Facebook & G+ content

6 replies
Hi there,

I've my site online and now I'd like build social pages on facebook and G+. Could I write the same content on these pages? Or must I write new content?

My idea is create FB and G+ for promotion, but I don't want mantain 3 sites. Could I write a part of my articles and a link to my page?

How could affect my page in SEO?

Thank you very much.
#content #facebook
  • Profile picture of the author Magicalidea
    Same is ok. They all understand it's from unique source
    What is your site ?
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  • Profile picture of the author azhar
    No, You should change and write unique content for social websites to get promotions.
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    • Profile picture of the author poerbucker
      Originally Posted by Magicalidea View Post

      Same is ok. They all understand it's from unique source
      What is your site ?
      Originally Posted by azhar View Post

      No, You should change and write unique content for social websites to get promotions.
      And so? What is better?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8824834].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author azhar
        Originally Posted by poerbucker View Post

        And so? What is better?
        The better is to write a unique, short paragraph about your product and post into facebook. Please avoid duplicate content, as its not valuable in the eye of search engine...
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  • Profile picture of the author The SEO
    I think if you wanna get traffic then buy Facebook ads for your website instead doing contextual promotion.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jeffery Moss
    On Google+ you will want to create longer blog like content. But on Facebook you could easily make one paragraph posts and still generate user interest. So it should not take so much more time to create unique content for both sites. Though you still have the option to excerpt part of a Google+ post and repost that to Facebook and then link to the page.
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