Can you make money with solo ads?
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What are the conversions like? Can you make money with solo ads?
I am going to attempt to keep this as short as possible while still explaining what my answer to this always is...
What are conversions like?...
"Conversions for solos are typically 0.25-1% (if your funnel is good & proven). Your goal should be to get to 1% and if you can exceed that then you are doing really good. But 1% is not going to do you much good if you are selling $17 products because it is simple math...
100 clicks cost lets say .50 cents to make the math easy since I'm lazy. That's $50 you spent on a solo and with a 1% conversion at $17 you just lost $33"
Can you make money with solo ads?
"Of course you can but dont expect the quality to be as good as affiliate traffic, buyer list traffic, FB PPC or any other form of targeted paid traffic. To be honest it is the lowest form of semi targeted traffic out there.
But you shouldn't be buying solos to make a huge amount of money it should just be for lead gen so that you can come close to breaking even and then make money on the backend so you are thinking about this the wrong way my friend "
Hope that was short enough & hope this info helps any of you that are looking to buy or that are buying solos.
Brandon Shelton
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