Another Great Benefit Of Creating Good Content

30 replies
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Well We all know by now that:
  1. Google love good quality content. (RJames doesn't agree)
  2. Visitors to your site love good quality content.

But here's an extra gift I received today.

I'm working on building up a couple of Authority sites in the Medical/Drugs Market. The sites are indexing very nicely in SERPs for almost every KW set I aim aiming for. Most landing straight in around page 3 for hugely competitive Keywords without any sort of backlinking. I've been happy to say the least with those results.

But today I was just doing my usual SERPs, Analytics and Webamsters checks.

First thing I saw was a huge jump into position 3 for one of my articles based around Medicinal Drug research of Pneumonia. And how the products I'm promoting are being used in the field to treat the illness.

I had a big smile on my face.

Second thing I did was check my traffic. 2000+ UV and counting over the last 12 hours. Mostly from 2 referral sites with domain names unkown to me. (Im Irish) You'll understand why I said that in part 3.

Bigger smile on my face

Third, I was hitting Webmasters to see if theres any new links to my site.
7000+ links in Google

Turns out that 2 US City News sites had syndicated a snippet of my article. With a sitewide widget feed. And gave me the citation link also in the feed.
After checking out the links. Both are well known Authority News sites in their respective states with massive page authority throughout their sites respectively.

I have all these smiles on my face

Creating good content really does pay off, in more ways than one.
#benefit #content #creating #good #great
  • Profile picture of the author DPM70
    That's nice. Are you a medical/drugs authority, really? Or are you playing at being one? The longevity will be in the pudding.
    I don't build in order to have clients. I have clients in order to build. - Ayn Rand
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    • Profile picture of the author Kevin Maguire
      Originally Posted by DPM70 View Post

      That's nice. Are you a medical/drugs authority, really? Or are you playing at being one? The longevity will be in the pudding.
      It was almost out of madness with an SEO client, that I got into it.
      Last year We took on a very big client in a related area. Put in hundreds of man hours researching into the market. Only for the client to start messing around with payments early into the contract. He left me with a parting gift of attempting a $5,000+ chargeback on paypal. Didn't work out very well for him.

      But I was left with all this research and my mind buried in the subject. So this year I found the old research sitting in a folder and I said hell.
      I know this market, lets make it happen. Not for a second did I think that positive results would start coming so soon. I mean the site must be only 6 weeks old now. The plan on the outset was work on it in my spare time, and in about 12 months, see where We are at. Things are moving a lot faster than I ever thought.

      But like you said. Time will tell If I can turn myself/site into a real Authority in the Market.
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  • Profile picture of the author rjames
    Originally Posted by Kevin Maguire View Post

    Well We all know by now that:
    [LIST=1][*]Google love good quality content.
    False (in my best Dwight Shrute can literally rank a site with basically nothing on the page...Google doesnt love good quality content...Google loves the signals that are created from visitors in regards to your content. Google couldnt care less whether your content was written by a doctor or your little sister...those who think all they have to do to rank a site is sit back and write "good quality content" and hope something good happens...youre sadly mistaken...can it happen? sure...will it in most cases? nope...
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    • Profile picture of the author Kevin Maguire
      Originally Posted by rjames View Post

      False (in my best Dwight Shrute can literally rank a site with basically nothing on the page...Google doesnt love good quality content...Google loves the signals that are created from visitors in regards to your content. Google couldnt care less whether your content was written by a doctor or your little sister...those who think all they have to do to rank a site is sit back and write "good quality content" and hope something good happens...youre sadly mistaken...can it happen? sure...will it in most cases? nope...
      Thanks for your insightful input. But it's hardly the point I'm trying to make.
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      • Profile picture of the author rjames
        Originally Posted by Kevin Maguire View Post

        Thanks for your insightful input. But it's hardly the point I'm trying to make.
        I know...i just dont want people who are trying to learn thinking that all they have to do is start a blog and constantly write good content and money will rain from the sky....not the case...
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        • Profile picture of the author Kevin Maguire
          Originally Posted by rjames View Post

          I know...i just dont want people who are trying to learn thinking that all they have to do is start a blog and constantly write good content and money will rain from the sky....not the case...
          I never mentioned money made. If I where to remove those 2 points I made from the beginning of my thread. The post would pretty much be making the same point.

          "WHO ARE YA....WHO ARE YAAA" In my loudest football hooligan

          Peace Chief, your way out of your depth.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8086162].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author rjames
            Originally Posted by Kevin Maguire View Post

            I never mentioned money made. If I where to remove those 2 points I made from the beginning of my thread. The post would pretty much be making the same point.

            "WHO ARE YA....WHO ARE YAAA" In my loudest football hooligan

            Peace Chief, your way out of your depth.
   bad...i was wrong to assume that people want to rank websites to make money...silly me...maybe some people just want to do it for the moral victory...
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8086166].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Kevin Maguire
              Originally Posted by rjames View Post

     bad...i was wrong to assume that people want to rank websites to make money...silly me...maybe some people just want to do it for the moral victory...
              I have edited the OP with your authoritative objection. Let it be set in stone, that we don't agree on something.

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              • Profile picture of the author rjames
                Originally Posted by Kevin Maguire View Post

                I have edited the OP with your authoritative objection. Let it be set in stone, that we don't agree on something.

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                • Profile picture of the author Kevin Maguire
                  Originally Posted by rjames View Post

                  So what do you think about the rest of the post?
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  • Profile picture of the author PerformanceMan
    Here's my thought on quality content:

    I'm capable of making it.
    Most of the idiots I compete against are not.

    That gives me an advantage, so I strive to make the content good.

    People who focus on link building only remind me of the adage, 'When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.'
    Free Special Report on Mindset - Level Up with Positive Thinking
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8087199].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author rjames
      Originally Posted by PerformanceMan View Post

      Here's my thought on quality content:

      I'm capable of making it.
      Most of the idiots I compete against are not.

      That gives me an advantage, so I strive to make the content good.

      People who focus on link building only remind me of the adage, 'When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.'
      What advantage? If Google doesnt know your content is good, there is no cant read, so backlinks is a HUGE factor in how they see people 'voting' for your site...most simply have no clue how to build backlinks, so the just give up and say its useless...
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8087342].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
        Originally Posted by rjames View Post

        What advantage? If Google doesnt know your content is good, there is no advantage
        The OP got links off of good content and you are still claiming that it has no advantage? Good content improves every kind of link building that works nowadays even if it were to do nothing else then make every link to it more natural. However it does much more than that.

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        • Profile picture of the author rjames
          Originally Posted by Mike Anthony View Post

          The OP got links off of good content and you are still claiming that it has no advantage? Good content improves every kind of link building that works nowadays even if it were to do nothing else then make every link to it more natural. However it does much more than that.
          There is no advantage if you don't get links...he did...great...but usually doesnt happen that simply saying, content means nothing DIRECTLY to Google...Google simply rewards what good content causes, but if you honestly believe all you have to do is site back and write good content and you will be rewarded with ranking, there is no changing your mind, so ill
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8087462].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author andrewkar
            Originally Posted by rjames View Post

            There is no advantage if you don't get links...he did...great...but usually doesnt happen that simply saying, content means nothing DIRECTLY to Google...Google simply rewards what good content causes, but if you honestly believe all you have to do is site back and write good content and you will be rewarded with ranking, there is no changing your mind, so ill
            of course it's not directly but who cares. If content is Good... backlinks will come (and we want these backlinks very much).
            Do what you want to do!
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          • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
            Originally Posted by rjames View Post

            but if you honestly believe all you have to do is site back and write good content and you will be rewarded with ranking, there is no changing your mind, so ill
            Why is that always how people frame the issue? as an either or? I suppose there are a few people running around saying "content is all you need" but most people including me believe that content helps in actively promoting your site.

            SO you need the content AND you need to promote it. Its not one or the other so yes if you are active and smart doing both that is how it usually works. You may buy links, buy domains, build your own links , guest blog or even use some web 2.0s but at some point if you have good content you can and do get natural links with good content.

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            • Profile picture of the author Kevin Maguire
              Originally Posted by Mike Anthony View Post

              You can and do get natural links with good content.
              This is the abridged version of my OP
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            • Profile picture of the author rjames
              Originally Posted by Mike Anthony View Post

              Why is that always how people frame the issue? as an either or? I suppose there are a few people running around saying "content is all you need" but most people including me believe that content helps in actively promoting your site.

              SO you need the content AND you need to promote it. Its not one or the other so yes if you are active and smart doing both that is how it usually works. You may buy links, buy domains, build your own links , guest blog or even use some web 2.0s but at some point if you have good content you can and do get natural links with good content.
              100% agree with need both...I view content as making my readers happy...not something I do for the search engines...links are for google...content for my readers...
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          • Profile picture of the author satrap
            Originally Posted by rjames View Post

            There is no advantage if you don't get links...he did...great...but usually doesnt happen that simply saying, content means nothing DIRECTLY to Google...Google simply rewards what good content causes, but if you honestly believe all you have to do is site back and write good content and you will be rewarded with ranking, there is no changing your mind, so ill
            I agree 100% that great content alone is not going to get you anywhere, except in some rare case like this one.

            That said, I also think that having great content certainly makes it easier to become an authority, not to mention when you do start to get some traffic, having good content helps you keep them coming back.

            Sure, you can rank a site with no content, but how many of those visitors are going to ever come back to your site if there is nothing helpful for them? Furthermore, those who arrive will also leave your site pretty quickly.

            So, again, content alone is not the solution, you have to promote it to.

            I think about it this way, you are a new band. You make a great song that you know is great. But if you don't tell anyone, no matter how great the song is, nobody is going to hear it.

            Now, I am not saying go out and spam the hell out of the internet, but at least initially, you have to do something to get the word out. You got to get the ball rolling if you want it to keep moving.

            Sure, in this case the OP got lucky and the news outlets somehow found him, but realistically, in most cases it doesn't happen.
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            • Profile picture of the author Wes888
              Good Content + A good Promotion Strategy = $$$
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      • Profile picture of the author andrewkar
        Originally Posted by rjames View Post

        What advantage? If Google doesnt know your content is good, there is no cant read, so backlinks is a HUGE factor in how they see people 'voting' for your site...most simply have no clue how to build backlinks, so the just give up and say its useless...
        Well, OP is totally right. I have experianced this as well... too many times . Great content is THE ONLY way to go.

        Now, do you think editors will pick up an unreadable %150 spun crap? (or just mediocre one?)

        Anyway, that's the way to get high quality links and some juice (and exposure). But there are always will be easy way and hard way... some people prefer the easy way

        To be clear, I'm not saying SEO and link building is worthless NO WAY (it's my bread). However, high quality content must go hand in hand with high quality SEO. In my opinion at least...

        Good for you OP. Keep it up!
        Do what you want to do!
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    • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
      Well We all know by now that:
      Google love good quality content. (RJames doesn't agree)
      Visitors to your site love good quality content.
      Thing about it the only rational disagreement on quality content is who loves it. There is no doubt whatsoever that it is liked and good for link building.

      Webmasters will never link to junk
      Buying links to garbage will immediately indicate they are bought
      creating backlinks from a first tier that links to junk will also signal that they are what Google sees as link spam

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    • Profile picture of the author Backlinko
      Originally Posted by PerformanceMan View Post

      Here's my thought on quality content:

      I'm capable of making it.
      Most of the idiots I compete against are not.

      That gives me an advantage, so I strive to make the content good.

      People who focus on link building only remind me of the adage, 'When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.'

      Here's my thought on quality content:

      It's can't hurt you and can only help you. So why not do it?

      And with Google's new emphasis on user-interaction signals, you're going to have a hard time doing SEO without great content.

      I think most people in SEO haven't tried to make a great site. I've run tiny MFAs and large authority sites. I can tell you from experience link building and SEO is MUCH easier with a great site.

      As the OP found there IS a such thing as a natural link.
      Find Awesome Keywords...Without ANY Tools
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  • Profile picture of the author Kevin Maguire
    Thanks for the back up fellas.
    But the only thing I fell RJames overlooked in my thread. Was the whole point of the thread.
    All I was trying to show people was that when you take the time and effort to create good content. Other sites start citing your work, instead of you citing theirs. Which would be the ultimate goal when trying to build a real authority site in any market.

    Sure enough, this type of syndication would not be the norm for most. But it's definitely a huge indicator for me that whatever I'm doing, I seem to be on the right path to what would be classed as a true authority website.

    In the meantime another smaller News site has picked up on the article, and threw me more links..
    Seems to have settled at 7700+ links in Google. Traffic has died down a lot also. But with 5500+ over 24 hours, I'm feeling very motivated to say the least.
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  • Profile picture of the author Oranges
    Content is King! Anyone?

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  • Profile picture of the author smodha
    Content should never be about pleasing search engines. Good content should convert visitors into buyers. If you solve a problem then there is no reason why they wouldn't buy from you. And, if it's really great then authority/non-authority sites will link, copy or syndicate it.

    I see so many people falling into the trap of keyword density, bold/italics, h1 tags etc. when a decent 500-1000 could just as easily do the job.
    I Sell What People Want. The Money Is A Bonus..
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    • Profile picture of the author trade4861
      Originally Posted by smodha View Post

      Content should never be about pleasing search engines. Good content should convert visitors into buyers. If you solve a problem then there is no reason why they wouldn't buy from you. And, if it's really great then authority/non-authority sites will link, copy or syndicate it.

      I see so many people falling into the trap of keyword density, bold/italics, h1 tags etc. when a decent 500-1000 could just as easily do the job.
      Ironically its my content written for search engines that coverts far better then the content written to solve peoples problems. I would be dead broke if it wasn't for content manipulation.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tiiberiuss
    Your case study is amazing Kevin.

    You are like Matt Cutts's favorite student.

    This is what he keeps telling us to do.

    "Write compelling content that people will (L)like, bookmark, share and link to."

    It's amazing when this happens. Unfortunately, it is not always the case. Actually, most of the time I'm afraid. Especially when starting a brand new site.

    My point is you probably picked easier keywords.

    But most of the time this will not be enough to rank for your desired search term.

    Therefore I choose the golden middle way...

    ... writing compelling content worth sharing and linking to AND do manual backlinking.
    Do you need kick in the SEPRs?
    These *magic* links will do just that for you!
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    • Profile picture of the author Kevin Maguire
      Originally Posted by Tiiberiuss View Post

      Your case study is amazing Kevin.

      You are like Matt Cutts's favorite student.

      This is what he keeps telling us to do.

      "Write compelling content that people will (L)like, bookmark, share and link to."

      It's amazing when this happens. Unfortunately, it is not always the case. Actually, most of the time I'm afraid. Especially when starting a brand new site.

      My point is you probably picked easier keywords.

      But most of the time this will not be enough to rank for your desired search term.

      Therefore I choose the golden middle way...

      ... writing compelling content worth sharing and linking to AND do manual backlinking.
      Thanks Tibor
      As I already did say, the thread wasn't trying to focus on rank, but more about how good content/articles can create their own natural link profile. And on occasion get picked up by other authority sites and given citation.

      As mentioned in the OP, the article itself was actually a Feeder page/Silo page to one of the products I plan to sell from the site. XYZ product research for use in treatment of Pneumonia. It's not as if people diagnosed with Pneumonia are going to come rushing to my site to buy anything that's not prescribed/under treatment by a doctor or anything.

      And you will have to take my word for it about the keywords I'm trying to rank the site for. If you put most of them into a comp checker. A fist would come out and punch you in the face for being naive. I'm well aware that the road I'm on with this one is going to be very long. But seeing the syndication of something I created was hugely motivational to say the least.
      So much that I felt sharing the news was called for to help motivate others into the right mindset and maybe they will have their turn too.
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      • Profile picture of the author Tiiberiuss
        Originally Posted by Kevin Maguire View Post

        Thanks Tibor
        As I already did say, the thread wasn't trying to focus on rank, but more about how good content/articles can create their own natural link profile. And on occasion get picked up by other authority sites and given citation.

        As mentioned in the OP, the article itself was actually a Feeder page/Silo page to one of the products I plan to sell from the site. XYZ product research for use in treatment of Pneumonia. It's not as if people diagnosed with Pneumonia are going to come rushing to my site to buy anything that's not prescribed/under treatment by a doctor or anything.

        And you will have to take my word for it about the keywords I'm trying to rank the site for. If you put most of them into a comp checker. A fist would come out and punch you in the face for being naive. I'm well aware that the road I'm on with this one is going to be very long. But seeing the syndication of something I created was hugely motivational to say the least.
        So much that I felt sharing the news was called for to help motivate others into the right mindset and maybe they will have their turn too.
        Best of luck in your efforts man.
        Do you need kick in the SEPRs?
        These *magic* links will do just that for you!
        --> CLICK HERE <-- to find out more!
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