Website Review Please?

10 replies
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Can you review my website (forum) please

RoofersClub .com

#forum #review #website
  • Profile picture of the author RealCasher
    It's a forum.. I don't like the ad on the top.. below the top logo would be better, you can add one on the bottom too.

    The optin box at the bottom is really bad and big.. make it smaller to fit well.

    Design is good.
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  • Profile picture of the author Offline Otis
    Sorry, I should have said forum. I can't see where I can edit the main thread topic?

    I appreciate your tips and advice. Where would you put the optin box?

    I thought the ad looked funny when it was under it....that's what I originally had.
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  • Profile picture of the author chillheart
    It crashes my browser...

    I use NoScript in FireFox. When I allow javascript on your site, the whole thing gives me a "(Not Responding)".

    Tried it twice; happened twice.

    I mean, I know my comp isn't state-of-the-art but come on.
    Chillin' hard...
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  • Profile picture of the author Offline Otis

    I've never had anyone say that? I'm using google chrome, but I'll try firefox and see what happens on my computer. Thanks for the input
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  • Profile picture of the author hashila
    header image is loading poorly, you must add a header image with low quality. It will help you.

    You may make some main forums and sub forums as categories.
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  • Profile picture of the author IMHound
    You are not going to get many opt-ins for your - Roofing Business+Marketing Newsletter

    with the form being at the bottom of the page.

    I see you are using website toolbox, I checked their FAQ and see they allows you to add html, so the question is, Can you place the form where you want to?

    Or can you add a better lead capture system?

    I have never used website toolbox so I can't help any further.
    Maybe some other warrior knows.
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  • Profile picture of the author Offline Otis
    Hashila, thanks. Ill check what resolution it is.

    IM hound, thanks. I'm curious how you knew it was website toolbox, you are correct.
    I asked them before if there was a feature to allow me to add a seperate page, but
    They said no. That's all I asked them though.
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    • Profile picture of the author IMHound

      I sniffed thru your source code when I determined that it wasn't a CMS (Drupal, Wordpress,etc.).

      Wanted to see what platform it was in order to make best recommendation.
      Once I found your header is on amazon cloud (website toolbox's account).

      I just asked the almighty wizard (google) and there you have it.

      Now that I am on a different network, I agree with others about your header loading slow.

      I checked your header, it is 1.1 Mb png image - I took it and optimized it. (Just means I compressed it)

      I got it down to 251.9 KB 77% of what it was.

      I can't attached it to post, so this is what you need to do;

      1. Download your header image to your pc unless you already have it.
      2. Goto and drag header image to input box (you will see it)
      3. Watch it do its thing..
      4. Be amazed at the results.
      5. download image to your pc.
      6. Swap out bulky header with new lean header.
      7. Go drink a beer.

      Also, there are other sites out there, just ask the wizard(google), this was the first one I sniffed out.

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  • Profile picture of the author TygraOlympia
    I like everything so far except for the email capture you have at the very bottom of the forum.
    Try putting that somewhere else. Like in a thread that's stickied everywhere.
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  • Profile picture of the author Offline Otis
    TygraOlympia ,

    Thanks,that's a good idea.
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