review the design and help to improve it

13 replies
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Hi, friends! I developed new website and want to show you. I know it is incomplete, but I want to improve the design. Can you suggest me to do add or change something? What do you think about the content, background, colors,etc.? Thank you! I will appreciate any feedback!
#design #improve #review
  • Profile picture of the author actofrage
    do you mean the link in your signature?
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    • Profile picture of the author joebel
      You're selling a theme right? So you must use the best theme that you are selling.
      I think it's nice when it is more darker I mean the bg color of the text.
      How about putting some testimonials on your home page?
      I think it's nice when you have a slide show of your latest or most popular theme.
      But overall very nice.
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    • Profile picture of the author DavidO
      I'm sorry but I don't really like it. The accordion content slider could be a good idea but you need to call attention to it. The muted color scheme just fades it all into the background.

      Also, the text is too small and needs to be higher contrast. The lower part of the page under the slider just becomes a bit jumbled up.

      Some of the actual template designs are great... you need to carry that type of design into your front page. Otherwise people will never see your nice templates.

      I would make the slider more dynamic with contrasting colors and text and bring your designs directly into the slides. That would make it 1000% better already.
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      • Profile picture of the author EvaBrown
        Originally Posted by DavidO View Post

        I'm sorry but I don't really like it. The accordion content slider could be a good idea but you need to call attention to it. The muted color scheme just fades it all into the background.

        Also, the text is too small and needs to be higher contrast. The lower part of the page under the slider just becomes a bit jumbled up.

        Some of the actual template designs are great... you need to carry that type of design into your front page. Otherwise people will never see your nice templates.

        I would make the slider more dynamic with contrasting colors and text and bring your designs directly into the slides. That would make it 1000% better already.
        Thank you, friend! I appreciate your criticism. I use such colors and simple design to concentrate my customers' attention on my design products.
        I agree with you that I have little text, but I work on the content. I am going to add more content soon.
        I will take into account you idea to add more templates into front page.
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  • Profile picture of the author fusiongenesis
    Totally agree with DavidO. In addition, the site looks a little plain and quite cluttered.

    You can add in some depth to your site and emphasize the idea that you are selling templates. Maybe have a featured template pop out a little or a featured slider showing your templates on beside text.

    You can also make your logo creative. Its too simple.
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    • Profile picture of the author Qualibid
      The link seems to be broken. Please check.
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    • Profile picture of the author EvaBrown
      Originally Posted by fusiongenesis View Post

      Totally agree with DavidO. In addition, the site looks a little plain and quite cluttered.

      You can add in some depth to your site and emphasize the idea that you are selling templates. Maybe have a featured template pop out a little or a featured slider showing your templates on beside text.

      You can also make your logo creative. Its too simple.
      Hmmm, nice idea to add slider showing my the most popular themes. Thank you!
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  • Profile picture of the author interestingindeed
    You'll definitely need to add images to your slider, but honestly there are a ton of changes you should make. If I were you, I'd outsource the design work. For $200 you could get a design that looks like a million.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kysersoze
    It's nice to see you tried making a unique site but I have to agree with most. It's way to cluttered and a bit confusing as some things go sideways while other things go upwards.

    Sometimes simplicity is the most important aspect of a website, allowing visitors to find what you are selling/promoting easily with a simple layout is more effective. Good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author EvaBrown
    Thank you for your adequate feedback! I develop new updates for my website, so I really need your advices. I know you have own ideas of how to improve my website. I want to make my website look amazing and using mix of your and my ideas.
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  • Profile picture of the author Nyla432
    Sorry, I do not like your website. Its template design and background is not attractive .Mien think you should also add some good and useful categories in new website .
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  • Profile picture of the author EvaBrown
    Thank you! What categories can you suggest me to add? I think I have a lot categories.
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