The EXACT strategy i use to rank for ANY KEYWORD!

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Hi guys,

I’ve seen a lot of talk about SEO and link building strategies lately, and thought I’d chip in and give you guys the EXACT SEO strategy I personally use to rank my own websites.

Using my strategy, you work on only ONE keyword at a time. I work in SEO “cycles” each cycle targets and builds links for that ONE keyword. When the cycle is completed, I target the next keyword in another cycle dedicated to that keyword. The point here is not to target more than one keyword at a time in the same SEO Cycle.

Each cycle takes a considerable amount of time, and although it’s possible to do it entirely on your own I HIGHLY recommend you outsource the work. If you attempt to do everything yourself, you will burn yourself out within a few weeks, and will probably want to give up on IM completely!

So as soon as you can afford it, get others to complete this work for you.


This is how I get these results:

STEP 1: Pick a keyword

Pick ONE keyword on your site to target in the SEO cycle. If it’s a very difficult keyword, first add a new article to your site. If it’s easy to moderate competition, then this is not necessary.

STEP 2: Creating PROMO Content

Here you need to create all the content you will be using in the SEO cycle.

1. Start with an article related to your niche. This article does NOT have to target the keyword you are trying to rank for; it just needs to be about something relating to your niche. Then add spin syntax to the article (The Best spinner or Magic Article Re-writer works good). If you do not have money to buy one of these, I think there is a free version of spinner chief that will do the job.

NOTE: DO NOT automatically spin this article!! You need to manually spin each word so that the article is at least 60% unique. The idea is that when you generate a unique article, that it is the type of quality you would be willing to put on your website or submit to ezine articles (It must be THAT Good!) An article that does not read easy or make proper sense will NOT DO! (Trust me, I have extensively tested this)

Also remember to spin the title well – multiple titles all spun together works best.

Add two links in the article. Normally my one link goes to the page with the target keyword (The keyword is used as anchor text). My other link is normally linked to my home page (where my site’s main keyword is used as anchor text). Make sure that each time you spin the article the links are left intact.

2. Generate 2 unique versions of your promo article. Use these 2 articles and create 1 PDF file and 1 Power Point Slide show. Remember to add plenty of pictures.

3. Use Animoto, and create a video based on the article. The video must be at least 1min to 2min long. The easiest way to do this is to read the article, and pick a few facts you want to bring across in the video. Then spread the facts over a few text modules and simply add relevant pictures in between.

Remember to watermark your site URL at the bottom of the video.

You will need at least an Animoto Plus account to create full length videos – I think this only costs about $30 a year now.

STEP 3: Unleash the Promo content to the world!

As you submit your content to the various sites, it would be a good idea to copy each page’s URL that you create into a text document. You will be using these URL’s later.

1. Firstly, create a YouTube account and submit the Video to YouTube. Remember to start the video description with the full page URL of the target page you are trying to rank for. Ex.

2. Create accounts on Scribd and SlideShare. Submit the PDF file to Scribd. Then submit the Power Point Slide Show to Slide Share

3. Manual Web2.0 submission – Create accounts on the following web2.0 sites: Squidoo, Weebly, Wikia, Wetpaint, Wikispaces, Posterous, Tumblr, Wordpress, Blogspot, Zimbio, Skyrock and MyLivePage.

Then MANUALLY submit UNIQUE versions of your promo article to each one. BUT, embed your YouTube video in each, and include AT LEAST one relevant picture.

Sometimes some of the web2.0’s will delete your pages – but it’s still well worth the effort trying to submit to them.

This is probably the most boring and time consuming part of the entire SEO cycle. In the beginning I created a bot using UBOT to sign up to all these sites for me. But now days I got people working for me in the Philippines that take care of this.

4. Blog Networks. There are 8 Blog networks that I submit my Promo article to. Some may require you to remove the links from the body, and put them in a resource box instead. My article is submitted to the following networks: Article Blueprint, Distribute Your Articles, Blog Blueprint, Authority Link Network, Article Ranks, Free Traffic system, My Article Network and SEO Extreme.

5. SenukeX Campaign: I then run an automated web2.0 campaign using SenukeX (“Social Network” Campaign in SenukeX). I use the same Promo article as content, with links in the article body. I DO NOT submit to the same sites I already submitted to manually (Those where the YouTube video was embedded). This normally gives me additional 25 or 26 properties with my article and links.

6. Article Marketing Robot campaign. I have over 15k article directories in my AMR, just got the lists for free on the internet and added them as I got them. Out of these I successfully submit to about 1,500 sites and get about 300 to 400 which auto approve my article.

Again, if you are targeting a difficult keyword then it is recommended to write a new article to blast with AMR. But for Medium to easy competition keywords this is not necessary.

Do not include links in your content body for AMR blasts. They need to be in a resource box. I normally include two keywords in my resource box – one to my site (target keyword as anchor text) and the other to a random URL of the manual web2.0 sites, including the Docstoc, SlideShare, Scribd and YouTube URL’s or an inner page of your site. This can all be randomized using spin syntax.

STEP 4: Strengthen your links!

This part is often overlooked by so many marketers, yet it is absolutely essential to getting results. Do not quit your SEO cycle half way through; else you will be greatly disappointed with your results.

1. Thorough Social Bookmarking campaign. Use SenukeX or Book Marking Demon and social bookmark the following URL’s to all the Social Bookmarking sites:
a. All Manually Created Web2.0 pages
b. YouTube Video URL
c. SlideShare, Docstoc and Scribd pages

Quick Social Bookmarking campaign. Again use SenukeX or Book Marking Demon and bookmark the AMR links. This does not have to be thorough. The idea is simply to bookmark each AMR URL on at least three social bookmarking sites.

3. RSS Feeds. Use and add the following URL’s to multiple RSS feeds.
a. All Manually Created Web2.0 pages
b. YouTube Video
c. SlideShare and Scribd pages
d. AMR URL’s

NOTE: Each feed should only contain about 50 URLS. You should have about 4 or 5 RSS feeds after all the URL’s are added into feeds.

Then use SenukeX and submit these RSS feeds to all the RSS aggregators. And use the Pinger module in SenukeX to Ping all the RSS feeds as well.

4. ScrapeBox Blast. Use scrapebox and blast the following urls:
a. All Manually created web2.0 pages
b. All SenukeX created web2.0 pages
c. All AMR created pages
d. Money Site (Only if it is well aged)

I have simply searched the internet for free auto-approve lists. I normally blast to about 60K to 100k blogs.

And there you have it! That marks the end of one SEO cycle, and it means you should get started with the next!

Regarding Accounts, I only ever create new accounts when I start working on a new site. Some sites have 10+ SEO cycles done on them already, and the same set of accounts was used! I always use proxies, sometimes private, paid proxies and other times just free scraped proxies from scrapebox.

I have NEVER EVER had ANY kind of penalty using this strategy. All the sites I received good page one rankings for have stayed there for months and months with no additional work from me.

Feel free to adjust this strategy to your own needs.

Once you have done this a couple of times, one person should be able to complete 2 to 3 of these cycles a week. Each of my assistants in the Philippines can complete 2 cycles a week, and get started on the third!

It’s a TON of work for one person, but if you are willing to put in the work you will definitely see great results. I hope this strategy will be useful to at least some of you.

Remember, if you like the post don’t forget to hit THANKS!




After countless PM's basically begging me for an outsourcing solution - I have finally caved!

You can now make use of the EXACT SAME freelancers I personally use to complete these cycles. They are already trained for the tasks, and I already have pre-existing agreements set up with them - which you can take opportunity of as well!

#exact #keyword #rank #strategy
  • Profile picture of the author Trevor
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5365008].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author vaynah
      Thanks for sharing this bro. I've just started learning SEO and with the launch of my new website this surely will come in handy.

      Cheers mate
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5365096].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author rjd1265
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5365145].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author nik0
          Did you just copy that from another internet marketing forum? As it's 1 on 1 exactly the same. You only changed the order a little.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5365176].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author zaco
            Originally Posted by nik0 View Post

            Did you just copy that from another internet marketing forum? As it's 1 on 1 exactly the same. You only changed the order a little.

            The fact that he tried to help us to rank and offered a free advice doesn't mean he copied, I don't want you to take this personal but you are offering SEO services and in the forum you are asking questions about SEO and spun content.. how do you blame him that he copied and you don't even know what you are offering
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5498690].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author oneder
              Originally Posted by zaco View Post


              The fact that he tried to help us to rank and offered a free advice doesn't mean he copied, I don't want you to take this personal but you are offering SEO services and in the forum you are asking questions about SEO and spun content.. how do you blame him that he copied and you don't even know what you are offering
              Don't you sheep know how to use the internet. This is beyond copied; it's stolen. Still don't understand what's behind the motivation of "Nick" to do so...
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5510395].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author zaco
                Originally Posted by oneder View Post

                Don't you sheep know how to use the internet. This is beyond copied; it's stolen. Still don't understand what's behind the motivation of "Nick" to do so...
                lol this method is known online but Nick did a case study and posted the results , he tried at least, what did you? please enlighten us ..
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5510566].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author Dexter AJ
                  This is excellent info. A real help. Ppl can call it "copy" or "steal" but I call it helping. It better than just sitting and blinking in front of the monitor. Lol
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5511775].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author hotboy18
                    Thanks to Nick's strategies for the SEO cycle, my site has finally made it back to the first page of Google for two competitive keywords after doing the Google Dance for over a month. My site was not ranked on the first page since December 2 and not it's back! The good part about the cycle is that I only did about %75 of the steps. Hopefully my site keeps going up.
                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5513433].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author NickWatson
                      Originally Posted by zaco View Post

                      Impressive results!

                      Then MANUALLY submit UNIQUE versions of your promo article to each one. BUT, embed your YouTube video in each, and include AT LEAST one relevant picture.

                      when you said UNIQUE.. do you mean the :

                      2. Generate 3 unique versions of your promo article. Use these 3 articles and create 2 PDF files and 1 Power Point Slide show. Remember to add plenty of pictures.

                      I am kind of confused here.. do we need to create another unique articles for the web 2.0 or we used the 3 that we already have..

                      Hey Zaco. No you don't use the same 3...what you do is spin ONE article PROPERLY (at least 50% unique) - then while its in spin syntax, you can easily use The Best Spinner or Magic Article ReWriter (Or similar) to generate unique versions of this article.

                      Then the first 3 uniques you generate are used for 2 PDF files and 1 Power Point slide Sow.

                      Then when you submit to the manual web2.0 sites, you first generate a unique article each time before you submit to a new web 2.0 - this way every property you submit your article to, has a unique version of it displayed.

                      Originally Posted by alexfallon View Post

                      Great resource indeed. It is sure to be helpful. Thanks a bunch!
                      Originally Posted by matchoo77 View Post

                      Great thread here Nick, thanks a million for posting your strategy. Can't say I would have done the same.
                      Originally Posted by Bali Dancer View Post

                      Great post! thanks man!
                      Originally Posted by gundammeister View Post

                      Thanks for this post. I have bookmarked it!
                      Thanks guys, hope you put it to use and start seeing some results!

                      Originally Posted by lioncool View Post

                      blast 1000 AMR unique spin article in one day google wont penalty my site?
                      If you JUST blast 1000 directories with AMR - then maybe. But I have never had any kind of penalty from running these cycles.

                      I think it has to do with the vast majority of different types of links being built

                      Originally Posted by gaybunny View Post

                      Great tips, i'm going to try to use your method.
                      No probs. Let us know if you see any kind of results

                      Originally Posted by Dexter AJ View Post

                      This is excellent info. A real help. Ppl can call it "copy" or "steal" but I call it helping. It better than just sitting and blinking in front of the monitor. Lol
                      lol - thanks bud
                      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5518666].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author NickWatson
                Originally Posted by cjgrego View Post

                Interesting concepts Nick. It sounds like there is a life cycle to the SEO value of these links. Am I right in saying the SEO value is in the diversity and Theme of the sites providing the links?

                Also, I have seen where adding backlinks to articles will prolong the SEO value (indexing) of the article. Thoughts?

                Love the case study and thanks for posting.
                Hi, thanks. And yeah the value is definitely in the diversity of the links..and also in the fact that all the links are found in really useful, related content. Not just some spun rubbish linking to your site.

                Backlinking articles definitely helps. But again, diversity is key. Do not use EXACTLY the same strategy to build links to ALL your web2.0 properties.

                Originally Posted by Money Priest View Post

                Nice ranking blueprint/writeup. Some decent strategies in your post OP.
                Thanks bud, hope you can put them to use.

                Originally Posted by zaco View Post


                The fact that he tried to help us to rank and offered a free advice doesn't mean he copied, I don't want you to take this personal but you are offering SEO services and in the forum you are asking questions about SEO and spun content.. how do you blame him that he copied and you don't even know what you are offering
                Originally Posted by zaco View Post

                lol this method is known online but Nick did a case study and posted the results , he tried at least, what did you? please enlighten us ..
                Hi Zaco. Thanks for coming up for me bud, but there are always going to be you might as well just ignore them.

                Originally Posted by oneder View Post

                Don't you sheep know how to use the internet. This is beyond copied; it's stolen. Still don't understand what's behind the motivation of "Nick" to do so...
                "Motivation" was to benefit YOU all you monkey!
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5518603].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author seekdefo
            Originally Posted by nik0 View Post

            Did you just copy that from another internet marketing forum? As it's 1 on 1 exactly the same. You only changed the order a little.
            Yep you are right copy pasted here word to word

            Brevity is the soul of wit

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8349911].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author JSProjects
    Great post Nick. I love learning about the techniques of others and trying to see what I can fit into my own strategies.

    Definitely pressing the "thanks" button.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5365078].message }}
    • A very interesting read. Always looking for new ideas when it comes to SEO and this provided some.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5384022].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Melissa82
    Love the details. Thanks, for the share!

    I will definitely make some alterations to my usual link campaigns.

    Urgh, SEnuke would be so nice to have but it's so expensive!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5365192].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
      Originally Posted by Melissa82 View Post

      Urgh, SEnuke would be so nice to have but it's so expensive!
      Magic Submitter is better and it is only half the price.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5365659].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author TheProgrammer
        Originally Posted by Melissa82
        Urgh, SEnuke would be so nice to have but it's so expensive!
        Originally Posted by MikeFriedman View Post

        Magic Submitter is better and it is only half the price.
        Yes Magic Submitter is far better than SEnuke and SLR.

        thanks Nick for the great post.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6186181].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author NickWatson
          Originally Posted by dylan09 View Post

          I read your article again and again, thx very much.
          I have a question for the target keyword.
          You mean target a keyword one time, is it safe now?
          Could you give me some advice for medium niche
          site? i dont think i need so much work for a medium-small niche site.
          I would not use ONLY the keyword as anchor text anymore. Mic in generic words like "click here" or "this site" etc etc.. as well. In fact, according to the micro site masters blog post (see my previous reply) - the most successful sites have only about 25% of their anchor texts as their target keyword - the rest is all generic words...

          Originally Posted by wizzykid123 View Post

          This is a mind blowing post for a noob like me thats still getting to grips with ranking keywords ect.. hope one day I will be able to implement this campain into my own.
          Originally Posted by TheProgrammer View Post

          Yes Magic Submitter is far better than SEnuke and SLR.

          thanks Nick for the great post.
          Thanks guys - glad you enjoy the thread
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6199014].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author inazuman
      Originally Posted by Melissa82 View Post

      Love the details. Thanks, for the share!

      Urgh, SEnuke would be so nice to have but it's so expensive!
      Agree with this. Anyway, still nice sharing
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6180198].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author BlackCrystal
    Great tips. You need backlinks to help you rank for your keywords.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5365218].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author webdevpro
    Wonderful post. This needs a lot of patience and effort. The hard part is to find the right person that can do the quality work in proper manner and deliver the results on time.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5365277].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Morbrook
      I will have to try some one these techniques on my site. Thanks.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5365508].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author outwest
    You must be targeting kws with a LOT of competition to go to this effort
    Tech article writing .Native English Speaker(with Proof)
    specializing in SmartPhones , Internet security, high tech gadgets, search engines, tech shows, digital cameras.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5365676].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author NickWatson
      Originally Posted by JSProjects View Post

      Good post. It's always interesting to learn how others rank their sites and see if I can incorporate some of their techniques.
      I agree. I love to read about other people's SEO strategies...always interesting to see someone else's take on things. And a lot of the time I learn a neat little trick I didnt think of before.

      Originally Posted by rjd1265 View Post

      Thats a lot of reading...Exactly why I hire SEO out...not my cup of tee

      Good Luck!
      Agreed, thats why i hire a team of outsources to run through this for me...

      Originally Posted by nik0 View Post

      Did you just copy that from another internet marketing forum? As it's 1 on 1 exactly the same. You only changed the order a little.
      What forum would that be buddy? No way in hell this was copied from another forum...took me like an hour staring at my SEO whiteboard in my office to write this post out!

      Originally Posted by Melissa82 View Post

      Urgh, SEnuke would be so nice to have but it's so expensive!
      Like mentioned elsewhere, it may be worth a try to give Magic Submitter a go. I had both for a while, but I always seemed to get better results with Senuke.

      Another option would be to simply pay someone with Senuke to run this part of the campaign for you. Fiverr has got tons of Senuke campaigns for $5...

      Originally Posted by webdevpro View Post

      Wonderful post. This needs a lot of patience and effort. The hard part is to find the right person that can do the quality work in proper manner and deliver the results on time.
      Yes, you are correct...takes time and effort, but in the end it all pays off. The secret about getting someone else to do this for you, is to build a relationship with them. You will never ever be able to get the random freelancer to do this for you whenever you feel like it.

      Some of my guys took up to a month to get into things properly...only then, when they become productive does it become profitable.

      Also, it helps to spread the tasks over multiple people. Have one person creating accounts, another writing content and then two or three posting the content.

      Originally Posted by MikeFriedman View Post

      Magic Submitter is better and it is only half the price.
      Originally Posted by outwest View Post

      You must be targeting kws with a LOT of competition to go to this effort
      Not necessarily...once you get into it, its not that much effort. And the easy to medium keywords rank almost instantly...within a few days...
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5365819].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author spirituscorpus
        Originally Posted by NickWatson View Post

        What forum would that be buddy? No way in hell this was copied from another forum...took me like an hour staring at my SEO whiteboard in my office to write this post out!

        Like mentioned elsewhere, it may be worth a try to give Magic Submitter a go. I had both for a while, but I always seemed to get better results with Senuke.

        Another option would be to simply pay someone with Senuke to run this part of the campaign for you. Fiverr has got tons of Senuke campaigns for $5...

        Yes, you are correct...takes time and effort, but in the end it all pays off. The secret about getting someone else to do this for you, is to build a relationship with them. You will never ever be able to get the random freelancer to do this for you whenever you feel like it.

        Some of my guys took up to a month to get into things properly...only then, when they become productive does it become profitable.

        Also, it helps to spread the tasks over multiple people. Have one person creating accounts, another writing content and then two or three posting the content.


        Come on dude !!

        How can you say this strategy is yours when the exact same strategy appears on another forum titled "my SEO blueprint" ???

        The thread on the other forum was first started in April 2011 which is eight months BEFORE you started it here.

        Now unless you're the same guy on the other forum (which I suspect you're not otherwise you would have mentioned it when someone else accused you of using someone else's strategy) then I really think you need to 'fess up.

        The thing is you seem to have a handle on the strategy and know what you're talking about but you've clearly seen the other thread I'm referring to as there are just too many similiarities between your post and Cash202's.

        I don't want to stir any trouble but I've been following the other SEO blueprint and looking for more info on google when your strategy appeared in Google.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5423519].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author specmurt
          Originally Posted by spirituscorpus View Post


          Come on dude !!

          How can you say this strategy is yours when the exact same strategy appears on another forum titled "my SEO blueprint" ???

          The thread on the other forum was first started in April 2011 which is eight months BEFORE you started it here.

          Now unless you're the same guy on the other forum (which I suspect you're not otherwise you would have mentioned it when someone else accused you of using someone else's strategy) then I really think you need to 'fess up.

          The thing is you seem to have a handle on the strategy and know what you're talking about but you've clearly seen the other thread I'm referring to as there are just too many similiarities between your post and Cash202's.

          I don't want to stir any trouble but I've been following the other SEO blueprint and looking for more info on google when your strategy appeared in Google.
          Thanks, dude. I am cash202 from the other forum. So funny. You really
          know you're successful when other people start to rip you off almost
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5433554].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author NickWatson
    i wanted to mention something about the Blog networks...

    I realize not everyone has the money to invest right away to use that many blog networks...but if you can, get started with at least one of the good networks.

    Or you could simply pay someone on Fiverr $5 to post your content to the blog network for you...
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5365841].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author jwmann2
      Tons of work and content; one of the best posts I've seen on this forum. I don't like the idea of spinning articles. Google prefers that we add original content so that's what I'm going to stick to.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6272738].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author NickWatson
        Originally Posted by hbteos234 View Post

        Great Thread. Sounds like a sensible strategy.

        I'll look forward to more info about this, and how its coping with the recent panda upgrade
        No problem, glad you found it somewhat useful. As for the Penguin update, overall we are still seeing great results!

        Originally Posted by jwmann2 View Post

        Tons of work and content; one of the best posts I've seen on this forum. I don't like the idea of spinning articles. Google prefers that we add original content so that's what I'm going to stick to.
        Thanks! And I agree with you, if you can afford to put a 100% uniquely written article on each property, then go for it - im sure you will see even better results.

        The only reason I don't, is because it is not cost effective for the types of sites we build - especially when taking all the article directories into account!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6274354].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Duc
    Hi Nick, thanks for this great post.
    I don't have the time to do all this work. You mentioned outsourcing. Can you tell me how much it will cost to outsource one cycle and where I can find good people who can do this job.

    Sincerely, Duc
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5367785].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author bosnis
      Originally Posted by Duc View Post

      Hi Nick, thanks for this great post.
      I don't have the time to do all this work. You mentioned outsourcing. Can you tell me how much it will cost to outsource one cycle and where I can find good people who can do this job.

      Sincerely, Duc
      Hi there, fantastic thread NickWatson, just what i was looking for, thank you.
      Can I also enquire about the outsourcing resources?
      Might I expect a MP too?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5421755].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author NickWatson
        Originally Posted by strategic seo services View Post

        Interesting strategy. I will have to try this out with one of my sites. I'll come back to share my results. Thanks for the great share.
        Thanks and that will be great! Would LOVE to read some other people results with this. I look forward to it...

        Originally Posted by RusKor View Post

        Hey Nick,

        I totally agree on consistency part. I have been lacking that for the past few months, hopefully I'll be doing better now.

        Also about the videos, its not that I don't have tools, if I need to I can get them, but the reason I don't like to make videos is because of the content. The sites I have right now are the following. One is based on amazon product reviews, another has just one product for review and third one is adsense based site. Because I don't really have physical products on hand, that's the reason I don't like doing videos as I don't know what would I show in those videos.

        Did you ever do videos for adsens based or amazon review sites? Any ideas as to how to make videos for those sites? Appreciate anything that you can give me. Thanks
        Yeah plenty of my sites are adsense-based. And the videos are much simpler than you think. I simply take my promo article used for the cycle, and break it up into a few facts or tips. Then I get a bunch of relevant pictures and simply put it all together with animoto. The videos dont have to be absolute masterpieces...but keep them longer than 1min. The idea is more to get more diverse links to your site - by having a few videos (along with all the other types of sites) also linking to your site.

        Originally Posted by breezynetworks View Post

        This is SO golden. I cannot stress enough how important this is. Ever since I learnt this tip a couple months back, the figurative "mist" has cleared from my eyes and I am started to rank for some awesome keywords. I would have seriously paid someone $200+ to give me this piece of info when I first started...

        Just a little more steps, use a tool like market samurai (or ahrefs) to check out the top 10 sites anchor text. If you are trying to rank for "weight loss for teenagers" and you find that the top couple spots have a couple hundred links targeting this exact keyword, then move on (unless you want to work on a long term plan of course) Seriously, forget about the rest of the search engine results, just analyse the top 10.


        Thanks and thats a great tip...i'll be honest I have not really checked into the anchor words of THEIR links...but I might start doing just that...another way to reduce my risk of wasting time in the long run is always worth checking out!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5422437].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author jordyhill
    This is a thread for subscribing to. Good well laid out content.

    Actually, its better than some WSO's I've seen, seriously

    Thanks to Mr NickWatson for the share!
    Total Web Solutions << Does what it says in the anchor text!
    Remember!..There are NO problems....ONLY solutions
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5368085].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Tevis Verrett
      Originally Posted by jordyhill View Post

      This is a thread for subscribing to. Good well laid out content.

      Actually, its better than some WSO's I've seen, seriously
      Nick, I couldn't agree more, and Jordy, you nailed it!
      Thank you warrior brother for meticulously laying this out. It helps both the newbie as well as the veteran.

      You have a fan in me!


      Tevis Verrett, Boss of Triumvirate Capital Group
      Always Looking for New Affiliate & JV Partners:
      Ever wanted to make money selling money? We teach Financial Literacy. . . for the rest of us!

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      • Profile picture of the author NickWatson
        Originally Posted by SupplementTalk View Post

        I started my cycle today (very competitive KW and I currently am stuck at #5) and it is a lot of work, let me tell you but I know it will be worth it. It actually feels good to be doing all this manually again...been so long since I did anything manual. This is nice to be able to build all these web 2.0 sites the way I want them built and making them look good. Using software you cant really achieve this, I have senukex and it doesn't build them as good as I can manually build them.

        I created a video and it is already ranked #8 for videos (in just 2 hours) for very competitive word. I also did the pdf, PowerPoint, and posted to 3 web 2 sites. Still have lots more to do.

        I will post my results in a few weeks! Thank you very much for this amazing post, you could have easily sold this strategy for $10-$20 but I know you are already successful and don't need to. Thanks again for awesome info and strategy!!!

        Note---If you do sell a product I will be there to buy it
        Tip---Spinner Chief is the best manual spinner on the market.(free version is awesome) I have several others and they all have something they are the best at. In this case, my software I use for one-click spins that makes articles probably 85% readable was not used. I am doing exactly what Nick says to do.

        Great stuff! And thanks!

        I'm glad you are taking action, be sure to come back and post your results...will be very interesting considering your keyword is so very competitive.

        I'll keep an eye out for your update!

        Originally Posted by Tevis Verrett View Post

        Nick, I couldn't agree more, and Jordy, you nailed it!
        Thank you warrior brother for meticulously laying this out. It helps both the newbie as well as the veteran.

        You have a fan in me!

        Thanks Tevis, I'm glad you find it useful!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5808908].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author eyefox
    Hi !

    I have create PDF of my article and post to Scribd and Docstoc, When I check ranking, the PDF in Scribd and Docstoc high ranking than my article, #2 and #5 on Top 10 and my article is #9 . Should I post on Scribd or not ?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5368642].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author NickWatson
      Originally Posted by Duc View Post

      Hi Nick, thanks for this great post.
      I don't have the time to do all this work. You mentioned outsourcing. Can you tell me how much it will cost to outsource one cycle and where I can find good people who can do this job.

      Sincerely, Duc
      Sent you a pm...

      Originally Posted by jordyhill View Post

      This is a thread for subscribing to. Good well laid out content.

      Actually, its better than some WSO's I've seen, seriously

      Thanks to Mr NickWatson for the share!
      Thanks a ton, hope it helps some people out!

      Originally Posted by eyefox View Post

      Hi !

      I have create PDF of my article and post to Scribd and Docstoc, When I check ranking, the PDF in Scribd and Docstoc high ranking than my article, #2 and #5 on Top 10 and my article is #9 . Should I post on Scribd or not ?
      Yes i always submit to Scribd and not sure i understand your question though? Did you put the same article on your website? Because you should NOT put the same content on your website, the content you submit to these sites should be totally different.

      But anyway, you will always have some of these properties ranking as well...but that is fine, because they get traffic, people click on the links and visit your site too...

      This is one of the reasons I DO NOT target my target keyword in the promo content - i dont want the web2.0 properties competing with my just make the promo articles about anything else in your long as its related to your niche you will be fine...
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5369220].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author eyefox
        Originally Posted by NickWatson View Post

        Yes i always submit to Scribd and not sure i understand your question though? Did you put the same article on your website? Because you should NOT put the same content on your website, the content you submit to these sites should be totally different.

        But anyway, you will always have some of these properties ranking as well...but that is fine, because they get traffic, people click on the links and visit your site too...

        This is one of the reasons I DO NOT target my target keyword in the promo content - i dont want the web2.0 properties competing with my just make the promo articles about anything else in your long as its related to your niche you will be fine...
        Yes,I did .I put the same content with my site. I get some traffic when they click links into PDF file. I create article about coupon product, and use wordpress plugin print PDF file and upload this PDF to Scribd and Docstoc.

        This way help my article index very fast, but ranking less than them on Google.

        So, how can I put content totally different ? Create other articles related with my target keyword and put to Web2.0 ?

        Thanks for your reply !
        Thank for GOOD strategy, very interesting !
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5369379].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author jbento
        Originally Posted by NickWatson View Post

        Originally Posted by Duc View Post
        Hi Nick, thanks for this great post.
        I don't have the time to do all this work. You mentioned outsourcing. Can you tell me how much it will cost to outsource one cycle and where I can find good people who can do this job.

        Sincerely, Duc

        Sent you a pm...
        Hi Nick.

        Can you send me the same PM? I'm also interested to know how much it costs to outsource a cycle and where to find good outsourcers for this.

        Thanks a lot


        Resources, Tools and Strategies for Starting Your Own Business In the Internet

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5557786].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author rihallix
          Maximum kudos to Nick in SA for this posting. This is like a treasure trove and inspired me. I was already using Fiverr for other things, seems like with just a bit of good direction (as Nick is providing) you can make a huge difference.

          Until now I'd been very skeptical of SEO experts... this finally provided the ammo I needed to engage and move forwards.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5558210].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author NickWatson
            Originally Posted by high_plains_drifter View Post

            Found it , nice one.

            I think i will get a US based writer to create the original promo content and also add spin syntax. I can get them to spin both word and sentences to ensure i get better results.

            That way i can ensure all spun versions of the article will be high quality.

            So get the master syntax copy created and then just spin it twice in the bestspinner and use these versions for the pdf and powerpoint correct?

            this will be an interesting case study, i have never used these kind of link building tactics
            Sounds like you have a good plan there...and the top quality content is what really makes these cycle's work so well. Make sure the article is at least 50% unique (You should have no problem if spinning at sentence-level too)

            Will be great if you come back and post your results...we would all love to read about it.

            Originally Posted by Styleastro View Post

            Woot this is an amazing guide
            Thanks bud, hope it helps

            Originally Posted by jbento View Post

            ...I'm also interested to know how much it costs to outsource a cycle and where to find good outsourcers for this...
            Hi Jorge. I dedicated an entire post to outsourcing on page 2 of this thread

            Originally Posted by rihallix View Post

            Maximum kudos to Nick in SA for this posting. This is like a treasure trove and inspired me. I was already using Fiverr for other things, seems like with just a bit of good direction (as Nick is providing) you can make a huge difference.

            Until now I'd been very skeptical of SEO experts... this finally provided the ammo I needed to engage and move forwards.
            Thanks bud. And im glad you going to finally take action. As you get results coming in, come back and post them here for us all to read about.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5559758].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author barefut
            I randomly came across this thread, packed full of very valuable information.

            The guy that keeps complaining about some other program that is very close - we are all learning here, so thanks for starting the thread, so that more people can improve their skills.

            I used to use Matt LeClair's 5000 links (5000 spun articles over 5000 blogs, with link signatures) and a guaranteed page 1 ranking. I bought a TON of his stuff, and am still ranking for those very competitive terms. His products are no longer working (maybe he got kicked off the blog subscription???) Have been looking a long time for something that will be as effective, purchased many WSOs for link building, etc, but nothing has been effective.

            This thread has given me hope - although it's not as easy as clicking on a PayPal button and have someone do it. But all success requires work.

            As for people who are looking for outsourcers, I have been using I post a job, tons of people will submit their services. I will ask them to complete a quick task to prove they can follow through, the 1-3 people that actually follow through, I will hire.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5559927].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author amarketing
    Thanks for this great resource!

    A few questions. How long should these articles be? Also, you say to use spin syntax, I assume that it's OK it manually rewrite these articles as well, right?

    For the manual web2.0 submissions, I need to use a unique article for each submission, correct?

    Now, for steps 4, 5, and 6, do I need to use a unique article for each step, or can I blast the same article to all the blog networks, senuke 2.0, and amr blast? Should this article be unique from the others submitted to the manual 2.0s, or can it be a non-unique one?

    Thanks for the great post!
    Each Article is 300+ to 500+ (MOSTLY 500+) WORDS
    **** -----> Only Selling This Pack to 4 PEOPLE <----- ****
    Only $80 PER PACK ...That's $8 an article! PM Me Before They're GONE!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5368707].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author NickWatson
      Originally Posted by amarketing View Post

      Thanks for this great resource!

      A few questions. How long should these articles be? Also, you say to use spin syntax, I assume that it's OK it manually rewrite these articles as well, right?
      I always make the articles at least 500 words in length, some longer. It would be ok to re-write the entire article as well,but this would take A LOT longer. And if you MANUALLY spin an article you end up with a decent article. Make sure they are at least 60% unique.

      Originally Posted by amarketing View Post

      For the manual web2.0 submissions, I need to use a unique article for each submission, correct?
      Yes, that is correct. Each time you submit an article to a web2.0 property, first spin a unique version of it. Remember to embed your YouTube video and add pictures.

      Originally Posted by amarketing View Post

      Now, for steps 4, 5, and 6, do I need to use a unique article for each step, or can I blast the same article to all the blog networks, senuke 2.0, and amr blast? Should this article be unique from the others submitted to the manual 2.0s, or can it be a non-unique one?
      If it's an easy, long tail keyword I simply use the same article. Thats why you need to make sure it is spun properly. I also write out at least 4 different titles, and then spin then all individually and spin them so it uses on of them randomly.

      If it is a difficult keyword though, it's best to have a new article written for submission to these sites though...but you will also need to spin this new article - you NEVER EVER want the EXACT same article going to all these must always be at least 60% spun content...

      Hope this clears things up...
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5369250].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author amarketing
        Originally Posted by NickWatson View Post

        I always make the articles at least 500 words in length, some longer. It would be ok to re-write the entire article as well,but this would take A LOT longer. And if you MANUALLY spin an article you end up with a decent article. Make sure they are at least 60% unique.

        Yes, that is correct. Each time you submit an article to a web2.0 property, first spin a unique version of it. Remember to embed your YouTube video and add pictures.

        If it's an easy, long tail keyword I simply use the same article. Thats why you need to make sure it is spun properly. I also write out at least 4 different titles, and then spin then all individually and spin them so it uses on of them randomly.

        If it is a difficult keyword though, it's best to have a new article written for submission to these sites though...but you will also need to spin this new article - you NEVER EVER want the EXACT same article going to all these must always be at least 60% spun content...

        Hope this clears things up...
        Thank you for replying. You answered a lot a questions, but I would like if you could further help me to make sure I understand what you mean.

        Referring to competing for a higher competition keyword that requires unique content:

        4. Blog Networks. There are 8 Blog networks that I submit my Promo article to. Some may require you to remove the links from the body, and put them in a resource box instead. My article is submitted to the following networks: Article Blueprint, Distribute Your Articles, Blog Blueprint, Authority Link Network, Article Ranks, Free Traffic system, My Article Network and SEO Extreme. Are you saying that each of these networks get's a unique article, or just one unique submitted to each?

        5. SenukeX Campaign: I then run an automated web2.0 campaign using SenukeX (“Social Network” Campaign in SenukeX). I use the same Promo article as content, with links in the article body. I DO NOT submit to the same sites I already submitted to manually (Those where the YouTube video was embedded). This normally gives me additional 25 or 26 properties with my article and links. Again, same questions, 1 Unique article used for the whole campaign, or 25 unique articles (1 for each property)?

        6. Article Marketing Robot campaign. I have over 15k article directories in my AMR, just got the lists for free on the internet and added them as I got them. Out of these I successfully submit to about 1,500 sites and get about 300 to 400 which auto approve my article. In your post you indicate that you do 1 unique article to all of the sites (since there's no way you can efficiently spin 400 articles).
        Also, while I'm at it, how long does it take you to manually spin the articles?

        Do you purposely spread out each cycle over a week, or is that just for convenience? Would it hurt if you did the whole cycle in a day or 2?

        Thank you so much for clearing this up!
        Each Article is 300+ to 500+ (MOSTLY 500+) WORDS
        **** -----> Only Selling This Pack to 4 PEOPLE <----- ****
        Only $80 PER PACK ...That's $8 an article! PM Me Before They're GONE!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5391976].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author NickWatson
          Originally Posted by amarketing View Post

          Thank you for replying. You answered a lot a questions, but I would like if you could further help me to make sure I understand what you mean.

          Referring to competing for a higher competition keyword that requires unique content:

          Also, while I'm at it, how long does it take you to manually spin the articles?

          Do you purposely spread out each cycle over a week, or is that just for convenience? Would it hurt if you did the whole cycle in a day or 2?

          Thank you so much for clearing this up!
          Hey bud,

          Each time an article is submitted...a unique version of the article is submitted. The EXACT SAME article is never submitted to two sites. But, I don't write out unique versions of all these articles either. It's the same article, just spun into unique versions.

          To ensure optimal quality of the article, I normally hand spin the article myself with the help of The Best Spinner. This normally takes anywhere from 20min to 45min - depending on the length of the article.

          Then I give it to my outsourcing guys...each time they need a unique article...they simply click "New Spin" and a unique article is generated from the spun article. Same goes for the SenukeX campaigns...simply put the article in spin syntax in Senuke and the software will automatically spin a new version of it each time it makes a submission.

          The only time I would use a second article in the same SEO cycle, is if im targeting a difficult keyword...then I would have a new article written for the AMR submission...but also submit it in spin syntax to the software, which will then submit unique versions of it to the article directories.

          Hope this clears it up
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5408249].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author lagger
    Good solid write up man, im gonna try it and see how it works with one of my sites.
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  • Profile picture of the author CindyRoosen
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    • Profile picture of the author NickWatson
      Originally Posted by eyefox View Post

      Yes,I did .I put the same content with my site. I get some traffic when they click links into PDF file. I create article about coupon product, and use wordpress plugin print PDF file and upload this PDF to Scribd and Docstoc.

      This way help my article index very fast, but ranking less than them on Google.

      So, how can I put content totally different ? Create other articles related with my target keyword and put to Web2.0 ?

      Thanks for your reply !
      Thank for GOOD strategy, very interesting !
      Yeah but you running into problems with duplicate content there buddy...the articles on your site should be top notch, giving the user exactly what they searched for. The articles you write for PDF's etc must be totally different, and can just be about anything relating to your niche. The idea with them is only to get the link pointing to your site...

      Originally Posted by lagger View Post

      Good solid write up man, im gonna try it and see how it works with one of my sites.
      Good Luck...come back to use and let us know how it worked for you..
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5371304].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ryuchi
    This is a detailed explanation (which could have been released in a WSO! ) and I must say I am impressed. You have made a good outline in keyword research and I do hope that it will be effective for me too.

    My keyword research techniques is not as detailed as this so I will give this a try.

    Thank you!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5371411].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author NickWatson
      Originally Posted by ryuchi View Post

      This is a detailed explanation (which could have been released in a WSO! ) and I must say I am impressed. You have made a good outline in keyword research and I do hope that it will be effective for me too.

      My keyword research techniques is not as detailed as this so I will give this a try.

      Thank you!
      Thanks for the kind words buddy, but i definitely think you should read the post again...its got absolutely NOTHING to do with keyword research. It's actually a backlinking campaign to get your website pages to rank in Google...
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5372122].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author would like to
        Originally Posted by NickWatson View Post

        Originally Posted by Duc
        Hi Nick, thanks for this great post.
        I don't have the time to do all this work. You mentioned outsourcing. Can you tell me how much it will cost to outsource one cycle and where I can find good people who can do this job.

        Sincerely, Duc
        Sent you a pm...
        Please send me the same answers you sent to Duc, please. I have been purchasing a LOT of services for the last 3 weeks. I was glad to find your post. Very USEFUL to me. It is time for me to learn this stuff. I noticed that the WSO's I have aren't even half as intense as your SEO method. Definitely going to push my first "Thanks".
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6030987].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author GeorgR.
    This is one thorough and complete SEO "cycle"...awesome.

    Pair this with a "little" authority site (a site which is well structured with categories, tags etc.) will be able to rank high for almost any keyword for sure.


    I want to add some more. If you do such complex campaigns with a LARGE number of links, you MUST make sure to vary your anchor texts.

    --> Do not use only your "keyword" as anchor texts, use your keyword and one or two closely related keyword(s) in maybe 50% of your anchors, but DO NOT BE AFRAID to use blank URLS and also words like "here" etc. as anchor texts.

    Do not make the mistake and blast 10.000 links which all have a keyword, this might back-fire.

    --> If you submit your articles with Senuke and the various blog networks, don't hesitate to ALSO link to authority sites and other related sites together with YOUR link in your article. It is my personal "belief" that such links are stronger and it also looks more natural if a link comes with other, related links. The fact that you also link to wkipedia etc. does NOT make your link "weaker".

    The same applies to bookmarks. When you bookmark, don't hesitate to make your bookmarking account look natural. Link to the latest news on the web, whatever everyone is talking about...AND your sites. Don't just "spoil" a bookmarking account by linking only to your own sites.
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    -> VISIT *** <- Internet Marketing, SEO Tips, Reviews & More!! ***
    *** HIGH QUALITY CONTENT CREATION +++ Manual Article Spinning (Thread Here) ***
    Content Creation, Blogging, Articles, Converting Sales Copy, Reviews, Ebooks, Rewrites
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5372591].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author NickWatson
      Originally Posted by GeorgR. View Post

      This is one thorough and complete SEO "cycle"...awesome.

      Pair this with a "little" authority site (a site which is well structured with categories, tags etc.) will be able to rank high for almost any keyword for sure.


      I want to add some more. If you do such complex campaigns with a LARGE number of links, you MUST make sure to vary your anchor texts.

      --> Do not use only your "keyword" as anchor texts, use your keyword and one or two closely related keyword(s) in maybe 50% of your anchors, but DO NOT BE AFRAID to use blank URLS and also words like "here" etc. as anchor texts.

      Do not make the mistake and blast 10.000 links which all have a keyword, this might back-fire.

      --> If you submit your articles with Senuke and the various blog networks, don't hesitate to ALSO link to authority sites and other related sites together with YOUR link in your article. It is my personal "belief" that such links are stronger and it also looks more natural if a link comes with other, related links. The fact that you also link to wkipedia etc. does NOT make your link "weaker".

      The same applies to bookmarks. When you bookmark, don't hesitate to make your bookmarking account look natural. Link to the latest news on the web, whatever everyone is talking about...AND your sites. Don't just "spoil" a bookmarking account by linking only to your own sites.
      Thanks buddy, some great input here...and i totally agree. I'll be honest though, my anchor text is always either my target keyword or an LSI keyword.

      With regards to linking to other sites, i TOTALLY agree with this. ESPECIALLY if you link to some authority sites...The same goes for the actual content on your website, give the searcher EXACTLY what they are looking for, and sometimes that even means giving them a link of another be it...
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5373423].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Streamline
    Nick, thanks for taking the time to share this. I am going to try this strategy.

    A quick question regarding blog networks:

    Since I don't have the money to invest in all of them at once, which one would you recommend I start with? Is there ONE that stands above the rest for a noobie?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5372849].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author NickWatson
      Originally Posted by Streamline View Post

      Nick, thanks for taking the time to share this. I am going to try this strategy.

      A quick question regarding blog networks:

      Since I don't have the money to invest in all of them at once, which one would you recommend I start with? Is there ONE that stands above the rest for a noobie?
      Good luck, come back to us in a week or two and let everyone here know about your progress. I would love to read how well this works for you.

      With regards to a blog network, I would use Article Ranks if i could only use one...
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5373434].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author blueorca17
        Originally Posted by NickWatson View Post

        Good luck, come back to us in a week or two and let everyone here know about your progress. I would love to read how well this works for you.

        With regards to a blog network, I would use Article Ranks if i could only use one...
        I heard that SENUKE and AMR don't work that well anymore....? What kind of competition are you up against for these kw's that you've used this method for?
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5689012].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author SpeakToTman
    Great post OP! Very detailed and thorough.

    I vote this for a sticky! I think this is the perfect reference guide for all to return to while running our own seo 'cycles'

    I am doing something vaguely similar to this. i think im going to apply your strategy more fully on my site and see where it takes me!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5373492].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author NickWatson
      Originally Posted by SpeakToTman View Post

      Great post OP! Very detailed and thorough.

      I vote this for a sticky! I think this is the perfect reference guide for all to return to while running our own seo 'cycles'

      I am doing something vaguely similar to this. i think im going to apply your strategy more fully on my site and see where it takes me!
      Wow thanks! Glad you enjoyed the read...get back to us in a week or two and let us know what kind of results you have had with this...will be very interesting to see.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5373505].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author WikiWarrior
        Excellent post Nick, thanks for taking the time to share your in-depth strategy. I have one question for you on the subject of Scribd. I noticed this is part of your submission strategy and I am keen to submit some PPT's and PDF's to Scribd but they seem to be very anti-marketing. I just looked at their terms, which includes these lines:

        What isn't permitted?

        • You may not sell access to Scribd's related services (such as the embeddable document reader) on another website without prior agreement from Scribd.
        • You may not use Scribd or its related services (such as the embeddable document reader) for the primary purpose of gaining advertising or subscription revenue.
        • You may not publish or link to anything that promotes or facilitates the following (irrelevant items omitted):
          • affiliate marketing topics;
          • search engine optimization;

        I'd be really interest to hear your take on this. Does that mean pretty much anything "make money online" related is out? I have a wiki site based around internet marketing so I wonder if I can make use of Scribd or not. Their rules seem to exclude so much.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5377563].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author NickWatson
          Originally Posted by WikiWarrior View Post

          Excellent post Nick, thanks for taking the time to share your in-depth strategy. I have one question for you on the subject of Scribd. I noticed this is part of your submission strategy and I am keen to submit some PPT's and PDF's to Scribd but they seem to be very anti-marketing. I just looked at their terms, which includes these lines:

          What isn't permitted?

          • You may not sell access to Scribd's related services (such as the embeddable document reader) on another website without prior agreement from Scribd.
          • You may not use Scribd or its related services (such as the embeddable document reader) for the primary purpose of gaining advertising or subscription revenue.
          • You may not publish or link to anything that promotes or facilitates the following (irrelevant items omitted):
            • affiliate marketing topics;
            • search engine optimization;

          I'd be really interest to hear your take on this. Does that mean pretty much anything "make money online" related is out? I have a wiki site based around internet marketing so I wonder if I can make use of Scribd or not. Their rules seem to exclude so much.
          Hey bud,

          I'll be DEAD honest with you here, I have not really read any of the web2.0 properties' terms....!

          I have also not had any "make money" niches that I've i dont really know if that would be a problem? I think your best bet would be to create one or two PDF's and submit it to Scribd, then maybe get in touch with their support and find out if your documents are in line with their terms.

          I have never had any documents removed or accounts banned...but then again, as i said i have never targeted "make money" niches.

          To be honest though, I think they would only really have a problem if your content is blatantly promoting your site. The content I put out always looks very professional, even though it's only a spin off of my promo article. I always include a professional cover page, plenty of relevant pictures and my link is always "naturally" placed in the content and relevant to what the reader is reading.

          Hope this helps. In fact, if you find out about this it would be great if you could post your findings here for us all to know, as im curious about this now as well...thanks!

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5377985].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author thebitbotdotcom
            Originally Posted by NickWatson View Post

            Hey bud,

            I'll be DEAD honest with you here, I have not really read any of the web2.0 properties' terms....!

            I have also not had any "make money" niches that I've i dont really know if that would be a problem? I think your best bet would be to create one or two PDF's and submit it to Scribd, then maybe get in touch with their support and find out if your documents are in line with their terms.

            I have never had any documents removed or accounts banned...but then again, as i said i have never targeted "make money" niches.

            To be honest though, I think they would only really have a problem if your content is blatantly promoting your site. The content I put out always looks very professional, even though it's only a spin off of my promo article. I always include a professional cover page, plenty of relevant pictures and my link is always "naturally" placed in the content and relevant to what the reader is reading.

            Hope this helps. In fact, if you find out about this it would be great if you could post your findings here for us all to know, as im curious about this now as well...thanks!

            Same here. As long as you add decent content to the property, generally, you can insert a link or two, again, as long as you are adding value to the community, pretty much like anything...
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            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5385008].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author buyforex
            Thanks for suggestions. Do you recommend anyone on fiverr who can help me to do this kind of SEO for my websites? Thank you again.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6389957].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author suxes2005
    Great post... anyone reading this can do this for me?
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  • Profile picture of the author Matt Attack
    This is an excellent post! I may have to outsource this and compare it to my current SEO results. Thanks for the share!
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  • Profile picture of the author ijohnson

    Really appreciate you taking the time to share your strategy. I think this is a very good strategy to incorporate into what I'm already doing and an excellent way to learn more about SEO and other alternative sources for traffic.

    @WikiWarrior, I would also like to know what you find out about the Scribd issue and MMO.
    Make every day count!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5378611].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author NickWatson
      Originally Posted by Matt Attack View Post

      This is an excellent post! I may have to outsource this and compare it to my current SEO results. Thanks for the share!
      Thanks buddy, and that will be great. As i said earlier, get back to this thread and let us all know the kind of results you are getting...especially compared to your own SEO strategy (maybe we can swap notes ) - I'm always keen to expand my own strategy or try new will be interesting to read your results...

      Originally Posted by ijohnson View Post


      Really appreciate you taking the time to share your strategy. I think this is a very good strategy to incorporate into what I'm already doing and an excellent way to learn more about SEO and other alternative sources for traffic
      Thanks buddy, hope it helps.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5383940].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Torreylee
    Great write-up Nick, I'm a HUGE fan of scrapebox myself. I always backlink my backlinks. I'm glad to see such a thorough a REALISTIC plan of action!

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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5384202].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author vickss
    you have really explained great things to rank high in google SERP, but i create a blog and get it on the first page of google within a week..just collect ten to 15 high pr backlinks and all free..i do not find any use of these software program.. most of my blogger blogs on first page of google(some have 1st ranking and get around 100 daily unique visits)
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5384258].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author baby_butler2002
      hello kick ,can you please also so send me the information on outsourcing you backlinking strategy please. thankyou
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5384844].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author makingiants
    Fine SEO strategy. I love your backlinking tactics, too.
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  • Profile picture of the author Laubster
    I have NO doubt that this works, but implementing it looks expensive. Between SeNukeX, 8 private blog networks, Scrapebox, spinning software, Article Marketing Robot and virtual assistants to out-source to, we're talking serious money. Is it safe to assume you're going after some super high profit keywords to be putting in this much effort and only doing 2-3 cycles/week??
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5395219].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author prcys
    I think if anyone want to get keyword ranking then from starting, from at the time of choice of keyword one has to be aware in choice of keyword and have to choose such which used more by people as per their need in your field. And then after the first step of choice of keyword, you need to provide better content with targeting that keyword. And then measure your results, you definitely get the better ranking for your keyword.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5395379].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author BigNorm
    Excellent post Nick, well laid out. The best park about this post is that anyone having trouble ranking KW's would copy this and send it to a VA and tell them to copy it .
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5395467].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author NickWatson
      Originally Posted by Laubster View Post

      I have NO doubt that this works, but implementing it looks expensive. Between SeNukeX, 8 private blog networks, Scrapebox, spinning software, Article Marketing Robot and virtual assistants to out-source to, we're talking serious money. Is it safe to assume you're going after some super high profit keywords to be putting in this much effort and only doing 2-3 cycles/week??
      This could be done a lot cheaper...most of the tasks could be individually outsourced to Fiverr for $5 a piece.

      And im doing 2 to 3 cycles a weeks PER VA ;-)

      Originally Posted by BigNorm View Post

      Excellent post Nick, well laid out. The best park about this post is that anyone having trouble ranking KW's would copy this and send it to a VA and tell them to copy it .

      I would highly recommend NOT doing that though. I never have any single VA knowing my entire cycle.

      I always have at least two or three different guys working on the same cycle. One guy does the content, the other the manual account creation and some submissions, and another would do the rest of the submissions and the social bookmarking.

      Then all the strengthening link stuff, and AMR submisison I always do myself.

      I may just be too paranoid...but since these guys are already doing all the work, whats to stop them from quitting to work for me and simply doing it for themselves?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5408280].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author NickWatson

    Ok so i thought it would be a good idea to show you guys how quickly and easily this method works.

    About the keyword:

    I selected a long tail keyword in the baby/pregnancy niche...this keyword consists of 4 words

    It gets 2,400 BROAD monthly searches and 1,600 EXACT monthly searches according to the Google keyword tool

    About the competition:

    I used market samurai to analyse the top 10 - mostly PR 2 and 3 pages. Mostly authority sites that are 5 years plus in age. Most PAGES have little backlinks though...we looking at under 500...except for two sites that have over 2,000...NONE of the sites have .Edu or .Gov links.

    5 of the sites are listed in Yahoo Dir and Dmoz. Onsite opimization is not great, but there is some.

    About my site:

    I bought an exact match domain...and added one 700 word article to the site with some pics. And also a Contact us page and a Privacy policy page...nothing else.

    I built a sitemap and submitted to Google webmaster tools, and added Google analytics and statcounter code.

    The site is built on a wordpress platform.

    The site build, contact page, and privacy policy page was done 3 days ago. And yesterday when i checked the site was already indexed in Google...(With no backlinking whatsoever) If it was not, a simple social bookmarking campaign would get it indexed

    The site was still not ranked in the top 500 for my target keyword.

    What Ive done so far (yesterday - after checking if it's indexed):
    1. Added the 700 word article
    2. You tube video
    3. All manual Web2.0's (with video embedded)
    4. Scribd, Docstoc and slideshare links
    This was done yesterday.

    Results so far:
    This morning when i checked the site was ranked in position 292 in Google for my keyword.

    What im doing today:
    1. AMR blast
    2. Blog network submission
    3. SenukeX automated web2.0 campaign
    4. Social Bookmarking ALL yesterday's links.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5408333].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author kartikgee
      Wonderful post!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5433973].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Silverlight
      Originally Posted by NickWatson View Post


      Ok so i thought it would be a good idea to show you guys how quickly and easily this method works.

      About the keyword:

      I selected a long tail keyword in the baby/pregnancy niche...this keyword consists of 4 words

      It gets 4,400 monthly searches according to the Google keyword tool

      About the competition:

      I used market samurai to analyse the top 10 - mostly PR 2 and 3 pages. Mostly authority sites that are 5 years plus in age. Most PAGES have little backlinks though...we looking at under 500...except for two sites that have over 2,000...NONE of the sites have .Edu or .Gov links.

      5 of the sites are listed in Yahoo Dir and Dmoz. Onsite opimization is not great, but there is some.

      About my site:

      I bought an exact match domain...and added one 700 word article to the site with some pics. And also a Contact us page and a Privacy policy page...nothing else.

      I built a sitemap and submitted to Google webmaster tools, and added Google analytics and statcounter code.

      The site is built on a wordpress platform.

      The site build, contact page, and privacy policy page was done 3 days ago. And yesterday when i checked the site was already indexed in Google...(With no backlinking whatsoever) If it was not, a simple social bookmarking campaign would get it indexed

      The site was still not ranked in the top 500 for my target keyword.

      What Ive done so far (yesterday - after checking if it's indexed):
      1. Added the 700 word article
      2. You tube video
      3. All manual Web2.0's (with video embedded)
      4. Scribd, Docstoc and slideshare links
      This was done yesterday.

      Results so far:
      This morning when i checked the site was ranked in position 292 in Google for my keyword.

      What im doing today:
      1. AMR blast
      2. Blog network submission
      3. SenukeX automated web2.0 campaign
      4. Social Bookmarking ALL yesterday's links.
      I greatly appreciate the example Thank you !
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5451765].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Mark Zukerberg
      web 2.0 question : you mean UNIQUE articles , so I need to have 20 unique articles if want to submit to 20 web 2.0? that's tired..
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5472841].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author kea55
      Originally Posted by NickWatson View Post


      Ok so i thought it would be a good idea to show you guys how quickly and easily this method works.

      About the keyword:

      I selected a long tail keyword in the baby/pregnancy niche...this keyword consists of 4 words

      It gets 4,400 monthly searches according to the Google keyword tool

      About the competition:

      I used market samurai to analyse the top 10 - mostly PR 2 and 3 pages. Mostly authority sites that are 5 years plus in age. Most PAGES have little backlinks though...we looking at under 500...except for two sites that have over 2,000...NONE of the sites have .Edu or .Gov links.

      5 of the sites are listed in Yahoo Dir and Dmoz. Onsite opimization is not great, but there is some.

      About my site:

      I bought an exact match domain...and added one 700 word article to the site with some pics. And also a Contact us page and a Privacy policy page...nothing else.

      I built a sitemap and submitted to Google webmaster tools, and added Google analytics and statcounter code.

      The site is built on a wordpress platform.

      The site build, contact page, and privacy policy page was done 3 days ago. And yesterday when i checked the site was already indexed in Google...(With no backlinking whatsoever) If it was not, a simple social bookmarking campaign would get it indexed

      The site was still not ranked in the top 500 for my target keyword.

      What Ive done so far (yesterday - after checking if it's indexed):
      1. Added the 700 word article
      2. You tube video
      3. All manual Web2.0's (with video embedded)
      4. Scribd, Docstoc and slideshare links
      This was done yesterday.

      Results so far:
      This morning when i checked the site was ranked in position 292 in Google for my keyword.

      What im doing today:
      1. AMR blast
      2. Blog network submission
      3. SenukeX automated web2.0 campaign
      4. Social Bookmarking ALL yesterday's links.

      hi I noticed you mentioned you target a long tail keyword of four words or more. what do you think about targeting a short tail keyword, say of about 2 words. For instance. I have a site a bout vacuum cleaners. Am I in for a real difficult time if I want to target a keyword like "vaccuum cleaner reviews" or like "portable vacuums"
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5570153].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author NickWatson
        Originally Posted by kea55 View Post

        hi I noticed you mentioned you target a long tail keyword of four words or more. what do you think about targeting a short tail keyword, say of about 2 words. For instance. I have a site a bout vacuum cleaners. Am I in for a real difficult time if I want to target a keyword like "vaccuum cleaner reviews" or like "portable vacuums"
        Normally the more difficult (shorter) keywords have all the authority sites ranking in the top 10 positions...It can definitely be done, but you are going to need a lot more time, money and effort. You would require more cycles,and be constantly updating your site with new, fresh content.

        I had a quick look at the competition for "vacuum cleaner reviews" and "portable vacuums"...

        "Vacuum cleaner reviews" actually looks like quite an easy keyword to target. Fresh content and a solid cycle should get you on the first page at least. Top 3 might be a little more challenging though...

        "portable vacuums" is the same story. Should be fairly quick to get on the first page...judging by the competition, at least position 8...but again, it might take a little more time and effort to get to the top 3. AND because this is a much shorter, more general keyword I have no idea how long you would actually stay on the first page. As new competitors enter the market they might bump you off...

        In the end of the day, you are going to have to calculate what page 1 rankings for these keywords are worth to you...then you can create an effective and profitable budget...
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  • Profile picture of the author gschmidtus
    Hi Nick,
    thanks for this great post. Thanks for sharing all the details on your campaign strategy. Would you mind to give some recommendations on outsourcing?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5409974].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author zaco
      Impressive results!

      Then MANUALLY submit UNIQUE versions of your promo article to each one. BUT, embed your YouTube video in each, and include AT LEAST one relevant picture.

      when you said UNIQUE.. do you mean the :

      2. Generate 3 unique versions of your promo article. Use these 3 articles and create 2 PDF files and 1 Power Point Slide show. Remember to add plenty of pictures.

      I am kind of confused here.. do we need to create another unique articles for the web 2.0 or we used the 3 that we already have..

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  • Profile picture of the author breezynetworks
    Bookmarked and following your results closely
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5410066].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author carsonben
      Yes, how does one find good support in the Philippines? What sites do you go to besides Odesk to find reliable people? Or is Odesk the best site for outsourcing?
      Authority Media Marketing Strategist
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5559795].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author NickWatson
        Originally Posted by carsonben View Post

        Yes, how does one find good support in the Philippines? What sites do you go to besides Odesk to find reliable people? Or is Odesk the best site for outsourcing?
        Check page 2 of this thread...I dedicated an entire post to outsourcing tips
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    • Profile picture of the author pwtmike
      with your senuke campaigns, are you running individual projects each day or monthly campaigns?
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      • Profile picture of the author NickWatson
        Originally Posted by Muyong View Post

        Hi Nick

        I found this thread since last week but just have a chance to finished reading it today. Thanks for still stay with us.

        I have one question. You seem to emphasis on embeding the video and also some pictures in web2.0 . Why? Also, wonder if it necessary to use different pictures in each post?
        Embedding the video gives the content an extra element of "quality" so does the picture. Everyone else is building links by simply submitting a "dry" article to web2.0 properties...our links are in higher quality content.

        Also, by having the video embedded, each time someone visits a web2.0 property and watches the video it increases the views on the video helping it get more views on YouTube as well...over time this helps bring in a bit more traffic as well

        Originally Posted by setsune View Post

        Hi Nick, thanks for sharing your strategy plan!
        I want to ask you about SeNukeX usage. Do you use your money site URL when using SeNukeX? I read a lot that it'll risk your moneysite into a sandbox. Need your opinion here since I'm planning to use Senuke for my moneysite.
        Yes i run the "social network" campaign for my money site, then I use the social bookmarking, ping, and RSS directories to help strengthen the links ive been building with other sources

        In my opinion any link building software can put your money site at risk if you use it like an idiot! But use them in combination with other methods, and keep the link velocity and link diversity going and you will see excellent results

        Originally Posted by pwtmike View Post

        with your senuke campaigns, are you running individual projects each day or monthly campaigns?
        I do all my SEO in cycles - as in the opening post. So i use Senuke for individual campaigns each day to help complete the cycles.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5590692].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author donaldpollard
      Do not include links in your content body for AMR blasts. They need to be in a resource box. I normally include two keywords in my resource box - one to my site (target keyword as anchor text) and the other to a random URL of the manual web2.0 sites, including the Docstoc, SlideShare, Scribd and YouTube URL's or an inner page of your site. This can all be randomized using spin syntax.
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      • Profile picture of the author eva dora
        Update: Finished Cycle One

        Total Cost: $47 ($40 for Fiverr Blog, amr, and scrapebox blasts, $7 for deathbycaptcha)

        SENukeX - free 14 day trial.

        Results: I was on page 1 ranked #8 yesterday on google, and today my keyword is no longer in the top 300... in fact i can't even find it! I googled the exact URL that i was marketing, and it still appears in google search. Not sure what happened, hopefully I have not been Sandboxed.

        Lessons Learned: SENuke is a spammy deceptive software and I would not use it again. The quality it turns out is extremely poor. SENuke blasts may also result in a virus being passed to you.

        Social Nuke - really poor quality, not even worth doing. I had much more success creating my sites manually.

        Social Bookmarking Nuke
        - Success rate is low. I would rather go through Fiverr for this or do this manually via SocialMarker only to the top social bookmarking sites like digg, delicious, reddit, etc.

        Pinger - Pinger Nuke is good, but you can do this for free on

        RSS Submission - Had the highest success rate with this, but there are free versions out there.


        What I would continue to do: Create manual web 2.0 properties, but a more complex linkage system with multiple nodes. I would use sites like, weebly, livejournal, webnode, yola, xanga, wikispaces, wordpress, edublogs, thoughts, beep, webs, zimbio, and jimdo. Scribd and will also be linked.

        I will create a youtube channel for that specific URL i am targetting, and upload a video to it. This way you control the video and you get double the link juice. I would also include Vimeo.

        I would use Fiverr for 2 blog blasts, AMR + Blog .

        I woul use Pingfarm for mass pinging, double back on it by using pingomatic, and use ****2RSS to create rss feeds.

        Live healthy and ethical! Shop for vegan products here:

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5662704].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author NickWatson
          Originally Posted by donaldpollard View Post

          Do not include links in your content body for AMR blasts. They need to be in a resource box. I normally include two keywords in my resource box - one to my site (target keyword as anchor text) and the other to a random URL of the manual web2.0 sites, including the Docstoc, SlideShare, Scribd and YouTube URL's or an inner page of your site. This can all be randomized using spin syntax.
          What? Clear spam buddy

          Originally Posted by eva dora View Post

          Update: Finished Cycle One

          Total Cost: $47 ($40 for Fiverr Blog, amr, and scrapebox blasts, $7 for deathbycaptcha)

          SENukeX - free 14 day trial.

          Results: I was on page 1 ranked #8 yesterday on google, and today my keyword is no longer in the top 300... in fact i can't even find it! I googled the exact URL that i was marketing, and it still appears in google search. Not sure what happened, hopefully I have not been Sandboxed.

          Lessons Learned: SENuke is a spammy deceptive software and I would not use it again. The quality it turns out is extremely poor. SENuke blasts may also result in a virus being passed to you.

          Social Nuke - really poor quality, not even worth doing. I had much more success creating my sites manually.

          Social Bookmarking Nuke
          - Success rate is low. I would rather go through Fiverr for this or do this manually via SocialMarker only to the top social bookmarking sites like digg, delicious, reddit, etc.

          Pinger - Pinger Nuke is good, but you can do this for free on

          RSS Submission - Had the highest success rate with this, but there are free versions out there.


          What I would continue to do: Create manual web 2.0 properties, but a more complex linkage system with multiple nodes. I would use sites like, weebly, livejournal, webnode, yola, xanga, wikispaces, wordpress, edublogs, thoughts, beep, webs, zimbio, and jimdo. Scribd and will also be linked.

          I will create a youtube channel for that specific URL i am targetting, and upload a video to it. This way you control the video and you get double the link juice. I would also include Vimeo.

          I would use Fiverr for 2 blog blasts, AMR + Blog .

          I woul use Pingfarm for mass pinging, double back on it by using pingomatic, and use ****2RSS to create rss feeds.

          Thank you SO MUCH for coming back and posting your results (even if they may not be favorable)'s honest, clear posts like this that help others learn and develop their own view on things.

          I do however have a few things to say regarding your results. Please note, i am in no way trying to defend my strategy ive always said SEO is not an exact science and we all need to do what we feel will work for ourselves.

          Firstly, you might simply be involved in the Google you know this is very might be pleasantly surprised in a day or two if you show up again in a better position. Then again, as you mentioned, you may well be sandboxed. But in either case, your best option would be to keep building links...

          Secondly, as for SenukeX not working well for you. You are obviously entitled to your opinion and in no way am i trying to change that. I just want to inform you of why i use SenukeX. You might just need to give it some more time to learn the software a bit better.

          The only time senukex will give you "spammy" results is if the seed content you feed it is spammy. But give it a well written, well HAND-SPUN article and every submission it makes to the web2.0 properties will be perfectly legible, unique from the last and good quality. Use the automatically scraped and spun articles from within senukex..and you end up with spammy results.

          As for your success rates being low, this does happen from time to time depending on when last the senukex team last updated the software - but they pretty good on this point. The only other reason you could be getting poor results is because you were using bad proxies - or too few proxies. I always use private, unshared proxies...

          Now the reason i use SenukeX is because, firstly i get pretty decent results (for the most part). And secondly it gives me more diversity with my links when it submits my article to more web20's. And most of the web2.0's on senukex dont get the video embedded like the manual web2.0's - so the content varies a little too.

          Anyway, Thanks again for posting your results. In the end i am an avid believer of developing an SEO strategy that works for you personally. And by the sounds of it, thats exactly what you are busy doing - testing, learning and adjusting your strategy along the way. So good on ya!
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5663336].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ExCubicleGirl
      Great advice, thanks for sharing.
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  • Profile picture of the author gregsmith007
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    • Profile picture of the author NickWatson
      Originally Posted by gschmidtus View Post

      Hi Nick,
      thanks for this great post. Thanks for sharing all the details on your campaign strategy. Would you mind to give some recommendations on outsourcing?
      Originally Posted by breezynetworks View Post

      Bookmarked and following your results closely
      Originally Posted by gregsmith007 View Post

      Good post. It's always interesting to learn how others rank their site
      Thanks guys, hope it helps some of you out...

      As for outsourcing, it's best to go with a company that specializes in Virtual Assistants. Search google for "seo virtual assistant philippines" or similar...I prefer working with guys in the and they always eager to please.

      You can get a full time VA working 5 days a week for you for anywhere between $300 and $800 a month...If you cannot afford it, it might be worth outsourcing the individual tasks to fiverr or similar...
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5411050].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author mark03r

        Just wanted to say thanks for taking the time to document this for others to read. You must spend a fortune on blog submission sites! I have to outsource that.

        Just wondering how many links you normally get from a single cycle, will help me judge how many cycles I need for beating my competition.

        And one more question, when you say thorough Social Bookmarking campaign could you just gve some detail, is this 100 bookmarks for example.

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      • Profile picture of the author rachaenkirk
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  • Profile picture of the author Raasta
    Hi Nick,

    Nice to read your post and great strategy. I'm just starting out for now and have got 2 sites built to date with another 10 planned for this year.

    When researching the niche with market samurai, google trends etc, I have used the following:

    (i) low average PR competing pages of <2
    (ii) traffic recommendation is minimum SEO Traffic 80 per day.
    (iii) moderate exact searches per month (preferably 4k+), and
    (iv) around 20k all in title and all in url quote competition.
    (v) adwords CPC of minimum $0.80

    Is the above appropriate? Please advise from your experience how I can use market samurai effectively to enter into niche markets. I have several written down, just not sure how to assess and pick the right ones.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5411146].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author NickWatson
      Originally Posted by Raasta View Post

      Hi Nick,

      Nice to read your post and great strategy. I'm just starting out for now and have got 2 sites built to date with another 10 planned for this year.

      When researching the niche with market samurai, google trends etc, I have used the following:

      (i) low average PR competing pages of <2
      (ii) traffic recommendation is minimum SEO Traffic 80 per day.
      (iii) moderate exact searches per month (preferably 4k+), and
      (iv) around 20k all in title and all in url quote competition.
      (v) adwords CPC of minimum $0.80

      Is the above appropriate? Please advise from your experience how I can use market samurai effectively to enter into niche markets. I have several written down, just not sure how to assess and pick the right ones.
      This seems like good criteria...but you in the end the ONLY thing thats going to work is for YOU to test and see what works. If you are battling to rank your pages, either add better content or select easier keywords. But the criteria you have mentioned above would be fairly easy to rank for...BUT you did not look at the amount and quality of your competitors backlinks or their on page optimization.

      The way I personally do it, is to totally forget about number of competing pages etc... (I have had keywords with well over 250k "in quote" competing pages rank within a week!)

      i simply look at who is currently in the top 10 positions, for a normal (non-quoted search) of my keyword. Then I analyze the PAGES (NOT Domain) that is ranking. And i decide if i would be able to do better than any of them.

      Generally these are the criteria I personally look at:
      1. PR of pages - majority should be 2 and under - none over 3
      2. Number of backlinks for the PAGE (not the domain) - anything under 500 is pretty good
      3. .Edu or .Gov backlinks - preferably 0 - but if one or two pages have a couple thats ok. But I dont want all the pages to have 10+ if you get my drift
      4. Dmoz and YDir listing - Again preferably none! If 2 or 3 sites are listed id still consider it. But their listing here is normally a sign that they are considered authority sites
      5. Onsite optimization - generally I prefer to target keywords where the competition are not well optimized. If a page is 100% well optimized, id check it's links etc... to get a better idea of what id need to do to over throw them.

      I also look at the sites that are ranking...videos, article directories or any other web 2.0's are generally a sign that the keyword will be very easy to rank for

      I do not care about site age either...ive created free blogger blogs with a single article on it that ranks number 2..all my competitors are older than 8 years!!

      But again, this sort of thing is personal preference and i dont think there are really any set-in-stone type of rules. Just go with what you have, and test till you find what works best for you.

      Hope this helps
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      • Profile picture of the author breezynetworks
        Originally Posted by NickWatson View Post

        i simply look at who is currently in the top 10 positions, for a normal (non-quoted search) of my keyword. Then I analyze the PAGES (NOT Domain) that is ranking. And i decide if i would be able to do better than any of them.
        This is SO golden. I cannot stress enough how important this is. Ever since I learnt this tip a couple months back, the figurative "mist" has cleared from my eyes and I am started to rank for some awesome keywords. I would have seriously paid someone $200+ to give me this piece of info when I first started...

        Just a little more steps, use a tool like market samurai (or ahrefs) to check out the top 10 sites anchor text. If you are trying to rank for "weight loss for teenagers" and you find that the top couple spots have a couple hundred links targeting this exact keyword, then move on (unless you want to work on a long term plan of course) Seriously, forget about the rest of the search engine results, just analyse the top 10.


        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5420722].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author BigNorm
        Originally Posted by NickWatson View Post

        Generally these are the criteria I personally look at:
        1. PR of pages - majority should be 2 and under - none over 3
        2. Number of backlinks for the PAGE (not the domain) - anything under 500 is pretty good
        3. .Edu or .Gov backlinks - preferably 0 - but if one or two pages have a couple thats ok. But I dont want all the pages to have 10+ if you get my drift
        4. Dmoz and YDir listing - Again preferably none! If 2 or 3 sites are listed id still consider it. But their listing here is normally a sign that they are considered authority sites

        5. Onsite optimization - generally I prefer to target keywords where the competition are not well optimized. If a page is 100% well optimized, id check it's links etc... to get a better idea of what id need to do to over throw them.

        I also look at the sites that are ranking...videos, article directories or any other web 2.0's are generally a sign that the keyword will be very easy to rank for

        I do not care about site age either...ive created free blogger blogs with a single article on it that ranks number 2..all my competitors are older than 8 years!!

        But again, this sort of thing is personal preference and i dont think there are really any set-in-stone type of rules. Just go with what you have, and test till you find what works best for you.

        Hope this helps

        I'm kind of the other way on this one. If I see authority sites rocking the first page but are poorly optimized, then I will go after the term as chances are I'll be able to grab one of the first 5 spots on the first page. I love seeing results where YouTube, Wikipedia, News Sites or any authority sites are ranking.

        I especially love to see a YouTube video at the top of the page, they're extremely easy to outrank and what a lot of people don't realize, is that if you can get your YT video to rank on the first page with your web pages backlink in the description and well optimized for your KW with your video embedded in your websites page as well, then there is a very good chance that if you rank your video, you'll also rank your webpage for the same term sealing two positions on the first page.
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  • Profile picture of the author amarketing
    Hi Nick,

    Thanks for another reply. This is exactly what I was wondering:
    The EXACT SAME article is never submitted to two sites.
    You answered it perfectly. You see, I'm new new to spinning and did not know that you could create a spin syntax and set SenukeX and AMR to submit a different spin to every article directory and every web 2.0. Now I understand after reading the following:
    ....Same goes for the SenukeX campaigns...simply put the article in spin syntax in Senuke and the software will automatically spin a new version of it each time it makes a submission......AMR submission...but also submit it in spin syntax to the software, which will then submit unique versions of it to the article directories.
    I think we've got everything cleared up (at least for now, lol.)!

    Also, thanks for doing a case-study as well. I was just thinking that this would be a fun thing to do with this method.

    I'll be looking forward to reading about your results!
    Each Article is 300+ to 500+ (MOSTLY 500+) WORDS
    **** -----> Only Selling This Pack to 4 PEOPLE <----- ****
    Only $80 PER PACK ...That's $8 an article! PM Me Before They're GONE!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5414737].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author NickWatson

    Ok so our case study is off to a really rocky start...the VA I had working on this cycle yesterday, got ill half way through the day and was sent home...a fact that I only found out about this morning!

    So, the only work actually completed yesterday was the AMR blast...

    The SenukeX and the Manual Web2.0 campaigns will only be completed today.

    So before we even really got started we are already an entire day behind! But unfortunately these things happen, and we will have to deal with it - hence the Sat work!

    Tasks for today:
    1. SenukeX automated Web2.0 campaign
    2. Manual Web2.0 campaign
    3. Blog network submissions
    4. Thorough Social Bookmarking campaign
    5. Quick Social bookmarking campaign of AMR links

    Tasks for tomorrow:
    1. Create all RSS feeds
    2. Ping All RSS feeds and Submit to RSS Directories using SenukeX
    3. ScrapeBox blast

    Results so far:
    Checked the site this morning and it moved up to position 289.
    Obviously I was not expecting any fantastic results, as it's only been one day and no real link building has been done.

    EDIT: I also just wanted to let you guys know, I have added one video to the site. Nothing special...just a random YouTube video on the topic, and simply embedded it in the article
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5416395].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author RusKor
      Originally Posted by NickWatson View Post


      Ok so our case study is off to a really rocky start...the VA I had working on this cycle yesterday, got ill half way through the day and was sent home...a fact that I only found out about this morning!

      So, the only work actually completed yesterday was the AMR blast...

      The SenukeX and the Manual Web2.0 campaigns will only be completed today.

      So before we even really got started we are already an entire day behind! But unfortunately these things happen, and we will have to deal with it - hence the Sat work!

      Tasks for today:
      1. SenukeX automated Web2.0 campaign
      2. Manual Web2.0 campaign
      3. Blog network submissions
      4. Thorough Social Bookmarking campaign
      5. Quick Social bookmarking campaign of AMR links

      Tasks for tomorrow:
      1. Create all RSS feeds
      2. Ping All RSS feeds and Submit to RSS Directories using SenukeX
      3. ScrapeBox blast

      Results so far:
      Checked the site this morning and it moved up to position 289.
      Obviously I was not expecting any fantastic results, as it's only been one day and no real link building has been done.

      EDIT: I also just wanted to let you guys know, I have added one video to the site. Nothing special...just a random YouTube video on the topic, and simply embedded it in the article
      I love reading case studies and yours looks fantastic! So much information and so detailed, thank you for all the time that you are putting into this and for sharing with us.

      I also have 3 blogs that I'm working on right now. The bad part about all of them is that I've started to work on all of them almost half a year ago and kind of forgotten about them until about 2 weeks ago. My hosting was also closed due to the fact that I didn't pay for it, therefore one of my sites some of my pages which had PR of 2, 3 and even 4 now all have PR 0..., while other site has gained PR from 0 to 2 and 3. I think its funny, but I don't know what happened there.

      Right now I'm trying to figure out what to do with them. All of them have some backlinking done, mostly social bookmarking of pages and home page. One of them, that has PR 2-3, has over 2k backlinks. When I was building this site (its a wordpress blog with 5 articles and a few videos and pics) I paid for some backlinking services and I guess now I'm seeing some results. I actually have 2 of my kws on page 1, ranking 1 and 2, but the funny part is I have no traffic whatsoever, still trying to figure out what is going on with that.

      After reading your posts I think what I will do is I will definitely join one of the blog networks, then I will submit spun versions of one of my article to article directories don't have AMR so will have to do it manually for now, probably will choose around 10 for now and see how it goes), create more Web 2.0 profiles and submit articles to them, social bookmark all the links, create RSS feeds, submit them to RSS aggregators and ping. Don't know how to create videos yet, but I will work on them this month.

      I know that my post is a mess but I got motivated after I read your case study and just wanted to share some things that I have on my plate right now. I will probably do my own case study on my blog and will share it later to let you know how I'm doing. Thank you again for your great input!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5417805].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author robrave
    Wow. This is a nice post. I only do no. 3 and no. 4 for most of my seo campaigns and it works.

    But I think if I do everything from your 1 cycle, I believe it has the power to rank almost any keywords. Though, for more competitive niches, several cycles will be needed.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5418729].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author NickWatson
      Originally Posted by RusKor View Post

      I love reading case studies and yours looks fantastic! So much information and so detailed, thank you for all the time that you are putting into this and for sharing with us.

      I also have 3 blogs that I'm working on right now. The bad part about all of them is that I've started to work on all of them almost half a year ago and kind of forgotten about them until about 2 weeks ago. My hosting was also closed due to the fact that I didn't pay for it, therefore one of my sites some of my pages which had PR of 2, 3 and even 4 now all have PR 0..., while other site has gained PR from 0 to 2 and 3. I think its funny, but I don't know what happened there.

      Right now I'm trying to figure out what to do with them. All of them have some backlinking done, mostly social bookmarking of pages and home page. One of them, that has PR 2-3, has over 2k backlinks. When I was building this site (its a wordpress blog with 5 articles and a few videos and pics) I paid for some backlinking services and I guess now I'm seeing some results. I actually have 2 of my kws on page 1, ranking 1 and 2, but the funny part is I have no traffic whatsoever, still trying to figure out what is going on with that.

      After reading your posts I think what I will do is I will definitely join one of the blog networks, then I will submit spun versions of one of my article to article directories don't have AMR so will have to do it manually for now, probably will choose around 10 for now and see how it goes), create more Web 2.0 profiles and submit articles to them, social bookmark all the links, create RSS feeds, submit them to RSS aggregators and ping. Don't know how to create videos yet, but I will work on them this month.

      I know that my post is a mess but I got motivated after I read your case study and just wanted to share some things that I have on my plate right now. I will probably do my own case study on my blog and will share it later to let you know how I'm doing. Thank you again for your great input!

      Great stuff! Would love to see a case study from you as well...I think the biggest secret in this industry is consistency! Stick to it and you will definitely see SOME kind of results SOMEWHERE!

      As for videos, check out - thats what i use

      Originally Posted by robrave View Post

      Wow. This is a nice post. I only do no. 3 and no. 4 for most of my seo campaigns and it works.

      But I think if I do everything from your 1 cycle, I believe it has the power to rank almost any keywords. Though, for more competitive niches, several cycles will be needed.
      Thanks bud...and if what you do works for you, then why change it right! As we all know, SEO is not an exact science and if you can get results with less effort then why not!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5419377].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author RusKor
        Originally Posted by NickWatson View Post

        Great stuff! Would love to see a case study from you as well...I think the biggest secret in this industry is consistency! Stick to it and you will definitely see SOME kind of results SOMEWHERE!

        As for videos, check out - thats what i use
        Hey Nick,

        I totally agree on consistency part. I have been lacking that for the past few months, hopefully I'll be doing better now.

        Also about the videos, its not that I don't have tools, if I need to I can get them, but the reason I don't like to make videos is because of the content. The sites I have right now are the following. One is based on amazon product reviews, another has just one product for review and third one is adsense based site. Because I don't really have physical products on hand, that's the reason I don't like doing videos as I don't know what would I show in those videos.

        Did you ever do videos for adsens based or amazon review sites? Any ideas as to how to make videos for those sites? Appreciate anything that you can give me. Thanks
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5419605].message }}
  • Interesting strategy. I will have to try this out with one of my sites. I'll come back to share my results. Thanks for the great share.
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  • Profile picture of the author HAWTs
    This is an excellent post!
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  • Profile picture of the author NickWatson
    Originally Posted by bosnis View Post

    ...Can I also enquire about the outsourcing resources...

    Ok guys i've been getting a lot of PM's lately about outsourcing. I don't feel i recommend any specific company without being biased. So here are a few tips.

    1. If you can afford it, hire a full time Virtual Assistant (VA) - ideally from the Philippines. This will cost you between $400 and $800 a month. Train them well and never let a single VA know your entire seo cycle.

    2. To find a company offering VA's - simply search google for "SEO VA philippines" or similar. There are plenty companies that offer VA's of this type. It will also be useful if you can get a VA that has some training in SEO and has some SEO tools available to him - this saves you from needing to buy these tools yourself

    3. Avoid using odesk or similar - some of these guys may have the same hourly rate, but they work from home. They are not in an office with someone to supervise them (As with a VA from a company). So generally they tend to be less productive

    4. DO NOT give the individual tasks to freelancers to do on a once-off basis. Firstly it will cost you a fortune - they charge $30 to $40 JUST for the manual web2.0 submission! AND they are not trained by you, doing it everyday, so they are VERY unproductive with your time...Small mistakes can be VERY COSTLY Time-wise

    5. If you really cannot afford help, it may be worth turning to Fiverr to help you complete the labour-intensive work. But again, this must be seen only as a way to HELP you complete the cycles - to outsource everything to Fiverr may also be quite costly/cycle

    6. DON'T be afraid to do some work yourself! Even today still with a whole team of VA's to help me, i still do some of the cycle work myself. They just take care of all the tedious boring stuff. Do not expect to get a VA and just drop the entire SEO cycle into their lap - you will be disappointed!

    Hope these practical tips are useful for some of you...

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  • Profile picture of the author NickWatson

    1. Blog Network Submission
    2. SenukeX campaign
    3. Manual Web2.0 campaign
    4. SOME of the thorough social bookmarking campaign

    I got caught up yesterday with other work, and did not have time to complete the quick social bookmakarking of the AMR campaign. Also my VA didn't have time to complete the the entire Thorough social bookmarking campaign - this will be completed on monday.

    Tasks for MONDAY:
    1. Create all RSS feeds
    2. Ping All RSS feeds and Submit to RSS Directories using SenukeX
    3. ScrapeBox blast
    4. Quick social bookmarking of AMR urls
    5. Completion of the thorough social bookmarking

    I know I said i was going to complete these tasks today - but i totally forgot it's my girlfriends birthday...And i dont think she will appreciate it too much if im in my office working all day on her special day! So im rather going to spend some quality time with her today and complete the work on monday.

    Results so far:
    Checked the site this morning, and it has moved up to position 23
    This is not bad, especially considering we have only been working on links for about 3 days. BUT with this type of keyword i really was expecting it to be closer to the top 10 by this stage...I think it may be bit more of a struggle because the competing pages are fairly large authorities in the niche...

    It may be a little early to tell, and still got to do the Google dance, but I think one more SEO Cycle and we will be where we need to be for this site. IF we are VERY lucky, after this cycle is completed we may be placed in the top 10...

    Moving Forward:
    For now I just want to fully complete this first cycle for the site, and give it a couple of days to give chance for the Google dance and to see where we floating around.
    Once this cycle is completed, im going to add another Youtube video to the article and maybe some additional pictures with paragraph-long descriptions. The reason for this is I want google to see a constantly updated page while deciding on where to place me in the rankings.

    If by thursday or so next week we are still not in the top 10 I will commence a second SEO cycle for this site...
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5422528].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author danlew
    This is a nice twist strategy you got there pal. Good thing that you shared this, because its another goldmine that SEO specialists and internet marketers are looking for. Well, since this is so effective I might give this a shot....and to my friend as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author silverace
    Awesome thread, keep up the good work man!
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    • Profile picture of the author NickWatson
      Originally Posted by danlew View Post

      This is a nice twist strategy you got there pal. Good thing that you shared this, because its another goldmine that SEO specialists and internet marketers are looking for. Well, since this is so effective I might give this a shot....and to my friend as well.
      Yeah, glad i could have helped. Sad thing is, many internet marketers will not put this to practice. But for those of you that do,you will definitely see some great results.

      Will be great if you get back to the thread with some results...will make for an interesting read..

      Originally Posted by silverace View Post

      Awesome thread, keep up the good work man!
      Thanks bud, hope it helps...
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5428482].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author NickWatson

    I was actually NOT going to post an update today as it's Sunday...but i just could not help myself...

    Results so far:
    This morning I checked my site and I had started receiving like 3 or 4 unique visitors...So i checked the ranking and it has moved up to position 14...

    The site is also now ranked position 377 for a very broad term in the same niche...

    This is great news, as it means We might even hit the first page just by completing the first SEO cycle...

    Strategy for the site stays the same...on monday we will complete the SEO cycle, add some additional pics and a youtube video embed...then wait till thursday to see where we stand. At that point, I will decide whether or not to start on a second cycle..
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5428512].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author solado
    Some golden information here, Thanks

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  • Profile picture of the author textbooks
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5429592].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author NickWatson
      Originally Posted by BigNorm View Post

      I'm kind of the other way on this one. If I see authority sites rocking the first page but are poorly optimized, then I will go after the term as chances are I'll be able to grab one of the first 5 spots on the first page. I love seeing results where YouTube, Wikipedia, News Sites or any authority sites are ranking.

      I especially love to see a YouTube video at the top of the page, they're extremely easy to outrank and what a lot of people don't realize, is that if you can get your YT video to rank on the first page with your web pages backlink in the description and well optimized for your KW with your video embedded in your websites page as well, then there is a very good chance that if you rank your video, you'll also rank your webpage for the same term sealing two positions on the first page.
      By authority sites I don't mean YouTube...YouTube videos would fall in the same category as Web2.0's (for me anyway)...By authority sites I mean sites that have a couple hundred pages at least of content, they are well aged, high pr...just a general "authority" in the niche...this is especially true when the page ranking is highly optimized for the keyword. I'm not saying you can not outrank just saying it's normally a sign of a difficult keyword and a long struggle ahead of you to get to the top..

      But I do agree with you on the YouTube videos though...very easy to outrank...sames goes for any article directory pages, EMD "sniper-type" sites, web2.0's like blogger,, weebly, squidoo etc etc...

      News sites on the other hand I don't even bother trying to outrank. If I see a term where the top 5 competitors are CNN, Fox etc... i stay FAR AWAY.

      Originally Posted by solado View Post

      Some golden information here, Thanks
      Thanks bud, hope it helps

      Originally Posted by textbooks View Post

      I agree manual rewrite is better than auto spinning.
      Definitely. I actually done a test on this a while back. And when unique, well-spun content was used for backlinking the pages generally ranked pretty quickly.

      But when we used duplicate content, we had great difficulty getting anywhere with the rankings. And whats more, when eventually we did start building proper links to these STILL took ages to get them ranked. It's as if the duplicate content links destroyed the site's "reputation" or something..
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5429636].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author benkleiner
    How do I do to get the "All AMR created pages"' please?

    "4. ScrapeBox Blast. Use scrapebox and blast the following urls:
    a. All Manually created web2.0 pages
    b. All SenukeX created web2.0 pages
    c. All AMR created pages
    d. Money Site (Only if it is well aged)

    I have simply searched the internet for free auto-approve lists. I normally blast to about 60K blogs...."


    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5430653].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Morbrook
      How do I do to get the "All AMR created pages"' please?

      "4. ScrapeBox Blast. Use scrapebox and blast the following urls:
      a. All Manually created web2.0 pages
      b. All SenukeX created web2.0 pages
      c. All AMR created pages
      d. Money Site (Only if it is well aged)

      I have simply searched the internet for free auto-approve lists. I normally blast to about 60K blogs...."

      You can get the urls by right clicking on the list of directories and selecting "Live Links". Than save the file.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5431326].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author lnguyentx
    Nickwatson, What is your opinion on link velocity, do you repeat the process above every single week?
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  • Profile picture of the author cyrilchua
    God, this must be one of the most valuable post in the WF seo section so far in this year. And its free, thank you for the awesome share of your seo techniques.

    However, its undeniable that you have so many paid services included in your method, probably makes it much more expensive. Any cheaper alternatives for recommendation?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5433845].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author phoenixente
    Hi regarding your seo , do you know someone who i can outsource to and approx what should be the cost per keyword
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5433979].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author NickWatson
      Originally Posted by imjimv View Post

      Thank you very much for this post!I will try it to my next site and i hope to have the same results
      Yeah please come back and post your results, will be great to see

      Originally Posted by lnguyentx View Post

      Nickwatson, What is your opinion on link velocity, do you repeat the process above every single week?
      Yes, but for different sites. Normally I'd complete one full cycle for a site, then give it a few days to see where it lays in the SERP's. If necessary I'll start another cycle for that site.

      There is not much maintenance to be done once you have got the rankings. Most of my sites are well over a year old and still going strong, without any additional effort from myself.

      If you were targeting a very difficult keyword, with loads of competition, this might be a different story though. And you might need to constantly add new content to your site, and run the odd cycle to keep it up in the SERPS..

      But for regular medium to easy keywords, i literally just run SEO Cycles until I got the ranking I want...then stop..and move onto the next project...

      Originally Posted by cyrilchua View Post

      God, this must be one of the most valuable post in the WF seo section so far in this year. And its free, thank you for the awesome share of your seo techniques.

      However, its undeniable that you have so many paid services included in your method, probably makes it much more expensive. Any cheaper alternatives for recommendation?
      Thanks, and the only "cheaper" alternative i could think of is to pay someone who has the tools to do it for you. Check out Fiverr...

      Also check out my outsourcing tips higher in this thread.

      Originally Posted by phoenixente View Post

      Hi regarding your seo , do you know someone who i can outsource to and approx what should be the cost per keyword
      Check the outsourcing tips above in this thread buddy...
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5435073].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author mikeseocool
    Great share! What I like about this is its very straight to the point and it does not add some more mumbo jumbo. You are told what to do and how to do it. Plus it also comes with a matching case study.

    Thanks added and thread subscribed.
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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5435311].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author keiranorton
    Awesome resource Nick! I have learned so much from this post. Thank you so much for the share.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5435537].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author DWaters
    Nick, Thanks for sharing such detailed information. It is easy to see that your SEO efforts are covering all the bases. The case for outsourcing is made. It is going to be time consuming but I will be incorporating some of your methods into my work. Thanks
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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5436115].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author NickWatson
      Originally Posted by mikeseocool View Post

      Great share! What I like about this is its very straight to the point and it does not add some more mumbo jumbo. You are told what to do and how to do it. Plus it also comes with a matching case study.

      Thanks added and thread subscribed.
      Originally Posted by keiranorton View Post

      Awesome resource Nick! I have learned so much from this post. Thank you so much for the share.
      Originally Posted by DWaters View Post

      Nick, Thanks for sharing such detailed information. It is easy to see that your SEO efforts are covering all the bases. The case for outsourcing is made. It is going to be time consuming but I will be incorporating some of your methods into my work. Thanks
      Thanks guys, makes it all worth it if it truly helps some of you. If any of you put this to work for yourselves, come back and post your results here...we would all love to read about it!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5436955].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author NickWatson

    What was done today:
    2 new pics added to my site, each with a paragraph-long description.
    2. Thorough social bookmarking campaign completed
    3. RSS feeds created, submitted and pinged
    4. Quick Social bookmarking campaign of AMR urls
    5. ScrapeBox blast is running as I type this...will be complete in a couple of hours

    This marks the end of one full SEO cycle.

    Moving Forward:
    As I mentioned before, all I want to do now is give this site a few days and see what it does in the SERP's. On thursday if I'm not happy with the ranking I might start a second SEO Cycle..

    The Results:
    First thing this morning I checked and I was NO WHERE in the TOP 500!!
    Checked at about lunch time and I had moved into position 10 (YEAH! First page!)
    I checked now just before posting this update, and I had moved up to position 8 for my main target keyword and from position 377 to position 20 for a very general broad term in the niche.

    So I think it's safe to say i am officially engaged in the all-popular Google dance! The big question now, is where am i going to be placed when the dust settles?

    For my main target keyword (The longtail one) I think I will settle in the top 10 after the cycle has completed and left to stand for a few days. If i wanted to rank for the broad term (currently #20), I think I would need at least one or two additional cycles concentrating on only on that keyword.

    Through all the ups and downs of the Google dance today, the site managed to get 12 unique visitors!

    My Views:
    All in all I am happy with the results so far. If you consider, only 4 days ago the content was first added to the site, and the SEO cycle officially began...AND we had a day delay because my VA was unexpectedly ill...

    And now, only 4 days later the site is already hovering on the first page (Albeit in the google dance). This alone SHOULD give you guys some idea of how powerful this SEO strategy REALLY is!

    Don't be lazy, put it to work for yourself and you will be seeing similar results...

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5437058].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author bosnis
      Hi Nick, thanks for keeping us all updated on this, I will keep visiting to see how it settles.
      May I ask what you are using to track the movements of your keywords?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5437902].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author NickWatson
        Originally Posted by SEOChemist View Post

        Will try it out, what happens after the months though, do you see a dignificant drop or gradual decline?
        For easy to medium keywords I have never really seen a drop or decline. In fact, some of the sites even got better rankings with time...i think this is because other people naturally started linking back to my site on their own.

        There are a few exceptions to this though. Where very difficult, broad keywords were targeted I would sometimes see I gradual decline in rank, but an additional cycle every few months would bring it right back up.

        Many times I sell the site once I've had it for a few months..

        Originally Posted by bosnis View Post

        Hi Nick, thanks for keeping us all updated on this, I will keep visiting to see how it settles.
        May I ask what you are using to track the movements of your keywords?
        I use Market Samurai to track my rank movement..
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5439455].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author SEOChemist
    Will try it out, what happens after the months though, do you see a dignificant drop or gradual decline?

    Filled with SEO Goodness

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  • Profile picture of the author papamo44
    Nice post Nick thanks for sharing. Would you mind sharing where you got the AMR list?
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  • Profile picture of the author Jeff1987
    Hey Nick,
    Nice strategy, I do some things similar, particularly with the blog networks. I also use backlinks energizer to boost all my links instead of going through the hassle of creating RSS feeds, it's a great plugin, and a massive time saver, you should give it a try if you haven't already.
    I have AMR, but have not been using it much. You say you do AMR blasts, so you're blasting one article out to over 1,500 article directories and getting all your links? or are you adding spin syntax in the article in order for AMR to automatically spin for each submission? Just wondering, because otherwise does this not count as 300-400 links with duplicate content?

    Also, you say you can do a couple of cycles a week. i am assuming you do not follow this strategy for new sites? Surely Google is not going to favour you for blasting that many links at a brand new site?

    Either way, nice post mate.
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  • Profile picture of the author jesustamez
    Hey man, first off great post I appreciate all the time and effort you put into helping the community. Straight up!

    I have a few questions, please bear with me I'm still kinda sorta new to this.
    When you mention in step 2 at the end of number 1 to add two links to the article, can we just add one link?

    I'm asking because you mentioned one goes to a link to the homepage and one to the page that's targeting the keywords.. on my sites I only have the homepage, contact us, and the posts page. And then like 10 posts.
    Or do I link a post using that posts kw as anchor plus another anchor using the homepages kw?

    Next I'm wondering what you mean @ step 3 right before number 1 you state to copy each pages url that you create into a text document.

    Thanks! I am going to try this out on my sites since I have not been able to come up with a plan.
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    • Profile picture of the author NickWatson
      Originally Posted by papamo44 View Post

      Nice post Nick thanks for sharing. Would you mind sharing where you got the AMR list?
      I can't remember the exact place. I literally just searched google for it. I got various lists of directories and imported them all into AMR.

      AMR will automaticall add it to its list if its a directory it can submit to...else it will ignore it if its already in the list or if its not supported.

      Originally Posted by Jeff1987 View Post

      I have AMR, but have not been using it much. You say you do AMR blasts, so you're blasting one article out to over 1,500 article directories and getting all your links? or are you adding spin syntax in the article in order for AMR to automatically spin for each submission? Just wondering, because otherwise does this not count as 300-400 links with duplicate content?

      Also, you say you can do a couple of cycles a week. i am assuming you do not follow this strategy for new sites? Surely Google is not going to favour you for blasting that many links at a brand new site?

      Either way, nice post mate.
      Thanks bud. With regards to AMR, I use the article in spin syntax, spun to at least 50% to 60% unqiue. I do this manually with the help of The Best Spinner. So there's no real worry of duplicate content here..also I blast the article immediately to all available directories..i never "drip feed" anything.

      And you wrong about not wanting to use this strategy for a new site bud. Read the case posts I made above. It was a brand new site, and within 4 days got it ranked in position 8 with only one cycle.

      I have never had any of my sites sandboxed, or penalized in any way using this strategy - even brand new sites. The only thing i do is make sure the site is indexed in Google before running a cycle.

      Originally Posted by jesustamez View Post

      When you mention in step 2 at the end of number 1 to add two links to the article, can we just add one link?

      I'm asking because you mentioned one goes to a link to the homepage and one to the page that's targeting the keywords.. on my sites I only have the homepage, contact us, and the posts page. And then like 10 posts.
      Or do I link a post using that posts kw as anchor plus another anchor using the homepages kw?

      Next I'm wondering what you mean @ step 3 right before number 1 you state to copy each pages url that you create into a text document.

      Thanks! I am going to try this out on my sites since I have not been able to come up with a plan.
      hey and thanks.

      Yes you can simply add one link if you wish. But what id do instead is add two links to the same page using different anchor texts. Maybe use an LSI keyword for the other.

      You could also just use the other link to randomly link to one of your other web2.0 properties already done. Like the YouTube video, Weebly page etc...

      The only reason i say to add each page's URL into a text document, is because if you follow the cycle - you will need the urls later on in the cycle. For example, after creating the manual web2.0 properties, you need those URL's when doing a social bookmarking campaign to them, or when adding them to an rss's simply to make it easier for you down the road...


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  • Profile picture of the author amarketing
    Nick, you posted that you use proxies.

    Could you elaborate more on this? How do you use them, in what way? That is, what do you use them for? Have you ever noticed any difference between using them and not using them?

    Thanks for expounding upon this a bit more.
    Each Article is 300+ to 500+ (MOSTLY 500+) WORDS
    **** -----> Only Selling This Pack to 4 PEOPLE <----- ****
    Only $80 PER PACK ...That's $8 an article! PM Me Before They're GONE!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5442449].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author NickWatson
      Originally Posted by amarketing View Post

      Nick, you posted that you use proxies.

      Could you elaborate more on this? How do you use them, in what way? That is, what do you use them for? Have you ever noticed any difference between using them and not using them?

      Thanks for expounding upon this a bit more.
      I use private proxies for creating accounts and submitting content to the sites. I also use CCLEANER to clear the computer's cache and history each time before creating new accounts.

      The reason I use them is so that the sites i constantly submit content to (under various accounts) dont see that there are 500 accounts all from the same IP address - they will simply ban all the accounts associated with the same ip and ill lose ALL my backlinks.

      Also, when using software like SenukeX it's essential to use your own private proxies else your success rate is really low...
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5442801].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Wakunahum
        I find this all very interesting.

        Is there anyway that you can post a market samuri screenshot (or seoquake) of the SEO analysis for the competition on the first page?

        I'm interested to see the pagerank, age, and links of the sites that you are competing with to get top 10 rankings so quickly.

        If you do so, of course you can blur out all the information so that we don't see the exact phrases that you are working on.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5443925].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author NickWatson
          Originally Posted by Wakunahum View Post

          I find this all very interesting.

          Is there anyway that you can post a market samuri screenshot (or seoquake) of the SEO analysis for the competition on the first page?

          I'm interested to see the pagerank, age, and links of the sites that you are competing with to get top 10 rankings so quickly.

          If you do so, of course you can blur out all the information so that we don't see the exact phrases that you are working on.
          Yeah sure bud, Don't know why i didn't think of this before! I should have actually included pics in each case study update...might do a another REAL LIVE case study for you guys like this - without hiding my site and niche...

          Below is a screenshot taken from Market Samurai..this was the saved data already in the project - so this is the data BEFORE I got my site in the top 10. This is the exact information I used to base my decision on...


          The site is still strongly in position 8 for the main keyword and position 20 for the broad keyword. The site received 39 unique visitors yesterday. I think if we can get this site into the top 3 it will receive over 100 unique visitors a day...(or 3,000 a month). This level can easily be reached by running another cycle...i.e within 2 weeks from site creation!

          It might also be worth mentioning,i have not seen ANY movement on the ranking since it hit the number 8 spot. No dance no nothing...which is a little weird actually...and it does not look like the site wants to move up any further either...

          But we will stick to the plan, and on thursday i will check on the ranking and decide whether or not to run another cycle...
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          • Profile picture of the author SupplementTalk
            how many days do you submit to the blog networks such as ALN?
            thanks and amazing post and case study, im going to use your method!!!
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5801784].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author NickWatson
              Originally Posted by Ryan Deming View Post

              Sorry if this isn't a good post or if it's been answered... I'm sure I could probably find the answer somewhere, but when you say spun to atleast 50% uniqueness what exactly does that mean and how do I check that. That's the main part I'm confused about.

              Also, in regards to the youtube video. Should the youtube video be targeting our keyword or no?
              When we say 50% unique, it means that each new version must be about 50% unique from the previous. If you use software like The Best spinner, Magic Article Re-writer or even Spinner Chief, then your will be able to see how unique the article is as you add spintax to it.

              With regards to the video, I dont normally target the same keyword in the video. The same with the promo article and PDF and slide show. I just make all the content about something RELATING to the niche. The thing is, you dont want these web2.0 properties to be competing with your own site.

              Originally Posted by SupplementTalk View Post

              how many days do you submit to the blog networks such as ALN?
              thanks and amazing post and case study, im going to use your method!!!
              In one cycle, the promo article gets submitted to all blog networks simultaneously and to go out immediately.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5803225].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author jimnastics
        Originally Posted by NickWatson View Post

        I use private proxies for creating accounts and submitting content to the sites. I also use CCLEANER to clear the computer's cache and history each time before creating new accounts.

        The reason I use them is so that the sites i constantly submit content to (under various accounts) dont see that there are 500 accounts all from the same IP address - they will simply ban all the accounts associated with the same ip and ill lose ALL my backlinks.

        Also, when using software like SenukeX it's essential to use your own private proxies else your success rate is really low...
        Nick can you elaborate a bit more on your proxy usage? I think this is one thing that a lot of beginners struggle with. Do you buy 1 private proxy per site, and switch to that proxy whenever you are working on that site (i.e. running a cycle)?
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5870181].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author NickWatson
          Originally Posted by wizzykid123 View Post

          Damn I still have so much to learn, hope that I can learn from your post and better my self in this area. Gotta love linkbuilding lol
          Well you are at the right place

          Originally Posted by nellco View Post

          Search google for "free n full downloads" there you can get senukex for $20, and believe me i use it everyday and it works fine. (and you all the updates too!)

          They have all kinds of software tool, like xrumer rank builder sick submitter. its a great place to get tools to help with your marketing.
          Yeah but illegal. In my view, if the software serves you well, then pay the developers their due. Especially with something like Senuke, the developers put a lot of time and money in keeping it updated.

          If I were you, shoot to make that $147 pm to pay for it properly...

          No one can build a sustainable business with the mind set of stealing what you can

          Originally Posted by jimnastics View Post

          Nick can you elaborate a bit more on your proxy usage? I think this is one thing that a lot of beginners struggle with. Do you buy 1 private proxy per site, and switch to that proxy whenever you are working on that site (i.e. running a cycle)?
          I do not use one proxy per site. If i use a proxy for SITE A...there's absolutely no reason I cant use that same proxy for SITE B as well.

          SITE A and SITE B do not share information with each other regarding their user's ip addresses etc...(usually - Google, YouTube, Blogger is a different story)

          So generally what I do, is have a bunch of proxies - maybe 20 or 30 - and simply rotate them. So I'll use the first proxy to create all the accounts and complete a cycle, then ill move onto the second proxy to complete the next cycle...etc...

          By the time I get back to the first proxy, the site's its being used on have long forgotten that an account was created on it a week before. Well maybe not "forgotten", but it does not raise any red flags, because its not 30 accounts that all got created in 5 min under the same IP address.

          This is also why i use CCLEANER in between account creations. Because it clears all internet cache and temporary internet files...meaning that there is no way a site can determine that its the same person that created two different accounts - different ip addresses (proxies) and no cache from previous logins etc...

          The only thing that could really link accounts is a footprint in usenames, passwords etc...So be sure to use unique usernames, passwords, emails etc...You can use for ideas

          When using software like SenukeX or AMR, simply add all the proxies in the software, and it will randomly use one of the proxies each time its doing something.

          Using proxies in this way you can go a long way with only a few proxies. But generally I get myself a new batch of proxies every month anyway. A lot of the proxy services will allow you to request new proxies once a month or so.

          Hope this helps all the newbs out there with their proxy usage!
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          • Profile picture of the author mattb348
            Sounds like you have a great, Panda proof strategy that really works.

            I was curious: Do you only try to rank the homepage for your main keyword, or do you try to rank a subpage?

            More importantly, do you find that it is harder to rank a subpage than the homepage? (because it sure seems that way).

            Also, another important question: Do you use brand new domains with the keyword in the domain (not EMD but keyword in domain)? Or do you use AGED domains with existing PR??

            How long before you get in the top 5 on page 1 and actually STAY there? 1-3 months?

            Thanks for such a great post! You got my "thanks"
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5871815].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author NickWatson
              Originally Posted by mattb348 View Post

              Sounds like you have a great, Panda proof strategy that really works.

              I was curious: Do you only try to rank the homepage for your main keyword, or do you try to rank a subpage?

              More importantly, do you find that it is harder to rank a subpage than the homepage? (because it sure seems that way).

              Also, another important question: Do you use brand new domains with the keyword in the domain (not EMD but keyword in domain)? Or do you use AGED domains with existing PR??

              How long before you get in the top 5 on page 1 and actually STAY there? 1-3 months?

              Thanks for such a great post! You got my "thanks"

              So far the strategy has worked great in the midst of Panda, lets just hope it stays that way!

              Normally I try to rank an inner page. But most of the cycles will target the inner page im trying to rank for, and then the home page as well with it's main keyword. This means that their are constantly links being built to the main url as well as the inner pages - but because im always targeting the main url, its got a lot more links than the inner pages - this makes the site's linking structure look a lot more natural.

              I personally find it a lot easier to rank an inner page. If you are targeting an easy keyword, and have quality content, it does not take much to rank.

              I always use brand new domains - I never know what kind of penalties an aged domain has already collected along the way. As for keyword usage in the domain, it all depends on my goal with the site.

              If its a small niche site with 10 to 15 pages of content, then normally the main keyword is at least in the domain name. If it's a micro niche site, i shoot for EMD or at least the keyword in the domain. If it's a larger authority type site with a lot of pages of content, I go for any name that is easy to remember

              I am not able to give you a general guideline as to how long it takes to get a page in the top 5 - there are waaaay too many variables that affect this. The most important being the quality of content on your page, the difficulty of your keyword, how well your page is optimized and the quality of your cycle.

              If all is done well, and its an easy keyword you could be in the top 5 within a week and after 1 cycle - or it may be a difficult keyword and could take 3 months with 15 all depends on all the variables.

              Earlier in this thread I did a case study site - I got it in the top 10 within 4 days, its never moved from there. Even today still, that exact same site is in the top 5, and im getting 120 to 150 unique visitors a day from it. And this all from 1 and a half cycles!
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  • Profile picture of the author oneder
    Nice plagiarism you got going there. Glad you were inspired by cash202's strategy to take some action, but why claim it as your own some 8 months later? Needing some attention?...dick. Give credit where it's due!

    Can't post a link yet but the original is on Black Hat World Forum titled "My Seo Blueprint (SENuke, AMR, BMD, Xrumer, Scrapebox)".
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  • Profile picture of the author akyyyy
    similar to cash202's post on a different forum

    I have posted a quick outline of this SEO blueprint in a thread about AMR and people started giving me rep and stuff. It even got reposted by someone. So I decided to polish it up and release to a wider audience in an attempt to snatch some more rep and thanks

    Please read carefully and PM or better post your questions here. I'll do my best to answer them. OK, let's go.

    What this guide is NOT about:
    It is NOT about how to pick a good niche
    It is NOT about how to find a good keyword
    It is NOT about how to write and spin content
    It is NOT about how to make a website convert
    It is NOT about how to make money at all
    Basically, it is up to you to do a keyword research and make a website that converts. I'd like to say that good ranking DOES NOT guarantee traffic and even if you get some traffic it DOES NOT guarantee you'll make any money off it. The most important lesson I put all in caps.


    If you fail there, no amount of work on a website and/or traffic will help you to make money. Period. Do you keyword research. Do not go after a tough competition unless you are ready to do a lot of work for several months. Another lesson I've learned is tough competition DOES NOT mean a lot of traffic and tough competition DOES NOT mean big profits. So, pick your battle wisely.

    This guide is about is how to IMPROVE YOUR RANKING IN GOOGLE for a specific keyword using some manual labour and aforementioned tools. I come up with it be reverse engineering some successful (in my opinion) affiliate promotions in Google.

    I do SEO promotion in cycles. One cycle can take anywhere from one day to one week to execute depending on how much time and effort you are ready to put in. I run one cycle per day (excluding Xrumer and Scrapebox blasts) for some promotions but you need to be very focused and ready to spend long hours in front of a computer (like 12 hours per day at least).
    Here are some results I've got.

    Case Study 1

    Internet marketing related keyword with 28 million competing pages on less than two years old domain with PR 0. I run 7 cycles total, one per day for a week. As a result site moved from position 250+ to number 8 and now remains there even though I don't blast it anymore. First page competition is domains with PR 1-4 and thousands of backlinks. I am the only one with PR 0 on a first page.

    Case Study 2

    I used the same domain. I decided to promote a five year old product (one of the tools I use). Keyword was "product name review". I wrote a 1500+ words review and run ONE promotional cycle only. As a result I am on a page one spot number 7 for this keyword even though I don't blast anymore. I have the LEAST amount of backlinks among my competition according to Market Samurai. I compete against five year old promotions with thousands of backlinks and exact keywords in the domain name plus PR 1-3.

    Case Study 3

    I promoted recent self-help product re-launch. I bought the last remaining domain three weeks before launch (all other TLDs were taken). I've heard .me doesn't rank very well. Well, probable yes. I optimised the website for "product name", "product name review", "product name bonus". I run three cycles for "product name" keyword only after domain got indexed and I DID NOT blast the domain itself with Xrumer and Scrapebox, only feeder sites. As a result I ranked YouTube video number one for "product name bonus" and the site itself is number 9 for "product name bonus" (possible because .me doesn't rank well). For other keywords I rank on a page 2. Again, I was competing with affiliates who were promoting this product for four years already. According to Market Samurai a have whopping ONE backlink now and a video has ZERO.

    Here is how one promotional cycle looks like. Feel free to modify it to suit your needs.

    1. Pick ONE keyword you'd like to rank for. Some of my sites target a lot of different keywords but I focus one cycle on one keyword only.

    2. Write and post a keyword optimised article to the money site (OPTIONAL but highly recommended)

    3. Write ANOTHER article, preferably 500+ words to improve your success rate with AMR. I'll call this article the promo article. Hand-spin the article with the help of TheBestSpinner to 70+% unique but PRESERVE THE KEYWORD. I always make sure article is well spun and can be read by a human. No, one click spinning is NOT good enough, sorry. The idea is to write the same quality article you'd put on your money site.

    4. Write as many titles for the article as you can (THREE as a minimum). Then spin them with TheBestSpinner and combine together so you have a multi-level spun title.

    5. Make a video off the article. I simply use paid version of Animoto and put some free images from Dreamstime together with some key phrases from the article. I then cut Animoto logo with Sony Vegas HD and also add watermark with money site link.

    6. Make PowerPoint presentation and PDF off the article. For PDF I use paid version of Zinepal. Give it a go, it's very cool. Make sure each page of your PDF and PowerPoint presentation contains links to the money site.

    7. Upload video to YouTube. In description field use your money site URL and some descriptive text preferably containing your keyword. It should look something like this (URL first, then description).

    hxxp://www.moneysite.c0m This is a cool video about keyword. Watch it now to be totally shocked and awed.
    8. Upload both PowerPoint and PDF to SlideShare and Scribd. Again, use URL of the money site in description and add some text (DIFFERENT for each file)

    9. This is a hard part. MANUALLY submit spun version of your article together with embedded YouTube video to the following Web 2.0 sites: Squidoo, Hubpages, Weebly, Wikia, Wetpaint, Wikispaces, Posterous, Tumblr, Wordpress, Blogspot, Bukisa, Zimbio, Skyrock, MyLivePage and any other Web 2.0 site not supported by SENuke that you know. As a minimum I submit to Squidoo, Hubpages, Weebly, Wikia, Wetpaint, Posterous, Tumblr, Zimbio, Blogspot, and Bukisa. Yes, Hubpages, Wetpaint, Wikispaces, Wordpress, and Blogspot are supported by SENuke but I still submit to them manually because... THE KEY IS TO EMBED VIDEO!

    I use TWO links in each article, both pointing to a random page on a money site or to the root of the money site (I rotate URLs using spinner syntax).

    If you have time I'd recommend the following additional white hat submissions. Write three more completely unique promo articles and use one on Bukisa, another on InfoBarrel and the last on Quondio. Bukisa accepts well spun content but they kinda picky. InfoBarrel and Quondio are unique content nazis. Remember to EMBED VIDEO.

    I usually just submit spun article to Bukisa and ignore InfoBarrel and Quondio. However I have Quondio account and I am going to start using it for my blog (they charge one off $5 fee for the privilege to post there).

    10. If you have blog network subscription like UAW or ArticleRanks, post your spun promo article there together with YouTube video. I post to ArticleRanks and set distribution to 250. I've tested AMA, MyArticleNetwork, SEOLinkVine, FreeTrafficSystem and they are all crap because they have NO quality control whatsoever. Articles that get circulated in these networks are poorly spun garbage. The only two article distribution networks that have good content that I tested are ArticleRanks and UAW. I receive trackbacks from ArticleRanks blogs and they are mostly 0 PR blogs with good content (no poorly spun garbage).

    Similar to Web 2.0, I use TWO links in each article, both pointing to a random page on a money site or to the root of the money site.

    11. Blast promo article with SENuke to all Web 2.0 sites it supports excluding those you've posted to manually.

    12. Take YouTube link, SlideShare and Scribd links and all Web 2.0 links where you posted your article manually and with SENuke. You will use this list several times.

    13. Use BMD to bookmark this list of sites using bookmarking sites that come with BMD (100+ sites). Enable CAPTCHA solving in BMD for this submission. Ping the bookmarks with BMD after you finish.

    14. Make RSS feed of this list and ping it. To save me time I wrote a script that makes RSS feeds from my URLs and pings it. You can use links2rss and then upload a feed to your web hosting account and then ping it with SENuke or BMD. Or, you can use Linklicious paid subscription. I DON'T like Linklicious because they turn all your links into 301 redirects that's why I wrote my own script.

    15. Use SENuke to blast RSS feed to RSS directories.

    16. Prepare resource box for the promo article. I ONLY use TWO links in the resource box when I blast article with AMR. One is a random URL from the list of Web 2.0 sites I've submitted my article to (including video, PPT, and PDF). Another is direct link to the root of the money site.

    I usually write two to three version of the resource box and spin them together using TheBestSpinner. Here is how my resource box usually looks like.

    Discover ways to have great results with stuff nowadays. Grab my [product name review]and discover proper way to do stuff. Simply click here to visit hxxp://www.moneysite.c0m
    [product name review] and hxxp://www.moneysite.c0m are links.

    17. Blast article with AMR. I successfully registered on 3000+ sites and each submission goes successfully to around 1500+ sites. Out of it I get at least 200-300+ auto-approved articles. Some articles get approved later on. I have received trackbacks from AMR submissions even after 6 weeks (it took them 6 weeks to approve my articles). I didn't pay attention to where I submit and I was kinda surprised to find some of the articles I've blasted with AMR approved by EzineArticles

    18. Collect the list of the approved articles. Make RSS feed from it and ping it with SENuke or BMD. Then, blast this feed to RSS directories with SENuke.

    19. Use BMD to bookmark all approved articles on 1000+ ****ty Scuttle/Pligg/PHPDug sites. The goal is to have ONE ARTICLE to be bookmarked at least on ONE bookmaking SITE. Don't try to bookmark EACH article on EACH bookmaking site. It'll take weeks

    I harvested my own list of 1000+ Scuttle/Pligg/PHPDug sites with Scrapebox. I deleted all the sites that require CAPTCHA to submit a bookmark from the list (account creation is OK, it's one off process).

    Make sure you DISABLE CAPTCHA and select an option to skip submission if CAPTCHA is detected. Otherwise you will burn through your DeCaptcher credit pretty quickly and the whole submission will take a lot of time because BMD sometimes reports that CAPTCHA is not required for submission when it really is.

    20. Collect all Web 2.0 URLs and article URLs and blast them with Xrumer to 5000 forums. You have a few options here. First is to rotate links to money site, Web 2.0 and articles (I did it on 1+ year old domain). Second is to blast to Web 2.0 and articles (I did it on a brand new domain). Third is to blast to articles only (I did it on a brand new domain too). This is a small 5K blast because it is only one promotional cycle and I do many.

    I haven't tested it yet but I have a feeling that two Xrumer blasts will be very effective, one to the money site and second to Web 2.0 and articles. I don't own Xrumer yet so I just order blasts on forums. When I get my own Xrumer I'll run the tests properly.

    21. Collect all forum profile URLs and spam the **** out of them with Scrapebox. I used a list of around 60K auto-approve URLs that I collected using various sources.

    22. (OPTIONAL) Use Scrapebox to spam the **** out of Web 2.0 and articles.

    23. (OPTIONAL) Use Scrapebox to spam the **** out of money site, if you dare.

    I did both 22 and 23 on 1+ year old domain and 22 only on brand new domain. I didn't dare to spam the **** out of brand new domain directly

    If it sounds like a lot of work, it is. But you will get a good diversified link network from the day one. Search around the forum and you'll see people who take shortcuts are whining their sites disappeared from index after the blast or get deindexed or whatever. This method is all about building a good link network and tools like SENuke, AMR and BMD are just used to save time and manual labour.

    I use one set of SENuke accounts per niche.
    Open as many accounts as you can on 100+ main BMD sites. The more the better. You submissions will be faster and your accounts stay alive longer.
    Pinging a lot of links with BMD takes time. I usually ping everything in one go and let it run overnight while I sleep.
    Don't worry about your Xrumer/Scrapebox links getting indexed. Let Google find it. It works kinda like drip feed this way. They will and DO appear as backlinks in Market Samurai over time.
    Wow. That's all, folks. This is the longest freaking post I've ever written. Now it's time to have some beer and get back to Assassin Creed. One more assassination in Jerusalem left.
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  • Profile picture of the author jesustamez
    Ya'll fools that keep popping up randomly to hate on this guy should just get over yourselves, geez no one cares if he did or didn't get this from anyone else.

    We're just trying to learn here!
    Anyways thanks for answering my questions man, I'm doing this method with a few mods to see if it'll work for me!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5446910].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author akyyyy
      Originally Posted by jesustamez View Post

      Ya'll fools that keep popping up randomly to hate on this guy should just get over yourselves, geez no one cares if he did or didn't get this from anyone else.

      We're just trying to learn here!
      Anyways thanks for answering my questions man, I'm doing this method with a few mods to see if it'll work for me!
      no need to get ur panties in a knot. I simply stated it was similar to another users strategy. didn't accuse him of anything.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5446922].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author NickWatson
        Originally Posted by oneder View Post

        Nice plagiarism you got going there. Glad you were inspired by cash202's strategy to take some action, but why claim it as your own some 8 months later? Needing some attention?...dick. Give credit where it's due!
        Originally Posted by akyyyy View Post

        similar to cash202's post on a different forum
        You guys are idiots. I have even spoken cash202 - his a member here too. I have not stolen his strategy. Our strategies are very similar yes, and we both work in SEO "cycles" (as do many seo professionals) - but read both the posts carefully and you will notice key differences in what we do.

        It's guys like you two that really make it all worth while trying to help others...thanks "dicks"

        By the way, why dont you two share some great seo advice for everyone? Are you guys even making a living online - are you even making anything?

        probably not - cause you spend your time on stupid **** like flaming other people's truly helpful threads....

        Originally Posted by jesustamez View Post

        Ya'll fools that keep popping up randomly to hate on this guy should just get over yourselves...

        We're just trying to learn here!
        Anyways thanks for answering my questions man, I'm doing this method with a few mods to see if it'll work for me!
        Thanks bud...but clearly many don't appreciate my efforts as much as you...

        If you get some results, will be great to hear about them...come back and let us know about the mods and how they worked for you...
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5449369].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author oneder
          Originally Posted by NickWatson View Post

          You guys are idiots. I have even spoken cash202 - his a member here too. I have not stolen his strategy. Our strategies are very similar yes, and we both work in SEO "cycles" (as do many seo professionals) - but read both the posts carefully and you will notice key differences in what we do.

          By the way, why dont you two share some great seo advice for everyone? Are you guys even making a living online - are you even making anything?

          probably not - cause you spend your time on stupid **** like flaming other people's truly helpful threads....
          Well, if you ARE cash then I would apologize. Otherwise you totally ripped his thread with a little rewording right down to "Now it’s time to have some beer and get back to Assassin Creed. One more assassination in Jerusalem left. "

          Am I making $$$ online most certainly. Not to my personal goal of at least $5000+ a month yet but well on the way after a year and some change efforts.

          If you notice my post count I don't really hang out on this forum much at all. Way too much BS being slung around. Takes you hours to find even a small nugget
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5450201].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author newjerseycrown
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    • Profile picture of the author NickWatson
      Originally Posted by coollazays View Post

      Thanks for the tips
      No probs...glad to see SOMEONE appreciates them!

      Originally Posted by newjerseycrown View Post

      I am doing something vaguely similar to this. I think im going to apply your strategy more fully on my site and see where it takes me!
      If its a fairly old site, add some new content to your target pages should see some great results. Get back to us and let us know how it works for you...

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5449383].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author SAmarket
        Hey, keep up the posts, many of us appreciate it!

        You are not from Durban are you? Trying to find some Warriors to connect with!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5449732].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author HeatherL
          Originally Posted by SAmarket View Post

          Hey, keep up the posts, many of us appreciate it!

          You are not from Durban are you? Trying to find some Warriors to connect with!
          Hi, I am from Durban - have you managed to connect with anyone else in the area?
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5489382].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author DJorge
            Hey Nick,

            Thanks for your patience and dedication sharing
            and answering questions as well.

            I'd like to add that your system will work best
            provided your site is perfectly seo optimised,
            meaning titles, internal linking, lsi, outlinks to
            authority sites, keyword density, etc.

            I would also take more care with Facebook,
            Twitter, Linkedin and Google+1.

            All the best,

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5489909].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author rockong
    Ha, you should commend yourself on being so helpful to your fellow warriors - this thread was more useful than 80% of the WSOs out there..and all for free.

    Keep it up

    Are you a SEO company? Make extra money by becoming a white label backlink audits and removals service reseller.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5450304].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author amarketing
    Thanks a lot, Nick, for elaborating more about using proxies. That makes a lot of sense why you use them, I never thought about loosing my accts. and all of my backlinks a long with them!

    When you add more content to your site, do you add it to the same page you are backlinking? So, you keep adding more content to the same page, is that it; or do you add more pages to the site?

    Also, have you ever noticed a difference between ranking a 1 page site, and ranking 1 page of a larger site?

    Thanks for keeping the thread going and answering all of our questions!
    Each Article is 300+ to 500+ (MOSTLY 500+) WORDS
    **** -----> Only Selling This Pack to 4 PEOPLE <----- ****
    Only $80 PER PACK ...That's $8 an article! PM Me Before They're GONE!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5451537].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Marko Italy
    Thanks very good explanation
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5451557].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author hamzidosh
    Haters pls go find a shield...some warriors are trying to learn something that works here!

    #Just thinking aloud...#
    I'm sure its possible to out source some of this on fiverr or dont you think?

    Thanks 4 sharing man

    For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. - Jeremiah 29:11

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5451698].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author NickWatson
    Originally Posted by SAmarket View Post

    You are not from Durban are you? Trying to find some Warriors to connect with!
    Sorry bud, from the north west, about 2hr drive from JHB...but it might be worth starting a thread here, ive spoken to other guys on here from your area...

    Originally Posted by amarketing View Post

    Thanks a lot, Nick, for elaborating more about using proxies. That makes a lot of sense why you use them, I never thought about loosing my accts. and all of my backlinks a long with them!

    When you add more content to your site, do you add it to the same page you are backlinking? So, you keep adding more content to the same page, is that it; or do you add more pages to the site?

    Also, have you ever noticed a difference between ranking a 1 page site, and ranking 1 page of a larger site?
    I normally add content to the same page im currently running a cycle for. When i start running another cycle for a different page and keyword i would start adding new content to that page.

    It's generally easier to rank 1 page of a larger site...especially if you been adding new content at least 3 to 4 times a week. At first it takes some time to get rolling, but once Google is used to the site being updated often, it's pretty quick to get a new page ranked, as apposed to ranking a brand new site with one page.

    Also remember to update your sitemap and submit to Google webmaster tools each time you add new content..

    Originally Posted by hamzidosh View Post

    #Just thinking aloud...#
    I'm sure its possible to out source some of this on fiverr or dont you think?
    Yes definitely...check out my outsourcing tips on page 2 of this thread. But if you constantly need to be running these cycles then in the end it's going to cost you much more per cycle than simply hiring a full time VA for $400 a month. But I think fiverr is a good option if you run the odd cycle here and there.

    Originally Posted by mayan21 View Post

    hey NickWatson, u are awesome, make ebook then sale it or give it to us for free , thanks many
    Ha need for an ebook buddy, you should have all the info you need right here in this thread.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5454183].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author SAmarket
      Originally Posted by NickWatson View Post

      Sorry bud, from the north west, about 2hr drive from JHB...but it might be worth starting a thread here, ive spoken to other guys on here from your area...

      I guess we will need a Warrior convention at Sun City then - can't be far from you
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5454896].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author NickWatson
        Originally Posted by SAmarket View Post

        I guess we will need a Warrior convention at Sun City then - can't be far from you
        Yeah thats not too far from me...will be a great day out with the warriors...
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5454927].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author NickWatson

    So currently the site is involved in the Google dance...floating around between positions 7 and 13...The broad keyword is between positions 17 and 22

    I don't wanna start another SEO cycle on it right now becuase I wana give some time for the dust to settle...(Plus all my VA's are busy on other projects ;-) ). So i think a few more days to see where it lies, but to be honest i think I am going to need at least another cycle to move it up to a comfortable page 1 ranking.

    What i've done:
    I added some new content to the target page...nothing major, some pics and about 3 paragraphs of content. And then I ran some additional social bookmarking campaigns on my AMR links...The idea is just to have the site "busy" with links and new updates while in the Google dance...

    Will post another update next week...
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5454205].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Jeff1987
    Hi Nick,

    What VA service do you use, if you don't mind me asking? I can't find any for around that price.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5454357].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author bosnis
    Hi Nick, fantastic thread you have here, many thanks for the information, it has to be the best thing I've red on any SEO forum. Might I ask how much you would charge me to run one cycle if I was to supply the first article? (I did try to pm you but I am new here).

    Many thanks,
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5455078].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author kengperapol
    Thanks a lot Nick! This is very useful. You could launch this as WSO but you giveaway for free. You're really nice.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5455189].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author NickWatson
      Originally Posted by bosnis View Post

      Might I ask how much you would charge me to run one cycle if I was to supply the first article?
      Hey bud, im sorry but at the moment im not running any cycles for anyone. I have had a lot of PM's asking me to do this, so i might consider setting up a team and start offering this as a service at a later stage.

      Originally Posted by kengperapol View Post

      Thanks a lot Nick! This is very useful. You could launch this as WSO but you giveaway for free.
      Thanks bud, hope it helps. As i've said to everyone on here, if you try it out come back and post about any results you may have...will be an interesting read...
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5456897].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author kea55
    Thanks for the post. This is really some excellent information.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5466395].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author John Williamson
    Great thread and great share, thanks. I employ very similar strategies in my SEO campaigns.
    The Google Adwords Keyword Tool is hiding your valuable keywords!
    OFFLINERS, Start using this simple technique and these 6 "weapons" today to get more clients and skyrocket your conversions! - FREE, no opt-in.
    Make some money by helping me market this idea.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5466423].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author NickWatson
      Originally Posted by kea55 View Post

      Thanks for the post. This is really some excellent information.
      Great, hope you are able to put some of it to action...

      Originally Posted by John Williamson View Post

      Great thread and great share, thanks. I employ very similar strategies in my SEO campaigns.
      What kind of results have you been seeing?
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  • {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5468939].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author NickWatson
      Originally Posted by Maraun View Post

      Very interesting thread. Thank you!
      No probs buddy, hope it helps...
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5471300].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author NickWatson

    Ok guys, so I've left the site for a few more days to see what it does while in the Google the moment it is hovering between position 7 and 9 for it's main target keyword and between positions 17 and 21 for a secondary. broad keyword.


    I am receiving about 50 unique visitors a day from it's current ranking, and I have no doubt that when I hit the top 3 i will receive well over 100 uniques a day. Not bad going for a site that has so far only cost me about 4 days work

    I think I underestimated the power of my top 10 competitors one this one, (as they are mainly authority-type sites). I really thought I would have a comfortable top 5 ranking after one cycle. But now, after watching the site closely for about a week, I have decided to go ahead and run another SEO cycle on it - targeting once again only my main target keyword. I hope to lock in a decent top 5 ranking at least with this cycle.

    What's being done today:
    1. Promo article creation
    2. YouTube Video creation
    3. Manual Web2.0 submisison
    4. Blog Network Submission
    5. SlideShow and PDF's creation and submissions
    6. AMR blast

    I've got 2 VA's on this right now, and I hope to complete the cycle fully by end of day tomorrow.

    I will keep you guys updated on the progress of the cycle and of the sites ranking and traffic...
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  • Profile picture of the author nunugenius
    I love this. you are complete guide the warriors. you are the real Warrior

    nothing signature

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  • Profile picture of the author bilal9999
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5471581].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author NickWatson
      Originally Posted by Mountainw View Post

      Thanks for the sharing. It is quite helpful
      Originally Posted by nunugenius View Post

      I love this. you are complete guide the warriors. you are the real Warrior
      Originally Posted by bilal9999 View Post

      Thanks for sharing the useful tips .
      No probs guys, hope it helps some of you. But just a word or warning though...don't get too caught up in MY case studies, or in what I AM doing. The only way you are going to see any kind of results at all is if you create your own case studies!

      Take action guys!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5472445].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Al amin
    Thanks for your thread. My SEO strategy is different but that work for me.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5473082].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author NickWatson
      Originally Posted by Mark Zukerberg View Post

      web 2.0 question : you mean UNIQUE articles , so I need to have 20 unique articles if want to submit to 20 web 2.0? that's tired..
      Hey MARK ;-) - I mean uniquely spun articles. Use just ONE article, that you spin into 20 unique versions.

      Originally Posted by Al amin View Post

      Thanks for your thread. My SEO strategy is different but that work for me.
      If you get results why not...
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5474473].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author moneymoguls
    That's quite a ranking strategy. Way too complicated for me!!!! There is definitely an easier way. Too many people make it so complicated!! I'm able to rank competitve keyword phrases with 50 - 60 backlinks and in about 3 months. Blog network backlinks are the best I've used.

    Money Moguls

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5475356].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Theeban
    Great advice and special thanks for sharing something about Video posting and sharing.
    It is sure that anyone cannot deny that Web 2.0 sites are very important in a SEO Strategy in order to get top ranks on Google
    For TOP Ranks in Search Engines - Hire skilled expert in SEO. Check expanded services to Cheltenham
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  • {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5475439].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author NickWatson
      Originally Posted by moneymoguls View Post

      That's quite a ranking strategy. Way too complicated for me!!!! There is definitely an easier way. Too many people make it so complicated!! I'm able to rank competitve keyword phrases with 50 - 60 backlinks and in about 3 months. Blog network backlinks are the best I've used.
      Good for you bud, as i said before if you guys can do it with less effort then why not.

      I have developed this strategy as it give me results quick, and they last...

      Originally Posted by Theeban View Post

      Great advice and special thanks for sharing something about Video posting and sharing.
      It is sure that anyone cannot deny that Web 2.0 sites are very important in a SEO Strategy in order to get top ranks on Google
      Definitely, web2.0 is a great way to help diversify your links, as well as provide content so that the search engines have a better idea of what your site is about...

      Originally Posted by xxxJamesxxx View Post

      Some great stuff there Nick... Thanks

      James Scholes
      Thanks James...
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5475805].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Mark Zukerberg
    thanks for your answer Nick! Can you share the manual web 2.0 list here?
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  • Profile picture of the author kevinpeter26
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    • Profile picture of the author NickWatson
      Originally Posted by Mark Zukerberg View Post

      thanks for your answer Nick! Can you share the manual web 2.0 list here?
      It's in the opening post mate..Step3 number 3...

      Originally Posted by kevinpeter26 View Post

      I've seen a lot of talk about SEO and link building strategies lately, and thought I'd chip in and give you guys the EXACT SEO strategy I personally use to rank my own websites.
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  • Profile picture of the author cleanerupper
    Dude this is awesome. I will definitely be trying it and posting a case study.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5478092].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author NickWatson
      Originally Posted by cleanerupper View Post

      Dude this is awesome. I will definitely be trying it and posting a case study.
      That will be great, will be awesome if you come back and post any results you may (or may not) be getting...
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5479684].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Ian Varnava
    Hey Nick,

    Great share, bravo!

    I've done quite a bit of SEO over the years and though I've tried many of the techniques you have mentioned, I don't think I have done them in the specific order and "cycle" in which you say you have been doing it.

    So I decided to give it a shot. I have an authority site in a B2B niche for which I am trying to rank for 2 main keywords. These keywords are fiercely competitive (similar to let's say the likes of "make money online"). My main keyword had been stuck at #9ish for the past few months, and the secondary keyword around #38ish. I achieved these positions over a couple of years mainly by slow, automated link building (with a few 'adrenaline injections' every so often), and lately I had not done much and noticed my rankings were kind of slipping and competitors were slowly inching above me. I also jumped into this market for a 3rd highly competitive KW about a month ago and had managed to push into the 40's as well, mainly due to the authority and age of the site itself with some small linkbuilding.

    So I went ahead and ran one of your 'cycles' for fun and here's what I got:

    Keyword 1 (Main Keyword):

    Before: Position #9 on Google
    After: #6 a couple of days ago, #5 as of today

    Keyword 2 (Secondary Keyword):

    Before: #38ish
    Now: #19-20ish

    Keyword 3 (New Keyword):

    Before: #40's
    Now: #20's with sightings in the teens here and there.

    The 'cycle' is not even fully complete yet, as I'm always juggling a million things and am pretty lazy at the same time (lol), so I still have to completely the final few steps (Bookmarking AMR articles, rss'ing them, and some other stuff, but the meat of the cycle was done).

    I'll probably be running another cycle on these keywords and I'm sure a 2nd cycle would land me top 3, if not #1, for my main KW, with significant jumps in other KW's as well. Once I get the hang of the process myself I will figure out an efficient and safe manner to outsource it like you have.

    Again thanks for the share buddy and PM me if I can be of any assistance.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5478268].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author NickWatson
      Originally Posted by Ian Varnava View Post

      Hey Nick,

      Great share, bravo!

      I've done quite a bit of SEO over the years and though I've tried many of the techniques you have mentioned, I don't think I have done them in the specific order and "cycle" in which you say you have been doing it.

      So I decided to give it a shot. I have an authority site in a B2B niche for which I am trying to rank for 2 main keywords. These keywords are fiercely competitive (similar to let's say the likes of "make money online"). My main keyword had been stuck at #9ish for the past few months, and the secondary keyword around #38ish. I achieved these positions over a couple of years mainly by slow, automated link building (with a few 'adrenaline injections' every so often), and lately I had not done much and noticed my rankings were kind of slipping and competitors were slowly inching above me. I also jumped into this market for a 3rd highly competitive KW about a month ago and had managed to push into the 40's as well, mainly due to the authority and age of the site itself with some small linkbuilding.

      So I went ahead and ran one of your 'cycles' for fun and here's what I got:

      Keyword 1 (Main Keyword):

      Before: Position #9 on Google
      After: #6 a couple of days ago, #5 as of today

      Keyword 2 (Secondary Keyword):

      Before: #38ish
      Now: #19-20ish

      Keyword 3 (New Keyword):

      Before: #40's
      Now: #20's with sightings in the teens here and there.

      The 'cycle' is not even fully complete yet, as I'm always juggling a million things and am pretty lazy at the same time (lol), so I still have to completely the final few steps (Bookmarking AMR articles, rss'ing them, and some other stuff, but the meat of the cycle was done).

      I'll probably be running another cycle on these keywords and I'm sure a 2nd cycle would land me top 3, if not #1, for my main KW, with significant jumps in other KW's as well. Once I get the hang of the process myself I will figure out an efficient and safe manner to outsource it like you have.

      Again thanks for the share buddy and PM me if I can be of any assistance.
      This is fantastic! You are the first person to pop back to the thread and post your results...I hope you not the first to have actually taken action! Good on ya!

      The results you are seeing are pretty typical for these cycles...hopefully you see some more movement after you complete the cycle. But another 1 or 2 cycles and you should be exactly where you want to be!

      For very competitive keywords like what you are targeting, there's just three things I would do slightly differently:

      1. Make sure you add new content to the page before running the cycle

      2. When running the cycle, use a promo article that is much longer than the traditional 400 or 500 word article. I just ran a cycle for a very competitive keyword using a 980 word article, spun about 76% unique, and seeing great results.

      3. Use a different article for the AMR blast...

      But it's nice to read about your results, makes all the time and effort i put into this thread well worth it...Thanks for posting
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5479718].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author abhibh
    Nick just read the whole thread and have started to use your case study on the site. I don't have AMR but is it possible for you to share the list of the Auto approve directories ?


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  • Profile picture of the author KyleFury
    Amazing post, will try it out myself!
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  • Profile picture of the author SergeLight
    So much good stuff in this thread alone! Learned so much already. I can't afford to outsource yet but I will be applying some of these tactics very soon!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5480354].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author NickWatson
      Originally Posted by abhibh View Post

      Nick just read the whole thread and have started to use your case study on the site. I don't have AMR but is it possible for you to share the list of the Auto approve directories ?

      Hey bud, literally all i did was search google for it. A whole bunch of lists come up and just import them all in AMR...the software will automatically add the new directories that it is able to post to...all the others will simply be discarded.

      Originally Posted by KyleFury View Post

      Amazing post, will try it out myself!
      If you get some results, come share them with us...will be great to read some more positive results

      Originally Posted by SergeLight View Post

      So much good stuff in this thread alone! Learned so much already. I can't afford to outsource yet but I will be applying some of these tactics very soon!
      Good, but don't wait too long else you will never get around to it! Come back with any results you may be seeing..we would all love to read about it
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5480439].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author hsvdm
        Great thread,just a few questions.I outsource some stuff on fiverr right now and I am a memberof one of the mentioned blog networks. Backling your backlinks is very important and I have missed this point on my sites. My question is what do you think about services like backlink booster or backlink indexer instead of manually bookmarking your properties. Are these ones good to use?

        I only ask because I do not have scrapebox and senukex

        Really great thread and keep it up

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5482689].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author abhibh
        Originally Posted by NickWatson View Post

        Hey bud, literally all i did was search google for it. A whole bunch of lists come up and just import them all in AMR...the software will automatically add the new directories that it is able to post to...all the others will simply be discarded.
        Hey Nick,

        Thanks for the reply. I wanted to know if you could share the list of directories that auto approve your article. AMR has a big list and a lot of directories don't work.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5485417].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Roger Gonzales
    On top of what You do, I always add a twitter and facebook account on the mix.

    Internet Marketing Blog Internet Marketing Tools

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5483099].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author bgordon
    Hi Nick,

    Thanks for sharing this extremely valuable blueprint for SEO link building.

    I'm just curious, though, as to whether you've tried doing press releases as part of your strategy?

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5483998].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author NickWatson
      Originally Posted by hsvdm View Post

      Great thread,just a few questions.I outsource some stuff on fiverr right now and I am a memberof one of the mentioned blog networks. Backling your backlinks is very important and I have missed this point on my sites. My question is what do you think about services like backlink booster or backlink indexer instead of manually bookmarking your properties. Are these ones good to use?

      I only ask because I do not have scrapebox and senukex

      Really great thread and keep it up

      I personally don't use them, but that does not mean that they do not work. The best way to find out is to test it yourself!

      Originally Posted by Roger Gonzales View Post

      On top of what You do, I always add a twitter and facebook account on the mix.
      Thats great, and if you know what you doing you could gain a lot of viral traffic just from those sources alone. How do these types of links affect SEO though? Have you seen the backlinks from social networking sites be counted in Google webmaster tools?

      Originally Posted by bgordon View Post

      Hi Nick,

      Thanks for sharing this extremely valuable blueprint for SEO link building.

      I'm just curious, though, as to whether you've tried doing press releases as part of your strategy?

      I have, and they work great. But I have found that the cycle as I do it works just as good...And with my strategy I dont need to worry about a third piece of content.(the press release)

      But if you are targeting a difficult keyword, I can't see any harm in adding Press release links to your site too - it will give you even more link diversity.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5484719].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author davesharp
        I have just sat and read the whole thread, thanks a lot for sharing Nick and also everyone else who contributed.

        I had just made the decision to 'tool up' in order to boost my site when I was directed to this thread, you have taken what I had in mind to a whole new level thanks again.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5484760].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author NickWatson
          Originally Posted by davesharp View Post

          I have just sat and read the whole thread, thanks a lot for sharing Nick and also everyone else who contributed.

          I had just made the decision to 'tool up' in order to boost my site when I was directed to this thread, you have taken what I had in mind to a whole new level thanks again.
          Hi Dave,

          Glad the thread provided some input. Once you start running your own cycles, let us know what kind of results you are seeing...
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5485557].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author AravGupta
            Thanks for the thread Nick. I have always concentrated more on getting the backlinks indexed rather than just building them but I am following a couple of other things like submitting articles in article directories, linking them to each other and get them bookmarked manually after approval. I have not used automation for this process but still helps a lot in ranking my keywords well in search engines.
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  • Profile picture of the author mikesonfire
    Hey Nick,

    You're a man with a plan. Thanks for sticking in even though some idiots feel like they need to degrade your efforts. Too often contributors give up because of a few bozos, who spend their off time from their boring real job, surfing the WF and being belligerent.

    Out of curiosity, since you're obviously have a successful, replicable plan in place, what types of websites do you construct to take advantage of all this SEO juice (adsense, review, offline, etc)?

    Thanks again for your outstanding post. I agree with others. It could easily be a WSO (and worth more than most).
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5486524].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author spirituscorpus
      Originally Posted by mikesonfire View Post

      Hey Nick,

      You're a man with a plan. Thanks for sticking in even though some idiots feel like they need to degrade your efforts. Too often contributors give up because of a few bozos, who spend their off time from their boring real job, surfing the WF and being belligerent.

      Out of curiosity, since you're obviously have a successful, replicable plan in place, what types of websites do you construct to take advantage of all this SEO juice (adsense, review, offline, etc)?

      Thanks again for your outstanding post. I agree with others. It could easily be a WSO (and worth more than most).

      They're not "bozos". They're pointing something out on this thread that I had previously done in a private message to the OP, namely that this strategy is virtually identical to that of another guy who posted the same strategy on another forum but eight months earlier. The structure is the same, the terminology is identical in some places and way too many other instances that the OP could honestly claim this to be his own original plan.

      I don't want to get into an argument about whether they're not 100% identical or not as I don't need a weather man to tell me it's raining

      That being said, Nick obviously knows what he's talking about and if the fact that many people in this thread were unaware of this strategy on another forum is argument enough that Nick is providing value for WF members by creating this thread here in the first place.

      In an attempt to bring this thread back on track can I ask Nick if you recommend other forms of backlinking other than this strategy ?

      If I adhere only to creating web 2.0's that point back to my money site then I will only end up with around 20-30 sites linking back to my site.

      I'm concerned that even low to medium competition keywords can have a few hundred or thousand backlinks pointing back to the money site.

      Should I supplement this strategy with other forms of backlinking ?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5486674].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Newbieee
    Very good of you to post your methods here.

    What you are doing is very effective.

    Of cos there are many others ways too. =)
    But yours is one good one for sure!

    Cheers mate.!
    Pain is a perception, so is defeat & happiness!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5487058].message }}
  • {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5487227].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author NickWatson
      Originally Posted by AravGupta View Post

      Thanks for the thread Nick. I have always concentrated more on getting the backlinks indexed rather than just building them but I am following a couple of other things like submitting articles in article directories, linking them to each other and get them bookmarked manually after approval. I have not used automation for this process but still helps a lot in ranking my keywords well in search engines.
      Originally Posted by Newbieee View Post

      Very good of you to post your methods here.

      What you are doing is very effective.

      Of cos there are many others ways too. =)
      But yours is one good one for sure!

      Cheers mate.!
      Thanks, and as we all know SEO is not an exact im sure there are plenty of other link building strategies that work great too...and as i said, if you guys get the same results with less effort, then why not, right?

      Good on ya for taking action!

      Originally Posted by mikesonfire View Post

      Hey Nick,
      Out of curiosity, since you're obviously have a successful, replicable plan in place, what types of websites do you construct to take advantage of all this SEO juice (adsense, review, offline, etc)?

      Thanks again for your outstanding post. I agree with others. It could easily be a WSO (and worth more than most).
      No probs bud, glad you find it useful.

      As for the types of sites i personally build - I normally do adsense sites or affiliate (list building) sites. Sometimes I start with adsense, then when the site is up and running nicely I would incorporate list building and promote affiliate products via the list...

      Originally Posted by spirituscorpus View Post

      In an attempt to bring this thread back on track can I ask Nick if you recommend other forms of backlinking other than this strategy ?

      If I adhere only to creating web 2.0's that point back to my money site then I will only end up with around 20-30 sites linking back to my site.

      I'm concerned that even low to medium competition keywords can have a few hundred or thousand backlinks pointing back to the money site.

      Should I supplement this strategy with other forms of backlinking ?
      Yeah I don't see any reason at all why you can not add other types of links to your strategy as well - after all, the more diverse your links are the better. As mentioned earlier by another member, a great idea would be to use Press Release links too...

      This strategy is simply what I personally use to rank my own sites. You guys can all modify it as you please to find what works for you. In the end of the day though, you are going to need to test different strategies over time till you find something that suites you better...

      The only thing I want to say about this is, if you are building other types of links to your money site as well, always make sure it's done in great quality content. Never leave your links in content that is poorly spun and blatantly "spammy"

      Originally Posted by JeremiahSay View Post

      Thanks for sharing..
      No prob
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5488737].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author NickWatson

    Where we currently stand
    Ok guys so on Monday i said I want to complete another cycle for the site by the end of tuesday...unfortunately that did not happen as my VA's had system problems and got very little work done.

    I know it seems my VA's are extremely unreliable but overall they really not bad at all - it just so happens that the two hiccups I had this month with them were both on this case study site!

    What has been done
    1. YouTube Video
    2. AMR blast
    3. SOME manual web 2.0's
    4. SOME Senuke Web 2.0's

    So all in all not a very successful week at all regarding this site. Not much progress has been made.

    The plan
    Hopefully my VA's will have their systems sorted by tomorrow or so...then the two VA's I had on this cycle will be put on to other projects I have running to get those back on track.

    I will try to use 1 VA sometime when I get a gap to complete this cycle - im hoping to complete this 2nd cycle for this site by the end of the week.

    Results so far
    Not much has changed here guys. The site is floating around position 7 and 8 for the main keyword and around position 17 and 20 for a much broader secondary keyword.

    For monday and Tuesday the site was pretty much at position 7 the entire time and I saw quite a nice increase in traffic - Monday got 119 uniques and Tues got 107 Uniques. I think this is due it's consistency in being the one position for such a long time and not hopping around to page 2 for half the day!

    For today, I noticed the site has been at position 8 pretty much the whole day, and so far for the day I got 61 Uniques - coincidence? I don't know...

    When I started this case study site, I didn't really put too much thought into it. I thought if i get it to page 1 I'd be happy and leave it at was built purely for the sake of the case study.

    But judging from the traffic for the last few days, I'm starting to think i should pull this site off the "side line" and dedicate some resources to get it to the top 3. I originally thought the top 3 would bring in about 100 / 120 unique visitors, but im getting that at position 7! So at position 2 or 3 I might see between 300 and 500 uniques a day - which I think is very good for a small, one-page niche site!

    I will post an update again soon, probably next week after the 2nd cycle has been completed and I see some movement in the SERPS
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5488872].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author nellco
      Originally Posted by NickWatson View Post

      So at position 2 or 3 I might see between 300 and 500 uniques a day - which I think is very good for a small, one-page niche site!
      Im wondering, with such a "thin" site, do expect that it will stay on page 1 for long. Or since you said you might put some extra effort into it. Are you planning on building the site out with lots more content, and if you are, how many pages do you add before your confident that its going to hold its ranking.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5490688].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author artgirl
    Excellent thread Nick! Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge with us!

    I sent you a PM.

    Thanks again.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5489326].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author baronig
    thank you Nick for taking the time and sharing all this valuable live example with us.
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  • Profile picture of the author amarketing
    Nick, I'm glad to see you still have this going and haven't abandoned it like some folks do who start case-studies like this.

    I have a question about why you open separate web2.0 accounts for each site you so a cycle on. Do you find that it helps them to rank better this way, or do you just do it so that you aren't putting all of your eggs in one basket, so to speak?
    Each Article is 300+ to 500+ (MOSTLY 500+) WORDS
    **** -----> Only Selling This Pack to 4 PEOPLE <----- ****
    Only $80 PER PACK ...That's $8 an article! PM Me Before They're GONE!
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    • Profile picture of the author NickWatson
      Originally Posted by DJorge View Post

      I'd like to add that your system will work best
      provided your site is perfectly seo optimised,
      meaning titles, internal linking, lsi, outlinks to
      authority sites, keyword density, etc.

      I would also take more care with Facebook,
      Twitter, Linkedin and Google+1.

      All the best,

      Yes, I thought this goes without saying...but you make a good point. There's absolutely NO USE putting in all this effort to run these cycles if your page itself is not well optimized for the keyword.

      As for the social networking, normally all i do is use to put in a Facebook, Twitter and Google+1 button in my sidebar at the top. Normally people start clicking these on their own once I start getting traffic. If you targeting a difficult keyword though, may be worth purchasing FB likes and Google+1's from fiverr...but i never do this

      Originally Posted by nellco View Post

      Im wondering, with such a "thin" site, do expect that it will stay on page 1 for long. Or since you said you might put some extra effort into it. Are you planning on building the site out with lots more content, and if you are, how many pages do you add before your confident that its going to hold its ranking.
      Normally, I start my sites with at least 8 pages of content. Then as time goes by i'll target additional keywords on more pages.

      As for the case study should stay on the first page. The only thing thats bothering me a little is that most of my competitors are authority-type sites with hundreds of pages of content. So this might cause problems later on...

      It might be worth adding additional content to the site on other pages, but this is going to be a little difficult to do while keeping everything relevant as the site is an EMD...ill pretty much have to expand on my current keyword - maybe target the LSI keywords on additional pages. Will still ponder on this one! But you make a good point - thanks!

      Originally Posted by amarketing View Post

      Nick, I'm glad to see you still have this going and haven't abandoned it like some folks do who start case-studies like this.

      I have a question about why you open separate web2.0 accounts for each site you so a cycle on. Do you find that it helps them to rank better this way, or do you just do it so that you aren't putting all of your eggs in one basket, so to speak?
      I start new site's cycles on new accounts for two reasons:

      1. As you say, I don't want to put all my "eggs in one basket". If all my site's links were under a single account, and they decide to ban my account - then ALL my links will be lost with it. And here and there accounts DO get banned!

      2. Some of the sites (Like weebly) require you to upgrade to a pro account account after a certain amount of posts. To avoid having to keep upgrading to paid accounts I simply open another account and post again.
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  • Profile picture of the author doti04
    Thanks man, I found this post and I liked your strategy I will try it for my website and tell you if I get result, thanks once more you are cool
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5493276].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author HarrisAndrea
      I have followed your thread and liked what you documented here. I have one question. How do you get a backlink from document sites (like scribd) since the embedded links in the document do not get counted?

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      • Profile picture of the author NickWatson
        Originally Posted by spirituscorpus View Post

        Regarding the video do you recommend creating a new YouTube account for each site/niche we're trying to target ?
        Yes...YouTube accounts are created along with all the other accounts each time a new site is worked on

        Originally Posted by doti04 View Post

        Thanks man, I found this post and I liked your strategy I will try it for my website and tell you if I get result, thanks once more you are cool

        Let us know what results you get

        Originally Posted by ppaamm View Post

        I have followed your thread and liked what you documented here. I have one question. How do you get a backlink from document sites (like scribd) since the embedded links in the document do not get counted?

        The idea is to get diverse links, from different sources with different PR's BUT to have the links in relevant content. So even if the links are nofollow...they still work in your favour for SEO...they just do not pass on PR link juice to your site..but they are still seen by Google
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5495130].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author iamnotfrankkern
    Thank you for sharing this case study. Awesome results in such a short time.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5495226].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author NickWatson
      Originally Posted by FerencMakar View Post

      Thank you for sharing this case study. Awesome results in such a short time.
      No probs buddy...when things settle down, i might do another, more detailed case study on a new thread...will see how things go
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5495674].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author cjgrego
    Interesting concepts Nick. It sounds like there is a life cycle to the SEO value of these links. Am I right in saying the SEO value is in the diversity and Theme of the sites providing the links?

    Also, I have seen where adding backlinks to articles will prolong the SEO value (indexing) of the article. Thoughts?

    Love the case study and thanks for posting.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5495860].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author amarketing
    Hey, thanks for getting back to me. I guess that it's really just being naive to think that your account will never get banned. I can see now that using proxies and multiple accts. just goes hand in hand.

    By the way, I like your really sums things up, lol!
    Each Article is 300+ to 500+ (MOSTLY 500+) WORDS
    **** -----> Only Selling This Pack to 4 PEOPLE <----- ****
    Only $80 PER PACK ...That's $8 an article! PM Me Before They're GONE!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5497826].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Spock1
    Ah, I get it, concentrate your point of attack. An effective stratagem.
    Article Marketing on Steroids
    The end of long winded articles & minimum word quotas..Focus on what matters & promote your business with Facts!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5497839].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Money Priest
    Nice ranking blueprint/writeup. Some decent strategies in your post OP.
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  • Profile picture of the author alexfallon
    Great resource indeed. It is sure to be helpful. Thanks a bunch!
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  • Profile picture of the author stevebeans
    Has anyone else tried this method with any success?
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  • Profile picture of the author matchoo77
    Great thread here Nick, thanks a million for posting your strategy. Can't say I would have done the same.

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  • Profile picture of the author gundammeister
    Thanks for this post. I have bookmarked it!
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  • Profile picture of the author lioncool
    blast 1000 AMR unique spin article in one day google wont penalty my site?
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  • Profile picture of the author gaybunny
    Great tips, i'm going to try to use your method.
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  • Profile picture of the author NickWatson
    Originally Posted by stevebeans View Post

    Has anyone else tried this method with any success?
    Originally Posted by hotboy18 View Post

    Thanks to Nick's strategies for the SEO cycle, my site has finally made it back to the first page of Google for two competitive keywords after doing the Google Dance for over a month. My site was not ranked on the first page since December 2 and not it's back! The good part about the cycle is that I only did about %75 of the steps. Hopefully my site keeps going up.
    This is fantastic news! And proof that real hard work in SEO pays off! Thanks for sharing your results...let us know what happens in the future after running multiple (full) cycles on your pages - would love to read more good news!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5518679].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Lugano
    Thank you for sharing your method!
    Ouya Forums
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  • Profile picture of the author TopKat22
    Great post. It seems that if you look for it, everything you need to know about all aspects of internet marketing is somewhere in this forum, however, I wonder how many people will actually take all these steps or will continually look for some non-existent fast way and pay hundred or thousands of dollars for something that doesn't work???
    44 days in and we broke the $10K a month recurring bench mark.

    Guaranteed 60% Opt In Rate Traffic-Real People-Fresh Today-High Quality Biz Opp traffic![/URL]
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5519053].message }}
  • I have some keywords that already are on the first page of Google, but I want them to move to top 3. Should I use this exact method or is there anything different when it's already on page 1?

    Really great thread by the way! Great share :-)
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5520417].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author NickWatson
      Originally Posted by TopKat22 View Post

      Great post. It seems that if you look for it, everything you need to know about all aspects of internet marketing is somewhere in this forum, however, I wonder how many people will actually take all these steps or will continually look for some non-existent fast way and pay hundred or thousands of dollars for something that doesn't work???
      Thanks. And unfortunately you are correct, many people will simply move on and look for their "magic button"!

      Originally Posted by Frederik Jorgensen View Post

      I have some keywords that already are on the first page of Google, but I want them to move to top 3. Should I use this exact method or is there anything different when it's already on page 1?

      Really great thread by the way! Great share :-)
      I would run one cycle (with good quality content) to get them moved into the top 3
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5522495].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Scorched87
    Originally Posted by NickWatson View Post

    Regarding Accounts, I only ever create new accounts when I start working on a new site. Some sites have 10+ SEO cycles done on them already, and the same set of accounts was used! I always use proxies, sometimes private, paid proxies and other times just free scraped proxies from scrapebox.
    When you run a cycle for a 2nd kw on same site, do you post to the same web 2.0 properties? If you do do you just make a new post with the new video and link to the KW?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5522453].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author NickWatson
      Originally Posted by Scorched87 View Post

      When you run a cycle for a 2nd kw on same site, do you post to the same web 2.0 properties? If you do do you just make a new post with the new video and link to the KW?
      Yes, all subsequent keywords from the same site are run on the same accounts. I don't just add a post, the idea is to create a new URL with new content which has your links in it. So a new page, lens, blog etc... will be created for the new cycle.

      Also something else worth mentioning here...there are some sites that require you to upgrade to paid membership before additional pages can be created. On these I simply create new accounts under new proxies and post again...
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5522514].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author goosefrabah
        Originally Posted by NickWatson View Post

        Yes, all subsequent keywords from the same site are run on the same accounts. I don't just add a post, the idea is to create a new URL with new content which has your links in it. So a new page, lens, blog etc... will be created for the new cycle.

        Also something else worth mentioning here...there are some sites that require you to upgrade to paid membership before additional pages can be created. On these I simply create new accounts under new proxies and post again...
        I am currently trying this strategy on my 3 newest sites, I have a question. You mention that you create a new url so would it be,

        also how does this work with the senuke 2.0s?

        Thank you so much for this amazing strategy, I will report back on my rankings once they are finished!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5525749].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author vlada111
    Hard and continious SEO work will surely payoff in the end if you chosen good keyword. It just needs a lot of work. My advice is that you should stricly follow this SEO blueprint. And most important, don`t give up!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5523611].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author NickWatson
      Originally Posted by vlada111 View Post

      Hard and continious SEO work will surely payoff in the end if you chosen good keyword. It just needs a lot of work. My advice is that you should stricly follow this SEO blueprint. And most important, don`t give up!
      Thanks bud...and you are correct. Hard, and CONSISTENT work in SEO WILL pay quickly it will pay off all depends on the keywords you have chosen to rank for.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5523871].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author rajsidhux
        Hey Nick, quick question.

        Where to you place your link in Docstoc and Scribd? ALso are dofollow links?

        There are no secrets or magic formulas to achieving on line success.... only things you don't know how to do...... YET!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5525325].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author PhilJensen
      Originally Posted by vlada111 View Post

      Hard and continious SEO work will surely payoff in the end if you chosen good keyword. It just needs a lot of work. My advice is that you should stricly follow this SEO blueprint. And most important, don`t give up!
      Great advice....none of this works if you "give up".

      Keep at it and you'll see results!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5542912].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author NickWatson
        Originally Posted by seoguro View Post

        content is the main strategy for SERPS. if you are duplicating content or some thing like this it will only punish you.
        I totally agree with this bud...dupe content will get you nowhere fast!

        Originally Posted by PhilJensen View Post

        Great advice....none of this works if you "give up".

        Keep at it and you'll see results!

        Spot need hard work and dedication to make SEO work for you
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5545793].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author hdavies

    Thanks for going to the effort to create this great thread. I have been using similar techniques for a while with some success. I just have a quick question if you don't mind.

    When you do an AMR blast to your main URL do you blast to 1,000 or so directories all at once, or do you drip-feed the submissions at a certain rate? Also at what rate do you build all other links?

    Sorry in advance if you have already answered this question somewhere.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5523865].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Milo Odin
    Interesting and helpful post thanks for suggestions and reliable info.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5526021].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author NickWatson
      Originally Posted by rajsidhux View Post

      Hey Nick, quick question.

      Where to you place your link in Docstoc and Scribd? ALso are dofollow links?

      I simply place them within the PDF or SlideShow...the links become part of the content

      As far as I know you are correct, they are nofollow links. But that only means they dont pass on the PR link juice...Google still sees the links, and the content the links are placed in.

      You must remember, with our strategy here the idea is to get a diverse set of links...the more diverse it is the more natural it looks. And it would not look very natural if ALL your links are dofollow from high PR sites...

      Originally Posted by goosefrabah View Post

      I am currently trying this strategy on my 3 newest sites, I have a question. You mention that you create a new url so would it be,

      also how does this work with the senuke 2.0s?

      Thank you so much for this amazing strategy, I will report back on my rankings once they are finished!
      Yes that's exactly right...each time you submit new content to these sites it will be done on a new subdomain or page as you have mentioned: then
      or then

      Just depends on the site.

      With SenukeX I create new accounts each time I submit content, because the process is easy enough. But I think there is actually an option in Senukex where you can select to have it post to the same accounts - i never use it though...

      Will be great if you come back and post your results, will be a very interesting read for us all...

      Originally Posted by Milo Odin View Post

      Interesting and helpful post thanks for suggestions and reliable info.
      Thanks bud, hope you put it to use
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5529500].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Proud American
        Hello Nick!
        Ive been following your backlink thread and had a quick question for you. If you were to buy 3-5 tools to help you in backlinking your sites, which ones would they be and in what order? Thanks!

        P.S- Thanks for all the info in your thread. I have learned a lot just from your 1 thread
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5533356].message }}
  • thanks for the blueprint nick

    im going to hire a link builder form odesk and run through this cycle for one of my keywords, see what it does for my ranking

    how much would you expect it to cost to run through the cycle?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5533378].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author NickWatson
      Originally Posted by Proud American View Post

      Hello Nick!
      Ive been following your backlink thread and had a quick question for you. If you were to buy 3-5 tools to help you in backlinking your sites, which ones would they be and in what order? Thanks!

      P.S- Thanks for all the info in your thread. I have learned a lot just from your 1 thread
      1. SenukeX
      2. a blog network subsrciption
      3. AMR

      BUT with these tools you still have the major problem of manually creating accounts to submit manual content to with your video embeded. So you have 3 options in this regard:

      1. Hire someone to do it (recommended)
      2. Do it yourself - very time consuming and tedious
      3. Buy uBot studio and create a bot to do it - VERY time consuming in the beginning - and requires constant effort to keep the bot working as sites change etc...

      Originally Posted by high_plains_drifter View Post

      thanks for the blueprint nick

      im going to hire a link builder form odesk and run through this cycle for one of my keywords, see what it does for my ranking

      how much would you expect it to cost to run through the cycle?
      Let us know what kind of results you get.

      I dedicated an entire post to outsourcing tips on page 2 of this thread...check it out
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5533954].message }}
      • Originally Posted by NickWatson View Post

        Let us know what kind of results you get.

        I dedicated an entire post to outsourcing tips on page 2 of this thread...check it out
        Found it , nice one.

        I think i will get a US based writer to create the original promo content and also add spin syntax. I can get them to spin both word and sentences to ensure i get better results.

        That way i can ensure all spun versions of the article will be high quality.

        So get the master syntax copy created and then just spin it twice in the bestspinner and use these versions for the pdf and powerpoint correct?

        this will be an interesting case study, i have never used these kind of link building tactics
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5556289].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author malta
    @NickWatson: Do you offer this as a complete service? If so, I would like to place an order for a cycle
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    • Profile picture of the author dollar_bill
      I am glad I found this thread. I have followed two other methods of seo that have not worked for me. Thanks for saying "not to auto spin articles". I am now convinced that this is one of my problems. All that time and effort for nothing. Although I have to say, yahoo search does not seem as critical. My first site was slapped by the big G but is still #3 with yahoo. Go figure.

      I already started a cycle on a new domain. Time and money will not allow me to complete cycles very quickly. I am hoping to complete the first one with in two weeks. For articles, I will not use TBS this time. I just ordered all original ones and will use them. I can keep updating here as time goes by.
      My Case Study Free report how online marketing is ripping us off!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5534925].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author NickWatson
        Originally Posted by malta View Post

        @NickWatson: Do you offer this as a complete service? If so, I would like to place an order for a cycle
        Sorry bud, I do not offer this as a service. But I have had TONS of PM's asking me to do this, so I might set up a team at later stage and let them run cycles for keep an eye out

        Originally Posted by dollar_bill View Post

        I am glad I found this thread. I have followed two other methods of seo that have not worked for me. Thanks for saying "not to auto spin articles". I am now convinced that this is one of my problems. All that time and effort for nothing. Although I have to say, yahoo search does not seem as critical. My first site was slapped by the big G but is still #3 with yahoo. Go figure.

        I already started a cycle on a new domain. Time and money will not allow me to complete cycles very quickly. I am hoping to complete the first one with in two weeks. For articles, I will not use TBS this time. I just ordered all original ones and will use them. I can keep updating here as time goes by.
        Great, let us know how it works out for you. Updates on your progress will be great...

        As for the content, I have actually tested it thoroughly, and when using duplicate or poorly spun content the results were always very poor...even with my SEO cycles. The more unique, relevant and more of it (longer articles etc...) the better the results.

        And when doing the manual submissions, don't be shy to make the content look good...add relevant pics to some of the paragraphs...embed your video etc etc...when you done and look at the page, it must really look good.

        I have no doubt whatsoever that Google definitely has grammar built into it's algorithm..good quality, readable content always see's good results
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      So I uploaded some PDFs with working links in the files. Unfortunately, in the Scribd and DocStoc platform, the links in the PDF files are not clickable!

      Therefore, is it still worth even posting these?

      Want to see $500 days? Click Above!
      I will guide you the whole way there.
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