Twitter Just Added a New Co-Hosting Option for Audio Spaces

As you can see in the above sequence, Spaces hosts will now be able to easily add co-hosts from the 'Guests' tab at the bottom of the Spaces screen. Within that tab, you'll see a new 'Invite co-hosts' option highlighted in blue, which, when tapped, will enable you to search through those attending your Space and add that user as a partner host.

Users get to add a maximum of two co-hosts to each Space, which will give them the capacity to invite speakers, manage requests within the Space and pin Tweets. Co-hosts will also be able to remove guests - so really, it's a perfect supplementary admin tool, and if you're going to host a massive Space, with a heap of attendees, then having two additional hands to moderate and direct the discussion could be a major help in the process.
The removal of Fleets last month has opened the door for further promotion of Spaces, with the top of feed Fleets 'line' to soon become the 'Space bar' instead (Twitter's description, not mine), which will highlight in-progress Spaces in real-time. Twitter will then follow that up with its dedicated Spaces tab, as it looks to maximize the potential of the option.

John Jonas Phil VA -
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