7 replies
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Hi all,

Can you suggest me a tool - website or software - which shows the color for a given html color code, such as #d5d6d7, also which gives me the code for a given color. I know some websites which show a limited number of colors and codes representing them, what I need is, I will put into the code and it will return the corresponding color.

Thanks in advance.
#codes #color #html
  • Profile picture of the author NowIstheTime
    Perhaps this is what you were looking for

    Hexadecimal to RGB color code converter

    Just Replace the ~ with /'s and you're good to go.

    Peace, NItT
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  • Profile picture of the author netvisao
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    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      I've used color pixie for years - simple, easy and gives full info when you put your cursor on a color.

      Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
      2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • Profile picture of the author Harrier
    You might like this one too..
    Just hover on the color chip and the background will change to that color
    SU HoverChart
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    • Profile picture of the author Allen Bell
      I just did a 10 second google search for color codes and found 25,300,000.
      The one that stands out to me the most was Html Color Codes.
      Good Luck
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      • Profile picture of the author stevehong
        If you don't just want to see what color a hex value is but also get color harmony samples so you can choose matching colors, try one of my favorite color tools:Color Scheme Designer 3 (I can't post a link because this is only my 2nd post on Warrior Forum, so Google it).

        Try clicking the hex value at the bottom right of the color wheel to change the hex value to your color and then match away.

        I've been designing websites for 11 years, and I've used this tool for many of them.
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  • Profile picture of the author csc4u
    If you ever want to know the exact color of an image on a web page you are on try ColorZilla. It's a free Firefox plugin. I can't post links yet so just search Google for ColorZilla Firefox plugin. It will be the first result. I just found it a week ago and I've found it pretty useful.
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