Article Marketing & Duplicate Content Question
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This is my first post here, so go easy on me...
I am working on a blog project that I want to start link-building via article marketing for. I also want to use social bookmarking to generate buzz/traffic/links to my various posts/articles.
Anyway - I am not so sure of the best way to use my content. Say I have a pool of 20 articles per week... do I post all 20 articles to my blog, then submit links to them at the social bookmarking sites AND THEN submit the same articles to article marketing sites, or will I be shooting myself in the foot and wasting some of my content?
I would love to be able to use the articles I have to post on my blog, link to at bookmark sites, and then submit these same articles to be syndicated, but I'm wondering if a better route would be to use 1/2 the articles for my site, and then link to those via social bookmarking sites, and then use the other 1/2 to submit to article sites and not post those same articles on my blog.
Hopefully I explained my question clear enough...
recon-dave -
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rome9t9 -
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rome9t9 -
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Solidsnake Banned-
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