I am making $100+ per day now after penguin with 5 websites
- SEO |
I use to read through posts here and DP all the day and gained some knowledge. After many ups and downs, I have started making some good income now. I would like to share my story here, hope it helps at least one person here.
I have started with 5 blogs (all at a time) and this is how I started a year back-
- Did keyword research with market samurai - found some good keywords and purchased the domains and designed the sites with wordpress using elegant themes.
- Plugins I used - all in one seo and seopressor for seo and some other wordpress essential plugins for better performance etc
- I made 5 posts on each site (outsourced my content creation work). All posts are scheduled to post within 3 days. Content is around 800 words to 1200 words per each article. I did basic onpage with 1 main keyword per post and 2 other related keywords.
- I then indexed the sites by posting on my facebook and twitter accounts.
- Started building links 10-20 per day. I occasionally used fiverr services like senuke blast, blog posts, etc like 2-3 times a month. Most of the fiverr services are crap. After some investigation, I started carefully reading reviews before ordering gigs. Now I am using 10 gigs on a regular basis for all my sites.
- I post daily 1 article per blog (do keyword research, order content and post it)
- I have around 1k-1.5k list of subscribers for each blog, they will get 1 autogenerated email every day with post feed.
- I will create 2-3 videos per month per blog (with some tips, etc) and post them to youtube etc and will share those links on my social media accounts.
- I mainly focus on getting social media traffic rather than search engines. I do concentrate on my rankings though but as said I am more focused on social media.
- I am ranking for many keywords and getting good social media traffic as well. Around 3-5k per blog.
- I have monetized my blogs with affiliate products, infolinks and CPA. I write reviews for the products I am promoting and lock download links to the reports that I give away on my blogs with CPA content locker. I have email subscribers and I send them post feed only at the moment.
What I learned is, we need to be focused and try one method at a time. Proper planning is essential and success depends hugely on this. Layout a strategy/plan before we start and follow it strictly. Learn from experience and never commit the same mistake.
Commit new mistakes

Though I do not want to show my sites, niches etc, I would like to layout my SEO monthly strategy. I think many bloggers are using similar strategies.
- Create 10 web2.0 per post (manual) (self or outsource)
- Article Submission to over 1000+ sites (each article has 2 links to 2 posts) (fiverr works good for 5USD)
- 3k-5k wiki backlinks per blog (once in a month with links to my posts (url spin) (again fiverr or use a bot)
- Blog posts (3 times a month) (Do not use drip feed blog posts for 1000's of blogs. It may hurt your rankings. Carefully search and find bloggers who are willing to post your articles. Search forums or fiverr for blog posts. I choose to post on 20 blogs per month each from different bloggers on fiverr to avoid any footprints. You will also get backlinks from many domains this way with no footprints)
- I do video marketing as well. I will create simple videos of my posts and post them to youtube.
- I will bookmark all my post pages, web2.0 posts, etc after a week of their posting.
- Build forum profile links and blog comments to tier 1 links.
So far even after panda and penguin updates, i am getting consistent flow of traffic.
I hope my post helped you

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