Canada= Profitable Market?

1 replies
Hello Warriors! May it rain money today

As far as eCom goes in general would Canada be a smart target? I'm Canadian myself and in terms of branding there is a mountain full of .ca domain available. In my mind it seems like a good move, since I cannot see to many people tapping into it, like the USA. I've done some ninja recon lol,, and found out a lot of shopify stores using usd currency get quite a bit of canadian customers...

Now I know what your thinking.. dude i think you answerd your own question.. But!! I would like your opinions. I find its good to get a second pair of eyes or in this case brain.

#canada #market #profitable
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  • Profile picture of the author Ged3
    I have a lot of visitors to one of my websites from Canada - my website is in the DIY tools niche - woodworking - it seems very popular in Canada - everyone seems to have a nice large workshop to work in there!

    So if you can think of something that Canadians would be interested in I think you have a potentially very large market there.

    Best Regards

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