Grapic Design Software????

10 replies
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Hey, Does anyone know what the best Graphic Design software for designing PDF's on a PC is??

Would really appreciate any help! Thanks! :-)
#design #grapic #software
  • Profile picture of the author MagicAce
    Hey you should consider changing your title to something like: What is the best graphic design software for desiging pdf's.

    That way only people who know something like this will open you thread and have a response for you.

    Back ob the subject, you can design pdf's with photoshop if you have it. I just did an ad for a newspaper in pdf format that way.
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  • Profile picture of the author Qualibid
    PDF writer or better yet Adobe Illustrator.

    Originally Posted by Annalise Fitzpatrick View Post

    Hey, Does anyone know what the best Graphic Design software for designing PDF's on a PC is??

    Would really appreciate any help! Thanks! :-)
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  • Profile picture of the author Webster Logan
    How can PDF be designed? I thought they could only be edited.
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  • Profile picture of the author infoman66
    As we all know, fotoshop is the best tool for graphic design, which can create PDF document. Disadvantage is that it is very expensive.
    You can use some other free tools for graphic design, such as the Gimp, save the work as an image, which will later be converted to PDF.
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  • Profile picture of the author jargonbust
    flash editor and adobe stuff
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    • Profile picture of the author ronc0011
      Bite the bullet and spend the money for Photoshop. You can get the "Design Premium" suite for about $350 in the academic version. You just need some school affiliation either a student or a friend who is a teacher or student.

      The Design Premium suite has all the different programs you're likely to ever need for graphics. Just look it up on Adobe's website. To buy academic software you should have a look at Academic Superstore.
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  • Profile picture of the author haymanpl
    Adobe Acrobat Pro 10

    This software offers the most professional look of any software and they offer a free trial
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  • Profile picture of the author reboot38
    For ebooks -

    Open Office - FREE
    Google Docs - FREE

    In both, you can create the document and add images, charts, etc. Export/Save as PDF. Both work very well.

    If you're trying to save an image or design as a PDF, try importing the image into either of the above mention software and then saving as a pdf. Never tried that before but it should work
    Snoop on your competitors, research keywords, run seo audits, monitor keywords, includes powerful PPC tools.
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  • Profile picture of the author 365Daysof
    It depends on what you are making PDFs for.

    Adobe Illustrator: Primarily graphic/line art

    Photoshop: Primarily photographic/complex images

    InDesign: Long-form layouts, books, e-zines.

    Word, OpenOffice, GoogleDocs: e-books, publishing stuf (similar to InDesign, but not *quite* as graphically oriented, layout and compatibility-wise)

    Honestly, I agree that the best solution is an Adobe suite. I've been using and upgrading Adobe since Illustrator 88. It's the standard.
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  • Profile picture of the author DominicF
    Are you just wanting to make PDF ebooks? If so, just try throwing it together in MS Word, OpenOffice or Google Docs and save/print to PDF.

    If you want recommendations for design software and you absolutely need it, then shell out for Photoshop. I was using Fireworks which I found a lot easier to use as I'm more of a developer than designer, but it just wasn't cutting it for me.
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