Squeeze page/Opt in help needed

by easmsw
10 replies
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I don't understand what url you use for a squeeze page/Opt in form. Let's say my main website is www.[URL="http://www.abc.com"]abc.com[/URL] Ultimately I want visitors to go to my page and follow my affiliate links, etc.

Now I also want to add a squeeze page that offers a e-course and subscription to my newsletter. I still want my main site to be www.abc.com

What url would I use for my suqeeze page? Do I have to get a seperate domain name?
#needed #page or opt #squeeze
  • Profile picture of the author johnryan
    I would suggest getting a separate domain name specific to each squeeze page. then you can send ppc/article traffic to your squeeze page. You can also put an opt in form on your main site.
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  • Profile picture of the author Richard Whyte
    The best way to get people to sign up for your newsletter is to embed the Opt-In box in your content...

    If people visit your site, are reading good stuff and while they are reading you have an Opt-In box that gives them more details then you have a much better chance of sing ups.....

    And no you don't need another domain for this.....

    Just smart design of your site / pages is fine.

    Have a Great Day!
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  • Profile picture of the author wbrant
    add the opt in to your main page, use a pop up or exit pop or something to place an opt in box and you can set up a squeeze page using either a subdomain (squeeze.abc.com) or adding a folder abc.com/squeeze
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  • Profile picture of the author Stephen Saha
    Hi Elizabeth,

    I think you are getting things bit mixed up here.
    First - abc.com is your DOMAIN name and thats your site. Now it can open up in a salespage or a squeeze page or any other HTML page.

    Your Squeeze page is where you collect the EMAILS thru an OPT-IN box. It is no separate domain but just a page in your domain. This page I guess in your case will be the INDEX.HTML page.

    Create an html page INDEX.HTML with an opt-in box with a mailing subscription code in the box. So now this page becomes your Squeeze page. You can add other links in this page which can be another page in your site [ abc.com/otherpage.html ] or an Affiliate Link [merchantsite.com/myID].

    Hope it helps!

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  • Profile picture of the author Ashley Wright
    If you use a program called Xsite Pro It can make it alot easier for you to do and you relly do not need to learn anything!
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  • Profile picture of the author Richard Whyte
    Hi Elizabeth

    You can use any dir you want as long as it has the right files in it....

    Meaning an index.htm file (web page)

    If you place an index.htm file in your root dir, then when someone goes to your site:

    Welcome to YOUBETCHA.COM

    what they are really getting is:

    Welcome to YOUBETCHA.COM

    What happens is the server sees the incoming traffic, searches you root dir for that file and then displays it for the visitor.

    So, if you want to use a sub dir, make sure it has an index.htm file in it. that way if the visitor enters just the domain name and the sub dir they will get the file...

    Welcome to YOUBETCHA.COM


    Welcome to YOUBETCHA.COM

    It is important that you have an index.htm file in every sub dir becasue if you do not, the visito will get a complete directory listing...

    This means they can see every file in the dir, even you eBooks and images.... Then they can steal your stuff.... Not a good thing.

    Before you get started, it is important to decide the exact focus of your site. The four main areas are...

    1) Squeeze Page
    2) Sell Affiliate product
    3) Sell your own product
    4) Adsense

    You will find that you can use your site to do multiple things, but it is really best to focus on just one of these until you get more savy with your designing skills...

    Hope that helps you out.

    Have a Great Day!
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  • Profile picture of the author SeanSupplee
    Did this for my most recent release Maniac Traffic, Crazy Buyers all of them tie together ebook holds my squeeze page to opt in to my list or i can direct them to opt in after they download.
    One thing I have always hated was that you HAD to give your name and email in order to get the free product. In this case I changed it up. Since my ebook holds my affiliate links I want you to get your hands on it ASAP and if you wish to opt in to my list later or right after. Has worked wonders for me so far more downloads of my ebook this way might be something you want to keep in mind?
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    • Profile picture of the author easmsw

      Thank you for the great advice. I also hate it when I have to give my name and email to get the ebook. I am definately going to try your idea.

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