4 replies
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I know, I know...there is probably no definitive answer for this. It seems that many are using this tool, and there have been some posts about possible google bans because of it.

I am wondering how many are still using UAW, and if you are, how you are using it. In other words, how many articles are you submitting/drip feeding at a time and how many articles in all?

Also, does UAW submit to standard ezine sites such as goarticles, and ezinearticles and article base?

Thanks for your feedback.
#safe #uaw
  • Profile picture of the author Eric Canlas
    What concerns me more about them is the success rate. Used it before.. 500+ submissions = some 40 alive.
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  • Profile picture of the author debra
    Originally Posted by teachingking View Post

    I know, I know...there is probably no definitive answer for this. It seems that many are using this tool, and there have been some posts about possible google bans because of it.
    Sure there is a definitive answer. It doesn't matter which platform you use to syndicate content or build links, A Mass Concentration that signifies a link scheme for the purpose of manipulating the serps is what gets you into trouble.

    The reason that BRM and ALN and a few others made such a shock wave is because the news made it into the media. That's largely because of the seer magnitude of the abuse of manipulation on the serps.

    As a domino effect, the smaller niche sites suffered in the fallout.

    My main point is: Don't concentration your linking portfolio on One Specific technique of a platform. It's the mass concentration of the single platform that makes your linking appear unnatural (hence the dreaded unnatural link letter).

    On another note, instead of stressing out on "how" to remove links that Google deems unnatural, immediately diversify your strategy among many different platforms using several different techniques and add some "legitimate" social proof. This will create a more logical "auto-correct" scenio and will thin out any hard footprints you created.
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    • Profile picture of the author teachingking
      So it's not the quality of the content or where the content is submitted that is causing the problem, but rather the sheer volume and lack of diversification?

      It sounds like, using UAW (or other similar product) in moderation along with other "organic" link building strategies should be okay.

      Is that fair to say?

      Also, I would still like to know if UAW submits to reputable sites.
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      • Profile picture of the author debra
        Originally Posted by teachingking View Post

        So it's not the quality of the content or where the content is submitted that is causing the problem, but rather the sheer volume and lack of diversification?
        Yes...and...No. Your almost there.lol

        I have something to say about the quality of the content whether it be a video, written word, audio, images, or any other content for that matter.

        Your ultimate goal is to get visitors with human eyeballs to your offer...right?

        There's only One Way to accomplish that, and that is to provide quality content. I have yet to witness a live person click on hypertext surrounded by gibberish.

        So, even though it doesn't take quality content to spoof out the serps, it does take quality content to get the attention of the human eyeball, and lots of it.

        It sounds like, using UAW (or other similar product) in moderation along with other "organic" link building strategies should be okay.
        Moderation is good. A broad market reach is even better.

        Is that fair to say?
        I guess so. Course in these parts, anything's fair til the rules change (kinda like the wind lately).

        Also, I would still like to know if UAW submits to reputable sites.
        It depends on how many sites installed their plugin to draw the articles in. Since, I don't know who is actively using their plugin and who is not...I wouldn't have a clue.
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