Wordpress and programming knowledge

7 replies
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Hello Guys,

I am a core network person but with little knowledge of setting up website using wordress.

Now I want to build a site like imdb.com with same purpose.

1. Will wordpress give all this features using themes and plugins or I still have to code. I don't know how to code.

2. Please assist with a theme and plugin that can do this.
#knowledge #programming #wordpress
  • Profile picture of the author chriswhiteley
    Having some dev skills would be helpful, but you would be surprised at what type of themes people have developer.

    Themeforest is my go to place for themes. I quickly was able to find something similar that is a movie listing database theme: https://themeforest.net/item/movify-...87487?s_rank=2

    Otherwise, this search string has quite a list of themes that may fit your requirements: https://themeforest.net/category/wor...inment/film-tv
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  • Profile picture of the author Trevor Sands
    Yes you can make good website with wordpress. it's better than using the html code it gives you all the features , themes and plugins. yes give it a try you would love it
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  • Profile picture of the author harrisjaved
    WordPress is the best content management system (CMS) available today. This software allows you to easily create, edit, manage and publish content on your website without having to learn any programming at all.
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  • Profile picture of the author managepro
    Originally Posted by justkennie View Post

    Hello Guys,

    I am a core network person but with little knowledge of setting up website using wordress.

    Now I want to build a site like imdb.com with same purpose.

    1. Will wordpress give all this features using themes and plugins or I still have to code. I don't know how to code.

    2. Please assist with a theme and plugin that can do this.
    Hi Kennie,

    WordPress is a great choice, simple and has several plugins. For your purpose, to create a movie review website, here are some movie based plugins you can look at for starters.

    7 Best WordPress Cinema Plugins - Best Plugins

    Thanks and Best Regards
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  • Profile picture of the author SyntacticsInc
    Hi, Justkennie!

    Access to features, themes, and plugins will depend on which type of Wordpress you are using. WordPress.com runs on the official WordPress servers. WordPress.org is the self-hosted version that runs on your own web hosting account.

    1. The great thing about WordPress too is that you no longer have to code since they have themes for both WordPress.com and WordPress.org.

    2. WordPress.org has access to all themes and plugins such as Yoast SEO which will help your page improve its contents and how it appears in Google search engines. With the Yoast plugin, you can customize how your site's title, description, and url will appear in Google and other search engines. The plugin will also help you to format your content such as your paragraphs, headings, and sentences to make them more readable to audiences.

    There are many IT agencies that can help you with Wordpress and the many features and plugins if you find that you need more assistance from professional web developers and designers.
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  • Profile picture of the author Samsungtab
    Thanks for sharing this great information with us. This is really very great to know abot wordpress programming.
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  • Profile picture of the author portablesys
    Programming knowledge is very very important if your planning to grow your website among all. You have great chance if you have great programming skills.
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