LinkedIn content in SERPs

4 replies
I am looking into linkedin marketing more and more, and I was wondering whether it ranks in serps? like the business profiles, different articles, etc? Or it all depends on the topic?
#content #linkedin #linkedin marketing #serps
  • Profile picture of the author iammaryy
    Yes, LinkedIn content can rank in search engine results pages (SERPs). LinkedIn profiles, business pages, and even articles or posts can appear in Google search results. The ranking of LinkedIn content in SERPs depends on several factors, including relevancy of content, quality and many more.
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  • Profile picture of the author Meetanshi2017
    Yes, LinkedIn content like business profiles and articles can rank in Google search, especially for specific names or less competitive topics. It really depends on the relevance of the topic and how optimized the content is!
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  • Profile picture of the author hearme
    yes its worth to use linkedin as this is indexable and content is ranked as well .
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  • Profile picture of the author Hostcoin
    Search engin result page.
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