Newly launched Site a lot of Traffic but No Sales

13 replies
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HI Guys,

i have recently launched my first affiliate site and iam pretty much a beginner, By the look of it iam making a few beginner mistakes.

The site is live since first week of february i bought some traffic which was pretty crap.Anyway iam currently receiving around 100 organic visitors from google per day for my keywords which are targeted to the product iam offering. In the beginning i had a massive bounce rate , managed to decrease that. then i saw people are not staying long enough on the site managed to fix that.

So iam getting visitors but no sales at all yet and clicks on the affiliate links are pretty

I dont want people to dig around on my site for too long i want them to go the the provider website asap

would appreciate your honest and constructive feedback

Ps> Things to be fixed for the site in the next days is loading speed, design , more content/tweak existing content and adding articles
#launched #lot #newly #sales #site #traffic
  • Profile picture of the author Fredbou
    One big thing I observe is that you have all the good info below the fold. Try moving the info above the fold and putting the products below.

    Your English needs to be tweaked somewhat to give the site more credence with native English speakers so your info becomes more believable. There are errors with grammar and structure of sentences that could be addressed.

    I don't like the popups. They are a pet hate of mine and many other people. I NEVER use them because of their annoyance! I just close them without paying attention to them. Perhaps others don't mind them, but I wouldn't use them, just in case others dislike them like I do!

    It's good that you're using https , as that gives visitors a sense of security.

    Your site is quite slow, but you already know that. You have a page size of 2.3 Mb and 254 requests. I think a lot of it is to do with Wix requests.

    The site is quite good, with helpful advice and I wish you luck with sales. Hang in there!

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  • thank you Fredbou .

    i have checked out my competitors and they do it the same way so not sure if should follow your advice regarding the fold.
    Another thing is that i had like 40 clicks when i had "buy now" on the buttons and know when i have visit site its like nothing. Iam guessing i need another 2 weeks or so to check if the new buttons work.

    What do you think how long does it take until i see results i dont want to change designs etc as i would like to have timeframe for testing this site and then amend if necessary and get better design
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    • Profile picture of the author Fredbou
      "i have checked out my competitors and they do it the same way so not sure if should follow your advice regarding the fold."

      Because your competitors do it that doesn't mean it's the best or only way to do it.

      For me, I don't like to be hit with products straight away. I go to a Website primarily to get information and that is what I want to see first, then you can hit me with the hard sell.

      Perhaps try it both ways and see if your results are any different.

      Please tell me why people go to your site. Is it for the reviews or because they have a virus?

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  • Profile picture of the author katerinavaiou
    I checked your website. Its a good one as review site. I am quite sure your website will generate sale very soon. You can consider creating different category for desktop anti virus and another one for mobile anti virus.
    I hope that would help.
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    • yeah will add more content and especially better overview regarding desktop and mobile versions of the antivirus tools
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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    That page/link in OP is a total cluster $#@%.

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  • Profile picture of the author Vishakha Amutech
    Is this traffic is organic? Please let me know the best way to contact you so We can discuss this in detail.
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  • Profile picture of the author DCR MEL
    Your site looks ok with some minor errors to be fixed: grammar, Spelling...
    Let the page load faster by making light content.
    Also allow high visibility to the products and CTA buttons...
    Good luck
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    • this has been fixed. could you please give me a little bit more insight regarding the CTA buttons how would you do it ?
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  • Profile picture of the author InkLess
    My comments are more from a content perspective since the layout of the website itself look good.

    First I find it hard to see which of your five proposed softwares is best for which environment (e.g. cell phone, desktop, ...). In your table all five have all green marks ticked.

    Second, Panda (Complete) is offered for 35$ in this week's sale while in the table below price is stated to start at even 32.50$. For Norton you state prices to start at 49$ within the table and at the top you state 50% discount based on 59$. Does not sound to confident to me.

    Third, at the buttom of the page you state "We promise you that we only work with anti-virus software partners that offer up to 75% Discount". Honestly, I do not prefer to have a software provider which needs to provide up tp 75% discount to sell its software but rather a highly protecting anti-virus product.

    So all in all, site is good which explains the traffic but content is not matching the qualitaty of the design and which one would expect from an anti-virus software.

    Hope I could help
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    • thanks for the feedback this has been fixed. well spotted
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  • Profile picture of the author Affportal
    Your site isn't mobile responsive. You might want to take a look at that...

    AffPortal Niche Research & Campaign Development Tools - CLICK HERE >>

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