I reported an Adsense site for Stealing My Content

by yukon Banned
10 replies
  • SEO
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I noticed some SERP traffic landing on my pages from another sites domain name, I did a Google search, I'm ranked #2 for a domain I've never heard of.

I started browsing the site & found some of my content/files. I clicked the Adsense logo/text on one of their Adsense ads & filled out the Adsense TOS violation form.

Good luck keeping that Adsense account.
#adsense #content #reported #site #stealing #stolen
  • Profile picture of the author patadeperro
    So the guys still your content and they are ranking higher than you? and there is people out there than say that you cant rank with duplicated content.
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    • Profile picture of the author yukon
      Originally Posted by patadeperro View Post

      So the guys still your content and they are ranking higher than you? and there is people out there than say that you cant rank with duplicated content.
      Lol, no he's not out ranking me for anything other than his domain name.

      Example: warrior forum

      I found his site because I was getting his SERP traffic where I'm somehow ranked #2 for his domain name (ex: warrior forum).

      My content that the guy has stolen is a zip file that includes proprietary niche files that I personally made. I don't do articles If that's what your thinking.
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  • Profile picture of the author cbpayne
    Can you post the domain or PM. I hate it when this happens. I will report them as well. Sometimes it takes more than a few reports to get Adsense's attention on this.

    What about DMCA as well?
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    • Profile picture of the author yukon
      Originally Posted by cbpayne View Post

      Can you post the domain or PM. I hate it when this happens. I will report them as well. Sometimes it takes more than a few reports to get Adsense's attention on this.

      What about DMCA as well?
      Thanks but I'm not revealing the niche I'm in.

      If Adsense doesn't do anything within a few days I'll login to my own Google account & file another complaint so they can see it's legit.
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      • Profile picture of the author coolseek
        Originally Posted by yukon View Post

        Thanks but I'm not revealing the niche I'm in.

        If Adsense doesn't do anything within a few days I'll login to my own Google account & file another complaint so they can see it's legit.
        I would like to see what happens. Adsense banned my site because someone copied my article.
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  • Profile picture of the author tcrews
    Keep us posted. I am interested to know the outcome
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  • Profile picture of the author seonutshell
    How can i put this without starting a riot?

    Make him think he's discovered a formula for a 4500% click thru rate
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    • Profile picture of the author yukon
      Originally Posted by seonutshell View Post

      How can i put this without starting a riot?

      Make him think he's discovered a formula for a 4500% click thru rate
      Lol that's funny.

      Sort of like, I know a guy that can make this all go away.
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  • Profile picture of the author GlobalTrader

    Please post back who finally takes these people down. About 3 years ago I had someone who had copied one of my income producing pages and pasted the entire page into a blogger blog. I think that I found it because the images were hotlinked to my hosting.

    I filed a DMCA report thru Blogger and within 10 hours the blogger blog was shut down completely.

    A couple of years before that someone emailed me to inform me that another website had copied my web pages onto their site and the person who reported it to me was very helpful in resources and suggestions to get my content removed. His initial suggestion was the only one I had to act upon which was simply contacting the hosting service of the offending site and reporting them and telling the hosting that if they did not remove the site within 48 hours they would be named in any DMCA report.

    The site was shut down within 24 hours.


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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    So far I've found 3 pages with my content on this one domain. It's a big site but it looks like all the guy is doing is scraping a bunch of other sites.
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