Snapchat Has Just Shared Some New insights into Consumer Behavior and Trends
Snapchat had this to say:
"The events of 2020 changed the way we work, shop, and stay in touch, creating what became known as the 'new normal.' Now, as we build hopes of recovery in 2021 and beyond, it's time to focus on the next normal." |
The platform identified several key shifts in consumer behavior after COVID-19 arrived on the scene. They included a significant rise in mobile eCommerce, a defined resurgence in QR codes being used for marketing, and a marked expansion in the use of, plus increasing accessibility of AR within campaigns alongside the ongoing evolution of Snapchat's own video tools and options.
Snap added:
"Millennials are the largest generation in history. In 2020, they made one in three purchases, and the generation is expected to drive half the increase in expenditure growth over the next decade." |
Even if you don't market via Snapchat, it's worth a look. You can download "Strategies for the Next Normal" right here.
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