Blog roll vs site wide links

16 replies
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Can someone please advise what the difference is between blog roll and site wide and if there is a difference which is better if they are niche specific?
#blog #links #roll #site #wide
  • Profile picture of the author sovereignn
    Typically the blogroll is sitewide

    Stay away from these kinds of links they're the most frowned upon
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  • Profile picture of the author Yohance j
    I have heard that the blog roll is not as strong anymore. Google keeps changing its tune
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  • Profile picture of the author Weedy92
    Advice: Avoid using those..
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  • Profile picture of the author nik0
    Often on such topics I think like oh well, plenty of sites still ranking with blogroll links, then a client of mine got a warning less then a week later that Google made an announcement that they went after blogroll links.

    So yeah definitely a no-go based on own experience.
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  • Profile picture of the author andishm
    Blogroll - a link on blog page on side bar which stays on all pages of the blog.
    Sitewide - a link on all pages of the website, blogroll word is used for blogs.

    Anybody shall stay away from these kind of links after penguin world since they are no more effective and may result in unnatural links issues with big G.
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    • Profile picture of the author Mantasmo
      Originally Posted by sovereignn View Post

      Typically the blogroll is sitewide

      Stay away from these kinds of links they're the most frowned upon
      Originally Posted by Yohance j View Post

      I have heard that the blog roll is not as strong anymore. Google keeps changing its tune
      Originally Posted by Weedy92 View Post

      Advice: Avoid using those..
      Originally Posted by nik0 View Post

      Often on such topics I think like oh well, plenty of sites still ranking with blogroll links, then a client of mine got a warning less then a week later that Google made an announcement that they went after blogroll links.

      So yeah definitely a no-go based on own experience.
      I'm ranking fine with blogroll links. I also buy lots of high PR domains that have strong blogrolls links and do really well. What announcement about blogrolls?

      Sorry but I just don't see the logic here. Blogrolls are some of the most natural links you can get. I'm pretty sure that Google engineers are targeting links sooo much differently than any of you realize (hint - it's not about link types). It only makes sense to create learning machines that can detect spam on their own. Targeting exact link types is not how a computer scientist would approach these problems.
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      • Profile picture of the author nik0
        Originally Posted by bnetwork View Post

        I'm ranking fine with blogroll links. I also buy lots of high PR domains that have strong blogrolls links and do really well. What announcement about blogrolls?
        I guess you missed something 2-3 months ago. They even said they would send out messages in a different format for it.

        It's pretty clear really, there are even other IM forums that forbid the selling of blogroll links cause of what Matt said.

        To quote him from an interview:

        We’ve done a good job of ignoring boilerplate, site wide links. In the last few months, we’ve been trying to make the point that not only is link buying like that not doing any good, we’re turning the dial up to let people know that certain link spam techniques are a waste of money.

        There was also another more detailed post about this at their own blog or site I think but I can't find it, it was an announcement that they started to send out warning messages for exactly that.

        I thought it was pretty much common knowledge by now.

        Here another link where he specifically mentions widget links as an example, scroll down a bit:

        If you do a search for [widgetbait matt cutts] you'll find tons of stories where I discourage people from putting keyword-rich anchortext into their widgets; see for example. So this message is a way to tell you that not only are those links in your widget not working, they're probably keeping that page from ranking for the phrases that you're using."


        When you think about it it makes perfect sense, I agree maybe blog roll links can still work find when you DON'T use exact anchor txt but the url itself instead. As it might be more about anchor txt penalty then the link itself, but well he does mention "not only are those links in your widget not working...."

        Seems clear enough to me to better stay away from them, besides that they invite people to report suspicious links to Google, so I quit doing blogrolls right away, I don't need clients reporting my network sites.
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        • Profile picture of the author Mantasmo
          Originally Posted by nik0 View Post

          I guess you missed something 2-3 months ago. They even said they would send out messages in a different format for it.

          It's pretty clear really, there are even other IM forums that forbid the selling of blogroll links cause of what Matt said.

          To quote him from an interview:

          We've done a good job of ignoring boilerplate, site wide links. In the last few months, we've been trying to make the point that not only is link buying like that not doing any good, we're turning the dial up to let people know that certain link spam techniques are a waste of money.

          Matt Cutts On Penalties Vs. Algorithm Changes, A Disavow-This-Link Tool & More

          There was also another more detailed post about this at their own blog or site I think but I can't find it, it was an announcement that they started to send out warning messages for exactly that.

          I thought it was pretty much common knowledge by now.

          Here another link that talks about it:

          Sorry I don't buy any of that. Literally got sites killing it with dozens of strong blogroll links (among others) that survived through every update this year and more.

          It's all about the pages where those links reside. Again, not many people actually understand how those algorithms are built so it's not surprising.

          I believe by sitewides they meant the sponsored footer link fiasco and theme attribution links. Those are a whole other topic.
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          • Profile picture of the author nik0
            Originally Posted by bnetwork View Post

            Sorry I don't buy any of that. Literally got sites killing it with dozens of strong blogroll links (among others) that survived through every update this year and more.

            It's all about the pages where those links reside. Again, not many people actually understand how those algorithms are built so it's not surprising.

            I believe by sitewides they meant the sponsored footer link fiasco and theme attribution links. Those are a whole other topic.
            He specifically mentions WIDGET links, and those are mostly present in your sidebar and not very often in the footer.

            Obvious I also see tons of sites still ranking with blogroll links, but if they made it so clear and even send out messages for it then it's better to just take the advice for granted and spend a little more time or money to make it a contextual link instead of a sitewide one. At least that's what I do, better safe then sorry. When you only have to rank your own sites you can take a bit more risk I agree.

            Oh btw, I edited that above posts as I found the more relevant post that talked about it. Anyway, we converted about 200 blogroll links to contextual ones, now we can sleep good again
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  • Profile picture of the author dcristo
    Blogroll links can be sitewide links if they are located on every page of a blog. Quite often they are.

    Are you wanting to learn all the poker lingo?

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  • Site wide links can get your website penalized. Stay away from them.
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  • Profile picture of the author biggcapp
    How can people make such definitive statements without proof. Even on Yahoo answers people have to provide proof, yet on here, people just reiterate garbage that they hear over and over. If you are new everything.

    Like bnetwork said - he's ranking fine.

    If Google is frowning on Blogroll links / Sitewide links then show us a link to the article from Matt Cuts or some really reputable site. Not a friends site. A reputable site because they will show some kind of case study.

    Not trying to bash anyone - but I'm guilty of it myself. You want to help and spit out advice that might not be accurate. Instead spit out some proof, a link or advice that's not so definitive.

    "Hey Do a little research, I heard they can have a negative SEO effect on you website" vs "Stay away, their bad". Which is not completely true because my competitors have blogroll links out the whazoo and they are still ranked just beneath me.

    Good Luck
    Starting My Own - The LifeStyle of an Internet Marketer
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  • Profile picture of the author dkla27
    This is so funny...

    Next time you get a natural blogroll link, email the webmaster and ask him to replace it with my site (PM me for details). You don't need that c**p!
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  • Profile picture of the author Mantasmo
    Oh yea I don't use keyword rich anchor text for pretty much anything right now. Ranking just fine without it.

    I don't see blogroll links going anywhere, but that post does confirm what I've been saying - it's about where your links are placed (and what the actual link says - obviously). Think about it this way: they taught it (their algo) to determine which sitewide links are being manipulated and which ones are natural. Doing the same with in-content links won't take a long time now, and 2nd tier spam is next to get hit (and hit hard).

    If you want recommendations for good beginner to advanced machine learning courses give me a shout. There are some fascinating (and free) courses out there that will change the way you think about these things.

    And thanks for the links!
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  • Profile picture of the author rtc1979
    Blog roll links are site wide links because typically a blog roll link is placed in the sidebar of a blog...which gets replicated on every page of the site.

    I would be careful with blog roll links now. My advice is to use your company name as the anchor text and be very selective with who you exchange blog roll links with. I would target authority blogs in your niche that could send you traffic as well (people clicking on your link in the blog roll).

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  • Profile picture of the author THEBIGCEO
    It's all crap!!! I've been researching for some time now on this topic and like I said it's CRAP!
    I use different software to look at all my competitors links and over 75% are all blog roll links I'm testing the waters as of tomorrow.

    Never believe what you hear out there,Google is a company like all the others they tell you what they want your to hear. Just like the Government! Cant let the public know everything or we'll be out of business. The web is advertisement if it was'nt there would'nt be a google.

    They have adds every where. Over 80% of companies sites that are ranked at the top are major chains look at there links BLOGROLLLLLLLLLL!!!!
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