does curation still work?

7 replies
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I have recently purchased a couple of wsos on using content curation to create most or all content for money this still viable? Anyone currently using this with success? Is this appropriate for local ranking ( places) ?
#curation #work
  • Profile picture of the author TheProgrammer
    I suggest you not to use copyright or other's work, hire some cheap writer from the "Warrior for Hire" section that can write article / blog posts for you.
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  • Profile picture of the author Britt Malka
    Curation still works, yes, just like it has since 2003, where I started to curate content. And probably even a long time before.

    It's only lately that the word has been linked to acquiring content to your blog.

    I don't know which WSO's you've bought, so I cannot tell you if the methods you learnt there are viable or not.

    Curation as such is, yes, if you by that word means getting the best of the best content and serve it for your readers, garnished with your knowledge and personal experience. That's how to serve a delicious blog post for your readers.

    Valuable content will always be in.
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    • Profile picture of the author calmaight
      Well one of the wsos, 'curation domination I believe it is, suggests basically curating 100% of your content for blogs, websites, and amazon sites. Another wso recommends curating only about 50% of any post, and writing totally unique posts for every 10-20 curated posts...however the writer of the second wso also recommend the tactics from the first wso by bill Guthrie, I believe it is. So I'm confused as to how much content I should curate..i see huffington post curates almost everything but I wonder if google has special rules for a site that hugely popular, or if that works for us all. What percentage per post are you curating, and do you curate every post? Also, can I syndicate curated content to web 2.0's, PDF sharing sites, etc?
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  • Profile picture of the author jr1228
    Here is a curated site on Flippa that I have been watching with great interest:

    Pretty impressive for only being two years old! So, yes, if done right, curation is still alive and well.
    500-word articles for $3!
    Send me a PM for details.
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    • Profile picture of the author calmaight
      That is freaking amazing. I checked out the flippa site and I have been inspired. I'm glad I started this thread instead of just wondering and second -guessing about it
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  • Profile picture of the author Abbie88
    I do curation rarely just because a bit worry of copyscape stuffs.
    But, yes, I read somewhere in WF that this method is still doing good.
    Maybe I have to move to it a little bit.

    no sigs at the moment :)

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    • Profile picture of the author calmaight
      Everything I've read lately suggests that curation is cool as long as you give credit to the source, and add your own spin to it, ie your opinion, organize it in some unique way , etc...only one way to find out
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