Wordpress design question

4 replies
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I have a client that wants a Wordpress blog site.

They have what I would call 5 static pages that they may want to make minor changes to.

They site will NOT have any of the standard Wordpress things... Banners across the top, Sidebars, etc. Basically this will look like a standard web page.

Thing is, each page has a very different layout.

Is this possible in Wordpress? If so, how do you go about doing this?

Thanks for any comments.
#design #question #wordpress
  • Profile picture of the author Steve Diamond
    Hi, Richard. Yes. In any WP theme you can create as many different page templates and post templates as you like. When you create or edit a page or post, you simply assign the template you want to use. There's a drop-down list on the edit page. (Most people don't pay attention to it since most themes have just one page template and one post template.)

    Mindfulness training & coaching online
    Reduce stress | Stay focused | Keep positive and balanced
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    • Profile picture of the author Steve Diamond
      Here's some more detail on what I wrote in the previous post.

      The drop-down that lets you choose a template is in the right-hand column of the Edit Page page, under Attributes. You may have to click the Attributes bar to open its contents. If your theme just has one template, you probably won't see the template selector until you create another one.

      To create a different page template, you can either start from scratch or copy the default page template file, usually page.php, in your theme's folder. In other words, save a copy under another name. Then revise the copy. At the beginning of the new template file, add the following code:
      PHP Code:
      Template Name: Name of Your Template
      That goes right at the beginning of the file, before anything else.

      See this section from the WordPress Codex for more detail.

      Mindfulness training & coaching online
      Reduce stress | Stay focused | Keep positive and balanced
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      • Profile picture of the author Richard Whyte

        Sent you a PM, but thought a Public Thank you was deserved.

        I am reading the link you sent... And a lot more..

        You help was appreciated.

        Have a Great Day!
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  • Profile picture of the author houdy
    Richard, Steve has you going in the right direction and if you need more help I have a few posts on my site about this and if you Google: custom static wordpress page - Google Search My posts are just under the top from the official WordPress.org codex site.
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