is html and html5 the same??

30 replies
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I was going to buy a book on HTML but I notice a lot of the books were titled HTML5.

Is that the same as HTML?

Just curious

#html #html5
  • Profile picture of the author Jubu
    Yea, it's the same. 5 is just saying the version of html. That's the current version. When looking at coding books always be sure to look at the date it was published to make sure it's fairly recent.
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  • Profile picture of the author Brandon Tanner
    HTML5 is the newest version of HTML (the last major versions were HTML4 and XHTML1). HTML5 is awesome, but it's not 100% supported yet... so if you code for HTML5 right now, it's a good idea to create rules in your CSS that accomodate your visitors who use browsers that don't support HTML5 yet.

    That said, I think within another year or 2, HTML5 will be mainstream.

    HTML5 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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  • Profile picture of the author vivadesign
    It has better browser support, iPhone, kindle etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author maria2
    Yes, it is same but updated version of .html
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    • Profile picture of the author Karen Blundell
      yes, Brandon is right. HTML 5 will be the standard within the next year or 2.

      HTML 5 is not really hard, though.

      My advice: learn basic HTML and then learn about the different versions, including the latest, and what's different about them and how the differences impact web design.
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  • Profile picture of the author mbitsol
    Both are same its just the number of versions.
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  • Profile picture of the author Fadiz
    I would go with a video course rather than a book it's easier, try udemy they got good stuff here's one HTML and CSS for Beginners by Kunal sarin
    and W3Schools Online Web Tutorials you can find good tutorials
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  • Profile picture of the author B King
    As others have stated HTML5 is indeed the latest version of HTML. It doesn't matter whether you learn it from books or video's, just make sure you learn how to code properly. Always check your markup validity.
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  • Profile picture of the author Andrew johnson4
    I think they are same but 5 is the latest version.
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  • Profile picture of the author cjroads
    Thanks everybody for clearing that up!
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  • Profile picture of the author mcygnet
    HTML is just a advance version of old one which some new features, facility and functionality..
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  • Profile picture of the author shellydisuja
    Html is the hyper text markup html we can make only stand static websites where user cannot move to another page.whereas in html5 ,it is the new version of html.having differnet features.HTML5 is a markup language for structuring and presenting content for the World Wide Web, and is a core technology of the Internet originally proposed by Opera is in under development.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randy27
    YUP My Dear, it's the same. 5 is just saying the version of html.
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  • Profile picture of the author nonin
    question of the day!

    .. fell off my chair
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  • Profile picture of the author AlexTylor
    html5 is a little advance than html, thats it..
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  • Profile picture of the author copilu0
    the difference is just the number of the version and a few functionalities.
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  • Profile picture of the author Paavo
    HTML5 offers many new features such as including video, audio, local storage and dynamic 2D and 3D graphics that are not directly supported by HTML4:

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  • Profile picture of the author Mike Hirely
    Yes html and html5 is the same.HTML5 is the advanced version of HTML, containing much better support features for media like video and audio tags.
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  • Profile picture of the author mmrumii
    yes. html and html5 is same.
    But html5 has some new features what wasn't included in html.
    html5 is just the update version of html.
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  • Profile picture of the author antac
    Html5 is the update version of html.
    In html5 has some new option to do work with 2D and 3D graphics.
    I think there's nothing different so much.
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  • Profile picture of the author shantanu
    No, not at all same they got some differences that old html can be written and maintained in the single document, you can create, modify your page by editing single page layout only

    But in HTML 5 there is seperate CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) for maintaining all layout and the structure of website that single css file will contain whole structure of website you can modify your website architechture from that single css file only. No HTML pages contains layout features inbuilt in it.
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    • Profile picture of the author Karen Blundell
      Originally Posted by shantanu View Post

      No, not at all same they got some differences that old html can be written and maintained in the single document, you can create, modify your page by editing single page layout only

      But in HTML 5 there is seperate CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) for maintaining all layout and the structure of website that single css file will contain whole structure of website you can modify your website architechture from that single css file only. No HTML pages contains layout features inbuilt in it.
      ummm, incorrect!
      you can use CSS with other versions of HTML! In fact I still use HTML 4 and various flavours of XHTML with CSS! Most websites you see nowadays still use HTML 4 along with CSS. WordPress uses XHTML and CSS
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  • Profile picture of the author rosesmark
    The fifth revision of HyperText Markup Language, the core language for presenting content on the web. HTML5 includes new syntax such as tags for video that is responsive and will also play in many browsers without requiring end users to install proprietary plug-ins.
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  • Profile picture of the author RayEthell14
    HTML5 browser will be flexible in handling incorrect syntax.
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  • Profile picture of the author JerrickYeoh
    HTML 5 is just a advanced of HTML which enhanced features for programmers such as <video>, <audio> and <canvas> elements.
    Lot of people might expect that HTML 5 might replace flash one day.
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  • Profile picture of the author DanielDuffo
    Ouh )))hmm google didn't give you answer !?))
    P.S: yes it's same

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  • Profile picture of the author WebsiteBegin
    The HTML you saw is the currently-supported-yet-somewhat-out-of-date version of HTML. HTML5 is the upcoming version that is jampacked with some great features. As some have said before me, though, it is currently not supported fully by all browsers. Buy the HTML book for now, learn it, master it, and then buy the HTML5 book about a year from now. It's useless until it is officially supported by all major browsers (IE, Chrome, FireFox, Safari, etc.).
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  • Profile picture of the author dbwebdesignz
    5 is the current version of HTML we are in. HTML of course is the original
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  • Profile picture of the author 1ronman
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    • Profile picture of the author lindasofia
      There is no difference between html and html5. 5 is just the version on html like any other software.
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  • Profile picture of the author CyborgX
    They are not the same. These are some differences that I have seen this far

    Audio and are not part of HTML4 specification
    Vector Graphics is possible with the help of technologies such as VML, Silverlight, Flash etc.
    It is almost impossible to get true GeoLocation of user browsing any website especially if it comes to mobile devices.
    Browser cache can be used as temporary storage.
    Web Sockets are not available. Generally used mechanisms are long polling and streaming.
    Works with all old browsers
    Does not allow JavaScript to run in browser. JS runs in same thread as browser interface.


    DOCTYPE is required to enable standards mode for HTML documents.
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    Audio and Videos are integral part of HTML5 specifications e.g. <audio> and <video> tags
    Vector graphics is integral part of HTML5 e.g. SVG and canvas
    JS GeoLocation API in HTML5 helps identify location of user browsing any website (provided user allows it)
    Application Cache, Web SQL database and Web storage is available as client side storage. Accessible using JavaScript interface in HTML5 compliant browsers.
    Full duplex communication channels can be established with Server using Web Sockets. Accessible using JavaScript interface in HTML5 compliant browsers.
    Most of modern browser have started supporting HTML5 specification e.g. Firefox, Mozilla, Opera, Chrome, Safari etc.
    Allows JavaScript to run in background. This is possible due to JS Web worker API in HTML5
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