Is this designer using templates or from scratch designs?

3 replies
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For the longest time, I have used Artisteer and Woo themes for my marketing. Now, I'm starting a local business and need to ensure the "wow" attraction that new clients will be looking for...

There's a local design company who has an awesome portfolio (sure they cost a pretty penny).

Could some experienced designers take a look at their portfolio for me and give me your thoughts whether these are templates or from scratch designs?

How could I get the same look/feel without spending several grand as I'm really on a tight budget?

Here is the website:

www DOT s2ndesign DOT com

Thanks for your insight.
#designer #designs #scratch #templates
  • Looks like they are using a CMS such as Joomla.

    Best of luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author OBaz
    It may be joomla, but for me it looks pretty much like redone job from WordPress theme. I've seen some themes before on WP sites, its not original job. Some of them anyway.
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  • Profile picture of the author ronc0011
    If you'll notice the sidebar on the left and also the breadcrumb menu in the top right I think is pretty clear it is some sort of either template or core CMS software

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