The cure to the recent Facebook algorithm change...

49 replies
Hey guys,

If you've been running a fan page as a traffic source, then you've probably seen the massive effects of the recent Facebook algorithm change. Pretty much, they've diminished organic reach for fan page messages a bunch.

I've followed a simple 3 message per day strategy that has worked wonders for me over the past 2 years... but the last month, I've had to re-evaluate my plan and find a way to work with this new algorithm.

Luckily, I came across a recent presentation from Tanner Larsson which showed his strategy. Instead of the more passive 3 messages per day, Tanner suggested posting 14+ messages per day during peak hours.

I thought this was crazy at first. I didn't want to burn out my readers. But then I thought about it, and I saw the potential...

I always have used my 3 day strategy to maximize likes and shares per post… but that really doesn’t mean much as far as actually traffic counts. The real traffic comes from the FANS that see your message right as you post it… not so much the organic reach beyond that. Posting more messages per day should definitely increase actual traffic… and that’s what really counts!

So I gave the 14 message per day strategy a shot yesterday and the results have been spectacular....

For Amazon, I made 2 sales the entire month from this single fan page... and 8 sales yesterday:

ClickBank products saw a nice boost in sales...

And my favorite result... the amount of subscribers I got yesterday compared to all last week! Subscribers = BIG MONEY down the road.

So the lesson to beat the new Facebook algorithm is to post more... and spread out your content so it's not the same thing over and over again.

#algorithm #change #cure #facebook #recent
  • Profile picture of the author anthmyers
    What are the "peak hours" you refer to/working best for you?

    Congrats, by the way.
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    • Profile picture of the author petelta
      Originally Posted by anthmyers View Post

      What are the "peak hours" you refer to/working best for you?

      Congrats, by the way.
      That will depend on your niche. If you look inside your fan page insights, it will tell you when your audience is on most.

      My peak hours are from around 8 AM to 9 PM on this page.
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      • Profile picture of the author Missouri31
        Originally Posted by petelta View Post

        That will depend on your niche. If you look inside your fan page insights, it will tell you when your audience is on most.

        My peak hours are from around 8 AM to 9 PM on this page.
        Interesting idea...I've been using the 2 or 3 posts during the peak time method and it's been working pretty well for me. But I may have to give this a try.

        So, let's say you are posting 14 much time are you putting between each post? 20-30 minutes or so, which would cover close to 7hrs? Or much less time?
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        • Profile picture of the author petelta
          Originally Posted by Missouri31 View Post

          So, let's say you are posting 14 much time are you putting between each post? 20-30 minutes or so, which would cover close to 7hrs? Or much less time?
          I'm posting once an hour from 8 AM to 9 PM.. (14 posts). I get way less likes and shares per post... but my daily reach is 4-5x higher than usual and my actual traffic to my sales funnels is having teh same effect.

          It's gotten so good right now, I've turned back on like campaigns that I shut off weeks ago after the Facebook changes.
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          • Profile picture of the author Missouri31
            Originally Posted by petelta View Post

            I'm posting once an hour from 8 AM to 9 PM.. (14 posts). I get way less likes and shares per post... but my daily reach is 4-5x higher than usual and my actual traffic to my sales funnels is having teh same effect.

            It's gotten so good right now, I've turned back on like campaigns that I shut off weeks ago after the Facebook changes.
            Hmmm....well, I might have to try this. I just wonder what effect it would have in the long run? Maybe fan burnout? Maybe not? Perhaps Facebook will punish your page for having fewer likes and shares per post? Maybe not? Only one way to find out I guess.

            Right now I get about 35% on average to view each post, doing a 2-3 per day..of course I guess I don't know how many of those are fans, and how many are from fan shares . . .because the "reach" number would include both, correct?
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            • Profile picture of the author petelta
              Originally Posted by Missouri31 View Post

              Hmmm....well, I might have to try this. I just wonder what effect it would have in the long run? Maybe fan burnout? Maybe not? Perhaps Facebook will punish your page for having fewer likes and shares per post? Maybe not? Only one way to find out I guess.

              Right now I get about 35% on average to view each post, doing a 2-3 per day..of course I guess I don't know how many of those are fans, and how many are from fan shares . . .because the "reach" number would include both, correct?
              You won't burn them out as long as you have a good rotation of posts. Don't promote the same offer all day and don't have promotions back to back.

              Facebook has started giving boosts to pages that post more.

              Plus, you're not measuring the most important stat from this whole system... the traffic/buyers. Who cares how much reach each post gets if you make 4x more sales in a day from the same fan page.
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  • Profile picture of the author dcmarketer
    I can second this - it works and have been doing it for about a month now.

    We're posting 20-22 times per day to some pages (almost once per hour).

    "Reach" and "Talking About This" has never been higher since the Alogo changes. Engagement is also fantastic.

    More importantly "unlikes" haven't increased above the norm prior to increasing the posting schedule.

    Obviously, you want to post relevant material however.



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    Earning monthly recurring revenue from all of your blog posts. Set your own pricing. Compatible with AdSense and other 3rd party networks.

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  • Profile picture of the author yoangov
    Thanks a lot for gather all of this together for us!
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  • Profile picture of the author natashakim
    Thank you for your suggestion. I guess I'll apply this method. But I hope I don't annoy my audience. That is the only concern for me.
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  • Profile picture of the author jsmiz
    Travis, do you hide previous promotion posts when the new one has been posted? Or just keep them all for the day and hide them 24 hr later? Or just keep them all period.

    If you do POF ads, you need solid campaign tracking and managing. Contact me for more info!

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    • Profile picture of the author petelta
      Originally Posted by jsmiz View Post

      Travis, do you hide previous promotion posts when the new one has been posted? Or just keep them all for the day and hide them 24 hr later? Or just keep them all period.
      I let them stay up. People don't typically skim your fan page... they see the posts on their wall when they are posted. So they dont' see the multiple offers... plus I have some viral content coming between promotions to spread it out.
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    • Profile picture of the author Missouri31
      Travis and are the views I'm getting right now (these are the most current posts over the last 4-days. What do you think of my current reach? Okay?

      This is on a page with approx 2,300 likes. I've built up almost all of the likes with Facebook Ads, I'm sure there are a few hundred that are from people liking the page because their friends have liked it, etc.. I know that in the end it comes down to results, not reach . . . but all things being equal more reach will equal better results...and I'm curious as to how this compares to others.

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      • Profile picture of the author petelta
        Originally Posted by Missouri31 View Post

        Travis and are the views I'm getting right now (these are the most current posts over the last 4-days. What do you think of my current reach? Okay?

        This is on a page with approx 2,300 likes. I've built up almost all of the likes with Facebook Ads, I'm sure there are a few hundred that are from people liking the page because their friends have liked it, etc.. I know that in the end it comes down to results, not reach . . . but all things being equal more reach will equal better results...and I'm curious as to how this compares to others.

        that's pretty good man... especially with the amount of fans you have. Just keep it up and send those viewers to funnels that make you money now.

        I've started up all my "like" ad campaigns again because my fan pages are making a positive ROI again. YAY
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        • Profile picture of the author Missouri31
          Originally Posted by petelta View Post

          that's pretty good man... especially with the amount of fans you have. Just keep it up and send those viewers to funnels that make you money now.

          I've started up all my "like" ad campaigns again because my fan pages are making a positive ROI again. YAY

          My strategy is to build the Facebook page, but try to get as many of the fans to my website as possible. Almost every post I make links back to the website or some other external resource (such as email subscribe page) outside of Facebook.

          MY TESTS:
          I've read that Facebook is now giving much more weight to links from outside the site. HOWEVER, the results of my testing are interesting:

          Posting just an external link with the facebook embedded description and pic that Facebook grabs from the site, does not get nearly the response as posting that same external link, but uploading my own picture to Facebook.

          For example, yesterday I tested this out, making two posts about an hour apart, with about the same number of fans online. The first post was the default Facebook gives you when you post a link (the description and image that Facebook pulls from the linked site). This post only had about 250 views..which is pretty bad.

          However, when I uploaded the exact same image Facebook pulled from the site for the first post, and just added the link to the picture description, the response was 5.5x better, with almost 1,400 views.

          And, I've repeated the results above many times. For me, at least for my page, this is what works best.
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          • Profile picture of the author petelta
            Originally Posted by Missouri31 View Post

            I've read that Facebook is now giving much more weight to links from outside the site. HOWEVER, the results of my testing are interesting:
            I've noticed this as well. My product promotion posts are doing better than ever. They do better than most of my posts leading to squeeze pages even.

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          • Profile picture of the author jsmiz
            Originally Posted by Missouri31 View Post


            My strategy is to build the Facebook page, but try to get as many of the fans to my website as possible. Almost every post I make links back to the website or some other external resource (such as email subscribe page) outside of Facebook.

            MY TESTS:
            I've read that Facebook is now giving much more weight to links from outside the site. HOWEVER, the results of my testing are interesting:

            Posting just an external link with the facebook embedded description and pic that Facebook grabs from the site, does not get nearly the response as posting that same external link, but uploading my own picture to Facebook.

            For example, yesterday I tested this out, making two posts about an hour apart, with about the same number of fans online. The first post was the default Facebook gives you when you post a link (the description and image that Facebook pulls from the linked site). This post only had about 250 views..which is pretty bad.

            However, when I uploaded the exact same image Facebook pulled from the site for the first post, and just added the link to the picture description, the response was 5.5x better, with almost 1,400 views.

            And, I've repeated the results above many times. For me, at least for my page, this is what works best.
            The only thing you posted in the description above the image was the link? No other text before it?

            If you do POF ads, you need solid campaign tracking and managing. Contact me for more info!

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8976905].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author JasonB
            Originally Posted by Missouri31 View Post

            For example, yesterday I tested this out, making two posts about an hour apart, with about the same number of fans online. The first post was the default Facebook gives you when you post a link (the description and image that Facebook pulls from the linked site). This post only had about 250 views..which is pretty bad.
            So the link is in the description? and if they click the image, they stay on the image and aren't redirected to your website? Does that make sense as to what I'm asking?
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8976917].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Missouri31
              Originally Posted by jsmiz View Post

              The only thing you posted in the description above the image was the link? No other text before it?
              Most of the time what I do is paste the first paragraph or so of the article, and then "READ THE REST OF THE STORY HERE:" and add the website link..or some slight variation of this. And this is all in the description of the image (which is usually taken from the article itself).

              Originally Posted by JasonB View Post

              So the link is in the description? and if they click the image, they stay on the image and aren't redirected to your website? Does that make sense as to what I'm asking?
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8976938].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author JasonB
                Originally Posted by Missouri31 View Post

                Most of the time what I do is paste the first paragraph or so of the article, and then "READ THE REST OF THE STORY HERE:" and add the website link..or some slight variation of this. And this is all in the description of the image (which is usually taken from the article itself).


                Just be careful you don't run into these Copyright Violations when uploading a video.!

                The facebook Police is just 1 click away..

                I notice that this happens to me when I use certain "music" to go along with the videos I upload.

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          • Profile picture of the author JackCronfield
            Originally Posted by Missouri31 View Post


            My strategy is to build the Facebook page, but try to get as many of the fans to my website as possible. Almost every post I make links back to the website or some other external resource (such as email subscribe page) outside of Facebook.

            MY TESTS:
            I've read that Facebook is now giving much more weight to links from outside the site. HOWEVER, the results of my testing are interesting:

            Posting just an external link with the facebook embedded description and pic that Facebook grabs from the site, does not get nearly the response as posting that same external link, but uploading my own picture to Facebook.

            For example, yesterday I tested this out, making two posts about an hour apart, with about the same number of fans online. The first post was the default Facebook gives you when you post a link (the description and image that Facebook pulls from the linked site). This post only had about 250 views..which is pretty bad.

            However, when I uploaded the exact same image Facebook pulled from the site for the first post, and just added the link to the picture description, the response was 5.5x better, with almost 1,400 views.

            And, I've repeated the results above many times. For me, at least for my page, this is what works best.
            You are speaking about the views - what about the number of link clicks is it also 5.5x better ?
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  • Profile picture of the author owenwww
    One of my pages:

    Likes = 1,656
    Reach = 32,197
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  • Profile picture of the author jacpacdh
    Nice going. The more is better approach never fails.
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  • Profile picture of the author JasonB
    Originally Posted by petelta View Post

    So the lesson to beat the new Facebook algorithm is to post more... and spread out your content so it's not the same thing over and over again.

    I can concur with this... I do exactly the same and sometimes post even more...

    Shoot, I haven't even thought about posting an offer to anything...

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  • Profile picture of the author junkdna
    I have two pages with 4,000 fans. Should I start pumping content, or wait to get more?

    Guys With Brains Work for Guys With Balls. Guys With Balls Work for Luck.

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  • Profile picture of the author JasonB
    And if you don't have access to facebook all day long like some of us...

    You can always schedule your posts!

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  • Profile picture of the author Jeannie Crabtree
    Travis, can you give some idea of how much you are posting duplicate info per day? Example at 8 and 4, same post.

    Or are you posting about some of the same each day, but varying the verbage? Example - same Clickbank or Amazon offer twice, just different verbage.

    How many times a day are you posting offers?

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8977387].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author petelta
      Originally Posted by Jeannie Crabtree View Post

      Travis, can you give some idea of how much you are posting duplicate info per day? Example at 8 and 4, same post.

      Or are you posting about some of the same each day, but varying the verbage? Example - same Clickbank or Amazon offer twice, just different verbage.

      How many times a day are you posting offers?

      I like to switch up my offers unless I have a campaign goign on where I want to sell one particular thing...

      The only thing that gets posted twice in a single day would be a link to my email newsletters.
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  • Profile picture of the author junkdna
    I haven't implimented this part so far, but in order to avoid asking "how is it done" is this fan page a good example:

    Guys With Brains Work for Guys With Balls. Guys With Balls Work for Luck.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8977801].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Mohamad Latiff
      Wow... Just discovered this thread and this is the best find I have had so far in the past few days which answer a burning question I have been having (how to reach more of my 60,000 fans on Facebook organically).

      One example fan page (not mine) in a topic I am passionate about, fantasy and sci-fi, is this: - they practically post every few MINUTES as opposed to every few hours.

      And I don't see its popularity waning or fans complaining, because we are all mostly very passionate fans of our respective fantasy, science fiction or comic book superhero fandoms.

      Some of the posts are divisive, like pitting one fandom against another, and that's what's so brilliant about it.

      But apart from (I think) selling some kind of advertising service to self-published fantasy / sci-fi authors, I don't know how else this page admin is monetizing.
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  • Profile picture of the author ATL
    Ive started a TSpring campaign on Facebook and noticed after 9 hours there was zero activity. I found out that the suggested bid needs to be raised. I raised it and still don't see anything. Anybody know whats up with FB?
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  • Profile picture of the author md emran
    Are you using apps or Hootsuite to do so many posts? Or be in front of the computer all through the day for posting in every hour?

    If there is any App please recommend the best one.
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  • Profile picture of the author Assignmentwriter
    I have been started my Facebook page from 3 Days? When I post in groups ? Facebook new restrict me to new post ? so How can I solve this problem?
    Prospring launch offering a 100 Million in Prizes and stacks of benefits each week.

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  • Profile picture of the author reg0903
    Yes... make a schedule also when you post.. I prefer my 1st post every 6 to 7 am.. and the last 2 during 4 to 7 pm..
    I know how to run my ads using Facebook PVA without any problem.
    Please don't stop asking If you willing to know!

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  • Profile picture of the author JackCronfield
    Just to let you know guys - I've tried posting once an hour for a week and it didn't make any difference. SO it's probably not the magic solution (unfortunately). I've tried images as well as mixture of images and links but there was no improvement.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9005251].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author petelta
      Originally Posted by JackCronfield View Post

      Just to let you know guys - I've tried posting once an hour for a week and it didn't make any difference. SO it's probably not the magic solution (unfortunately). I've tried images as well as mixture of images and links but there was no improvement.
      I would bet you didn't have a winning system before starting to post more. It makes a huge difference in income.
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      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9009308].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Missouri31
        Originally Posted by petelta View Post

        I would bet you didn't have a winning system before starting to post more. It makes a huge difference in income.
        The strategy you laid out is still working well for me, as many of my posts are getting 50%+ total reach (as compared to number of pages likes). This is almost back to the pre algo change levels!

        One thing I have noticed, is that I will get the same number of likes and shares as a few months ago, but that same number of likes and shares will have a lot less total reach...guess that's the algo working across the personal pages.
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      • Profile picture of the author JackCronfield
        Originally Posted by petelta View Post

        I would bet you didn't have a winning system before starting to post more. It makes a huge difference in income.
        My results are based on two basic parameters - Post reach and traffic to my website. All I can say is that I haven't seen any improvement related to those parameters. I have various systems to convert the traffic but they need traffic for a start. I've also spoken with other page owners in my niche who used the same method but haven't seen any improvement. All I can say that I am not trying to sell anything here and this is my honest and true conclusion of the results.
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        • Profile picture of the author petelta
          Originally Posted by JackCronfield View Post

          My results are based on two basic parameters - Post reach and traffic to my website. All I can say is that I haven't seen any improvement related to those parameters. I have various systems to convert the traffic but they need traffic for a start. I've also spoken with other page owners in my niche who used the same method but haven't seen any improvement. All I can say that I am not trying to sell anything here and this is my honest and true conclusion of the results.
          If you're not having success, I would bet money it's because you aren't delivering the right content for the system. I've seen huge increases in every page I have and I'm spread across a large spread of niches. It works for all of them. So I know it could work for you too.

          I would have to see your fan pages to see what you're doing or if you're doing anything at all.
          TEESPRING Student Rakes In Over $116k In Less Than 3 Months
          Niche Pro Profits - How I raked in OVER $120k in 9 months with authority niche sites...

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  • Profile picture of the author banwork
    First, you have posted awesome information here. You have explained why my newsfeed has been so clogged lately! This new algorithm change has been rocking my own newsfeed with page posts and I have been unliking pages fast a as a result. If you want to post more, make sure to keep the content top notch!

    Thank you to the 400+ warriors that chose to buy my Facebook WSO granting lifetime access to my Udemy course!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9005277].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author JackCronfield
      Originally Posted by banwork View Post

      First, you have posted awesome information here. You have explained why my newsfeed has been so clogged lately! This new algorithm change has been rocking my own newsfeed with page posts and I have been unliking pages fast a as a result. If you want to post more, make sure to keep the content top notch!
      Banwork - unfortunately (or fortunately :-)) you will not be in my target market which is completely not related to IM so those posts that you saw in your newsfeed are not mine LOL !

      P.S - my coronet is top notch but Facebook is *&^%$# us currently
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  • Hi
    Thanks a lot for providing such piece of information.
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  • Profile picture of the author owenwww
    Does anyone else find that posts disappear shortly after you've posted them on your fan page? I have been posting 3 times a day on one of my pages and after a week, at least half are no longer visible on the page. Scrolling down I see 3 per day for the last 4-5 days, after that there are entire days randomly missing.
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  • Profile picture of the author JoelDean
    Yes as Facebook series of updates especially talking about their algorithm, frequency of posting plays a crucial rule especially if you're running ads on your page. As long you're posting relevant as to not annoying your fan/readers on every posts obviously will give better results to your traffic.

    Proven to Rank up and Build Up Your Youtube Channel

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  • Profile picture of the author getaprogrammer14
    Thank you for sharing your ideas.
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  • Profile picture of the author KeyboardHustler
    In my experience, posting too often results in people drops out

    Currently posting 1-5 posts a day and a video.

    Maybe it depends on the niche.
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