Totally Free Twitter Follow/ Unfollow/ Tweet/Retweet / Favourite Software (Twitter King)
My name is Steve and I'm working on new site at I'm currently making some twitter and instagram follower/unfollower software and I'd like some feedback on my work so far!
Now I'm no expert developer so the software can be a bit buggy, but it's FREE so give me a break right?
The software:
Tweets From a list of Tweets you give it
Follows from a list of followers
Followers Users that are following another user
Follows Users that another user follows
Favourites Tweets that contain specific Keywords
Has a random delay feature so (default one action per minute to two but that's up to you)
Can use multiple accounts and set a proxy to each
Has no limits (apart from it's bugs)
Name is beta (TWITTER KING!)
Will always be free - it's just being put out to help market the site really.
The downloads page is still under development, but as I've taken so much from this forum (as a lurker) in the past I thought it's good to give back. I'd really appreciate your feedback, and you can do that privately or publically by replying to this thread. I'll do my best to fix bugs and to create a user guide, but if we can all help each other on this thread then everybody might benefit?
The download link is here: Free Twitter Download
And for anyone that is using it and writes a review or answers questions (once it's working for you!) I'm happy to send 500 fake followers to the profile to give it a boost, or 10,000 if you have a blog for a review, and you will be linked in the case study. Just shoot me an email with your username and link to the thread/post and I'll give you a code for the buy twitter section. (Shameless plug sorry!)
Anyway hope that's all ok for you guys, happy testing to those that want to give it a go.
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