**Finally Up And Running With The New Design!** Thanks For Help!

41 replies
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This should be the final design for my website. Let me know what do you think about it.

I decided to give something for your review. I can offer you an opportunity to place your textlink on my website for your review.


First I would like to say thank you for the reviews guys. You are really helped me a lot. If you would carry on telling me your opinions will be amazing!

So in the last few days I have vent back to the drawing table and started to re design my website following your reviews I have changed the whole look of the site.

You can look at the home page for the new design HERE

The site is not ready yet!! Just put up an example to see the colours and the navigation.

Hope this will be much better than the previous! :rolleyes:

***Update! 18/03/2010***

I have finally uploaded the website with the new design. Thank you for all of you who left a reply in the thread! You have helped me a lot! Thank you!


#design #final
  • Profile picture of the author Bewley
    Originally Posted by Peter Hupuczi View Post


    This should be the final design for my website. Let me know what do you think about it.
    I have only had time to quickly check out your site.

    Nice design, visually appealing. Some of the graphics are jaggy.

    Navigation: I can't get back to the home page from your blog.

    Cross-browser compatibility: Your FAQ container renders differently in Chrome, FireFox and IE8 - in FireFox ver 3 and IE 8 there is a horizontal scroll bar.

    You need to check your layout for cross-browser compatibility. Some people still use IE 5 and lots of people use IE 7. Your site may render differently in other browsers as well.

    A couple of useful tools:

    Check compatibility for different browsers:


    An app to install IE ver 5 through to IE 7 on your computer (Windows OS, by default, only allows you to install 1 version of IE on your comp.)

    My DebugBar | IETester / Browser Compatibility Check for Internet Explorer Versions from 5.5 to 8

    All the best

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  • Profile picture of the author Peter Hupuczi
    Thanks Bewley!

    I will check it out and hop I'll resolve some problems
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    • Profile picture of the author pickthat apple
      Hi Peter,
      they always say that white empty spaces in websites are not a good thing.
      In you "blog" section, under the headings: "about me", "contact me", "disclaimers" and "guest book", it is all a big white space.
      I am also not so keen on having to move the bar in order to visualize the whole of the FAQ questions.
      On the other hand I like the blue colour of the main template
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      • Profile picture of the author Peter Hupuczi
        Originally Posted by pickthat Apple View Post

        Hi Peter,
        they always say that white empty spaces in websites are not a good thing.
        In you "blog" section, under the headings: "about me", "contact me", "disclaimers" and "guest book", it is all a big white space.
        I am also not so keen on having to move the bar in order to visualize the whole of the FAQ questions.
        On the other hand I like the blue colour of the main template
        Thank you! I'll pay atention to this problem! Thanks for point it out.
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  • Profile picture of the author asianthemes
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  • Profile picture of the author jerome1111
    I like the layered look you are going for! very clean and inviting design. Nice site!
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  • Profile picture of the author superowid
    It's to narrow. Fully crowded. I don't want to read more information on a site like that. Make it simpler, clean, clear and easy to navigate with old-ways (navigation text on the top or sidebar). Oh... use white background (not black/dark color) is much better for many website offering a lot of information for readers.

    Hard time to keep promoting business? Don't worry!
    . . . . . Let me help cutting your ad production cost! . . . . .
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1811307].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Peter Hupuczi
      Originally Posted by superowid View Post

      It's to narrow. Fully crowded. I don't want to read more information on a site like that. Make it simpler, clean, clear and easy to navigate with old-ways (navigation text on the top or sidebar). Oh... use white background (not black/dark color) is much better for many website offering a lot of information for readers.
      Thank you for the honest review! This is waht I want from people
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  • Hey there, my 2 cents:

    There is a reason why the most popular retail sites use light color pages and graphics. It's proven research that light & primary colors give better conversion rates for sales. Dark = depressed, light = happy.

    I would advise you to go with lighter colors and ditch the black page background.

    Also, some of your graphics look of poor quality (too low res)

    Good luck
    Financial Thing: Peer to Peer Lending Reviews
    Poker Tilt : The Dutch Boyd Story
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  • Profile picture of the author thewebpixel

    I dont like the site the way its presented its too crowded. Its like you need to put many things but you dont have much space for that. It can be very good design.

    click on below links these sites have much more info and good use of space:-

    I can make a good design for you.
    Good luck
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1814196].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Peter Hupuczi
      Originally Posted by thewebpixel View Post


      I dont like the site the way its presented its too crowded. Its like you need to put many things but you dont have much space for that. It can be very good design.

      click on below links these sites have much more info and good use of space:-

      I can make a good design for you.
      Good luck
      Thanks for your offer, but I can not afford to spend money on design. As I mentioned earlier I have made the design my self and now I want to improve it. But thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author John Colin
    Very nice design, just one thing caught my eyes, the curve at the top of page isn't cut smoothly, I think you'll need to re-cut it again to give a smoother round-feeling for that curve, otherwise, I found it a nice looking design
    Good luck Peter
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    • Profile picture of the author Peter Hupuczi
      Originally Posted by John Colin View Post

      Very nice design, just one thing caught my eyes, the curve at the top of page isn't cut smoothly, I think you'll need to re-cut it again to give a smoother round-feeling for that curve, otherwise, I found it a nice looking design
      Good luck Peter
      Thank you for your review Collin! Really appreciated.
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      • Profile picture of the author Palusko
        I like it. Well, the home page anyway. Your FAQ and contact page have nothing in the right column (below Follow me), which looks a bit strange. Also, some graphics are very small and hard to rad (High quality information products and copyright). Well, and then there's the thing with the blog, which looks quite different and seems as independent web site on itself, rather than integrated blog. But overall, I think you did a good job.

        One thing - I noticed in your source code that you use TONS of keywords in you keywords meta tag. That may be too many for Google to like it.
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        • Profile picture of the author Peter Hupuczi
          Originally Posted by Palusko View Post

          I like it. Well, the home page anyway. Your FAQ and contact page have nothing in the right column (below Follow me), which looks a bit strange. Also, some graphics are very small and hard to rad (High quality information products and copyright). Well, and then there's the thing with the blog, which looks quite different and seems as independent web site on itself, rather than integrated blog. But overall, I think you did a good job.

          One thing - I noticed in your source code that you use TONS of keywords in you keywords meta tag. That may be too many for Google to like it.
          Very good review! Thanks to point these problems out. I never thought about them
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  • Profile picture of the author Peter Hupuczi
    I would Love to hear more of your experiences about my website design! I have started to modify the website and is going to be done soon. I have take your opinions and study them well.

    If you could carry on telling your opinoins I't will be very great and a huge help from you.

    Bee good and thanks for your reviews!
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  • Profile picture of the author Peter Hupuczi
    I have changed this thread a little. Hope no one will murder for this
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  • Profile picture of the author nota-bene
    Hey Peter,

    I'll try and keep this concise..and honest for you.

    Initial Impressions:
    I am not blown away by the design. As mentioned above somewhere, some of the graphics are not as clean as they really ought to be. The initial impact of the site visually is somewhat distant from the first impressions that I imagine you would want to be giving off with a name like Web Millioner! It is a far cry from a million dollars.

    Closer Inspection:
    Starting from the top, I notice that you are lacking in any page titles, other than the obvious ones.

    I like the navaigation bar - both top and bottom.

    Logo - Not keen, and not clean.

    It looks like a few things have been mish-mashed together on the page. There is too much going on and tends to drag my eyes in all different directions. Nothing on the page is leading me where I should imagine you want me to go. Jusging by the poll results thus far, others feel the same.

    Nothing there is telling me immediately what this site is about.

    Save for the black background (which I don't think works) I do like the colours on the site.

    All in all, it just needs to be a lot cleaner, a lot more obvious and a lot easier to navigate. I have picked out an example (one of literally hundreds I could have chosen, so don't read too much into my choice of link), have a look at Internet Marketing Strategies - Start an Online Business | DotComSecrets as an example. This site does look a million dollars, it is very clear what the site is about when you look at it. Instantly. The graphics are smart, the navigation is clear and the calls to action are all above the fold. Just spend a minute flicking between the two and you will notice a few things that you could do differently.

    This is not a bashing session by any means, more the constructive review that I hope you were after. Let me know if you need me to clarify anythign further, and keep at it buddy!

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  • tskkk....

    I'm really surprised by some of the "reviews" about the site so I will give you some honest feedback about your design. First thing I will say, if this was designed by someone you paid, I would ask for a refund. If not, go back to the drawing board.

    1. The design is crowded and cluttered. You have the advantage of larger monitor sizes nowadays (less than 5% are on small monitors), Why cram everything into slim widths like you have? I would redo the design and use 960 px width so you can space everything out.

    2. The color scheme is depressing to me. Think about sales...why do all major retail sites use white and light colors? Because it stimulate positivity in the brain which leads to sales. Dark = depressing and negative impacts. It took me a while to figure this out but it's so simple. I'm redesigning my whole website because of this. Have a look here examples of good light colored sites: http://vandelaydesign.com/blog/galleries/light-texture/

    3. The graphics are average. For example in your logo, I can barely read the tag line, it's pixelated and squashed. On your product info page, the book covers are all distorted. Why make them so small? Aren't these book covers your selling points?

    4. There is no flow to the layout of the pages. It looks like it was built 10 years ago. Go check out the latest design ideas at other design blogs.

    5. Your site wouldn't lead me to believe you were a legitimate business. I can't see anyone plonking down their hard earned cash here.

    6. What makes you different or special? You are 1 site amongst 100,000's pitching products. Some sites convert well, others don't make a dime. If you hope to succeed, you need to put your best foot forward and present a fantastic impression. If your site isn't top notch, your wasting your time. If you can't do it, hire someone who knows what they are doing to create something special and make that investment. Don't be cheap here because in the long run if you are serious about your business, invest in it like you are serious.

    7. I would get rid of the poll. It's a waste of space. If you are trying to sell a product, stick to the point. Don't get side tracked by adding needless widgets.

    I know it sounds like I'm being harsh but honesty is the best policy. I want you to succeed in your business and they way it is now, I don't think you will.

    Create something memorable and special and you will see the results.

    If you need any help, PM me.
    Financial Thing: Peer to Peer Lending Reviews
    Poker Tilt : The Dutch Boyd Story
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    • Profile picture of the author Peter Hupuczi
      Notabene and Orlando Web Design!

      Thank you for your honest reviews! I'm already started to re-design the website. I said that earlier I have design it my self with a very little designing skills. But as I read the rewievs I'm already got loads of new idea! You really open my eyes and I learn a lot each word I read.

      I'm in trouble because I have promissed to put your links on my website but it seems I have to redesign it. So dont know what to do put it on now or after the re-design.

      Any way PM me your links!

      Thank you for the review!
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  • Profile picture of the author Stacey Grewal
    I think what makes it confusing is the fact that the headings simply blend into the background and there is just so much, without much focus.

    My website is about to get a facelit. In fact that's why I'm here today so that I can find a web designer who knows his/her way around Studiopress sites.

    Would love your feedback (would love everyone's feedback, if possible)...and that link you promised!

    Thank you.
    Stacey Grewal (my website is my name: staceygrewal.com but I don't have enough posts to add links). Please check it out!
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    • Profile picture of the author Peter Hupuczi
      Originally Posted by Stacey Grewal View Post

      I think what makes it confusing is the fact that the headings simply blend into the background and there is just so much, without much focus.

      My website is about to get a facelit. In fact that's why I'm here today so that I can find a web designer who knows his/her way around Studiopress sites.

      Would love your feedback (would love everyone's feedback, if possible)...and that link you promised!

      Thank you.
      Stacey Grewal (my website is my name: staceygrewal.com but I don't have enough posts to add links). Please check it out!
      Hi Stacey,

      Thank you for your words. I'm working hard on the new design and hope this time I will come up with a much better design thanks to your reviews!

      Your link will be placed on the website once I have finished it There is no point to put it up yet.

      Please PM me with your link!

      Thank you!
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  • Profile picture of the author mywebwork
    One other note Peter, and I really hope this doesn't sound rude or harsh as it's not meant to.

    I concur with the other opinions about the design being amateurish, as you've stated you're not a web designer you can certainly be forgiven for this but if the site is suppose to make you money then you need to rethink your strategy and perhaps hire someone who specializes in this (or look for a nice Word\Press theme and build from there).

    But the real turn-off to me was the text in the FAQ. It has so many spelling and grammatical errors I can't even start to list them. Now it's quite possible that English is not your first language and if so I commend you on your effort, but you do need to get an English-speaker to rewrite the content of the FAQ.

    Again I'm not trying to be rude here - just want to point out what my first impression was.

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    • Profile picture of the author Peter Hupuczi
      Originally Posted by mywebwork View Post

      One other note Peter, and I really hope this doesn't sound rude or harsh as it's not meant to.

      I concur with the other opinions about the design being amateurish, as you've stated you're not a web designer you can certainly be forgiven for this but if the site is suppose to make you money then you need to rethink your strategy and perhaps hire someone who specializes in this (or look for a nice WordPress theme and build from there).

      But the real turn-off to me was the text in the FAQ. It has so many spelling and grammatical errors I can't even start to list them. Now it's quite possible that English is not your first language and if so I commend you on your effort, but you do need to get an English-speaker to rewrite the content of the FAQ.

      Again I'm not trying to be rude here - just want to point out what my first impression was.

      Hi mywebwork,
      Yes unfortunately English is my 2nd language what I had to learn my self without learning it in the school. It took me 5 years to get to the level where I'm now. I'll try my best to avoid these silly mistakes.

      In the future will pay more attention to grammar and miss spellings.

      I like critics because you can learn a lot from them!

      Thanks for your review!

      Be Good,
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  • Profile picture of the author CodyTemke
    i find that the top nav is hard to see does not stand out very much. but i'm not pro at this..
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  • Peter....listen

    I'm going to be very honest with you here and really step out on a limb....

    Don't design this website again!!

    You will be putting in days or maybe weeks of work into something that isn't your best talent. Why not have someone design for you and you spend time on marketing your products, building links etc.

    I can almost guarantee that your second attempt will yield similar results. I can tell you aren't a designer so don't force something that isn't within you.

    Maybe you like website coding? Have a graphic designer give you a photoshop mockup of a nice site design then you can code the site if you wish.

    I just don't want to see you wasting your time when you could be spending it on what's important....marketing!
    Financial Thing: Peer to Peer Lending Reviews
    Poker Tilt : The Dutch Boyd Story
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    • Profile picture of the author Peter Hupuczi
      Originally Posted by Orlando Web Design View Post


      I'm going to be very honest with you here and really step out on a limb....

      Don't design this website again!!

      You will be putting in days or maybe weeks of work into something that isn't your best talent. Why not have someone design for you and you spend time on marketing your products, building links etc.

      I can almost guarantee that your second attempt will yield similar results. I can tell you aren't a designer so don't force something that isn't within you.

      Maybe you like website coding? Have a graphic designer give you a photoshop mockup of a nice site design then you can code the site if you wish.

      I just don't want to see you wasting your time when you could be spending it on what's important....marketing!
      Mybe I'm not a designer but I would like challenges! Once I have make more money I will not going to bother to design my websites I promise.

      So here is what I have come up with regarding your comments and advise!

      See New Design Here

      This is just to show the colors what I have choosen and the navigation! Let me know what you think!
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  • Profile picture of the author pokerdawg
    Just my 2 cents -

    1 - the body does a fade from white to grey. it will make text at the bottom of the page less defined & harder to read. What about white all the way down and do the fade on the background

    2 - I am not a fan of times roman. It is somewhat dated. Try a sans serif font (calibri, arial, etc.)

    3 - Try to stick with one font. Vary the size, boldness, italics for emphasis

    4 - I think your text is "black" (color #000000). Try a dark grey (#202020)

    - Chris

    Ask me any questions, and I'll do what I can to help with search engine optimization, pay per click bid management and lead generation. Your Long Island advertising agency in New York.

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    • Profile picture of the author Peter Hupuczi
      Originally Posted by pokerdawg View Post

      Just my 2 cents -

      1 - the body does a fade from white to grey. it will make text at the bottom of the page less defined & harder to read. What about white all the way down and do the fade on the background

      2 - I am not a fan of times roman. It is somewhat dated. Try a sans serif font (calibri, arial, etc.)

      3 - Try to stick with one font. Vary the size, boldness, italics for emphasis

      4 - I think your text is "black" (color #000000). Try a dark grey (#202020)

      - Chris
      Hi Chris,

      Okey I'll try the background fading! The font I'll use is "GEORGIA"

      Thanks for the color idea! Great Tips!
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  • Profile picture of the author n7 Studios
    35 responses, yet nobody's asked the vital question which essentially makes the design:

    What is the purpose of your web site?

    It's practically impossible for anybody to provide an objective review on your proposed web site design until it's clear in everyone's mind what the purpose of the web site is.

    For example, if the purpose is to sell a product, then I'd expect the home page to have a clear call to action (button / anything to grab the visitor's attention) which lets them purchase said product.

    Yes, there are some useful comments regarding colours, layout etc - but even with the best colours, layout, cross browser compatibility etc, you're going to struggle to make the site work without giving serious consideration to the above.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1843620].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Peter Hupuczi
      Originally Posted by n7 Studios View Post

      35 responses, yet nobody's asked the vital question which essentially makes the design:

      What is the purpose of your web site?

      It's practically impossible for anybody to provide an objective review on your proposed web site design until it's clear in everyone's mind what the purpose of the web site is.

      For example, if the purpose is to sell a product, then I'd expect the home page to have a clear call to action (button / anything to grab the visitor's attention) which lets them purchase said product.

      Yes, there are some useful comments regarding colours, layout etc - but even with the best colours, layout, cross browser compatibility etc, you're going to struggle to make the site work without giving serious consideration to the above.

      Hi Tim,

      I would like to make a website for those people who are interesting about making money online but they don't know how to start where to go or what to do.

      For those people who never heard of internet business or online marketing I will offer an eBook to download so they can get the Idea what is this all about!

      I will offer them up to date information from the field of internet marketing. Visitors will be able to download useful free eBooks, tools, softwares and they will be able to watch videos as well.

      So the purpose of the website is to provide high quality trustful information for newbie's and for those who are want to discover real ways to make money online.
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      • Profile picture of the author n7 Studios
        Originally Posted by Peter Hupuczi View Post

        So the purpose of the website is to provide high quality trustful information for newbie's and for those who are want to discover real ways to make money online.
        Okay, so we now have a purpose: to provide high quality, trustful information for those new to making money online.

        Next question: how do you propose to do this?

        So far we have:
        1. offering a free ebook to download
        2. tools & software to help
        3. online videos (and let's assume articles, too)

        Next question: how do you achieve the three sections above?
        1. call to action button or opt in, displayed prominently on the site (header / home page)
        2. tools & software - sections of the site for this
        3. online videos (articles) - blog section

        Now, the above might not strictly be accurate for your site - but hopefully it gives you an idea of how you should be approaching this. At the moment, for example, I don't see any functionality to offer a free ebook, or how to quickly find some tutorial videos.

        As I said, even with the best design, it's completely useless if it doesn't fulfil the aims above. It's also difficult to comment on a design without knowing what it's setting out to achieve.

        Hope you continue to go from strength to strength on this project.

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  • Profile picture of the author coolice
    Very niche graphics and header. Much better than the previous one! One thing I noticed is that the menu style isn't combining with the rest of the overlay.
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  • Profile picture of the author jaiganeshv
    the background color adn font selection are cool, but i think the header size is some what big?? at least teh height. Could you rethink about this discussing w/ your designer?
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  • Peter....

    Well it's a little better....

    You have some fundamental problems...

    1. What is a web millioner? I'm thinking millionaire?

    2. The site still looks odd but it's much better than before.

    3. I don't have much more advice to give you other than what I wrote before. I think you are swimming upstream with no arms but you say you like a challenge so keep going!
    Financial Thing: Peer to Peer Lending Reviews
    Poker Tilt : The Dutch Boyd Story
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  • Profile picture of the author Peter Hupuczi
    The new design is ready! Just few more testing and will be up and running! Thanks to you guys I have learn a lot!

    As I promised I'll place a link on my webpage to your website if you like! And I will pm you with the link where you can find it!

    If you would like to use this opportunity let me know!

    Thanks for all who took the time and writ a review! You are cool!

    See you around

    Peter H.
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