What plugins allow users to submit content, display it on my website?

2 replies
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Could you please recommend what plugins allow users to submit content, display it on my website, and sort the displayed content?

Your input will be highly appreciated!

Thanks a lot.
#content #display #plugins #submit #users #website
  • Profile picture of the author patrick919
    Hi magiclito,

    I suppose you are using WordPerss for your website since you mentioned "plugins." If this is the case, I can recommend a few that will work for your situation. Here they are:

    1. Gravity Forms
    2. Fluent Forms
    3. Contact Form 7

    You may need to purchase a license to create what you need.

    Hope that helps.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11749116].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author RMRC
    User Submitted Posts and Helpie WP are both plugins that allow user submitted content and sorting.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11749146].message }}

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