3 replies
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Hi Warriors,
Working with Wordpress and I want to place several banners on a Page.
I want the banners to go across and then keep placing below and across.

Is there a plug-in that manages this or how about a code that places the
banner where you want it?

I can only get the banner links to go on top of each other and that leaves lots of blank space next to the banner. Looking for suggestions where can I get control of placement. Thanks in advance.
#banner #placements
  • Profile picture of the author McNet
    Originally Posted by tresfavian View Post

    Hi Warriors,
    Working with Wordpress and I want to place several banners on a Page.
    I want the banners to go across and then keep placing below and across.

    Is there a plug-in that manages this or how about a code that places the
    banner where you want it?

    I can only get the banner links to go on top of each other and that leaves lots of blank space next to the banner. Looking for suggestions where can I get control of placement. Thanks in advance.
    Try Adsense Injection
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  • Profile picture of the author 101millionAds
    Do you meen the Random Banner AD Rotator plugin?

    I use this for my blogs.

    Let me know if you need help with installing it.

    It's official: Instant Article Wizard 4.0 (IAW4) has launched!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2220872].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author tresfavian
      Thanks for all your replies. I'm wondering if a image gallery plug in might work.

      I want the banners in a grid format like 3, 4 or 5 across and repeated below
      again 3, 4, 5 across. Something like a photo gallery would do.

      I was hoping there was just a simple code to get the placement of images or banners, but if a plug in works-then fine. I want to place the images/banners
      in a horizontal row and lined up. I have tried to place across but it will place
      it on a diagonal and across otherwise I can only have them stacked vertically and that leaves too much unused space to the right of them.
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