Totally Free $500+ A Day With YouTube!

46 replies
Hello fellow Warriors, here is a classic method I would like to share that is fantastic for people to start earning some cash or even a full time income.

Required in order for this to work:
- Google Ad-sense Account.
- 6 month or older YouTube account.
- Some start up cash (pays itself back fairly fast)

The Steps For It To Work - Don't skip any steps.

1) Firstly, make your YouTube account videos focus on a specific niche like dash cams, car crashed and security cameras. Link your YouTube account with Google Ad-sense and enable monetization. Doing that will automatically make you a YouTube partner. Also, make sure that you have the featured thumbnail option enabled.

2) Go on a search to sites like YouTube and LiveLeak, or whatever video site you can get on really. Once on these sites gather up and download some "accident" "car crash" etc... type videos.

3) Make darn sure you DON'T download any videos that were recorded on someones cellphone, or mobile camera. Make sure it is some sort of dash cam, security cam, etc.

4) Start by uploading all of your videos with a eye-catching thumbnails and descriptions. (add keywords)

5) This isn't really a step but make sure you don't put up hundreds of videos daily. Your YouTube channel is completely legitimate, it's not a fake spam account.

6) Now you should promote a very interesting, potentially viral video by paying money to YouTube advertising/promotion. This step makes a world of the difference. YouTube clicks are super cheap. Don't narrow down to any particular demographics. If your video is really interesting, people will Like and Share it. Within a few of days, YouTube will naturally begin to show it as video suggestion beside extremely popular videos related to yours. Even your other videos will start receiving more views just because of you're other popular video.

7) Upon one of your promoted videos gaining a minimum of 100k views, stop promoting it. It will now get tons of views all by itself. Choose another video and repeat the process. In the meantime, don't stop uploading videos.

8) It won't take long and your channel will have thousands of subscribers. Once this happens you will be placed into suggested channels. At this point, you will be set.

9) With this method your Ad-sense earnings will absolutely go sky high. The best part, you can't get banned! If you are consistent and put it in place properly you can most definitely earn $XXX.XX daily, no problem.


- All of these types of videos will not be taken down with a DMCA notice. In the very rare case that this does happen just take the video down immediately. But then again, it won't happen.

- You need an old YouTube account in order to start monetizing immediately. If not, all of your videos will be entered for review by YouTube which can in turn lead to issues.

If this post helped you out at all please feel free to give me a simple thanks!

Kind Regards,
Benjamin Lamontagne
#$500 #day #free #totally #youtube
  • Profile picture of the author trustedmarketer
    Many thanks Benjamin for a great share. Your a noble warrior and will be rewarded for helping others. I can see this working as long as we follow your exact steps.

    Contact me for the most Powerful Business Programs that will give you Daily Profit and the predicted huge price appreciation from Bitcoin
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8341398].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author affiliaterocks
    Hi Benjamin,

    Thanks for the share! But do you have proof on your youtube account here that making
    lots of views? Another question is...Do you have proof of money that your making $500 plus
    a day? That's alot of money if you are making those amount bro. Anyway, I will be happy if
    I make $100 per day with youtube but right now my adsense account was banned. So, I
    I can't start making money on your project here...hmm )-:
    Awesome Internet Marketing Products for Online and Offline businesses
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8341667].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Suseela
      Originally Posted by affiliaterocks View Post

      Hi Benjamin,

      Thanks for the share! But do you have proof on your youtube account here that making
      lots of views? Another question is...Do you have proof of money that your making $500 plus
      a day? :
      Great questions.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8341849].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Jason Mack
      Originally Posted by affiliaterocks View Post

      Hi Benjamin,

      Thanks for the share! But do you have proof on your youtube account here that making
      lots of views? Another question is...Do you have proof of money that your making $500 plus
      a day? That's alot of money if you are making those amount bro. Anyway, I will be happy if
      I make $100 per day with youtube but right now my adsense account was banned. So, I
      I can't start making money on your project here...hmm )-:
      Fantastic questions Affiliaterocks, I myself do not earn $500 daily with this, what I am trying to show people that it has the potential if you WORK FOR IT. I can gather screenshots of my earnings if people insist but if you trust my word I make anywhere from $70-125 daily from this. I've only been doing it for around 2 months with around 20 minutes of work a day, not bad right? Now imagine in a year when I have several viral videos. Any more questions feel free to ask! Thanks.

      Kind Regards,
      Benjamin lamontagne
      Realist Warrior - Contact me at - Benjamin Lamontagne
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8343034].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Suseela
        Originally Posted by Benjamin Lamontagne View Post

        Fantastic questions Affiliaterocks, I myself do not earn $500 daily with this, what I am trying to show people that it has the potential if you WORK FOR IT. I can gather screenshots of my earnings if people insist but if you trust my word I make anywhere from $70-125 daily from this. I've only been doing it for around 2 months with around 20 minutes of work a day, not bad right? Now imagine in a year when I have several viral videos. Any more questions feel free to ask! Thanks.

        Kind Regards,
        Benjamin lamontagne
        So if you are really making that type of money in only 20 minutes, wouldn't it make more sense to increase that time???
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8343453].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Jason Mack
          Originally Posted by Suseela View Post

          So if you are really making that type of money in only 20 minutes, wouldn't it make more sense to increase that time???
          I have other projects that I focus my time on.

          Honestly, if people don't believe that this works then just don't do it. I shared this for free, not to take your money. What good would it do me lying to you anyways? Just to clarify things anyways.

          Kind Regards,
          Benjamin Lamontagne
          Realist Warrior - Contact me at - Benjamin Lamontagne
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8344778].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Emmanuel Sopitan
      Originally Posted by affiliaterocks View Post

      Hi Benjamin,

      Thanks for the share! But do you have proof on your youtube account here that making
      lots of views? Another question is...Do you have proof of money that your making $500 plus
      a day? That's alot of money if you are making those amount bro. Anyway, I will be happy if
      I make $100 per day with youtube but right now my adsense account was banned. So, I
      I can't start making money on your project here...hmm )-:

      If you care, pm me for a new adsense account, its not free though

      Guaranteed $100 a day

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8408717].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Suseela
    It's also interesting that benjamins channel is currently not available.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8341853].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Jason Mack
      Originally Posted by Suseela View Post

      It's also interesting that benjamins channel is currently not available.
      Hi Suseela,
      The YouTube account that I have linked to the Warrior Forum is for IM videos that will be later released, not this method.

      Kind Regards,
      Benjamin Lamontagne
      Realist Warrior - Contact me at - Benjamin Lamontagne
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8343020].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ralphragew
    wow! is this really true $500+ a day with youtube? thnx for sharing mate keep it up.. I'm going to try this..
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8342983].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Jason Mack
      Originally Posted by ralphragew View Post

      wow! is this really true $500+ a day with youtube? thnx for sharing mate keep it up.. I'm going to try this..
      Hi Ralph, Yes it is true, you could potentially make thousands if you dedicate a lot of work and a good initial investment in promotion. Any more questions Ralph, feel free to ask.

      Kind Regards,
      Benjamin Lamontagne
      Realist Warrior - Contact me at - Benjamin Lamontagne
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8343040].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author ralphragew
        Originally Posted by Benjamin Lamontagne View Post

        Hi Ralph, Yes it is true, you could potentially make thousands if you dedicate a lot of work and a good initial investment in promotion. Any more questions Ralph, feel free to ask.

        Kind Regards,
        Benjamin Lamontagne

        hmmm I try to contact you bro for more info.. I will create youtube account and will wait for 6 months for me to qualify this great opportunity.. tnx mate!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8343610].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ralphragew
    before i forget, let me thank you mate for this great info..
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  • Profile picture of the author Azrul
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8344628].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Jason Mack
      Originally Posted by Azrul View Post

      hello benjamin

      i am a bit of a newbie here. what do you mean by the quote above? do i need to buy clicks/view for the video or do i advertise my video with youtube ad?
      Hi Azrul,
      Just do a quick Google search for different types of YouTube promotions for your video. Make sure you research what you are using before putting it into place as it "could" potentially harm rankings and give the possibility of de-indexing your video. Hope this helped.

      Kind Regards,
      Benjamin Lamontagne
      Realist Warrior - Contact me at - Benjamin Lamontagne
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8344770].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author parad0x
    Thanks for sharing this method, but the most pain is getting adsense account. I had mine since 2007, until it got banned in 2012
    And, btw, i have 13M+ views on my channel on YouTube
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8345493].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author andyelle1
    Of course he has no proof it works, he copied it word for word from another forum. Typical WF bullshitter.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8352371].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author reno
      Originally Posted by andyelle1 View Post

      Of course he has no proof it works, he copied it word for word from another forum. Typical WF bullshitter.
      Andy, Why would you come to a thread and post such a ridiculous statement ?? Do you have proof that he copied from another forum/post ? Have you tried the method he outlines?? Did you notice what he is sharing this FREE - GRATIS - No Charge ??? He is not asking to opt-in either!!!
      You Andy, are way out of line for calling him a BS'er!! Get a Grip !!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8352443].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author andyelle1
        Originally Posted by reno View Post

        Andy, Why would you come to a thread and post such a ridiculous statement ?? Do you have proof that he copied from another forum/post ? Have you tried the method he outlines?? Did you notice what he is sharing this FREE - GRATIS - No Charge ??? He is not asking to opt-in either!!!
        You Andy, are way out of line for calling him a BS'er!! Get a Grip !!
        Ridiculous??? Well considering I wrote the original post on another forum, that is proof enough to me. That sure makes him a bullshitter to me.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8353737].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author datingworld
    Great information here,
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8354099].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author WhiteLighter
    As much as I like free methods I do have a couple of questions I hope you don't mind me asking. Thanks by the way before I go all selfish and ask.

    1. When you say be sure not to get something from someone elses mobile cam? Could you clarify what type of videos then? We don't create the video ourselves but get someone else's video? What type?

    2. Do you recommend vagex or buying views or subscriptions?

    3. What other niches would work that people might find interesting?

    I think this could work but there are a lot of pieces to the puzzle that are missing (which I do not mind paying for! I don't expect things handed to me on a silver platter)

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8354167].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Gringo7
    copy pasted from blackhatworld thread from few days ago
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8354228].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author LarryC
      Originally Posted by Gringo7 View Post

      copy pasted from blackhatworld thread from few days ago
      Not surprising when you consider the method.

      2) Go on a search to sites like YouTube and LiveLeak, or whatever video site you can get on really. Once on these sites gather up and download some "accident" "car crash" etc... type videos.

      3) Make darn sure you DON'T download any videos that were recorded on someones cellphone, or mobile camera. Make sure it is some sort of dash cam, security cam, etc.

      4) Start by uploading all of your videos with a eye-catching thumbnails and descriptions. (add keywords) >>

      You download other people's videos and then upload them to your own account. Definitely a black*hat tactic that will get your account banned.
      Content Writing, Ghostwriting, eBooks, editing, research.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8367779].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author andyelle1
        Originally Posted by LarryC View Post

        You download other people's videos and then upload them to your own account. Definitely a black*hat tactic that will get your account banned.
        I don't think you get it. Highly unlikely to get your account banned as they are security cameras, uploaded by companies who simply really could not give a fk about youtube.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8369480].message }}
  • Thanks Benjamin for your free method its worth a try I'm glad that you shared it to us and I hope I can follow your method based on what you told us to do.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8355456].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ibesmanicanbe
    One more thing to add into my inventory. Thanks, I will check it out.
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  • Profile picture of the author loads16017
    one of the cool methods i tested out few years ago. this works.
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  • Profile picture of the author Hrkjds
    Yes, it works. I had tried. But never earned $500 a day...
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  • Profile picture of the author ZiaUrRehman
    Nice strategy. I'm going to try it with CPA. Lets see what happens
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8357623].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author kasji
      Your method?
      copy pasted from blackhatworld thread from few days ago?
      lol mr benjamin
      shame on you
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8357879].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author ongur
        Can someone tell me what to do to get an accept to monetize my videos? They keep getting declined for monetizing because of copyright issues. I have to prove that I have the rights to post the vids.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8358178].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author bluecoyotemedia

    why would you copy this from 2 other blackhat forums and pawn this off as your own

    what are you peanut minded???



    Originally Posted by Benjamin Lamontagne View Post

    Hello fellow Warriors, here is a classic method I would like to share that is fantastic for people to start earning some cash or even a full time income.

    Required in order for this to work:
    - Google Ad-sense Account.
    - 6 month or older YouTube account.
    - Some start up cash (pays itself back fairly fast)

    The Steps For It To Work - Don't skip any steps.

    1) Firstly, make your YouTube account videos focus on a specific niche like dash cams, car crashed and security cameras. Link your YouTube account with Google Ad-sense and enable monetization. Doing that will automatically make you a YouTube partner. Also, make sure that you have the featured thumbnail option enabled.

    2) Go on a search to sites like YouTube and LiveLeak, or whatever video site you can get on really. Once on these sites gather up and download some "accident" "car crash" etc... type videos.

    3) Make darn sure you DON'T download any videos that were recorded on someones cellphone, or mobile camera. Make sure it is some sort of dash cam, security cam, etc.

    4) Start by uploading all of your videos with a eye-catching thumbnails and descriptions. (add keywords)

    5) This isn't really a step but make sure you don't put up hundreds of videos daily. Your YouTube channel is completely legitimate, it's not a fake spam account.

    6) Now you should promote a very interesting, potentially viral video by paying money to YouTube advertising/promotion. This step makes a world of the difference. YouTube clicks are super cheap. Don't narrow down to any particular demographics. If your video is really interesting, people will Like and Share it. Within a few of days, YouTube will naturally begin to show it as video suggestion beside extremely popular videos related to yours. Even your other videos will start receiving more views just because of you're other popular video.

    7) Upon one of your promoted videos gaining a minimum of 100k views, stop promoting it. It will now get tons of views all by itself. Choose another video and repeat the process. In the meantime, don't stop uploading videos.

    8) It won't take long and your channel will have thousands of subscribers. Once this happens you will be placed into suggested channels. At this point, you will be set.

    9) With this method your Ad-sense earnings will absolutely go sky high. The best part, you can't get banned! If you are consistent and put it in place properly you can most definitely earn .XX daily, no problem.


    - All of these types of videos will not be taken down with a DMCA notice. In the very rare case that this does happen just take the video down immediately. But then again, it won't happen.

    - You need an old YouTube account in order to start monetizing immediately. If not, all of your videos will be entered for review by YouTube which can in turn lead to issues.

    If this post helped you out at all please feel free to give me a simple thanks!

    Kind Regards,
    Benjamin Lamontagne

    Skunkworks: noun. informal.

    A clandestine group operating without any external intervention or oversight. Such groups achieve significant breakthroughs rarely discussed in public because they operate "outside the box".

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8358432].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author parad0x
    how much you'd earn for 1k views, average?
    just interested, my videos now gaining 25k of views every day, and it's just 4 of them. around 22k each day from only 2 videos).
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8362811].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author parad0x
    Anyone, tell me the average CPM please
    Want to monetize my 25k daily views
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8363673].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ongur
      How do you copy videos without losing the right to monetize them?
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  • Profile picture of the author milence
    How cheep are YT clicks? Because if the clicks is even 0.001, which I sincerly doubt, you will need to spend quite a lot money to get just one video to 100k views.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8364704].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Nuutero
    Thanks man! I will definitely try this!!
    The simple things and subtleties they always stay the same
    I don't mind, that I don't mind, no, I don't mind the rain
    Like a widow's heart
    We fall apart
    But never fade away
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8368050].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author cowrat
    thanks bruce
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8405557].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author lizajack2013

    youtube is really a potential place for making money thanks for sharing information
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  • Profile picture of the author mactadvi
    Thank you Bro;

    Actually i have adsense account which is about 3 years old and you tube account 1 year old. But i didn't tried with this things yet.

    You told earlier that you get earning from 70 to 125 daily by this method within 2 month . So its possible to make this much daily. I will follow all of you instructions but can you tell me which videos i need to upload on my channel and how much i need to invest on startup ?

    Thank you for your help.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8405812].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author 9999
    It's worth a try, thanks for the details!
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  • Profile picture of the author Tech2Fetch
    I have YouTube account with more then 500 subscribers. and can I use social media exchange likes in order to gain views ?
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  • Profile picture of the author hbhanot
    Youtube plus CPA is the route to go. Why upload your own video. Use other people videos. Find some popular videos and make sure owner of the video is not Youtube partner. Send a simple message to him if he has no link in description. Tell him you will pay him via paypal whenever i will get a sale or ask him if he can add your link in description of his video. Pay him $5 or $ 10 one time or share profits its up to you.

    This process takes some time but I have done it in the past and it still works. I find it hard for me so I chose other methods.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8409134].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author mrhelpful
    Does your Google account still count as a Youtube account in this case? Or do I have to be making videos for the last 6 months+ ?

    I'm 19, no mom or dad.
    I'm traveling the country through money I make online.
    Visit and succeed.

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