Increase in spam emails-from email address on website?

4 replies
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I noticed that during the covid shutdown, spam emails decreased a lot, then after the reopening, they increased a lot. A Wordpress client asked about that as he's noticed a huge increase esp in spam emails about seo. I know I saw his email as text in the footer (so not a link, but still able to be found and copied y a bot or person).
My assumption was that it was from the shutdown, that the spammers are desperate for more income.

I think my assumption is correct, but if anyone has any other idea for this, let me know.

Also, how do you handle posting the email on the website? I doubt he would want to use a contact form, but if that's the way you handle it, ok to say so.
#address #email #emailsfrom #increase #spam #website
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  • Profile picture of the author Ruwan
    I've seen on some websites they simply write "name at". Can work against bots, not necessarily for human spammers.
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  • Profile picture of the author e-mail2u
    I have my own a security website that monitors all my sites and can block bad bots, spammers and most hacker attacks automatically. It also gives me the an added advantage if i block someone manually for spamming all sites are protected instantly. All i have to do is put a couple of lines of code into the index or header file and the site is protected..
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11608197].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Medon
      Originally Posted by e-mail2u View Post

      I have my own a security website that monitors all my sites and can block bad bots, spammers and most hacker attacks automatically. It also gives me the an added advantage if i block someone manually for spamming all sites are protected instantly. All i have to do is put a couple of lines of code into the index or header file and the site is protected..
      Wou! this is magnanimous. Tell us more about the website I am willing to walk the extra mile to lease or buy a similar one if possible.
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  • Profile picture of the author atmosbob
    I haven't noticed with email but I have blocking via my server hosts.

    What I have noticed is that junk photne calls stopped during the UK's lockdown and then started up again as soon as it was eased. Back to 4 calls a day.
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