Advice for generating high converting leads to a new product

3 replies
  • SEO
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I am new to the forum and eager to tap into the wealth of knowledge/experience available here!

I have a new product to promote for my company. The goal of this product is to generate quality leads which will in turn produce interest in our other product lines.

What is the fastest way to generate leads online by driving traffic to my sales page?

My long-term strategies include:
  • creating a blog/content feeding network
  • offer the product as a option
  • keyword research/search engine optimization

Ideally, if I could generate even 100 leads by the end of the week, that would be great!

Thank you in advance for any insight and experience!

#advice #converting #generate leads #generating #high #leadgen #leadgen advice #leads #product #quick and effective
  • Profile picture of the author frenchsquared
    LOL... God I wish there was a secret to that.
    If there is no one would give it up.

    The most common, working way is to give something away.
    Build a landing page for a free product.
    Give the product away when the user enters a valid email.
    Emailing them the link to the product, will help teach the users
    to look for your emails. And get use to clicking your links.

    You then pay for traffic and drive it to this landing page.

    The challenge is in conversions.
    That is just a matter of testing, testing and some more testing.
    It is a very expensive thing to get good at, but you will be very
    wealth if you get good at it.
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  • Profile picture of the author xtrapunch
    First, this section is for web design issues and discussions. Everyone is in search of the "secret formula to success". "Even" 100 leads by the end of the week means a significant deal. If you have a product, you can try CPC advertising.
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  • Profile picture of the author fatsandrew7
    thanks for the insight!

    is there a more appropriate thread for me to post this question?

    i do have a product, and since it is relatively low cost we don't have a "free item" to give away in advance.

    my challenge is how to drive traffic and increase my subscriber list. everything i have learned shows me that the power of sales/conversions is in the list and not so much landing pages.

    i know there is not a "secret formula", however i am interested in some methods that help me drive traffic (even in a short amount of time if possible) to my site.

    If you have a product, you can try CPC advertising.
    do you have some strategies or examples to follow for cpc advertising?
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