Snapchat Has Just Shared Some New insights into Consumer Behavior and Trends

by Administrator
5 replies
A new article on Social Media Today reports that Snapchat has just shared some new insights into the latest consumption trends on the platform. The company says figures have been affected greatly by the pandemic but are likely to remain in place as the next generation of consumers begins to influence online buying.

Snapchat had this to say:

"The events of 2020 changed the way we work, shop, and stay in touch, creating what became known as the 'new normal.' Now, as we build hopes of recovery in 2021 and beyond, it's time to focus on the next normal."
Snapchat has produced a new 15-page report called 'Strategies for the Next Normal,' which contains a range of trends and insights concerning how habits changed during the pandemic. That provides a great place to begin looking at how you can adapt your marketing approach to the said new or 'next' normal.

The platform identified several key shifts in consumer behavior after COVID-19 arrived on the scene. They included a significant rise in mobile eCommerce, a defined resurgence in QR codes being used for marketing, and a marked expansion in the use of, plus increasing accessibility of AR within campaigns alongside the ongoing evolution of Snapchat's own video tools and options.

Snap added:

"Millennials are the largest generation in history. In 2020, they made one in three purchases, and the generation is expected to drive half the increase in expenditure growth over the next decade."
The report and data are full of information, and it's likely you'll get some very valuable hints about how to go about your campaigns during 2021. There's no doubt that some adjustment is required, given the scope of the pandemic's effects - especially on younger consumers - and any pointers are going to be extremely useful as we enter the new year.

Even if you don't market via Snapchat, it's worth a look. You can download "Strategies for the Next Normal" right here.
#behavior #consumer #insights #shared #snapchat #trends
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  • They're basically confirming what other platforms have observed with their own users. I wonder how these observations would affect Snapchat coming 2021. It's good for reaching a younger market but it's not exactly ecommerce or small business friendly.
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  • Profile picture of the author donutatwork
    what you said is so true. Snapchat is definitely worth a look.
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  • Profile picture of the author Matthew Stanley
    it's interesting - on the one hand, imo Snap has been very solid strides in its ad business (widening the self-serve tool, analytics, etc) and has earned its stock price gains this year ... but on the other, it *feels* that its "getting its lunch eaten" by TikTok in terms of user engagement levels and growth. Suffice to say, I agree 2021 could be a pivotal year for the company
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  • Profile picture of the author Coder hub
    It has very good feature in this release
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  • Profile picture of the author gargvarun041
    I read this article! I hope you will continue to have such articles to share with everyone! thank you! 9apps
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  • Profile picture of the author Sattamatk
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