yahoo and Bing too.
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      • Profile picture of the author Gooplex
        fresh content on regular basis is the key to retain ranking. Congratulation Dolors for your success
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  • Profile picture of the author Tacit
    Yeah I think pages with heaps of content are going to do the best post-panda. Whenever I write its normally 800-1000+ words now.
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  • Profile picture of the author krishacetravison
    As per the new algorithm update, it's just a normal scenario since they (Google) are giving more priority to sites with fresh contents. But this thing can't be last for too long...You have to update your content often specially if your site is focusing on some recurring events and news.

    However, the good thing about it is that useful contents are more likely to stay on top for a long time because if users find that particular content and get interested, they will surely share it to others and you will get organic backlinks and traffic.
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